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Re: Downtown's Christopher Columbus Drive's six-lane roadway is nearing completion
That rings true - I've never understood the "CC as a gateway to the Tunnel" concept, as even a moderate level of traffic moving that way leads to terrible backups at the lights on Marin, particularly that first one (is that Steuben?).
Posted on: 2011/3/16 16:45
Re: Downtown's Christopher Columbus Drive's six-lane roadway is nearing completion
Home away from home
2004/9/15 18:45 Last Login : 2023/5/12 21:59 From Harsuimus Cove
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With information I gleaned from being involved with the HPHA in the past, as well as speaking at the public hearing for the transportation study and subsequent plan that includes CC Drive, I have to say that some of the information being discussed here is a bit off.
What is correct is that CC Drive is being built as an artery. It has little or nothing, however, to do with the Turnpike/Holland Tunnel connection. It is all about the Waterfront Business District (probably specifically Goldman Sachs). The idea isn't to move people to the tunnel, it is to move people to and from the waterfront. During the public hearings for the transportation study, it was repeatedly pointed out that there is more than ample public transportation to the waterfront. But the reality is that the Goldman people can't be bothered with trains and subways. Think I'm exaggerating? Anyone see the recent article regarding Goldman taking over the ferry service near their building? So what Goldman wants, Goldman gets. If their people want to drive to work, then Jersey City needs to accommodate it; public good be damned. And Jersey City has done so in their CC Drive plan. As for the paving, it won't likely happen until later in the spring or early summer. There is still too much of a chance for inclement weather for these paving companies to risk getting all their equipment out at this point. I'm sure that snow, and everything that goes with it, is not good on their machinery and it's just too early to think that winter weather is done. I find CC Drive atrocious and avoid it too, but paving isn't likely to happen for some time, and bitching about it isn't going to change it.
Posted on: 2011/3/16 16:11
Re: Downtown's Christopher Columbus Drive's six-lane roadway is nearing completion
Home away from home
At this point, I just want that damned road to be paved! It is undriveable. I get very angry whenever I forget to turn my car around and drive on Grand street after getting off of the turnpike. It's just an embarrassment that they allowed it to get like this.
Posted on: 2011/3/16 14:53
Re: Downtown's Christopher Columbus Drive's six-lane roadway is nearing completion
Home away from home
Current administration makes life better for everyone except JC residents who pay taxes. Anytime you have a highway bisecting part of a city it's a bad thing. No one wants to live near an autobahn with the worst type of drivers hurrying to get to nyc or back to Montclair. My guess is that NYC is somehow making it worth Healy's while to do this on CC since it is part of the emergency evacuation route out of nyc. Why else would that self-interested clown make such a bad move for downtown JC residents (other than to spite them for not voting democratic machine)???
Posted on: 2011/3/16 13:23
Re: Downtown's Christopher Columbus Drive's six-lane roadway is nearing completion
Home away from home
That's (unpaved and riddled with potholes) just the city's temp plan to keep more commuters from taking the CC BLVD exit to cut to the tunnel.
My guess is that once it's paved, it will become a free for all. I just hope they have the foresight to put up "don't honk" and "dont block the box" signs and actually inforce it. Monmouth and Varick and Jersey and Varick are already awful.
Posted on: 2011/3/16 13:17
Re: Downtown's Christopher Columbus Drive's six-lane roadway is nearing completion
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2010/10/5 14:23 Last Login : 2011/12/23 15:50 From jazzy city
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i read. i was pointing out that your statement contradicted the topic. i agree that the city doesn't care about bicyclists but i just dont think this road expansion is intended for public transportation. i think it's being used as an artery between the turnpike and the tunnel, which is backed up with traffic most of the day. i can dream about bike lanes and grassed medians too but id be happy if the road was just repaved already.
Posted on: 2011/3/16 2:20
Re: Downtown's Christopher Columbus Drive's six-lane roadway is nearing completion
Home away from home
If you bothered to read my post ichute and spider you would then know I was referring to what Heights previously said about cyclist having bike lanes.
