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Re: Have You seen this PATH PA
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2010/1/5 2:28
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Xerxes wrote:
Has anyone here ever SEEN alcohol poisoning? Not me. Some people would define alcohol posoning as a martini, or confuse being drunk with being poisoned.

Is the subtext to call the police if you see an underage drinker? Why confuse the issues? A major symptom of "alcohol poisoning" is unconsiousness, although it is also a symptom of SLEEP. So if they are concerned about alcohol posioning why the prattle about friends of underage drinkers and not passed-out drunks. If I see someone passd out on a train the odds are VERY great he is not a teenager.

An offshoot...if you KNOW that every whacko on a train will call the police if you are drunk, the logical inclination might be to DRIVE home.

The ad is stupid, placed by stupid nosy blu-nosed people, in a stupid place, with a likely outcome that is worse than "alcohol poisoning." Vomiting is far less dangerous than a head on car collision.

And here's a reality...people who see drunks passed out on trains look the other way.

Of all the stupid ads on PATH, and they are the rule, this one is close to the stupidest.

Yes, I have seen it and I was very scared...Most people that have gone to college have seen it. I think the point of this add is aimed at the groups of kids you see late night (2 or 3am) on the path heading home. Its NOT an add advising you to rat on underage drinkers. Its to send a message to minors and inexperienced kids that they dont have to be afraid of punishment. Their friends health is far more important.

But I guess if the message isnt getting sent to adults on JClist then it has no chance of getting through to minors.

Posted on: 2010/9/23 0:55

Re: Have You seen this PATH PA
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2004/12/29 17:58
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Has anyone here ever SEEN alcohol poisoning? Not me. Some people would define alcohol posoning as a martini, or confuse being drunk with being poisoned.

Is the subtext to call the police if you see an underage drinker? Why confuse the issues? A major symptom of "alcohol poisoning" is unconsiousness, although it is also a symptom of SLEEP. So if they are concerned about alcohol posioning why the prattle about friends of underage drinkers and not passed-out drunks. If I see someone passd out on a train the odds are VERY great he is not a teenager.

An offshoot...if you KNOW that every whacko on a train will call the police if you are drunk, the logical inclination might be to DRIVE home.

The ad is stupid, placed by stupid nosy blu-nosed people, in a stupid place, with a likely outcome that is worse than "alcohol poisoning." Vomiting is far less dangerous than a head on car collision.

And here's a reality...people who see drunks passed out on trains look the other way.

Of all the stupid ads on PATH, and they are the rule, this one is close to the stupidest.

Posted on: 2010/9/23 0:32

Re: Have You seen this PATH PA
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2010/2/24 17:18
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Tash wrote:

landshark wrote:
What is wrong with it? I think it is good to let minors know that if their friend might have alcohol poisoning they can call an ambulance and not worry about getting in trouble for underage drinking.

I don't have the problem with the law but they way it's communicated...up to two friends? what about if you are with 3 friends? Just really weird.

I thought the same thing Tash, every time I see it I'm like WTF what if it was 3, 4 or 5 friends, who gets to pick who gets in trouble and who is cleared from the law. It's a good PSA though.

Posted on: 2010/9/22 18:00

Re: Have You seen this PATH PA
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2009/11/2 21:03
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landshark wrote:
What is wrong with it? I think it is good to let minors know that if their friend might have alcohol poisoning they can call an ambulance and not worry about getting in trouble for underage drinking.

I don't have the problem with the law but they way it's communicated...up to two friends? what about if you are with 3 friends? Just really weird.

Posted on: 2010/9/22 15:07

Re: Have You seen this PATH PA
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2008/4/23 15:27
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I knew a girl in FL who let her roommate die because she was afraid of getting arrested if she called 911.

Laws like this are important.

Posted on: 2010/9/22 15:02

Re: Have You seen this PATH PA
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2009/12/30 14:44
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A. If you have to question whether it is alcohol poisoning then you should just make the call.

B. Better then the cost of a funeral.

C. It is a state law. ... ifeline%20legislation.pdf

Posted on: 2010/9/22 14:47

Re: Have You seen this PATH PA
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2004/12/29 17:58
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A. How can one tell a if a friend is suffering from "alcohol poisoning?" I've never seen it defined.

B. Does immunity extend to the cost of the ambulance...say $1,000 and hospitalization, perhaps $2,000 more? Will drugfreeNJ pick up the tab?

