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Re: Downtown's Christopher Columbus Drive's six-lane roadway is nearing completion
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Just can't stay away

I go 5 mph on that street and flip a bird at those who honk at me.

I don't want to lose a wheel.

Posted on: 2011/5/3 17:24

Re: Will PSE&G Solar Panels be Placed in Front of your Historic Home? They are coming soon to JC!
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ianmac47 wrote:
The folks living along the shore don't want wind turbines. A lot of the people here on the thread appear to have aesthetic objections to the solar panels. Another whole thread is dedicated to stopping natural gas. I'm curious how many of you are getting ready to turn your air conditioners on this summer?

dude, nuclear is the answer, and i am all for it.

Posted on: 2011/4/29 2:40

Re: Christie to use $200 million in state funds to rescue Xanadu
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Just can't stay away

Why the hell is the state (my tax dollars) even involved in this mall?

This is crazy.

Posted on: 2011/4/28 20:40

Re: Will PSE&G Solar Panels be Placed in Front of your Historic Home? They are coming soon to JC!
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brewster wrote:
It's amazing they could do it without ANY public scrutiny. 240 watts. That doesn't go very far.

This is just another example that idiots are running this state (and this country, for that matter)

They have ugly wooden poles everywhere in NJ and tiny solar panel attached to them.

I mean this whole scheme would be funny if it was not for $500 million wasted.

The inmates are in charge of the asylum, for sure.

Posted on: 2011/4/28 17:31

Re: Embracing Jersey City's Waterfront
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(hey what?s up with the nasty LSP 9/11 memorial what a mess! )

A mess indeed.

And to think that our so-called "elected officials" shoved this monstrosity down our throats, with absolutely no public consultations.

Friends of LSP protested, sued, and lost.

Just another rape commited by our New Jersey overlords.

Posted on: 2011/4/28 11:37

Re: Turnpike cutting down trees at Exit 14B
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heights wrote:
I hope they have a logical explanation for this, if not who can I write to ?

maybe these guys?

Thanks heights for caring.

Cutting of these trees is terrible.

I loved watching them grow new leaves every spring.

It just plain sucks.

Posted on: 2011/4/28 2:46

Re: Turnpike cutting down trees at Exit 14B
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Resized Image

Posted on: 2011/4/27 23:28

Turnpike cutting down trees at Exit 14B
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Turnpike has been cutting down beautiful, healthy, mature trees just before Exit 14B on the eastbound side.

Does anyone know what the heck is up with that?

Is this in preparation for making exit 14B the main exit for Bayonne-bound trucks?

Posted on: 2011/4/27 18:51

Re: Train whistle a-blowin'
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elsquid wrote:
Believe it or not, one of the first things that attracted me to Jersey City was the sound of the trains, and it wasn't the whistles, it was the sound of the wheels squealing around those old curved freight tracks under the Turnpike Extension.

I visited a friend about 16 years ago when she lived on Eighth Street near the back of HamPk (a couple of blocks from those tracks), and it was summer, so she had all her windows open. The "squealing" sometimes sounds more melodic and drawn-out, like whale song, and it did that night.

A couple of years later, I moved into the same apartment building where she had lived before.

I still like to hear the trains singing.

I can even hear the PATH's gentle lowing once and a while, from about eight blocks away, but it's usually on a very quiet night, and usually it's on a cold night.

Very cool, elsquid. I hear the squealing of the train cars too. Even cooler are the horns of the ships in the fog at night. They blow them like crazy when the visibility is 100 feet...

Posted on: 2011/4/27 0:40

Re: Embracing Jersey City's Waterfront
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neverleft wrote:

crushthedemoniac wrote: Why doesn't this surprise me.

Yeah nobody liked good old JC. I on the other hand was always a proponent of JC even in her darkest days. (JC love it or leave it! Sadly most of my close friends did..leave it) But I will confess this sin to you all. Living in JC in the late 70?s early 80?s was not cool to some especially the chicks. Do you know what it was like to finally get a nibble in the summertime down at the Guido infested Jersey Shore only to lose the precious catch? When I opened my mouth and said I was from Jersey City in my best JC accent I lost the catch hook, line, and sinker. Devastating! (you burb girls err I mean your mother?s were cruel back then)

When I changed my address to Chatham or Basking Ridge I was fine. (thank God it wasn?t my looks after all!!) Although do you know how hard it is to try and cover up a JC guy saying beer? I almost got busted a few times. ? I?ll have two beeeeeeer?s please?. I never asked for a second date for a Saturday it always had to be on a Sunday I was too afraid my Satday would slip out. ?Hey how about we go out again on Satday night? ..ahhhhhh.

