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Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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2006/9/1 11:45
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i grew up with catherine (and also her brother.) they were always good kids. so despite who her father is i wish her well.

Posted on: 2010/10/5 4:59

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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icechute wrote:

A few "family" names I can remember off the top of my head that fit the above category are:


I know there are several more.

Donnelly. Lopez.

Posted on: 2010/10/4 14:04

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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2005/2/13 22:53
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Yes, she might be a good, hard-working talented candidate to work in a county DA's office.

Or, she might not be 'top of her class'.

But - if she were, I would have to think she would want to distance herself from her father as much as possible!!

Maybe she tried to, but no other county would hire her because of her father's dirty reputation. Would you want someone in your DA's office who's prosecuting people be that closely associated with Healy? That would be an embarrassment.

Posted on: 2010/10/4 13:57

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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gumbo wrote:
you need to distinguish nepotism from networking. the difference matters.

EXACTLY! One only needs to look at JC and Hudson County and count the number of husband/wife, father/son or daughter "teams" that are employed to know that something stinks.

A few "family" names I can remember off the top of my head that fit the above category are:


I know there are several more.

Posted on: 2010/10/2 15:37

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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you need to distinguish nepotism from networking. the latter can involve alumni networks, family friends, etc. the former involves family. the difference matters.

Posted on: 2010/10/2 12:40

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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2009/5/18 21:22
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Some people here have to get a life. There are a bunch of hypocrits here! Everyone one of you would accept help in getting a job so stop bullshitting everyone else.
You really sound pathetic!

Posted on: 2010/10/2 12:32

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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Sutherland wrote:
So what, many parents work hard to make life easier for their children.

yes, like kim jong-il.

Posted on: 2010/10/2 11:30

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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2010/8/17 1:45
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With the recent scandals that have rocked JC, this just looks like another crass move by the Mayor to protect his own interests, whether intended or not.

Posted on: 2010/10/2 4:08

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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2010/9/15 20:51
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If she had any "balls" or half a brain she would not have bothered to apply in Hudson County. Maybe no one else wanted her and Daddy was there to get her "something" ------at least for now !

Can't you get something on your own without Daddy's help?

Posted on: 2010/10/2 1:45

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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2010/1/22 18:54
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So what, many parents work hard to make life easier for their children.


gumbo wrote:
most likely she has received, and will continue to receive, plenty of "breaks" precisely because her father is the mayor. she should have gotten a job in another county.

Posted on: 2010/10/2 1:04

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Let me be the first to congratulate the next future JUDGE for JC..................Congratulation Catherine you earned the position and were the best person for the role!

Every position you have had so far, had nothing to do with the Healy name or influence and you scored high while studying.............

Resized Image

Posted on: 2010/10/1 23:44
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Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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2005/7/13 15:03
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gumbo wrote:
most likely she has received, and will continue to receive, plenty of "breaks" precisely because her father is the mayor. she should have gotten a job in another county.

And you should have gotten a job in another country.

Posted on: 2010/10/1 22:17

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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2007/4/17 14:28
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most likely she has received, and will continue to receive, plenty of "breaks" precisely because her father is the mayor. she should have gotten a job in another county.

Posted on: 2010/10/1 18:05

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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2010/1/22 18:54
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It's not difficult at all to move a case to another county if necessary. But I don't think this situation warrants it. While I don't know the status of the "parking ticket fix" matter what happens at the trial level has almost nothing to do with the appellate level until it gets there. Unlike New York, NJ doesn't have interlocatory appeals which for a litigator can be the biggest pain in the ass. So assuming it's at the trial level the kid isn't involved at all. If it makes it to the appellate level then she should be recused from that particular matter and another Jr. DA would be assigned to it.

While I'm no fan of Healy I wouldn't over dramatize the significance of his daughter getting this job. It's naive to believe that people don't use any connections they can to get a job. Especially in this climate. That's why people network, to benefit themselves and family members when legitimately possible. People join faternities, networking groups, attend particular schools all for the benefit of establishing relationships they could leverage.

This kid went to law school (at the cost of approximatley $120k) earned a law degree, a license to practice law, spent a year clerking for a judge. Give her a break. Practicing law sucks enough.

Posted on: 2010/10/1 18:00

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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2010/8/20 16:18
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Then, the question is: Is it difficult to move the case to other counties like the one, recent parking ticket fix ?

Posted on: 2010/10/1 16:20

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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2010/1/17 6:54
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Yes, iceshoot. You are spot on!

Freibot, a former police officer had his license suspended three times and had a previous DUI. He used to pull over cars to see if you had your valid drivers license while his was suspended at the time! Nice guy, huh?

Then he gets drunk, drives and kills a toddler, puts the toddlers mother in a coma for 2 years, then she dies leaving half a family, the dad and his 12 year old daughter by themselves.

Afterwards, it's revealed that he is Healey's cousin.

To put the icing on the cake, he gets 5 years in jail, and no extra jail time after she passed away which is one for the history books!

I have never, ever seen such a corrupted DUI case in ANY OTHER COUNTY like this one. In EVERY single case that I have seen, extra charges were placed on the perp upon the death of the victim, period!

It works out well if you are the mayors cousin and you are in HUDSON COUNTY COURTS...................................

If, by chance, you decide to look into the Freibot DUI Murder Case, make sure you have your Alka Seltzer nearby.

