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Re: 'Unlivable' building in Downtown Jersey City has black mold, water damage, holes in ceilings; six fa
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GrovePath wrote:
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Another well managed Del Forno building!

Posted on: 2011/9/1 13:59

Re: Backyard campfires? Are they legal?
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From the Uniform Fire Code:

N.J.A.C. 5:70-3, 307.4.2 (Recreational fires)

Recreational fires shall not be conducted within 25 feet of a structure or combustible material. Conditions which could cause a fire to spread within 25 feet of a structure shall be eliminated prior to ignition. Fires in approved containers shall be permitted, provided that such fires are not less than 15 feet from any structure.

Posted on: 2011/5/1 16:48

Re: Council approves introduction of budget that administration says won't raise taxes
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collinsjer2010 wrote:
In my post I did say that they got to keep their jobs which is a good thing, but they really had no choice in the matter. It was either do it or you lose your job. AND yes I do have a problem in that the FD was not used the same way. What's good for one is good for the other.

About 20% to 25% of the entire fire department has retired in the past 2 years alone. None of those positions were filled and 11 Deputy Positions remain vacant. That is a big piece of their operating budget. They also have placed 5 companies off duty to cut back on overtime.

Posted on: 2011/3/11 20:43

Re: Downtown: Williamsburg's Barcade (Bar Arcade) Coming to Newark Avenue
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Hrmph wrote:
Any word as to when this place might open? Saw some arcades moved in the last few days I've walked by but no one around to ask when doors will open.

I talked to a worker last week and they said that they will be open by the 19th.

Posted on: 2011/3/9 4:34

Re: mice
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I have the same problem. We have tried everything and it dosen't seem to work. You just have to get use to it.

Posted on: 2011/2/8 19:55

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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Vigilante wrote:
Blah, Blah, Blah. By the numbers you guys will be down about 15 cops per shift across the entire city. Save the scare tactics for your wife or girlfriend or whatever. I think the citizens will now be stepping up their watchdog tactics. Everyone carries a camera nowadays so no more lollygagging for you guys.


Posted on: 2011/1/3 2:21

Re: Bear hunt opponents rally today at NJ Statehouse in Trenton
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Yes Bear Meatloaf is actually really good , but last i checked plenty of Americans can not put food on the table. So they can donate it to local pantries.

Posted on: 2010/12/7 21:33

Re: Bear hunt opponents rally today at NJ Statehouse in Trenton
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Vigilante wrote:
Indian tribes hunt for food and are respectful and grateful for the animals they kill. These hunters do it for fun and are really just soul-less pussies.

Really?? Most hunters eat what they kill. Or they give it to family and friends to eat. Or they donate the meat to food shelters. I find what you stated to be extremely offensive. Lack of class!

Posted on: 2010/12/7 21:22

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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DanL wrote:
we still have not seen a laid out budget plan that should be driving the decisions (of what/where/how much to cut). if the decisions are made piecemeal, they are guaranteed to be bad decisions.

public safety should be the last to go. however, I do question the need for the police and fire director positions and their staff above the police and fire chiefs or at worst need only ONE public safety director.

eliminating the "semi-autonomous" agencies; JCIA, JCPD and especially the Parking Authority, their costs and redundancies while providing much needed civil service protections should have been on the plate of the mayor/council years ago. now, we learn it was studied, not acted on and the current effort is the opposite of what the study recommended.

Yes! The police and fire directors need to go! The autonomous agencies should also be eliminated. The JCIA should fall under the Department of Public Works.

I would also like to see the city look into contracting out for sanitation services. It is alot more cost efficient to contract it out to a private company and have jersey city residents work for them. The cost of waste disposal, salaries & benefits, equipment are just way to high. One new garbage truck costs around $300,000. CUT IT!

Posted on: 2010/12/3 15:23

Re: New Lights along Columbus Ave
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I found this quote from New Yorks Sixth:

"The city insists adding a lane of traffic is not an expansion but merely a cosmetic streetscape project"

What a disgrace!

Posted on: 2010/12/3 15:05

Re: New Lights along Columbus Ave
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itsaurora wrote:

YES! I also walk this way everyday and it's a huge annoyance. You never know if you'll have time to make it across or if you'll suddenly have to do a mad dash before the light changes.

Wait until it becomes a highway. We will be dodging cars left and right.

Posted on: 2010/12/2 21:42

Re: our tax dollars at work - crossing guards make $48/h
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I would believe the National Enquirer over the Jersey Journal anytime...