Haha, neverleft, I always enjoyed saying "I live in Jersey City" to New Yorkers and observing their facial expressions. In the early 80s their expressions were like - "You must be effin nuts". In the nineties they were "OK, whatever". In the 2000's they were - "Oh, interesting". In the 2010s when they ask me where I live I say "None of your Effin Business" (just kidding). Yeah, saying "I live in Jersey City" to a chick is a tough go. Heck, saying "I live in New Jersey" to a chick is tough. I did it in California once and the chick burst out laughing in my face. Can't say I blame her...

Posted on: 2011/4/26 22:05

Re: Embracing Jersey City's Waterfront
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Just can't stay away

Great insights from Ian in this thread.

I would say that while JC waterfront is far from ideal, it is not entirely terrible.

The Hudson River Waterfront Walkway helps.

I can bike from Port Liberte to darn near Edgewater and not be too far from the Hudson River at any time.

And the ride in LSP is nice. The Rape Bridge is a low point, of course, but the ride gets nicer by Goldman Sachs and the Hyatt, all the way to the pedestrian bridge to Hoboken.

Not terrible at all.

Posted on: 2011/4/26 14:57

Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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Just can't stay away

The cabbies are probably figuring that black people will ask to be driven to the hood (aka "the rough part of town", as the media euphemistically call it, or a "ghetto" if you want to be more direct), where a cabbie is more likely to be held up.

Posted on: 2011/4/15 21:09

Re: Serial killer: Body of Jersey City Craigslist "Escort" found near Jones Beach
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Just can't stay away

Some serial killers are obsessed with "purity".

They think prostitutes are "impure", so they kill them to "purify" the twisted world they inhabit.

I hope the cops have a beat on this guy and he will be caught soon, now that the bodies have been found and his mocking cell phone calls to the families of the victims have been examined.

Very sad.

Posted on: 2011/4/11 0:14

Re: Don't use Yes Dry Cleaners on Bergen Ave.
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Just can't stay away

Webbie, can you please remove this hit-and-run thread?

Posted on: 2011/4/10 23:26

Re: We almost died yesterday....
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dtjcview wrote:
What I'd like to know is do these CSX cars travel along the proposed pipeline route?

If so, the proposed pipeline route is simple madness.

Kearny shmearny...

Chlorine gas rail cars also go to Bayonne chemical plants that use chlorine, right through Jersey City.

Bayonne has been been dubbed "the most dangerous mile in America" due to chlorine gas use.

Posted on: 2011/4/6 11:20

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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jerseymom wrote:
What an awful story. Likely, Settle is not locked up anymore. He was convicted and sentenced to up to 10 years in prison. I found this excerpt:

March 5, 1995
A man was convicted Friday of throwing a bowling ball off an overpass and through a windshield, killing an 8-month-old girl. Calvin Settle, 19, was found guilty of manslaughter and could get up to 10 years in prison at his sentencing April 7. Settle contends the ball fell out of his hands, but two younger boys who were with Settle at the time of the accident say they saw him heave the ball off onto the roadway deliberately.

They put steel netting after this incident over the covered roadway. Plenty of garbage is now resting on it.

Posted on: 2011/4/4 11:36

Re: Why bother de-veining shrimp? Disgusting Big Easy restaurant
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Just can't stay away


corybraiterman wrote:

lostinjc wrote:
stop projecting your paranoia on a good business.

On a good business? Are you out of your head? Any place too lazy to even clean the sh!t out of their shrimp is a dumpster fire I wouldn't ever crawl into. Feel free to eat your dirt and decaying bits of plant and animal in your meal, I'll be spending my money and time at places that don't include that crap on my plate. I'll also certainly spend free time bashing a place as crappy as that to anyone who will read.

Thanks for NOT answering my very clear question:

"Can you quote a health regulation that supports your claim?

Did you measure the shrimp? Size?

Just the facts, please."

Posted on: 2011/4/4 2:05

Re: Why bother de-veining shrimp? Disgusting Big Easy restaurant
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corybraiterman wrote:
They also claimed they don't have to clean the shrimp, which is incorrect for shrimp of that size.

Can you quote a health regulation that supports your claim?

Did you measure the shrimp? Size?

Just the facts, please.

And yeah, dude, I tend agree with ianmmac - go wash your hands about 15 times, and stop projecting your paranoia on a good business.

Posted on: 2011/4/3 15:36

Re: JC Cop Arrested After Soliciting 16-Year-Old for Sex
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jerseymom wrote:
(It appears, sadly, that he will not also be charged as a predator because the age of consent in NJ is 16. He is being charged with child abuse - JM.)

Sounds like our illustrious State of New Jersey has some conflicting laws.

How can a person of age of consent be also considered a child?

A child cannot give consent, right?

My guess is that the opportunistic lowlife will walk, and he will successfully sue JCPD for lost wages and damages.

Posted on: 2011/3/31 12:31

Re: Liberty State Park History.
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Just can't stay away

Hey, neverleft, that is a great trove of old JC info you just posted.

