Re: Cops don't have to abide by laws that they enforce?
Home away from home
Ive said this before and I'll say it again, the biggest obsticle to Jersey City residents being able to achieve the quality of life they deserve is the lack of enforcement and do as I say not as I do attitude that many Jersey City Police have. They don't lead by example and in many instances don't show show up when you call them. Jersey City will never reach it's true potential without officers who care about the community they serve and do the right thing.
Posted on: 2011/12/22 13:55
Re: Downtown: 30 girls assault another girl in Jersey City park
Home away from home
Was ANYONE arrested???
Posted on: 2011/10/13 16:06
Re: should restuarants/bars/coffee shops be allowed to host live entertainment?
Home away from home
Any ideas on what can be done about the lack of code enforcement? I think many people have lost faith in the JCPD's ability and desire to address quality of life issues. I'm sure many people have experienced calling them for a non emergency situation only to have them not show up at all. Honestly, if a bar or it's patrons are being loud and police are called I don't think the police would do much. They would probably just get irate at the person who called!
Posted on: 2011/10/12 18:17
Re: should restuarants/bars/coffee shops be allowed to host live entertainment?
Home away from home
I think most people would be for this but the key to it being successful is in your long as noise ordinances are fairly and consistently enforced. Most people have come to realize that the JCPD are very inconsistent in enforcing anything. You can call them about quality of life issues and be lucky if they show up at all...they don't really consider it to be part of their job priorities.
Posted on: 2011/10/1 15:22
Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
Home away from home
The only reason I say go to the associations is because it is easier for city hall/ elected officials to ignore small groups than it is for them to ignore large organized ones. I commend you for wanting to fight for a cleaner Jersey City and look forward to hearing how your Trash to City Hall venture turns out. Best of luck.
Posted on: 2011/9/14 12:59
Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
Home away from home
Yep! Lol
Posted on: 2011/9/14 0:19
Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
Home away from home
Safe to assume you didn't like my course of action recommended in post 106?
Posted on: 2011/9/14 0:18
Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
Home away from home
The Jersey City Incinerator Authority handles trash and fines. These issues have been brought to their attention for many years now with no change. My recommendation is to try to rally the various neighborhood associations around the cause...there is power in numbers. The only way to invoke meaningful change is to have the associations pressure the politicians who can then lean on the JCIA to clean things up, fine people and take pride in their jobs! Coordinate a strong message with the Neighborhood Associations and you'll at least have a fighting chance.
Posted on: 2011/9/12 21:33
Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
Home away from home
ENFORCEMENT or lack thereof in Jersey City is THE biggest obstacle to a better quality of life. Laws and ordinances become meer words on a paper without politicians, police officers or govt agencies to support them.
Posted on: 2011/9/12 20:46
Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
Home away from home
Jersey City needs politicians that care and ENFORCEMENT that wants to make a difference in quality of life issues
Posted on: 2011/9/12 16:31
Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
Home away from home
Get involved with your local neighborhood association and voice your concerns. No matter what course of action you choose to take just realize in the end no matter what you do you can't make people/ d-bags care. Good luck
Posted on: 2011/9/11 18:13
Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
Home away from home
Ticketing would require ENFORCMENT which is something sorely lacking in Jersey City. The JCPD and JCIA refuse to make any effort when it comes to quality of life issues. Residents illegally dump household trash in public cans, the cans overflow and then they are removed. High school kids go to local pizza joints, buy food and drink and leave trash all over neighborhoods. No fines are issued, no cans replaced and people have to continually live in filth. Enforcement/cooperation is greatly needed.
Posted on: 2011/9/11 17:35
Re: 52-Yr-Old Heights man, Juan Irizarry, Stabbed 23-Yr-Old Girlfriend In Face While Driving with Kids
Home away from home
Unbelievable!!! A 52 year old man with a 23 year old woman driving piss drunk with two young kids in the back...stabs her in the face with a key, she dives out of the van and he crashes twice. Now what is society supposed to do with a-holes like this? Makes me think we need to institute corporal punishment for extreme cases of disregard for child safety.
Posted on: 2011/9/4 14:05
Re: It's Greek To Me
Home away from home
I have to agree, the pricing is why I never went back.
Posted on: 2011/9/2 2:24
Re: What do you think about the partying at night by the Exchange Place PATH?
Home away from home
The problem is that if things did get rough out there, the cops MIGHT show up and chase them away without arresting anyone. Then the incidents would happen again and again and again.
Posted on: 2011/8/19 22:19
Re: What do you think about the partying at night by the Exchange Place PATH?