Posted on: 2010/11/30 15:22

Re: JCPD cutbacks
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hero69 wrote:
I propose that JerseyCityKid08 take a 15% pay cut or better yet, why not just eliminate his/her job. People make budget cutting sound so simple but their tone changes when it's their job/income//family's well-being.

I have taken a pay cut over the last few years. For the better of my business. Maybe city employees should think about not taking a raise for a few years. So they can save jobs and not cut services. Plenty of people want those jobs. If the top pay for a JCPD officer was 80,000 a year. You would still see the same amount of applications flowing into city hall.

Posted on: 2010/11/22 18:43

Re: yuppies/hipsters... "start your engines!"
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GrovePath wrote: I really don't see "yuppies/hipsters" going way over there for indoor go-carts... and at 45MPH only redneck parents will let their kids ride...
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Way over there??? It's a five minute drive from Downtown. This is great for the city. Another attraction to bring people to the city.

Posted on: 2010/11/22 18:35

Re: JCPD cutbacks
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JSleeze wrote:

- Eliminate the Parking Authority, just as they should eliminate the Incinerator Authority. Patronage pits that serve no purpose other than to award friends, family and campaign workers.

- The payroll of the police department was almost $97 million last year. If the union doesn't want layoffs, they should be willing to take an across the board 8% salary cut. If they don't like it - move back to Jersey City and vote.

- You can't lay off top brass. But you can reassign them. Make them earn their keep and suddenly, by reactivating the dead wood you won't miss the laid off nearly as much.

Agree the Parking Authority should be eliminated. I would also like to see a 8% salary cut across every single department. If you do not like it retire or go get another job. I fully support police officers and firefighters. I would just hate to see this city with fewer police officers and fewer firefighters due to the unions sucking us dry.

Posted on: 2010/11/22 18:18

Re: Value Plus on Newark Ave btw Erie and Grove
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bridif wrote:
Re: Burlington VT, I believe the same company planned the pedestrian malls in Burlington, Ithaca, NY and Boulder, CO. Couple this with the success of street closures on Broadway in Manhattan, and I think this Newark-as-pedestrian mall is a good idea. I live in Paulus Hook and I try to go to Newark Ave area for shopping and food as much as possible in order to support local businesses.

As someone who has walked/biked from PH to Newark Ave, I think another issue with downtown is the empty space between both neighborhoods. I usually stick to York and stop in at Tommy 2 Scoops on the way there or back. There isn't much else in between.

The sad part of that statement is Paulus Hook and Newark Ave were linked at one time. Newark Ave extended all the way down to Warren Street (pre 1960s). All the buildings along Newark Ave were later torn down for the construction of Gregory Park Apartments.

Posted on: 2010/11/4 16:33

Re: 235 earn over $175,000 -- Christie pushes cuts & pay caps for school superintendents
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ianmac47 wrote:
Real reform would be reducing the number of superintendents by eliminating school districts. Capping salaries just means driving qualified education executives into other fields or other states. Having more school districts than municipalities means a gross mismanagement of government resources.

Agreed. I would also like to see the consolidation of municipalities across the state. If your town has fewer than 15,000 people, it should have to merge with a town greater than 15,000. The number I came up with is irrelevant, but we really have way too many municipalities in this state. Ideally for a county like Hudson County they should merge East Newark & Harrison into Kearny. Then West New York, Guttenberg, North Bergen into Union City. And keep Secaucus, Jersey City, Bayonne, and Hoboken. So the county would have 6 municipalities. Then eliminate all local public safety agencies and provide that by the county level. And do so with other agencies. That is cutting the fat!

Posted on: 2010/11/2 16:38

Re: Your favorite Hi-Rise in downtown JC
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pranilrao wrote:
Avoid the metropolis towers!

It is the most affordable high rise in downtown Jersey City. Steps from the path...

Posted on: 2010/10/22 17:12

Re: Hoboken's Hit TV Show "Cake Boss" opening new JC location outside the Holland Tunnel on Grove Street
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nafco wrote:
A little off topic but its kind of strange that the no mans land between Jersey City and Hoboken still remains so valuless in terms of property. It seems that all that can exist there are gas stations, strip malls and vacant lots. You would think there would be a little more desire to build that area up being between two relatively decent urban areas. I guess it has a lot to do with the Holland Tunnel traffic right there.