Thanks for that.

Maybe Webmaster could set up a sticky thread where all such valuable info could be deposited?

Another trove of old JC pictures was posted on JClist recently: ... 79761251/with/4224114880/

Posted on: 2011/3/12 21:59

Re: Bergen Lafayette 19-year-old accused in 5 of the 25 murders last year in Jersey City (Maybe 6)
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Just can't stay away

I wish New Jersey had death penalty. This dude would be a perfect candidate, if convicted. But instead, he will rule in prison, get favors from other inmates, and get to live his depraved life.

Meanwhile, his victims are dead and their loved ones have been devastated forever.

Doesn't seem fair, does it?

Posted on: 2011/3/10 21:54

Re: BUSTED! EZ-Towing & Danny's of ShopRite Lot Infamy
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Just can't stay away

EZ-towing has been doing that racket for years. 20 years ago they tried to tow my car, I ran out, and in the end they did not tow. But it almost came to blows. Good thing it did not, because the tow guy had a tire iron.

Posted on: 2011/3/9 11:59

Re: Spectra Energy Advertisement
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T-Bird wrote:

emileigh23 wrote:
They did "answer" the question about going thru the water... from a prior reply in this thread:

i think the argument was based on the contention that the horizontal drilling approach that they were able to use elsewhere would not work under such a wide body of water because they would not have sufficient number of drilling spaces. yet, they also made the statement that in fact, they are disallowed from crossing the 2 path tubes and the holland tunnel tubes.

Whatever that means... ::shrug::

They were the low-cost bidder because they chose the land route - putting their profits ahead of your safety. It really is that simple.


And if the Feds (FERC) allow it, they will put their consulting opportunities with the gas industry ahead of our safety, too.

And then we will see if the courts in this country are really impartial...

When it comes to litigation I will donate to NoGasPipeline and I urge others to do likewise.

Posted on: 2011/3/7 21:48

Re: Health law fazes hospital head too -- All citizens forced to purchase health insurance by 2014
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"All citizens forced to purchase health insurance by 2014"

I hope this will be ruled unconstitutional, but I am not holding my breath.

My second hope is that this will be repealed.

My third hope is resistance by any means necessary.

Posted on: 2011/3/7 15:21

Re: Goldman’s Own Ferries Will Ply the Hudson between Downtown Jersey City & Battery Park City
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jmiz wrote:
You're talking about Goldman Sachs employees, who both have the money and the mentality that going below ground for transportation should be reserved for rodents.

Hate to admit it, but they are right if you think about.

In NYC folks with money take cabs (they would not be caught dead in the subway with the unwashed masses).

And Goldman's JC employees have been PO-d about having to take PATH for the longest time.

So Goldman made a good move - a luxurious private ferry to placate the grumbling employees.

Posted on: 2011/3/7 14:17

Re: 2011 JC St. Patrick's Day
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legendaryjustice wrote:
I was wondering if anyone had any information about this year's festivities.

My buddy and I have a small company we have started and we have a t-shirt for this year's parade available now

Take a look at for more information


Twenty bucks for a tee???

Posted on: 2011/3/6 1:59

Re: Paulus Hook Crime Last Night
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mercyme wrote:
Snow - sorry I offended, its just VERY scary seeing a bunch of "thugs" being arrested in front of me and the dog. This isn't just one incident - it just happened to be right in front of me

I am renting - i thank God I never bought here - its very dark and scary - and there is a certain bad element that is coming back out now that the weather isn't freezing....

mercyme - all the mocking here should make you realize that perhaps you made a wrong choice renting (thank God not buying!!!) in Jersey City.

If you thought that Paulus Hook is like a gated or a suburban community where crime is rare or non-existent - it isn't.

JC is rough; always has been, and (very likely) always will be, gentrification notwithstanding.

Posted on: 2011/2/28 17:35

Re: Jersey City off-duty cop involved in today's crash in Bayonne that caused woman's death, official co
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Before you know it, they will claim it was an allergic reaction to some cold medication....

Mark my words.

Posted on: 2011/2/23 15:48

Re: HUGE GAS PIPELINE COMING - through Jersey City
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Just can't stay away


The Feds are in the pocket of Spectra because they want to get jobs with Spectra after they "retire" from their Fed jobs with generous pensions (see Wisconsin)

You (NJ and federal taxpayers) are being played, big time.

Our only chance is with the courts, and I am not so sure anymore that they are independent, either.

Expect to get screwed, and anything better than that is an unexpected gravy.

Posted on: 2011/2/23 12:19

Re: Cable and internet options
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Just can't stay away

I have no use for cable TV and their extortionist pricing.

I get free OTA HD channels with an indoor antenna, and if I really need to see a particular show (which is infrequent) I will download it.

I get $29.99/mo Verizon DSL internet and am quite happy.


Posted on: 2011/2/17 18:12

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