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Re: Recommend someone to blow foam/cellulose insulation?
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Bumping this thread to see if anyone has some more recent experiences?

Does anyone have any experience with injected/blown insulation, and contractors in the area who do it? Thanks in advance!

Posted on: 2015/5/29 11:28

Re: Jersey City marketing campaign: ‘Make It Yours’
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I know I'm falling into a troll trap here, but are you honestly implying that the photo of the mom/daughter in the round chair is somehow "anti-Muslim"? Are you implying that Mod Cup (where the chair is) is somehow a secret "christian coffee shop"?

Posted on: 2015/5/29 11:23

Re: Jersey City touts pothole repairs: over 7,500 filled in five weeks
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Since the budget and plan for repaving streets this year was published months ago, doesn't it sort of make sense they do quick/cheaper fixes on hot spots, knowing that huge repaving projects are coming?

Honest question, not trying for snark...

Posted on: 2015/4/15 2:35

Re: 800+ pedestrians hurt, 19 killed, on JFK Blvd. in past 10 years
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Don't know if I've ever said this before, but I agree with Monroe on all of this.

I drive JC every day, and my most frustrating time is passing down, thru, or across Central Avenue, at any time. It's as if the walk/don't walk signs simply don't exist. No one uses crosswalks, no one uses the walk/don't walk, people dart out from between cars and play "human Frogger". It is beyond frustrating.

And as much as some people here want to also complain about "idiot drivers", this has nothing to do with them. You could be the most perfect driver on earth, and still run the risk of plowing thru people on a daily basis?

When I do make the effort to "yell" at someone and point out the signs and right of ways, I am always, not often, but ALWAYS met with cursing, yelling, obscene gestures, or looks of complete disregard.

And this is written as someone who walks, drives, bikes, and motorcycles Jersey City.

Posted on: 2015/4/9 19:24

Re: Sohowest neighborhood
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a) Turnpike Alley is great!

b) Cast Iron Lofts, as much as we may all snicker, is nearly full, so obviously, people like what they're selling (renting).

c) As for prices people pay living next to projects, in Hoboken, lux places sold for $750K right across the street, FACING, the projects on Monroe street. So, once again, people are willing to make the move?.

Posted on: 2015/4/9 1:06

Re: Murder and mahem in Lafayette under Fulop?
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Saying you're looking for a place in a neighborhood, is far, far different than "promising" you're moving there (as accused here in this thread).

Posted on: 2015/4/8 19:29

Re: Murder and mahem in Lafayette under Fulop?
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and to the OP, calling this "Murder and Mayhen in Lafayette under Fulop" is a nice sensational headline? maybe go for a job at the NY Post?

Posted on: 2015/4/8 19:16

Re: Murder and mahem in Lafayette under Fulop?
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saying "Crime is up on the LRT" and then referencing an incident from 2010 that didn't "get a report filed" is a tad suspicious?

and then also saying "the times i've seen guns drawn on the LRT and told cops but they did nothing", is also suspect to me?.

i've been riding the entire route of the LRT for 10 years, at all hours, to all stops, and never seen a gun drawn, nor have I seen a LRT police guy be unresponsive to anyone reporting an issue.

Not trying to call you a liar, but maybe you exaggerate a bit to fit your story?.

Posted on: 2015/4/8 19:14

Re: Whole Foods in JC?
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More than anything this post cracks me up that people have been discussing the merits of bringing a Whole Foods here since 2006 (in this thread). What you want to import is an attitude (a bad one) not a better food product.

The last time I was in Whole Foods was 5 years ago(?) and they had the exact same brand and size container of blueberries for twice the price than the ones I got at Shop Rite in Hoboken. Twice. The. Price.

Posted on: 2015/4/3 14:51

Re: Tilted Kilt - Pub & Eatery (&boobs) - CLOSED
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I hate to say this out loud, but I used to go to the TK in Hoboken pretty frequently during the day as they had internet I hooked up to, and is very close to my house in the Heights.

When it first opened, they had some good managers, the food was actually pretty good (Inferno burger was fresh and tasty, as were the fries), and the beer was clean and cold. Service was good too, as long as you tried to not notice they were teenage girls wearing too little clothes. After a few months the good managers left and quality started dropping pretty quickly.

A few more months, and the guys that would hang out there became so overwhelmingly aggressive douchebags towards the girls that I nearly got in several fights, telling them to watch what they said, and had to tell the managers to make the guys leave.

The service got unbearably bad, and the quality of the food dropped also. All the beer taps they brag about were never cleaned, so anything you ordered tasted like crap. And finally, the jerks that occupied the bar made it unbearable to be in the same room.

Bums me out too, because that burger was yummy, and the place is close, but it has been out of our rotation for quite some time now.

Interestingly, the building it is in, when it was being built, proclaimed that (Jersey City's own) Amelia's would be opening there, and that really got us excited! Sadly, that never came to fruition...

