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Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Not too shy to talk
2007/12/4 19:47 Last Login : 2011/10/8 19:02 From Jersey City
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Agreed! The administrators need to step it up!! The vice principle at Ferris is great but the principle needs to go.
Posted on: 2011/1/10 14:28
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Just can't stay away
2010/11/15 16:09 Last Login : 2012/1/12 17:03 From The Heights
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I never said that keeping the students in school ground was a bad idea. My school kept us in school grounds during lunch time and there was no problem with that. My issue is that we continue to name call and drop blame but we never get together to hold the administration responsible for their lack of action. I have two full-time jobs and three children in my household to take care of so I am by no means trying to throw all of the workload on myself or people in similar situations. But, sadly the parents don't want to take on the responsibility for their children and this is causing problems for the rest of the community. Shipping them all off to jail is not going to solve the problem because there will still be residual left for generations to come. Sorry for trying to find a solution to a problem that others just want to write off and think it will be solved by just dumping them out of the city.
Posted on: 2011/1/10 13:40
Jay Res
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Not too shy to talk
2007/12/4 19:47 Last Login : 2011/10/8 19:02 From Jersey City
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Really, you want to band together and raise other peoples children! I work 3 jobs so my kid doesn't have to be exposed to those ANIMALS! How many jobs do their parents work, probably none since liberals like yourself like award people for their laziness!!! Singapore has it right, these criminals would be caned and locked up hard labor if they acted like this. Their parents would be questioned and possibly sterilized!
Someone earlier said that the kids should not be allowed off campus during school hours, that is the best idea that has come from this message board! I also had to stay on campus and we didn't mind at all. Sorry if Hollywood Chicken goes out of business but that is just life I guess!!!
Posted on: 2011/1/10 13:23
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Just can't stay away
2010/11/15 16:09 Last Login : 2012/1/12 17:03 From The Heights
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As a lifelong JC resident, I see it as an embarrassment to have to read forum comments regarding the "animals" attending local High Schools like Dickinson and Ferris! I understand that the behavior of most of these students is utterly ridiculous but does comparing a human being to an animal actually accomplish anything? Why don't we focus on trying to find a resolution to the underlying problems instead of bashing each other and calling one another names?? The issue begins at the home and sadly most parents of this generation do not have the basic skills to be parents. Therefore, if we as a community want to see change, we have to band together and raise these children as a community. It is easy to point fingers, complain, and leave these kids to be lost for life. The educational system here is in shambles, most administrators and residents have the "I don't care" mentality. This is the easy way out and we could go through life complaining and never resolving the problem. The true challenge comes in us getting together and actually doing something about the problem and taking action. Can we take action or will we just keep the vicious cycle going?
Posted on: 2011/1/10 3:57
Jay Res
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Just can't stay away
Frank Skowronski is the Vice Principal at Ferris, but in charge of all discipline.
If you have video or photo evidence of unruly students or their drug activity send it to him He responds and evidence I've sent him in the past have resulted in students being suspended and arrested.
Posted on: 2011/1/9 23:17
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Home away from home
It's for exactly this that I'm contemplating future employment with ther JC school system.
Posted on: 2011/1/9 18:33
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Home away from home
2006/11/13 18:42 Last Login : 2022/2/28 7:31 From 280 Grove Street
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Is it not the responsibility of the school to care for the kids during school hours and be responsible for them during those school hours ? This should atleast address the lunch time antics!
Posted on: 2011/1/9 18:14
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Home away from home
Keep in mind that the taxpayers are shelling out over $17,000 per student/per year for this.
Posted on: 2011/1/9 18:01
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Home away from home
Change your driving patterns people if you don't want to experience this subtle "F.U." each day.
I was in sales for quite few years after college in 3 larger than average US cities and had to drive in and around these urban cities nearly everyday. In each one existed the ignorant, disrespectful youth who move at a snails pace between intersections near their schools. Along with this slower than molasses pace, in each city, many of these kids would often stare as they crossed in front of my car. I got in the habbit of just putting a large grin on my face and just nodded as they slumbered past. I am sure many of you have also noticed the "cross walk spit." Each city also had this phenomenon. I just figured it was a another way of them flexing their superiority since they knew I couldn't run them over. All of these high schools I worked around were public and the majority of the students came from low income homes where parents were non-existant and uninterested. JC is in no way imune to this. We just get a triple dose because we have the underperforming Dickenson, Ferris and Lincoln highschools which have a sizable population of low income students walking our streets each school day.
Posted on: 2011/1/9 13:50
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
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They're exempt from reprimand here in the schools and they will be exempt from reprimand in the workplace. This is why the Human Resources departments have their hands full. I 've driven around that area during lunch time, they cross the street at a pace without being cautious then give you a dirty look as if they know they are doing it on purpose. I realize this is off school grounds so the school cannot do anything about it. I'll just have to grin and bear it.
Posted on: 2011/1/9 10:29
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
When I was in high school which was under a decade ago we wouldn't dare do anything like this. Our principal and Vice principal were very hard on discipline. Being caught throwing anything in the streets would get us Saturday morning detention and if we didn't go to that we would be on probation from taking part in school events, suspension, and possibly even being expelled if any student continued the violation.