Home away from home
Posted on: 2011/8/19 14:41
Re: What do you think about the partying at night by the Exchange Place PATH?
Home away from home
Quote: I think people get concerned due to the history of Jersey City's lack of enforcement. Parties like these start out innocently enough but in time can grow to large public disturbances/fights not to mention large quanties of trash being left all over the area. These situations can escalate and continue to occur repeatedly do to the fact that when police are called they fail to show up or if they do show they arrest no one. Drinking/open containers in public is illegal
Posted on: 2011/8/19 14:24
Re: Downtown: Police arrest Efrain Torres (from the Island Area) in 5 a.m. burglary of SUV
Home away from home
What Blockwatcher said is the straight up truth. He and his brother loiter on Monmouth between Newark and Fourth St and sell drugs, fight, get drunk, loud and obnoxious and cause a lot of problems for the residents who live there. Now I guess you can add burglary to the list. The police/ judge needs to ban him and his gang of hoodlums from the area, residents should not have to endure these punks lowering the quality of life.
Posted on: 2011/8/2 16:13
Re: Downtown: Police arrest Efrain Torres (from the Island Area) in 5 a.m. burglary of SUV
Home away from home
One of the requirements of his probation should be he needs to stay away from Monmouth St between Newark Ave and Fifth St. area or face immediate arrest. That is the area this crime was committed not to mention the majority of other crimes he commits daily. The residents need Efrain, his brother Frankie and their crew out of the neighborhood!
Posted on: 2011/8/2 12:24
Re: Downtown: Police arrest Efrain Torres (from the Island Area) in 5 a.m. burglary of SUV
Home away from home
Efrain,s brother's name is Frankie and it is true, they BOTH have been a menace on Monmouth St between Newark and Fourth St for years. Frankie was arrested about a year ago on Monmouth for dealing drugs but was spotted again recently hanging out in his old place of business. These two are responsible for late night fights, drug dealing, public drinking, disturbing the peace and basically acting like they own the block. The JCPD needs to keep a close eye on Frankie now that his thieving ass brother got popped.
Posted on: 2011/7/30 18:54
Re: Garbage in the streets
Home away from home
The cans overflow because dirtbag residents illegally dump their household trash in the public cans rather than just put it out on their blocks assigned trash day AND the JCIA skipping days they are regularly assigned to pick up the public cans. If the cans are not picked up everyday they will overflow. It's a Partnership for a Dirtier/Stinkier Jersey City...shameful!
Posted on: 2011/7/26 16:22
Re: Corner Of Pavonia and Newark (by Dickenson)
Home away from home
Selective enforcement, turning a blind eye to blantent law breaking and not leading by example are three of the main problems with Jersey City police. I don't understand why they don't care more about the city.
Posted on: 2011/7/7 17:39
Re: Heights: 4th of July Partygoer Attacked Man with Aluminum Baseball Bat Causing Severe Head Injuries
Home away from home
Police care very little about quality of life issues and do often practice selective enforcement. Call them the next time you hear kids screaming up and down your block at 1am and see if they show up.
Posted on: 2011/7/7 17:17
Re: Heights: 4th of partygoer attacked man with aluminum baseball bat causing severe head injuries
Home away from home
Any curfew would be difficult to institute due to Jersey City's overall lack of enforcement.
Posted on: 2011/7/7 16:11
Re: To the Douche who stole my flowers
Home away from home
Why don't a few of the victims coordinate an undercover raid on her backyard and give her a taste of he own medicine!
Posted on: 2011/6/16 23:36
Re: Paco & Taco... what's the story with these people?
Home away from home
Unfortunately the police are not very concerned about quality of life issues. This lack of concern is the main reason why Jersey City will never reach it's full potential. I often would be taken aback by the amount of graffitti Newark Ave attracted. Up and down Newark, practically on every other building you would see the same tags...year after year. It was as if the taggers had no fear of being caught . I even saw a tag spray painted right across the street from the police station! Newark Ave is the main artery of downtown JC, why don't the police feel they look stupid by not protecting it? Why don't they understand it makes them look bad when riff raff and taggers piss all over it?
Posted on: 2011/6/16 23:31
Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
Home away from home
Step 2a: recommunicate to the police exactly what the red curbs mean and enact a no tolerance policy. LEAD by example!
Posted on: 2011/6/14 19:04
Re: Why is there always broken glass all over sidewalks?
Home away from home
Actually, if you call they won't show up. Try the JCIA.
Posted on: 2011/6/4 12:34
Re: Family in Heights disturbing all around them...taking over the street!
Home away from home
Don't point to bad behavior to justify your way to win an argument.
Posted on: 2011/5/20 12:29