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Re: Has the morning street sweeper schedule changed?
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baxtyre wrote:
I think it goes without saying that yes, the street sweeper could come at any point within the posted times. However, OP was saying for years it had been at a consistent time, and I'd be willing to bet they are not the only one in the nearby neighborhoods to have become accustomed to a schedule, only to be confused as to why it's been wonky these past few weeks.

Agreed. They used to come on my street between 8:30 and 8:45. Everyone just double parked on the other side until they came through then moved back. Technically it's true they can come and ticket any time within the window but when you get used to a schedule it can be annoying even though you really have no right to be annoyed. Just another perk(?) of city living. I was late to work many times due to my own laziness of not moving my car until the expected time of them coming through and them being "late". I finally ditched my car though and am so relieved to not have to play that game anymore. If I tried to move my car the evening before there would be no parking. If I tried to move it the morning of, still no parking. Just no winning. Apparently everyone within a 5 block radius had a car and no one drove it to work.....just like me.

Posted on: 2015/11/5 2:37

Edited by lagwagon113 on 2015/11/5 3:05:04

Re: Zogsports - Basketball league
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I played basketball with them for a while but when I did it, it was at the Boys and Girls club. Typically the way it works is you'll get thrown on a team with other randoms and you'll lose every game to teams that have been playing for years and sign up as a team. Even if you sign up for "extremely casual" this will still happen. That has been my experience with all Zog leagues not just basketball. It's still fun, just expect to lose almost every game unless you sign up with your own team or get really lucky.

Posted on: 2015/8/28 17:54

Re: Package thief on Varick St
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Well there are two things you can do that have worked for me. If possible, select USPS as the delivery carrier. They usually deliver with the regular mail and most likely have access to the inside of your building where the mail boxes are and will leave the package there.

The second thing you can do is select UPS as your carrier then ask them to deliver the package to the UPS Store in Newport. Then you can pick it up at your convenience.

Outside of those two options I guess you're really at the mercy of how good your luck is. I would imagine anything left outside in plain sight in any big city wouldn't last long before some passerby snagged it.

Posted on: 2014/12/9 15:47

Re: Mound of dirt on sidewalk on Mercer St near Grove
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longtimeJC wrote:
What cross streets is this between on Mercer?

It's at Mercer and Grove right in front of the old firehouse. It blocks the entire sidewalk. You either have to walk over it, or out into the street around it. I'm almost tempted to walk down there with a shovel and create a footpath. Seriously, the sidewalk has to be shoveled when there is snow, why is this ok?

Posted on: 2014/10/30 10:24

Re: Mound of dirt on sidewalk on Mercer St near Grove
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I'm glad I'm not alone. I was trying to be polite about it but wtf? I have no idea what it could be for and there is no obvious indication from what I can tell regarding why it's there or when it will be gone. I can't think of any good reason why a mound of dirt would randomly be on the sidewalk for weeks on end.

Posted on: 2014/10/30 2:23

Mound of dirt on sidewalk on Mercer St near Grove
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Does anyone know what this is about? I could have sworn I have seen this in the past and then it randomly went away. Now it's back again and has been here for a few weeks with no apparent end in sight. It doesn't look like there is any construction going on from what I can tell. I'm just wondering what it's for/from and when it might go away. Is it just the "every few months randomly dump dirt on the sidewalk" time again? I'm sure there is some ridiculously obvious reason why its there which is why I'm asking because I have no idea. I just get tired of walking over it/around it every day but in the end it's really not that big of a deal. I'm just curious.

Posted on: 2014/10/29 22:39

Re: Koro Koro rice ball cafe
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I think this place is great and I'm glad it's in the neighborhood. However, I always have trouble unwrapping the rice ball. No matter how fast or slow I pull the corners out it always pulls out half my filling. That isn't their fault, it's just the nature of the style of food. However, I do admit that sometimes I don't want to fight with my food so I choose easier options. That said, I do like the place, and I hope they are successful. I just need to work on properly unwrapping them so it isn't such an "endeavor" for me. Having never had this style of food before I don't have any baseline to compare against regarding how flavorful it is. It seems good enough though the few times I've had it. It's always good to have different options around town though.

Posted on: 2014/10/24 0:34

Re: Cabs from Manhattan
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The best thing you can do is negotiate and don't be afraid to turn down a cabbie. I usually offer a $30 or $35 flat rate to the cabbie. Some take it - others curse me out and drive off. Sometimes I'll just have them drop me off at the WTC PATH station since that is the shortest train ride back to Grove St.

Posted on: 2011/5/19 14:54

Re: What bar are you most scared of?
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I can't say I'm scared of any bar but I have only been to the ones downtown. I like Iron Monkey and Barcade the best due to beer selection. The one on Grove St with the weird half tables is the worst - for that reason plus not a great selection.