Yes, it is very true that our ilustious city council wants us all on public transportation which will use this new road way. Do you not agree? icechute wrote: spider wrote: 81905 wrote: the botton line is they want us all on public transportation......Period. they're putting in a 6 lane roadway because they want us all to take trains and buses? Owned.
Posted on: 2011/3/16 0:23
Re: Downtown's Christopher Columbus Drive's six-lane roadway is nearing completion
Home away from home
2010/10/5 14:23 Last Login : 2011/12/23 15:50 From jazzy city
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they're putting in a 6 lane roadway because they want us all to take trains and buses?
Posted on: 2011/3/15 14:49
Re: Downtown's Christopher Columbus Drive's six-lane roadway is nearing completion
Home away from home
As long as we have Healy as Mayor and this sitting city council nothing we be done for cyclist. They throw little crumbs at us with insignificant bike lane signs and Healy gets his photo op at the opening of Grove Street Bicycles but the botton line is they want us all on public transportation......Period.
If Columbus Dr. gets dedicated bikes lanes while Healy is mayor I will personally see that it is kept debris free. This won't be an easy task with Ferris High a stones throw a way.
Posted on: 2011/3/15 1:10
Re: Downtown's Christopher Columbus Drive's six-lane roadway is nearing completion
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2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
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They can still have their 6 lane roadway with no parking but how about allocating a small portion on each side for a sharrow bike lane. Cyclists are going to ride it anyway so why not have painted bike indicators to give the car drivers a heads up and at the same time keep the cyclists at bay.
Posted on: 2011/3/14 22:40
Re: Downtown's Christopher Columbus Drive's six-lane roadway is nearing completion
Home away from home
2006/6/13 17:16 Last Login : 2017/2/3 3:59 From Hamilton Park
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The expanded Columbus is part of the county's emergency evacuation plan.
Posted on: 2011/3/14 22:22
I live by the river.
Re: Downtown's Christopher Columbus Drive's six-lane roadway is nearing completion
I've actually started turning off of CC as soon as possible and using Newark or another road to get where I'm going when I come back into/leave downtown. The section from about Jersey up to Monmouth is literally undriveable.
Posted on: 2011/3/14 17:11
Re: Downtown's Christopher Columbus Drive's six-lane roadway is nearing completion
Home away from home
I've posted this before: quote from Fulop himself - the powers that be see their job as getting cars in and out of JC as quickly as possible.
No thought for actual tax paying residents. I don't get it at all, but have no hopes that JC will be good for pedestrians or cyclists anytime soon...
Posted on: 2011/3/14 16:57
Re: Paving Christopher Columbus
Home away from home
2008/1/3 19:12 Last Login : 2020/9/30 18:46 From Van Vorst Park
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Amazing - Jersey City is ADDING lanes to a major thoroughfare (instead of adding bike lanes and/or center island), while Bloomberg is taking AWAY 2 lanes on 34th Street in Manhattan, and even making a portion of it closed off to vehicular traffic.
When will JC get it?
Posted on: 2011/3/14 14:49
Re: Paving Christopher Columbus
Just can't stay away
the cameras for traffic management sound good but they should also install cameras for enforcement. they would pay for themselves in about a month with everyone who runs lights. Can't remember if they have them anywhere around here but i've lived in places where they're used and they are a deterrent.
Posted on: 2011/3/4 3:19
Re: Paving Christopher Columbus
Did anyone ever move that tv from the snowmound on the corner of Jersey? Or did that become part of the new pavement?
Posted on: 2011/3/4 2:52
Re: Paving Christopher Columbus
Quite a regular
they are paving it in the spring.
Posted on: 2011/3/4 0:02
Re: Paving Christopher Columbus
Home away from home
I agree, it's just horrible. I just want it paved, I'm sick of driving over it.
Posted on: 2011/3/3 23:01
Re: Paving Christopher Columbus
Home away from home
Separate projects with separate contracts. I believe there were more issues with the Columbus Ave. project.
