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Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
2007/6/27 22:27 Last Login : 2012/4/20 14:33 From Hamilton Park
Registered Users
Glad you asked. There's a meeting of the Hamilton Park Neighborhood Association tonight at 7:45 at the Cordero School. Please come so that we can hear your thoughts on this very important issue.
Posted on: 2010/6/2 13:58
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
I have kids, and I have spent a lot of time in the park over the past three years. I have never once seen or even heard of an incident involving the guys playing basketball. So some of them are slobs and litterbugs. Big deal. So are some of the parents, kids, dogwalkers, and everyone else. Every time I'm there I pick up trash that kids and parents in the playground leave around. I've seen the litter under the bleachers, and it is disgusting, but no more disgusting than litter in the playground and certainly no more than dog pee and shite on the grass.
The basketball court has been packed with guys enjoyng it every time I've been down there, so that shows that there is a need for it. There may be some problems with the basketball courts, but they just don't seem extreme enough to warrant the amount of complaints here. It seems like there might be something else is at play, and we all know what it is.
Posted on: 2010/6/2 13:40
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
I play basketball, I am not a hooligan. Basketball is in a majority of the parks across America and I can say that in my five year living in Jersey City I have frequently played at all the parks in the downtown area and the heights and believe this or not, I am an adult with full-time employment a college grad and have no criminal record. Stop nitpicking over a good thing for the community because you don't play basketball, there are plenty other things to enjoy at the park. If basketball is an eyesore keep your focus to your book, your dog in the dog run or your child in the playground. I was at the park on Saturday, it surprised me to see how great it actually was.
Posted on: 2010/6/2 13:37
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
2007/11/28 3:26 Last Login : 2014/10/27 13:13 From The fog.
Registered Users
Now you're talking.
Posted on: 2010/6/2 13:24
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
I'd trade the court AND the kiddie playground for an outdoor, NHL size ice hockey rink.
Posted on: 2010/6/2 13:18
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
Why is it so difficult to comprehend that a basketball court is noisy at night? The boucing of the ball, the shouting of the players. The noise of the tennis courts would be equally annoying but it seems that the tennis players go home at a decent hour.
Posted on: 2010/6/2 13:14
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Why are you so uptight about a basketball court in your's a park, for kids and adults to play. You'd rather a garden?
This is just a wild guess, but is it safe to say you are out of shape, and bitter? I find it hard to beleive you would try SO hard to get rid of something so many people use. Maybe it's just a matter of racism and prejudgement..after all basketball is riddled with hooligans right?
Posted on: 2010/6/2 13:07
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
In my opinion, it was a terrible idea to keep the basketball court in this park -- because during the park renovation planning (in it?s earliest stage) where participating folks were asked to express and rank their top three needs to come from a renovation, the basketball court ranked very low. The participants favored adequate play areas for the children and wanted space for their dogs to run free. They also valued open green space & gardens. I saw the results and those were the top 3 items residents voted for in the study.
So the final plan included these new items and even included 2 playgrounds and 2 dog runs, but it also included all the low ranking items too. I don?t believe there were any options in regards to moving the court out of historic Hamilton park, and into the recreational park at Enos Jones, where it could have remained in the neighborhood but would not be surrounded by homes. I was (and still am) very disappointed that this court was left in place with money spent to improve it, when so many folks voted it a ?low priority?. The court supporters and decision makers that allowed that court to remain in our historic park should be the ones cleaning up the litter. And they know who they are.
Posted on: 2010/6/2 2:59
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Just can't stay away
"hooligans" is a nice, generic, and laid-back term to refer jackasses of any race, creed or color. if you find the word suggestive, check your own preconceptions. BB players in public parks may or may not be hooligans, but in JC the odds favor it.
Posted on: 2010/6/2 1:05
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
Racism or classism? Probably. A lot of people have reasoned that we must have BB courts for these "kids" less they fill their days by mugging, robbing and murdering us. I oppossed this court because it is way too close to residents homes and it attracts tons of litter. The people who litter around the court do so for the same reason I don't, it's the way they were raised. As far as being "progressive" goes? Do you mean like NOT LITTERING and ACTING LIKE A RESPONSIBLE ADULT?