What's the administration in Dickinson doing about this?
Posted on: 2011/1/9 6:45
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Home away from home
2006/11/13 18:42 Last Login : 2022/2/28 7:31 From 280 Grove Street
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good reason to teach VALUES, ETHICS and EMPATHY at was something the religious organizations and PARENTS used to do
Posted on: 2011/1/8 22:02
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Just can't stay away
I'm not a cop's kid, and I went to public school - but not in NJ.
So I guess that gives me the right to call the kids trash... the ones who hang around my block at lunch time are loud, rowdy, destructive, smoking weed, selling weed, jumping on cars, littering all over the sidewalk and street. Their behavior is disgusting.
Posted on: 2011/1/8 20:40
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Home away from home
Leave Croft alone you dumb loser!
Since when is having a cop for a father -- and not going to city schools a crime? Croft is a very hard working person -- and has already done some great things for some of this city's homeless animals! ....So shut the heck up! (Hey webbie - maybe clean up this sh!t) Quote:
Posted on: 2011/1/8 15:27
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Home away from home
When I read these sorts of stories I can't help but being reminded that Jersey City has some of higest taxes in the nation, some of the worst public schools in the nation and out of the approximately 19354 cities in the USA Jersey City is 25th for highest murder rate. Yet, I continue to live here........Sadly, many of these kids are not even close to being preparred to learn when they enter grade school. Thus, a cluster of ignorant, ne'er do wells with zero parental action and encouragement reak havoc in JC. All Urban cities have them and always will.
Posted on: 2011/1/8 14:51
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Home away from home
Obviously there are good kids in the schools but stand on Newark Ave/christopher Columbus Ave at lunch time and see for yourself what is going on. And IF I HAD A KIDS, I WOULD HOME SCHOOL THEM BEFORE I WOULD LET THEM GO TO SCHOOL WITH THOSE ANIMALS!
You really can't blame people for sending their children to private schools as opposed to walking through metal detecters every day and learning absolutely nothing!
Posted on: 2011/1/8 13:57
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Just can't stay away
easy to call ferris kids trash when you're the spoiled daughter of jcpd brass and private schools..
Posted on: 2011/1/8 8:12
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Home away from home
my car got hit with a few snowballs from ferris trash today. aside from it being wrong to throw anything at a vehicle, my high school would have expelled us for that kind of behavior.
Posted on: 2011/1/8 7:33
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Not too shy to talk
I've been working from home lately and everyday around 11:30 am the noise starts. All these kids come flooding down my street screaming and shouting and having generally intelligent social interactions with one another. At most I considered it an annoyance and tried to avoid going outside during the "ruckus" because I just don't want to deal with it. It's nice to know that not only are they annoying but also beating each other with baseball bats. Fun times.
Posted on: 2011/1/8 6:47
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Home away from home
2006/6/13 17:16 Last Login : 2017/2/3 3:59 From Hamilton Park
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You want mad cows?
Posted on: 2011/1/8 5:16
I live by the river.
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Just can't stay away
In jail.
Posted on: 2011/1/7 23:04
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Home away from home
On another note, about 10 kids from Ferris were beating each other with baseball bats on the corner of Newark and Monmouth yesterday and the day before about 20 of the little animals were throwing ice balls at the businesses and spray painting graffiti along Newark Ave! Where are the parents of these little punks? Where are the administrators?
Posted on: 2011/1/7 22:29
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Home away from home
2006/6/13 17:16 Last Login : 2017/2/3 3:59 From Hamilton Park
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Posted on: 2011/1/7 21:07
I live by the river.
Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Home away from home
2007/11/28 3:26 Last Login : 2014/10/27 13:13 From The fog.
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Socratic debates can get pretty heated at Dickinson.
Posted on: 2011/1/7 19:23
Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
Home away from home
Seven students arrested in riot incident outside Dickinson High School in Jersey City
Friday, January 07, 2011 By MICHAELANGELO CONTE JOURNAL STAFF WRITER Rioting at Jersey City's Dickinson High School on Tuesday resulted in the arrest of an adult student and six juvenile students, including a 15-year-old boy charged with punching a police officer in the face, officials said yesterday. Police arrested Funsho Adeshina, 18, of Palisade Avenue, as well as a 17-year-old boy, a 16-year-old boy and three 15-year-old boys, after fights broke out among groups of students outside the school on Tuesday, reports said. Adeshina was charged with aggravated assault on a police officer, and two counts each of resisting arrest, failing to disperse and obstructing a government function, reports said. The fights happened during lunch dismissal and a major police response was triggered to quell the violence, reports said. At 12:19 p.m., police officers saw a large group of students "screaming and shoving" and they dispersed the group but could not get to the students who were fighting amid the crowd, reports said. Minutes later, large groups of students formed on school grounds and several fights broke out, reports said. Numerous police units responded to disperse the crowd and arrest those who refused to stop fighting, reports said. Based on the reports, it's not clear what triggered the rioting.
Posted on: 2011/1/7 16:51