Posted on: 2010/10/1 16:12
>>> IT'S TOO LATE.....<<<

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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2010/1/22 18:54
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In a tight job market employers often look at where a candidate went to law school. While Seton Hall is not a top ranking school by any metric, it's not unusual for Seton Hall Law grads to land jobs at the county level with DAs etc. here in NJ, since it's a local school. Also, it's not unsual for criminal court law clerks to end up in the DA's office.

I'm just not sure how typical it is for a clerk from a trial level court to get a DA's slot at the appellate level.

I would have to believe that who her father was may have influenced her securing the judicial clerkship to some extent. I'm NOT SAYING her father influenced the decision at all. Of course familiarity often plays a role in hiring decisions, so I would vear away from any suggestion or intimation anything improper is going on. It's just a reality of life.

Overall she probably is as qualified as the next candidate, unless she was in the bottom quarter of her class. Even that wouldn't necessarily rule her out as qualified; especially since she has in fact passed the bar and it's common knowledge the law school grading system can be screwy. This is a jr. level position and she will have to earn her keep as time goes on.

In terms of a conflict of interest I would say there isn't one. This is a State level job not a municipal one. Conflicts would arise if her father were a State Appellate Judge.

Posted on: 2010/10/1 15:15

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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2009/10/7 15:46
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Fat_ass?I was going to ask a question similar to what you are saying.

Since the Mayor is really the top cop in Jersey City. He is the one who is really arresting you. How can his daughter prosecute any one from JC? A defendant?s lawyer could just say she was bias if he/she doesn?t like the outcome. Unless the court informs the defendant about the daughters relationship to the Mayor before hand. Sort of like when they question potential jurors? if they know anyone in law enforcement, court system, etc.

Anyone have the answer, just curious. (or am I over thinking... I do smell wood burning!)

Posted on: 2010/10/1 14:52

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Dad will have inside knowledge who being prosecuted and how strong or weak a case might be, not to mention who Police might have on the radar !

Do you really believe that when Daddy tells his daughter to go soft on someone or if he is being prosecuted himself, that she will do the best she can ?

Healy history suggests to me that her role / promotion to assistant prosecutor is Political !

Posted on: 2010/10/1 14:33
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Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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2007/11/28 3:26
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heights wrote:
Why shouldn't she be considered for the job she is just as qualified as anyone else applying.

How do you know?

Plus at least she lives here and was born and raised here. Congrats Catherine !!

How is this a plus? I'd say it is a negative.

Posted on: 2010/10/1 12:48

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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But why would she put herself in that spot to begin with? If she is qualified and a great candidate, surely there are other opportunities for her. Nepotism is what it is - there is no distinction for "well, yes - I got everyone in my extended family jobs, but they are all really, really good."

The fact that it's a job with the county really shouldn't change the discussion.


Posted on: 2010/10/1 11:03

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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2005/7/13 15:03
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Why shouldn't she be considered for the job she is just as qualified as anyone else applying. Plus at least she lives here and was born and raised here. Congrats Catherine !!

Posted on: 2010/10/1 2:27

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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2006/4/10 13:29
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Maybe she wants to live at home and walk to work.

Posted on: 2010/10/1 1:55

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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gumbo wrote:
does not pass the smell test...then again, neither does jersey city.

My wife says most everything on JC List could be divided into two categories called:

"What's that smell?"


"What's that sound?"

Maybe she's right.

Ian - maybe you're right. But why would she put herself in that spot to begin with? If she is qualified and a great candidate, surely there are other opportunities for her. Nepotism is what it is - there is no distinction for "well, yes - I got everyone in my extended family jobs, but they are all really, really good."

The fact that it's a job with the county really shouldn't change the discussion.

Posted on: 2010/10/1 1:53

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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2006/4/10 13:29
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I'll be the first in line to call out the administration for the knuckled headed things they've done or the corruption in local politics, but its not fair condemn someone only because of who her father is.

There have been a lot of aspersions bandied about here, but I don't see anyone critiquing her actual resume.

Posted on: 2010/10/1 1:42

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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fat-ass-bike wrote:

icechute wrote:
The nepotism never friggin ends!

Just about every relative of Healy, is working for the City or State.....even the one's that fail the psyc test to be a fire fighter!

Posted on: 2010/10/1 1:34

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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fat-ass-bike wrote:

icechute wrote:
The nepotism never friggin ends!

Just about every relative of Healy, is working for the City or State.....even the one's that fail the psyc test to be a fire fighter!

Don't forget the drunk-driving-killer Kevin Freibott.

Posted on: 2010/9/30 23:58

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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2010/9/15 20:51
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Nepotism isn't the word, how convenient his entire family is employed and everyone else stands in line "looking for anything". If we were related maybe I'd even have a job with the City !

Yeah I am sure it is based on experience - just way too convenient if you ask me. Are there any other jobs open that maybe his niece/nephew can get?

Posted on: 2010/9/30 23:49

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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icechute wrote:
The nepotism never friggin ends!

Just about every relative of Healy, is working for the City or State.....even the one's that fail the psyc test to be a fire fighter!

Posted on: 2010/9/30 23:41
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Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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2007/4/17 14:28
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does not pass the smell test...then again, neither does jersey city.

Posted on: 2010/9/30 23:37

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