Posted on: 2010/6/2 1:03
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
Nice thought BUT... Big but..... I agree. You'd think our prop taxes would take care of it all, but...they don't. And its crazy to see other states and their wonderfully maintained parks while having much lower taxes. So damn frustrating. But, I would happily pay another $100 bucks or even more a year to keep the park available to only those who give a shit about its quality. Screw everyone else.
Posted on: 2010/6/1 23:11
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Not too shy to talk
I agree with Rachel. I am surprised to read some of the things said in this thread. Rachel, JC is quite progressive so give it a chance. However, it is newly renovated and prestine so it is understandable that people are upset about the garbage left behind in park.
By the way, does anyone know how often the city cleans the park and empties the trash cans in the park? The cans in the dog runs were overflowing this afternoon.
Posted on: 2010/6/1 21:27
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
2008/2/19 19:39 Last Login : 2018/2/27 11:11 From Hamilton Park
Registered Users
Nice thought BUT... Big but..... My friggen tax hikes this year alone paid for more than enough. You ask me to pay for a dog run or tennis courts and I might @#$#$%^&%^ you!! I would have agreed if the politics in this city were even half way honest but they already have us property owners pretty locked up
Posted on: 2010/6/1 21:26
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
A Behanding at Hamilton Park starring Christopher Walkin. LOL!
Posted on: 2010/6/1 20:54
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
This thread should be adapted and put on Broadway.
Posted on: 2010/6/1 20:45
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
2007/11/28 3:26 Last Login : 2014/10/27 13:13 From The fog.
Registered Users
Yeah, listen to the newbie from Brooklyn.
Posted on: 2010/6/1 20:37
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
I just moved to Jersey City from Brooklyn, NY and it is pretty shocking how few "progressive people" live here. Including all of the people ranting about the "Hooligans, and BB types" that a simple basketball court attracts.
Basketball is a $3.2 billion business within this country and I am sure the sport attracts both good folks and not so good folks just the same. I am sorry to have to lift my eye brow and wonder if some of these complaints about the courts being preserved has some racist, classist, undertones. Litter is a problem within many urban communities and can only be combated by educating park users. I am actually in favor of a court lock down if users can not keep it clean. Self policing is the best way to ensure we take care of our neigborhood, and mob confrontations will probably cause tension between groups, and possibly even violence or vandalism. In Brooklyn there are many progressive communities that are also extremely diverse, both culturally and socioeconomically. No way do I think there will be 100% peace and harmony within any urban community, however I do think there is an interesting balance in BK. I was hoping to find a similar, but smaller version of this in JC. Either way I hope BB court users get it together and I also hope this community exhibits a bit more tolerance and tact when dealing with public issues.
Posted on: 2010/6/1 20:18
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
And what happens when the kids using the basketball court decline to be guided by the friendly park employee?
Posted on: 2010/6/1 20:15
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
2008/5/6 6:21 Last Login : 2022/11/28 18:03 From Jersey City, NJ
Registered Users
Sorry if I was not clear. Use of the park should be free. I am referring to use of the tennis court, dog run, basketball should be for a fee; one fee for all. It could be $15.00 per year. The point is that the fee will pay the salary for someone to be there full time to enforce the rules. I have seen this done in public parks elsewhere in NJ and it works great. The fee also permits you to bring free guests. And stops out of towners from getting membership. I will gladly pay $50.00/per year to have an attendant enforcing the rules. But this city is so messed up that you would prefer to have a police officer who makes $80,000.00/year standing there all summer enforcing the rules. $20 X 500 memberships = $10,000.00 a nice summer job. A police officer standing around all summer = a waste of taxpayer money.
Posted on: 2010/6/1 20:04
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
It's not fair to charge a fee for use of a public park as if it's some kind of country club. You point out that this would need to be enforced. Use these enforcement powers not to charge fees and ensure that they've been paid, but to enforce rules to keep the park clean by fining people who litter.
Posted on: 2010/6/1 19:46
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
2008/5/6 6:21 Last Login : 2022/11/28 18:03 From Jersey City, NJ
Registered Users
Charging people is a brilliant idea; I have seen this work for public tennis courts in other cities in NJ.