Really I just wanted to comment on the OP's name and pic. I love The IT Crowd. Just wish British TV seasons weren't so short. I've already seen all the episodes since it's only 6 a season.

Posted on: 2011/5/12 7:58

Re: JC's (safe) walkability factor (major failure)
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When I said I don't pay attention to the signs but rather check to see if the light for oncoming traffic is red and that no cars are coming I did not mean that I ignore traffic rules for pedestrians. What I meant was that I don't entrust my personal safety to signs and other drivers. Just because the sign says walk doesn't mean that someone is not going to drive through the crosswalk. I don't blindly walk through an intersection just because the sign says walk. I check to make sure no one is coming. Additionally, if the light is red and no one is making any turns how could you possibly be bothering anyone while crossing the street even if the walk sign has the "high five" signal up? Just don't take your sweet time like you own the place and expect cars to be courtious if their light turns green.

Posted on: 2011/3/9 13:26

Re: JC's (safe) walkability factor (major failure)
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This thread is interesting. Being from the car dependent south I consider Jersey City extremely walkable and never really have any issues. That said, I can understand the issues everyone has pointed out. They just never occurred to me. I of course don't pay attention to the walk signs. I look to see if the light for oncoming traffic is red and that no cars are coming before I cross. Hopefully the issues people have brought up can be addressed.

As a driver I try to be extra courteous and drive slowly. However, I'm always afraid that some pedestrian is going to jump out in front of me when I least expect it or come out of a blind spot that I can't see. So please be careful as a pedestrian as well and don't assume that drivers have a perfect view of everything. This doubles and triples for people who speed and drive recklessly throughout the city.

Posted on: 2011/3/9 1:58

Re: Record Stores in JC?
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Not sure as I don't collect vinyls. I do however play the guitar and love music. There is a music store on Newark ave that sells instruments and accessories. I'm sure one of the employees may have similar interests and may be able to help you. I forget the name of the store but I can tell you it is a block or two past Coles St.

Posted on: 2011/2/20 0:22

Updated Trash Schedule?
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Not too shy to talk

Does anyone know of a number you can call to get updates on the trash schedule? Their doesn't seem to be much useful information on the JCIA website. I would really hate to place my trash out tonight only to have to dig it out of the snow and bring it back inside tomorrow morning.

Posted on: 2011/1/27 2:27

Re: Movies I liked on Netflix Instant
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I love the Netflix instant queue on Xbox. Recently I have been trying to conquer the first 100 movies on the IMDB top 250 list. A lot of the older movies on that list are available via streaming. Some good ones that I have seen are Apocolypse Now, Full Metal Jacket, Clockwork Orange (weird movie), the Godfather and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Yes I know most people have already seen these movies but for me the instant queue is a convenient way for me to catch up on good older movies since my childhood was mostly void of this. Soon I will be a normal citizen and wont have to lie when someone asks me if I have seen "xyz" classic movie.

Posted on: 2011/1/20 22:36

Re: Do not use UPS delivery in downtown JC
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I work for a consulting firm that has UPS as a client. Due to this I worked on some IT projects that UPS outsourced to our company. The way I remember it is that Signature Required is an accessorial which incurs an additional charge. Services such as 2nd Day Air, UPS Saver, etc are just delivery services. If you need other accessorials added such as Signature Required, Saturday Delivery, etc you have to request that separately. In other words I don't believe they are automatically added to any specific delivery service. So I guess make sure you always request Signature Required. If that option is not available then it could be the vendor you are buying from (Amazon, etc) hasn't implemented that into their checkout process in which case you can take that up with the specific vendor. Anyways, not defending them just telling you what I know. I always just have them hold the package at the Secaucus office.

Posted on: 2011/1/13 16:07

Re: Seven students arrested in riot outside Dickinson High during lunch dismissal
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Not too shy to talk

I've been working from home lately and everyday around 11:30 am the noise starts. All these kids come flooding down my street screaming and shouting and having generally intelligent social interactions with one another. At most I considered it an annoyance and tried to avoid going outside during the "ruckus" because I just don't want to deal with it. It's nice to know that not only are they annoying but also beating each other with baseball bats. Fun times.

Posted on: 2011/1/8 6:47

Re: New Lights along Columbus Ave
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I dont really pay attention to those crosswalk lights anywhere. I just look to see if the light for oncoming traffic is red. If it is then I walk. If it turns green halfway through then I speed up my crossing. As a driver my pet peeve is people taking their sweet time crossing the street when clearly my light is green. Sometimes I feel people purposely walk slow and take their time and have a look on their face like "you're not rushing me, I do what I want!".

