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Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2008/9/4 15:05
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What started as a way to vent my frustration is truning into an idoitic post.

Obviously a cab eventually stopped but as I mentioned there were a couple cabs that did not and that was what I was referencing.

I did not get bumped because as the cabs finally started picking up I waited in line and got into a cab when it was my turn.

I also did not talk to this guy. He was on the line venting his frustration about the cabs to anyone who listened. I was behind him on line, heard what he was talking about and witnessed the cabs pulling right away.

Posted on: 2011/4/18 13:21

Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2005/3/21 20:01
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New2JCHeights wrote:
I think a phone call to the city agency that oversees Taxi and Limo services would be appropriate. I believe it would be the Division of Commerce -- call city hall switch board (210) 547 5000. The investigator heading up an effort to improve cab service in Jersey City spoke at a Sgt. Anthony Park Association meeting last summer.

Have your cell phone camera ready to take pictures. Have a pen and paper ready to write down the taxi number.

See: ... p?topic_id=17621&forum=10

Posted on: 2011/4/16 13:24

Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2010/2/12 20:34
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missmags wrote:
I did not get bumped to the front. That would have been ridiculous. After those two cabs didnt stop the next cabs did.

It's just insane.

You need to stop flip floping with your story, its becoming less and less credible.

Stop trying to incite something that can be easly mis-percieved!

Posted on: 2011/4/16 13:19

Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2010/2/12 20:34
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CatDog wrote:
whoa whoa whoa hold the phones. Cabbies don't pick up black people? Seriously? Next you're going to tell me cops harass black people.

Whoa, your telling me that white people dont get locked up either????

Posted on: 2011/4/16 13:17

Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2005/8/6 23:41
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One thing to keep in mind is that nobody knows what the race is/was of the taxi driver that took a pass on the black passenger. It could very easily have been a black cab driver passing up a black passenger.

Posted on: 2011/4/16 6:01

Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2010/3/10 5:00
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2011/7/13 13:24
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Do you have a source you can provide for your statistics statement about African-Americans?.

Posted on: 2011/4/16 5:40

Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Considering 67% of African - Americian males between the age of 18 to 24 have a felony offence, it would make a cab driver think twice .................... It might not be right and discrimantory, but with statistics like that, what do you do when it comes to an issue of safety ?
Cab drivers could have a better safety barrier between the passenger and driver to void any safety concerns.

Posted on: 2011/4/16 4:31
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Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2005/7/13 15:03
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1/14 17:44
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missmags wrote:
Last night I saw the craziest thing ever. I was walking up to the JSQ path cab area and this guy starts saying that the cabs just wont stop for him because he is black. At first I wasnt sure if that was true but then 2 more cabs drove through the cab pick up area with empty cabs, lights on and pulled away. At the time I was the only white person on the line and everyone else just happened to be black. I was disgusted with the way these cab drivers were acting.

I thought the world was different. I was unaware that this sh!t still occurred today. Jersey City Cab drivers you should be ashamed of yourselves. I only take cabs later at night and if I could boycott these cab drivers I would.

First do you always talk to strangers at night, second when the guy stated he can't get a ride I would have just smiled and walked away, third you thought the world was different well you thought wrong. And lastly as far as being are !

Posted on: 2011/4/16 3:02

Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2005/7/13 15:03
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1/14 17:44
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missmags wrote:
I did not get bumped to the front. That would have been ridiculous. After those two cabs didnt stop the next cabs did. It's just insane.

Well you must have gotten bumped up eventually because if all were that were waiting for a taxi besides you were of African descent which did not get a ride then the process of elimination would deem it so.

Posted on: 2011/4/16 2:57

Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2005/8/6 23:41
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Maybe the cab driver went to the Fernando Mateo school for cab driving. A big part of me says I can't blame him all that much. ... le_0QVhd88HvjGJbruypDUj2L

Posted on: 2011/4/15 23:26

Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2005/12/13 20:06
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2013/12/12 21:56
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lostinjc wrote:
The cabbies are probably figuring that black people will ask to be driven to the hood (aka "the rough part of town", as the media euphemistically call it, or a "ghetto" if you want to be more direct), where a cabbie is more likely to be held up.