C. If someone IS arrested because the cops haven't read the announcement, will drugfreeNJ provide a free lawyer?
I doubt that claiming "Oh, but the SIGN said..." is much of a legal defense.

Sounds like Carrie Nation is getting out her axe again.

The subtext is that if you see someone drunk on PATH call 911. The cops will come and give a breathalizer test and go from there. Next St. Paddy's Day should be a laugh riot.

Posted on: 2010/9/22 14:40

Re: Have You seen this PATH PA
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2009/12/30 14:44
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2023/9/18 21:02
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What is wrong with it? I think it is good to let minors know that if their friend might have alcohol poisoning they can call an ambulance and not worry about getting in trouble for underage drinking.

Posted on: 2010/9/22 14:23

Have You seen this PATH PA
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2009/11/2 21:03
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2014/6/14 1:55
From Heights
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Have you seen this Public Announcement on the PATH train? WTF?

Posted on: 2010/9/22 14:19

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2010/3/13 14:53
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2015/4/22 0:05
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From Jersey City Independent
By Jon Whiten ? Sep 16th, 2010

Plenty of Jersey City commuters like to complain about the PATH service; but if you have ever wanted to actually do something to help make the system better, now is your chance.

The Port Authority is forming a new PATH Patron Advisory Committee that will meet for four consecutive weeks next month, on Tuesdays or Wednesdays from 6 to 8 pm at Journal Square.

Being a member of the committee allows you to meet PATH?s management team, learn more about PATH service and, perhaps most importantly, share your personal experiences and suggest improvements for how to make the service better.

Space for the committee is ?extremely limited,? according to PATH officials. To be considered, you can fill out this registration form online, or call 201-216-6247.

You will be notified if you?ve been selected between September 20 and 24. ... atron-advisory-committee/

Posted on: 2010/9/16 20:06
The Jersey City Independent is the alternative news and culture source for Jersey City. or

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2007/11/29 18:19
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I asked about this years ago. The sort of flip response was that it was a public safety issue that they didn't want terrorists to put bombs in the trash cans.

Meanwhile, I always get pegged for bag search. Token white guy to even out the profiling. Ughhh.

I say loose the searches and bring back the trash cans.


Posted on: 2010/8/28 0:38

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2008/11/8 15:38
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How come there isn't a single garbage can anywhere in the Grove Street or the 33rd Street stations? I'm sure the same is true at the other stations, but I don't use them.

Posted on: 2010/8/27 23:57

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2004/12/29 17:58
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You must be talking about the OTHER PATH train...the one in Utopia.

OUR PATH train connecting NY and NJ has management that cares not a whit about its customers and their complaints. Otherwise we would not have filthy stations with 6 month old garbage on the tracks, 100 degree stations, expensive television systems broadcasting NOTHING. Remember, this is the train line that collected BILLIONS in fare increases for the sole purpose of lengthening all the stations to accept longer trains and ease crowding

I'm sure they all got a good laugh about THAT one.

"Hey let's stop the weekend train between Hoboken and WTC...that'll REALLY piss 'em off."

Any complaint system they set up will fail very quickly, just like all their schemes...but in the meantime they will get a good laugh at our complaints.

"Hey Jim, 2 people were hospitalized from the heat. Isn't that a friggen SCREAM!"

Posted on: 2010/8/27 21:43

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2006/4/10 13:29
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Xerxes wrote:
Alas, I'm sure they haven't budgeted for anyone to actually READ the incoming messages.

Like a button on a stoplight that is connected to nothing. that people push to feel better.

Not true. The messages are read and their contents considered; large quantities of similar complaints are tracked and tallied.

Posted on: 2010/8/18 1:39

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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Alas, I'm sure they haven't budgeted for anyone to actually READ the incoming messages.

Like a button on a stoplight that is connected to nothing. that people push to feel better.

Posted on: 2010/8/17 14:20

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2006/4/10 13:29
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Supposedly the new PATH customer service email address is

Posted on: 2010/8/17 1:33

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2005/7/13 15:03
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margel wrote:
Yes, Heights, that's what you need to do. It's not difficult, but it takes time and is easy to screw up. But it's far easier to go to Google Maps, and click on the station, and see the list of upcoming departures. It takes 2 seconds that way and doesn't require you to mentally step off times. Why can't the PATH website do that?!

It's a chore, much easier to just flip open the PMS guide and look for your route. Logging on, typing in, clicking here and there, it's just too much.