I really wish we could see some smart development between downtown and Hoboken. A nice link between both cities would be beneficial for both. Downtown still has so much area for development.

Posted on: 2010/10/20 15:59

Re: Atomic Wings owners suing JC over delays in opening
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More tax dollars wasted on a lawsuit. Shame shame

Posted on: 2010/10/20 15:33

Re: Downtown: Police respond to 'large food fight' at Ferris High School confront 500 'rioting students'
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Our future Leaders!

Posted on: 2010/10/20 11:36

Re: Woman Robbed at Knifepoint on Mercer St.
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jcboyz wrote:
I agree, these are animals we are dealing with, not people! They deserve nothing but to rot in hell Legalize hand guns for the good citizens of NJ and crime falls that day. I live in the same area and I know exactly who to watch out for, it's not rocket science! If the cops weren't so busy getting over time jobs on construction sites, maybe they could actually walk the beat in Downtown JC. Or maybe we fire all the jerk off meter maids and hire more cops. Let the cops ticket the cars, at least they will be out and about.

They should look into hiring class 2 special police officers. Alot of shore towns hire them during season. They have complete police powers and carry. Fire all of the useless meter maids.

Posted on: 2010/10/20 11:34

Re: Woman Robbed at Knifepoint on Mercer St.
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PathH8Tr wrote:
Once again - what are the proactive things we citizens can do?

Carry baseball bats!!!!!!!

Posted on: 2010/10/20 2:28

Re: The Rosina - new construction luxury condo
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JadedJC wrote:
Yes. The gray shacks are a perfect example of historic preservation run amok. Residents in the neighborhood have complained on and off for years to Del Forno (they either own or manage the building) about the people hanging out there. At its worst you had people openly getting drunk, throwing all their plastic cups and beer cans into the street, harassing women walking by and getting into the occasional fight. It's only very recently that things have quieted down a bit over there. I suspect the Rosina's developer leaned on Del Forno because they were getting ready to start showing the building. I wonder how long that will last.

Is it me or is Del Forno slumlords. I have viewed many of their properties in the downtown area and to say the least they are pathetic. The tenaments on Columbus between Barrow and Jersey were renovated about 3 years ago. I asked why there was a drop ceiling throughout the apartment and the realtor said it was for fire protection purposes. Drive by that place and you can tell they really put their money into those buildings... I know they own a few of those tenaments on Barrow also by the park.

Posted on: 2010/10/19 19:11

Re: Best JC Sports Bar?
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Lucky 7s is a good place to watch the games. Check the website for specials...

Posted on: 2010/10/18 17:19

Re: Tickets for parking within 25 feet of a crosswalk
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jcdowntowner wrote:
I think this type of safety improvement would be great for saving lives throughout downtown Jersey City... ... osswalks-safer/#more-1256

New Jersey State law requires:

25 feet from a crosswalk

50 feet from a stop sign

I would like to see more of those bump-outs around.

Posted on: 2010/10/15 14:48

Re: Torico's Ice Cream
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They had plans on the wall for the exterior. Maybe that is what they are talking about?

Posted on: 2010/10/14 15:22

Re: Visitor Parking Permits/Parking Regulations
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spider wrote:
My friend lived on second st downtown for a year, no permit or anything and never got a ticket. Do they really enforce parking downtown? And a few times I've borrowed my girlfriend's car and took my chances parking on columbus while I went to work on a weekday, no ticket. I read some of you have gotten boots but I've never actually seen a car with one of them downtown. I'm bringing my car up here permanently in a week, I don't know if I'll have enough time to get a permit. Is it a grueling process if I go up to the place on central?

My friend got booted by 10am on a weekeday on Columbus. I see atleast a car a day on Columbus with a boot on. I would not take my chances.

Posted on: 2010/10/14 15:01

Re: Wolves in Liberty State Park
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itsaurora wrote:
There are no wolves in Liberty State Park but there is a pack of dogs that has been living in the park for many many years. You can regularly see them around dawn if you're in the area. LHS used to get one or two puppies in each summer that were assumed to be offspring of those dogs.

Can I adopt?

Posted on: 2010/10/12 16:43

Re: What type of restaurant/bar do you want?
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- A fresh seafood place around morris canal would be awesome. Nothing fancy just good fresh fish.

-Another neighborhood type of bar like 7s or white star would be nice too. Like the Grove/ Grand St Area.

Posted on: 2010/10/7 20:50

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