Posted on: 2010/12/5 4:02

Re: Wayne St. stabbing in the head/shooting tonight
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I don't know what to make of threads like this and the talk about downsizing the police force. I never think twice about walking around downtown but hearing stuff like this makes me think twice. Of course I always use common sense and keep an eye on my surroundings. I don't know if I should be concerned that JC is about to descend into some apocalyptic chaos or if people are just being overly dramatic.

Posted on: 2010/12/5 3:30

Re: "Where is NYC's 6th Borough?" -
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How can somewhere nowhere near NYC be considered a 6th borough? That is just silly. Why don't we just go all out with the ridiculousness and say Beijing or maybe Moscow should be the 6th borough. How about London?

Posted on: 2010/12/5 3:17

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This is one of my favorite spots in Jersey City as I am a lover of craft beer. I wish I would have known they were doing this. I just got back from Rattle N Hum in midtown who was also serving Thanksgiving dinner along with their craft beer offerings.

Posted on: 2010/11/26 0:17

Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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lostinjc wrote:

lagwagon113 wrote:
As someone who does fly on occasion I welcome any procedures that make my flight safer. I have nothing to hide so do not mind whatever invasive procedures security may deem necessary.

Be careful.

When the bad guys start putting PETN into their body cavities (which they will), your body cavities will be searched.

Will your above statement still stand?

As mentioned earlier I can't pretend to understand how I would feel if a scenario occurred that hasnt yet affected me personally. However, as uncomfortable as it might it be I would imagine it would be better than blowing up in mid air because a bomb was smuggled on board. If it did escalate to the scenario you describe I would have to evaluate if flying was still an acceptable means of transportation for me as opposed to driving or taking a train. If that's what it comes down to then maybe flying is no longer a feasible option for me if it makes me uncomfortable. What a messed up world we live in when a few sick individuals can make such measures necessary in the name of safety. In the words of Rodney King (or whoever said it)"can't we all just get along"? Sometimes I feel like our politically correct society greatly hinders us but that is a completely different discussion. Overall I feel we have to do what we have to do to protect ourselves. Anyways, I'm not trying to create enemies and I understand all sides of the argument. I will leave it at that. Flame me if me you must. I respect everyone's point of view.

Posted on: 2010/11/20 3:56

Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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As someone who does fly on occasion I welcome any procedures that make my flight safer. I have nothing to hide so do not mind whatever invasive procedures security may deem necessary. Having said that, I don't have children so I can't pretend to understand how I might feel if such procedures were carried out on my hypothetical children. I did find the picture somewhat comical but again I do not have children so I may feel differently if I did.

Posted on: 2010/11/20 2:24

Re: Downtown: Williamsburg's Barcade (Bar Arcade) Coming to Newark Avenue
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Not too shy to talk

I know a liquor store is not necessarily what we need right now but they have a very respectable collection of craft beer. So I'm sort of glad it opened having seen their beer selection. If anyone is into craft beer and within walking distance you should check it out.Quote:

LG77 wrote:
It never ceases to amaze me how this city can screw up every opportunity to improve. I knew it was too good to be true that a cool new bar would open in a space that is currently used as a tent space for homeless drunks.

And yet a liquor store popped out of NOWHERE on Columbus and Barrow.

Posted on: 2010/11/5 21:20

What is with the trash and recycling guys?
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Hello all. I have been lurking these forums for a while but haven't really posted much. I'm wondering if anyone else has issues with the trash and recycling guys. It appears to be random what they do and don't pickup. Let me give two examples.

Recycle - I placed a box out on the curb with other recyclable items. They picked up everything but the cardboard box. The next week I put out the SAME box and this time they took it. Apparently, the previous week it was not a recyclable item but then magically the following week it was.

Trash - Last week I put out my trash and when I woke up the next morning it was still there. I put it out again last night and this time they took it. WTF?

Before anyone mentions it I am placing my items out on the right days. I'm just wondering if this is an experience unique to me or no? It's really a pain having to bring your trash and recyclables back inside the following morning before going to work.

I have been tempted to drive it down to city hall and dump it on the lawn. I bet it would get picked up then! Of course I do not do that because I do not want to go to jail lol.

Posted on: 2010/8/23 11:03

Re: Area around Wayne and Barrow St.
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Hello. I live about 2 blocks west of there on Varick and Wayne. I would not consider it dangerous but it all depends on what your level of comfort is. If you are used to very nice areas such as the waterfront or Newport then you may feel uncomfortable somewhere that doesn't have that same visual appeal. That doesn't mean you are going to get stabbed in the face when you walk outside though. There are a lot of nice looking brownstones around that area. Again I don't live on that specific block so forgive me if I'm not describing it 100% accurately but I have walked through there at night and have never felt threatened. You may want to check out the neighborhood at night to see if you feel comfortable.

Posted on: 2010/7/31 1:37




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