Charge one annual fee of $50.00 that includes use of the dog run, tennis, and basketball. There will be an attendant on duty to enforce the rules. Photo ID will be issued. Kids that are with the league get free ID cards. Its all good and the fee covers the attendants salary plus extras like free balls, towels, and lessons on how to behave. Quote:
Posted on: 2010/6/1 19:40
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Just can't stay away
frustration with hooligans on a BB court is totally understandable...but there is no good's there, it's not going away, and there's no realistic "enforcement" mechanism that a democratic society should accept to monitor use of a public park during normal park hours. patrols through the area? sure. see someone littering? fine them--yay. see brawls? take appropriate action. but this should be happening already...
Posted on: 2010/6/1 19:11
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
The basketball court is always going to be a nuisance. ALWAYS. Due to the type of person that it attracts. Mostly, a bunch of asshole teenagers.
Besides that, a basketball court should never be allowed so close to peoples' homes. The yelling, screaming and cursing that goes on is disgusting. And the fact that it continues until late at night. I think that everyone who wants to use the park should have to pay an annual fee for a license to use it. No license? You can't go in the park. You get caught littering, not picking up after your dog? License revoked, get the f out, you can't use the park. Want to use the park again? 10 hours of mandatory park service. Do it again, BANNED for a year. The park needs some kind of authority to enforce rules. It shouldn't be up to the citizens to go around and make people clean up after themselves. I could just imagine what kind of response I would get telling a bunch of kids to clean up and throw their junk out.
Posted on: 2010/6/1 17:14
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
I don't get it.
Posted on: 2010/6/1 15:11
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
The signs designating the pet free lawns - the two sections in the NW section of the park closest to the children's play area should be installed soon.
Also, the Public Works employee that handles the basketball league will be at this month's HPNA meeting (June 2 - Cordero School). Not all of the litter can be blamed on the league, but residents have pointed out that they are part of the problem. Ideas to discourage littering, and organized clean up efforts will be discussed. The open discussion segment (park issues) is 8:45PM and the meeting begins at 7:45PM. Quote:
Posted on: 2010/6/1 14:56
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
lake hopatcong state park will give you several clear garbage bags with your license plate # written on them to bag your trash up. the clear bags and the license plate # are just in case they find alcohol containers there they can come and get you. they do charge parking at that park, so that's probably why they "give" you the bags, also to try to catch the people boozing at the state park.
my dog pees as soon as we hit the bottom of the stairs outside and poops on 5th and jersey almost always...he will occasionally mark but it's really very rare. he spends literally the whole day walking other dogs with me so by the time we get over to hamilton on a weekday he's already emptied out. Quote:
Posted on: 2010/6/1 14:54
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
What I do is to walk my dog before taking her into the park to let her relieve herself. Then, because she feels the need to mark everything, I keep her away from the grass and vegetation on the way to the dog run. I don't think it's fair to have dogs pee all over the nice grass where people picnic.
Posted on: 2010/6/1 12:21
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
Boy, the park is really nice!
My only concern is about some of the people with dogs. I saw multiple owners letting their furry buddies relieve themselves (both #1 and #2) in close proximity to children and families in what I believe is the no-pet part of the park. Even if you pick it up, poop will still leave a residue on the grass which is definitely a health hazard to the little kids I saw running around on / rolling in / eating of / crawling upon / the grass. Maybe someone from the dog community could help to organize an awareness campaign about the dangers of mixing pooches and kiddies, and make sure everybody keeps it safe and healthy.
Posted on: 2010/6/1 12:19
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
Ideally, some people would be willing to carry their trash out of the park. I don't mean dog waste, since that's a bit much, but food waste. I know some state-run parks have few to no garbage cans and signs asking the public to please take their trash with them. Maybe that's a budget thing, but people seem to comply. So let's see...We could keep the garbage cans we have and encourage people who litter to use them, and we could ask some more progressive people to carry out their trash. They would bring it home rather than simply dump it just outside the park.
Posted on: 2010/6/1 11:47