Posted on: 2010/8/10 1:05

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2009/11/17 0:49
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heights wrote:

margel wrote:
(especially since the published timetables are nearly impossible to use with their "every 15 minutes until..." BS).

I think if more attention (learning) was paid to the printed schedules they would be understood. It is every 15 minutes from the departure time of your station till the next schedule of departures in the row below. For example if the departure time is 7:10 leaving every 10 minutes till 8:35 then it is 7:10, 7:20, 7:30, 7:40, 7:50, 8:00 and so forth till 8:30 being the last of the 10 minute departures then the next train is 8:35 and what ever minutes in between till the next new scheduled departure time. If it is every 20 minutes then it would be 8:35, 8:55, 9:15...... in you station column.

Yes, Heights, that's what you need to do. It's not difficult, but it takes time and is easy to screw up. But it's far easier to go to Google Maps, and click on the station, and see the list of upcoming departures. It takes 2 seconds that way and doesn't require you to mentally step off times. Why can't the PATH website do that?!

Posted on: 2010/8/9 23:11

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2005/7/13 15:03
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margel wrote:
(especially since the published timetables are nearly impossible to use with their "every 15 minutes until..." BS).

I think if more attention (learning) was paid to the printed schedules they would be understood. It is every 15 minutes from the departure time of your station till the next schedule of departures in the row below. For example if the departure time is 7:10 leaving every 10 minutes till 8:35 then it is 7:10, 7:20, 7:30, 7:40, 7:50, 8:00 and so forth till 8:30 being the last of the 10 minute departures then the next train is 8:35 and what ever minutes in between till the next new scheduled departure time. If it is every 20 minutes then it would be 8:35, 8:55, 9:15...... in you station column.

Posted on: 2010/8/9 18:32

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2009/11/17 0:49
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pathsux wrote:
The "next train" ticker under the NBC commericals displays FALSE INFORMATION.


PATHS information systems are USELESS if they don't represent TRUE INFORMATION.

If memory serves, the tickers say "next SCHEDULED train..."
While it would be nice if they were kept updated with real-time information, such as with the L-trains in NY, it is still useful to know what the next scheduled train is (especially since the published timetables are nearly impossible to use with their "every 15 minutes until..." BS). So I don't agree that it's USELESS. Basically you're complaining about the train being 5 minutes late. With the PATH, that ain't so bad.

Posted on: 2010/8/9 17:29

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2004/12/29 17:58
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Late-morning (10-11AM ish) Friday, August 6. No trains from Newport to messages.
Took train to Grove to try method 2. Waited a half hour at Grove. They were holding a train going TOWARDS JSQ in the station but nothing coming towards WTC on the empty track. No messages.

The slimy little pricks even stop the routine boring message, so all you get is silence. That's the way a 2 year old behaves when he knows he's been bad.

Took an hour to get from Pavonia to WTC, a normal 6 minute ride. It seemed longer in this god-forsaken platform heat.

PLEASE save me from this train!

Posted on: 2010/8/9 14:08

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)

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2009/9/4 17:53
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The "next train" ticker under the NBC commericals displays FALSE INFORMATION.

Grove St PATH
Saturday 8/7, 6:15am

Trains to WTC are supposed to depart 6:15am. I arrive at 6am just in case the train is early.

The tv 'ticker' scroll says "The next train to WTC will be at 6:15am".

6:15 arrives. No train. The tv ticker immediately switches to "The next train to WTC will be at 6:45am".

The train arrives at 6:20am, 5 minutes late.

The public address system said nothing about the train being late. It just kept repeating useless "pick up your trash" psa's.

The tv ticker under the NBC commercials displayed preprogramed info, that has nothing to due with when the trains actually arrive/depart.

PATHS information systems are USELESS if they don't represent TRUE INFORMATION.

Voice your concerns about PATH service at

Posted on: 2010/8/9 13:48

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2005/7/13 15:03
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PathH8Tr wrote:
Go to GROVE PATH yesterday afternoon. Escalator broken going up, opposite escalator used for going down is going up. Have to go down stairs. PATH employee blocking it with mop bucket and him mopping. Say excuse me twice and the dude doesn\'t move. Not an inch. Have to shimmy past and step over bucket.
Walk down stairs to PATH, three PATH employees sitting on stairs blocking people from walking down, swearing \"F*ck this, F*ck that\" about something they\'re evidently all pissed off about. Dude is about 300 lbs of fatness and blocking the entire stair, I have to shimmy past him. They don\'t budge.
WTC train sits there for about 8 minutes not moving.
Me loves my PATH train. So delightful.