You don't say? By the way, Herbert, do you happen to know where I may pick up a marijuana cigarette, a.k.a. reefer? Do you think they have them at the gin joint?

Best thread ever. . . .

Posted on: 2011/4/15 21:32
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Oh, wait, there is one: The Jersey Sting.

Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2010/10/28 14:25
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2013/6/19 19:47
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The cabbies are probably figuring that black people will ask to be driven to the hood (aka "the rough part of town", as the media euphemistically call it, or a "ghetto" if you want to be more direct), where a cabbie is more likely to be held up.

Posted on: 2011/4/15 21:09

Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2011/1/31 8:09
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2011/9/8 14:56
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and they don't stop for Spanish neither. Ive had to deal with crap like this before, not a good feeling. Even on the light rail i dealt with prejudice. nothing "huge", but i found it funny that the times i go on the light rail and there isn't many people the cops decide to check the Hispanics and blacks, and RARELY have checked "white" people the times Ive been on the light rail, and Ive been on it numerous times being that i use to work in west new york and downtown.

Posted on: 2011/4/15 20:53

Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2010/2/24 16:45
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2015/10/25 16:31
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I think a phone call to the city agency that oversees Taxi and Limo services would be appropriate. I believe it would be the Division of Commerce -- call city hall switch board (210) 547 5000. The investigator heading up an effort to improve cab service in Jersey City spoke at a Sgt. Anthony Park Association meeting last summer.

Posted on: 2011/4/15 20:51

Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2008/9/4 15:05
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I don't think he was quick to throw the race card. If people are on the line then you pick them up. I suppose I am calling out the two specific cabs that I saw drive away without picking up the passengers. The guy said that there were others that drove right by as well.

Oh well it was just something that pissed me off.

Posted on: 2011/4/15 20:40

Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2006/12/5 15:53
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best jclist thread title ever.

Posted on: 2011/4/15 20:16

Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2010/11/17 1:11
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2024/1/7 4:19
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whoa whoa whoa hold the phones. Cabbies don't pick up black people? Seriously? Next you're going to tell me cops harass black people.

Posted on: 2011/4/15 19:13

Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2011/4/15 4:43
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2018/7/19 15:21
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So the guy who was saying that the cabs won't stop for black people finally got a cab? I guess my point is that I think he may have been a little quick to throw the race card in the hat so to speak. Afterall, if you were the only white person in the cab line at that time, I think he knows well enough that the cabs stop for black people, as well as all the other non whites in the line....otherwise that line wouldn't exist you know?

Posted on: 2011/4/15 17:29

Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2008/9/4 15:05
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I did not get bumped to the front. That would have been ridiculous. After those two cabs didnt stop the next cabs did.

It's just insane.

Posted on: 2011/4/15 16:59

Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2011/4/15 4:43
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2018/7/19 15:21
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So since you were the only white person in line, did the cabbies end up bumping you to the front so you could get in their cab? Did you see any black person get into a cab in front of you?

Posted on: 2011/4/15 16:12

Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2005/9/20 14:11
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Danny Glover up to his old tricks again huh?

Posted on: 2011/4/15 13:37

Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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2008/9/4 15:05
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2016/8/21 15:22
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Last night I saw the craziest thing ever. I was walking up to the JSQ path cab area and this guy starts saying that the cabs just wont stop for him because he is black. At first I wasnt sure if that was true but then 2 more cabs drove through the cab pick up area with empty cabs, lights on and pulled away. At the time I was the only white person on the line and everyone else just happened to be black. I was disgusted with the way these cab drivers were acting.

I thought the world was different. I was unaware that this sh!t still occurred today. Jersey City Cab drivers you should be ashamed of yourselves.

I only take cabs later at night and if I could boycott these cab drivers I would.

Posted on: 2011/4/15 13:13

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