Posted on: 2015/3/31 17:37

Re: No affordable homes in jersey city... Mercer loop anyone?
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Are you not willing to look at other neighborhoods? There are still plenty of places, affordable, in other neighborhoods - equally quick to local transportation. In the eastern(ish) side of the Heights, we have many transportation options (buses multiple-routes, light rail, jitneys)?

Just wondering

Posted on: 2015/3/24 17:37

Re: Carrino Provisions
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Do you folks who have issues say anything to the managers? Or just complain here? If they don't know it's happening, they can't fix it...

Posted on: 2015/3/13 14:01

Re: Violin playing not permitted in Newport
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if they don't, they should!

Posted on: 2015/3/13 13:59

Re: Violin playing not permitted in Newport
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They weren't cops, they were security guards... and no, they probably don't have anything better to do!

if this guy was an aggressive panhandler, no one would have an issue with his "removal"

He's still a panhandler nonetheless (albeit providing a service for some)....

Posted on: 2015/3/13 13:50

Re: Violin playing not permitted in Newport
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I'm sure it's lovely!

Posted on: 2015/3/13 13:05

Re: Violin playing not permitted in Newport
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saying "Violin Playing not permitted in Newport" is a bit misleading... what it should say is something like "Solicitation on Private Property is Discouraged".

Doesn't matter that this kid was playing beautiful music and people liked it. The moment he opened his case for donations, he was soliciting....

Posted on: 2015/3/13 12:38

Re: Serial killer: Body of Jersey City Craigslist "Escort" not found near Jones Beach
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Uhhh? what?

Posted on: 2015/3/13 3:51

Re: Dog walker in JC heights
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Brewster! Seriously. I felt like I was on an episode of Seinfeld or something... i had to laugh, because it was so absurd!

Posted on: 2015/3/11 18:15

Re: Dog walker in JC heights
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I thought there used to be a thread about dog poop, but i can't find it, so i'll leave this here. I was running in Union City from The Heights on Palisade Ave and saw a woman with two small dogs stop, and let the one dog poop. She watched me as I walked by, and then once I was a little further along, I turned back to watch as she left the poop and kept walking, so I went up to her and:

Me: "Excuse me ma'am, aren't you going to pick up that dog poop?"
Woman: "it's not mine"
Me: "I just watched your dog poop as I walked by. You can't deny that."
Woman: "it's not mine"
Me: "I watched it. And I watched you watch me walk past."
Woman: "It's not my dog."
Me: "What?"
Woman: "It's not my dog. I don't have to pick it up."
Me: "What are you talking about?! You are walking that dog, you have to pick up the poop!"
Woman: "It's not my dog. I'm walking it for a friend. I don't pick up poop"
Me: "Are you serious?!"
Woman: "I no habla english."
Woman: "No habla english. leave me alone."

I couldn't believe it.

Posted on: 2015/3/11 17:15

Re: Jersey City: Moving beyond the 'Gold Coast'
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Agreed Christine, and obviously RU doesn't understand demographic migration, and needs vs available units. To his assertion that units in West Hoboken are "way cheaper" than those closer to the PATH, he (she?) couldn't be more wrong.

What is currently driving price of units in Hoboken is the newness of buildings an the amenities which they offer. Two and three bedroom places on Monroe and Harrison, directly across the street from the projects, go for the same (exact) price as comparably sized units on the other side of town. Heck, the new buildings on Harrison have units that start at $4500 per month. If you're looking for sale prices, new (construction) units on Monroe around 5th/6th are selling, and have sold for anywhere from $700K to $850K. By RU's assertions, that is not possible.

People in Hoboken want convenience, which is why places near Washington (for the past 20 years) have been pricer, because of more food/convenience of items. Now with bus routes in the backside, the light rail, and even uber, living in the west side of Hoboken is just as pricey.

The new buildings back by Shop Rite are pricey, and the ones over by the (new and improved!) viaduct, pricey as well. Heck, the new "loft" building over on Jersey and 18th starts units around $3K and higher, and that building is near NOTHING except the Hoboken Motorcycle Club! And, that building is full, and they are putting up even more buildings right there as we speak.

As long as newer units continue to be built that are nicer and more lux than old units (in Hoboken), the prices will continue to go up, no matter which part of Hoboken they are in.

Have a great day!

Posted on: 2015/3/5 14:34

Re: Fox & Crow?
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We swung by on Saturday night as well and had a lot of fun. Spoke with the owner and staff, and they all seemed excited about the future of the space.

Posted on: 2015/3/2 21:27

Re: Jersey City: Moving beyond the 'Gold Coast'
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I don't really understand RU's assertion that the projects are "right" there at the elevator as they certainly are not. And if he knows anything about the (insane) development plan for Hoboken's Western Edge, he'd know that every square inch is accounted for back there for more residential development, commercial development, and open space/parks.

As for young folks moving to the Heights - we see many of them nowadays. Most that we've spoken to are happy to go "out" to Hoboken, or to Downtown JC, and those who we've spoken to who like NYC all use Uber, which gets you back home in the blink of an eye for $15. It blows my mind that I can get home from NYC for less than the cabbies usually charge to get from Hoboken to Downtown JC. Crazy.