Posted on: 2011/3/3 22:28
Paving Christopher Columbus
Not too shy to talk
Has anyone heard a legitimate reason why a lot of downtown was paved over the past 2 years but Columbus remains a total disaster? That stretch from Jersey to the TPK overpass is seriously laughable.
Posted on: 2011/3/3 21:54
Re: Downtown's Christopher Columbus Drive's six-lane roadway is nearing completion
Home away from home
On top of that, they do not notify the drivers of the traffic change pattern and I got a ticket that had to be fought in court and paid off 350 dollars just to have no points taken off. JC police dept really sucks. They should have notified all drivers of a traffic pattern change prior to implementing their marvellous idea.
Posted on: 2010/11/8 21:49
Re: Downtown's Christopher Columbus Drive's six-lane roadway is nearing completion
Home away from home
It is really quite ridiculous. For years when exiting the turnpike you could make a right on Montgomery Street or continue to Columbus. Roughly 5 yrs. ago they paved the majority of the roads here. You should have seen them prior to that! For whatever reason the city in it's wisdom decided to re-route all the traffic on Montgomery to Columbus(one of the few last roads that were unpaved. Brillant! I asked Fulop about this once and he avoided the question. Some people have speculated it has something to do with eliminating the traffic cutting through the city. Like with a one way Washington street I have no idea how this helps.
Posted on: 2010/11/8 20:36
Re: Downtown's Christopher Columbus Drive's six-lane roadway is nearing completion
Home away from home
2010/10/5 14:23 Last Login : 2011/12/23 15:50 From jazzy city
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all they really need to do is just pave it, and then leave it alone. the pot holes are horrendous when you get off the turnpike. i live on columbus right now but thankfull im moving to a different neighborhood before this becomes a free for all.
Posted on: 2010/11/8 18:36
Re: Downtown's Christopher Columbus Drive's six-lane roadway is nearing completion
Home away from home
2007/8/1 19:34 Last Login : 2022/4/27 19:59 From journal square
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Great Idea! Reduce the sidewalks, and widen lanes for more cars while eliminating traffic on a road thats not in need of it. What a benefit for the community on the whole. Instead of taking an example from NY which puts people before cars, JC goes the opposite way and makes life even less desirable for the walking public by doing this.
Is there even a planning board anymore, or are all decisions made by millers and pavers?
Posted on: 2010/11/8 18:24
Downtown's Christopher Columbus Drive's six-lane roadway is nearing completion
Home away from home
Downtown Jersey City's six-lane roadway is nearing completion; some street parking to be sacrificed
Monday, November 08, 2010 By MELISSA HAYES JOURNAL STAFF WRITER It may not be the Autobahn but cars will soon be able to zip through the heart of Downtown Jersey City on a six-lane roadway. And to create six lanes on Christopher Columbus Drive, residents will have to give up street parking during peak hours. The $3.4 million streetscape project has already replaced old, dilapidated sidewalk, with charcoal concrete stamped to look like stonework. The walkways have been narrowed to widen the road. But even with those adjustments, motorists will be prohibited from parking on the eastbound side from 7 to 9 a.m. and the westbound side from 4 to 6 p.m. on weekdays. Downtown City Councilman Steven Fulop stands opposed to eliminating parking in the congested neighborhood. "I think we should revisit the plan to keep the parking once it is repaved and avoid Columbus becoming a speedway," Fulop said last week, adding that he will take up the matter with the City Council and administration. Work on the project began in April. Decorative street lamps are being added and trees are being planted along the road. The project will also improve drainage by upgrading catch basins, which will have bicycle-safe grates that will prevent large chunks of debris from entering the sewers. New state-of-the-art traffic lights, monitored by cameras, will be installed to improve timing and reduce traffic congestion. Pedestrian countdown lights are also being installed. The last major part of the project is milling and paving, which city officials say they are in the process of scheduling. If that is not completed this year, it will be done in early spring. The project is being funded with a $989,140 Jersey City Urban Enterprise Zone grant, and $2.24 million in capital funding from the city.
Posted on: 2010/11/8 13:41