The guy mopping is sub-contracted hired by PATH. He should have heard you, it happens to me as well especially at the 9th St. station the guy even looked at me and smiled they just don\'t get it. People today are quick to tune out others.
Were the PATH employees that were blocking the stairs wearing blue security uniforms, they too are sub-contracted hired by PATH. They have some sort of authority and convey information along with the actual PATH passenger information agent employees wearing the red jackets and shirts.
Also did you check the Newark bound train schedule to see if it was time yet for the train to depart ?? I hate it when the security guard blocks the threshold area when exiting the handicap turnstile at the WTC and the threshold to the corridor to the WTC elevator.

Posted on: 2010/7/29 12:27

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2008/4/14 22:24
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Hehe yeah, the new trains do have a slight crap smell to them. But that's definitely a different smell from the rotten eggs smell from WTC to Exchange. The combo smell of both is pretty awesome.


I_heart_JC wrote:

JadedJC wrote:

AmyJCNJ wrote:
Ok this is really starting to bother me. Has anyone noticed the new PATH trains smell funky when you first get in? It smells like stinky baby diapers. Seriously what is that funky smell?

I've noticed it, too. This time of year, I suspect it has to do condensation/mildew in the air conditioning system.

I've only noticed it on the WTC trains (new and old), and wonder if maybe that tunnel runs parallel to a sewer line.

Posted on: 2010/7/29 3:36

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2007/2/3 21:36
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PathH8Tr wrote:

Walk down stairs to PATH, three PATH employees sitting on stairs blocking people from walking down, swearing "F*ck this, F*ck that" about something they're evidently all pissed off about. Dude is about 300 lbs of fatness and blocking the entire stair, I have to shimmy past him. They don't budge.

WTC train sits there for about 8 minutes not moving.

Me loves my PATH train. So delightful.

no matter what the size or uniform of the offending party, if some (non-geriatric or cane-equipped) slack-ass is sitting on the stairs, I manage to *accidentally* knock him/her in the head with my messenger back as I shimmy past.

Posted on: 2010/7/29 1:11

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2010/7/17 13:37
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Go to GROVE PATH yesterday afternoon. Escalator broken going up, opposite escalator used for going down is going up. Have to go down stairs. PATH employee blocking it with mop bucket and him mopping. Say excuse me twice and the dude doesn't move. Not an inch. Have to shimmy past and step over bucket.

Walk down stairs to PATH, three PATH employees sitting on stairs blocking people from walking down, swearing "F*ck this, F*ck that" about something they're evidently all pissed off about. Dude is about 300 lbs of fatness and blocking the entire stair, I have to shimmy past him. They don't budge.

WTC train sits there for about 8 minutes not moving.

Me loves my PATH train. So delightful.

Posted on: 2010/7/28 15:00

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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JadedJC wrote:

AmyJCNJ wrote:
Ok this is really starting to bother me. Has anyone noticed the new PATH trains smell funky when you first get in? It smells like stinky baby diapers. Seriously what is that funky smell?

I've noticed it, too. This time of year, I suspect it has to do condensation/mildew in the air conditioning system.

I've only noticed it on the WTC trains (new and old), and wonder if maybe that tunnel runs parallel to a sewer line.

Posted on: 2010/7/25 2:21

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2010/7/24 19:55
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I've ridden the new cars often and I've smelled nothing. You people are a bunch of whiners.

Posted on: 2010/7/25 2:10

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2009/8/10 19:53
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No A/C on my way into the city last night around 5:30, from Grove Street to 33rd. Urgh.

Posted on: 2010/7/25 1:39

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2005/9/6 15:48
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For some reason I think they use non-potable water (i.e. direct from sewage treatment) to wash the cars in the summer.
That has always left a bad odor.
But the new cars do seem to be outgassing some sort of volatile chemical smell. And it does seem to make a particularly noxious combination with the wash water.
I was thinking of speaking to one of the conductors about it last week, but let it pass. If I had to work all day in one of those cars I'd want my union to look into it and do some air sampling. It might be like those GE trailers that the government used to house people after Katrina. People were getting sick from the outgassed formaldehyde.

Posted on: 2010/7/24 0:43

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