Other transportation the newbies are visibly getting accustomed to, is the army of jitneys that run thru the Heights.

I sure hope the Heights doesn't develop the way Journal Square is going to. I don't think high rises have a spot here. But that's just me.

Posted on: 2015/3/2 21:25

Re: Schools in the Heights
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Brewster - absolutely 1000%. It is the support system the kids have (attentive families) that make such the difference in how they experience education. Anyone who puts the entire burden on the teachers is bonkers. It starts at home. It ALL starts at home.

(full disclosure - my parents were both English teachers at the same institution for 40 years!)

Posted on: 2015/1/30 4:20

Re: Schools in the Heights
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Hi Rays1!

We too have a child starting Kindergarten next year. Currently, he attends Park Prep Academy in the Heights, and loves it.

We've done lots of research on places all over Jersey City and Hoboken for our son and have decided to send him to Global Charter in the Heights. It has a really exciting program, and the families who we've heard from with children there love it, and the community around it. There are also about ten families from Park Prep now planning on sending their little ones there.

We have friends with kids at PS28 who love the school and the teachers, but aren't so thrilled with many parents there (who don't want to be involved, or who are cursing at the kids during drop-off and pick-up). We've heard great things about TECCS, but it's a little far for us (and work). We have friends with children at LCCS, but the lottery for that is bonkers, and happened already, so you'll need to wait until next year. We also have friends with kids at St Nick who love it. Also, we have friends who are teachers all over JC, and we've gotten feedback from them as well. When looking around, we couldn't believe the prices of certain private places in Hoboken and in the surrounding burbs.

Another place to try and find info (but is a little scary) is the Hoboken Family Alliance.

Good luck!

Posted on: 2015/1/30 2:08

Re: Is 'Gentrification' good for Jersey City?
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Agreed! We haven't lived downtown in over a decade, but boy o boy, I sure do wish there were all the cool restaurants and bars there back then that are there now!

EDIT: this was a reply to Zareski who said:
FYI y'all who think JC is changing for the worse...there was NEVER a scene in JC in the past anyway. I've been here 20 years and "scene" is not a word that represents anything JC has stood for. I welcome this development, gentrification, hipster hangouts, yuppie money sucking businesses and anything else you want to build in JC. The JC of 2015 is waaaay better than the JC of the past. If you want the JC of the past, then stop complaining and move to East NY or Bushwick or someplace else that is in a time warp. Gentrification sucks for those wanting low rents in prime areas and I get that, but progress should not be impeded because of people that cherish "the good old days!"

Posted on: 2015/1/7 19:33

Re: Is 'Gentrification' good for Jersey City?
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Oy vey! this is why i stopped coming here for a while... the fighting and name calling!

my original point regarding this young lady was that she did not think she was ever a "gentrifier" but freely used the word to describe other people coming to town, at the same time, to the same area, but just those that were not like her. She "loves" the Powerhouse Arts District but had no idea of the thriving music and art community that was there (not long ago), that was pushed out for lux condos and high rises.

As for myself - i hate the word gentrification as a negative process. It's change. Places change, people change. I could not care less overall, as long as I can try and afford to live where I want to live (which is right here in jersey city!).

Posted on: 2015/1/7 19:32

Re: Is 'Gentrification' good for Jersey City?
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I was having a "discussion" online with a young lady who lives downtown and she was bitching and griping about "gentrification" ruining the downtown "scene" because her favorite bar was closing.

I asked her about her own background. She's lived here for just over five years. She's from the midwest. She's an "artist". She complained how downtown has changed so much in the past few years, because of white people moving from elsewhere...

She is white. From elsewhere. Gets financial help from her midwest family so she can do art.

She didn't see the irony.

Posted on: 2015/1/7 15:20

Re: Pediatric Dentistry
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Has anyone ever used Amerident in Journal Square? We just made an appointment there for our son's first appointment... it had been recommended by our Doctor... thanks!

Posted on: 2015/1/7 15:13

Re: Jersey City cops placed on high alert for retaliation by Bloods
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asif - you think it's bs? I would hope so, but, This morning there was a police involved shooting and three cops have been taken to the hospital.... It's on the news right now....

Posted on: 2014/7/15 10:34

Re: There goes the neighborhood.
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Highly agree with those saying just call the police, and do not confront them. About ten years ago, our street in the Heights had become overrun with thugs, drug dealers, and illegal rentals - it was a mess.

We worked with neighbors and constantly called the police, and they were always here, blink of an eye.

Problems that some have - parties in the back may be earthshatteringly loud, but you often can't hear that noise from the front street.

Also, often times police can't act on certain tips - but they recommended to us to call Housing Authority to report illegal apartments (which we assumed were there since there were a million people in each house, and padlocks on doors)...

Long story short, it worked. Took about a year or two, but it worked. Our one neighbor though, responded to the troublemakers with threats of police, and in return, his tires were slashed, and his wife was constantly intimidated....

Posted on: 2014/5/19 21:30

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