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Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Not too shy to talk

The trash around the court was horrifying and disheartening last couple days. The city should post a sign and police should fine the litterbugs. Unless the litterbugs understand the consquence, not much will change. By the way, I still don't know how often the city cleans the park & empties trash. Does anyone?

Posted on: 2010/6/6 17:20

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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downright wrote:

Waver wrote:
My problem with most complaints on this thread has been exactly that. I get that there is a litter problem and late night noise issues, but the language used here like hooligans, undesirables, kids from other neighborhoods, etc. urks me to no end.

The thing about people from other neighborhoods using the park is that they do not have the same vested interest in keeping the park clean. And just like I would not want to disturb my neighbors late at night, they do not care since they are not our neighbors.

We don't go to Central Park, Liberty State Park, VV Park, etc. and litter & make late night noise. It is a matter of education & enforcement, not a matter of demographics or geography.

Posted on: 2010/6/4 17:37

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Vigilante wrote:

Waver wrote:

PubliusIII wrote:
Well, maybe I misconstrued it, but I thought I detected a bias against people not living directly around the park, e.g. black kids from Holland Gardens, and also a sense that only stakeholders, those right in the immediate environs of the park had standing to opine. I am happy to think I am wrong and that my discolure was extraneous.

My problem with most complaints on this thread has been exactly that. I get that there is a litter problem and late night noise issues, but the language used here like hooligans, undesirables, kids from other neighborhoods, etc. urks me to no end.

I find that the supporters of the BB court appear the most racist. They reason that if the "kids" don't have basketball then they will be out and about mugging and killing people. As if they only have those two choices! Now that is racism!
BTW? Kudos to Phil Rivo and Dave for cleaning up last night and emptying the garbage cans. It's a shame that residents must clean up after other people.

I would also have a huge problem with someone saying that the basketball players would be out muggling & killing people if they weren't plyaing basketball. Please, don't put words in my mouth.

Yes, a big applause to Phil & Dave. And other park goers whom I've witnessed picking up trash.

Posted on: 2010/6/4 17:26

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Not too shy to talk


PubliusIII wrote:
Well, maybe I misconstrued it, but I thought I detected a bias against people not living directly around the park, e.g. black kids from Holland Gardens, and also a sense that only stakeholders, those right in the immediate environs of the park had standing to opine. I am happy to think I am wrong and that my discolure was extraneous.

My problem with most complaints on this thread has been exactly that. I get that there is a litter problem and late night noise issues, but the language used here like hooligans, undesirables, kids from other neighborhoods, etc. urks me to no end.

Posted on: 2010/6/4 16:47

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Not too shy to talk

There is going to be a meeting to form a valunteer clean up group at 9AM this Saturday at the gazebo.

Posted on: 2010/6/4 16:42

Re: The Hamilton Inn
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Not too shy to talk

Hamilton Inn is one of my top three favorite restaurants in JC. It is priced very reasonably and service has been always good. Appetizer & main course for two for $45 is cheap if you ask me. The drinks are awesome, and bartenders have been friendly and attentive when I sit at the bar. The kitchen seems on top of it. I never had to wait too long for food. I like that they make an effort of keeping the outside and inside always clean & beautiful. Try turkey burger, pan-fried salmon, fish taco and lobster pizza. They are all excellent. Overall, it is up there with Marco & Peppe and Lighthorse Tavern for me but cheaper and definitely friendlier.

Posted on: 2010/6/4 16:09

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Not too shy to talk

The basketball court has been there for years. Those who bought the properties on that side of the park knew what they were getting into so I don't think it is fair to say the basketball court devalues the properties on the park. If anything, the renovation of the park has probably added some value to every property on the park and the neighborhood in general. However, I agree that the court should close at a certain hour.

It is really great that we all take ownership to this park and the park is for everyone. Everyone in JC contributes a part of their tax money to renovate and maintain the public parks.

By the way, WTF, the basketball court and whorehouse?

Posted on: 2010/6/2 22:39

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Not too shy to talk

I agree with Rachel. I am surprised to read some of the things said in this thread. Rachel, JC is quite progressive so give it a chance. However, it is newly renovated and prestine so it is understandable that people are upset about the garbage left behind in park.

By the way, does anyone know how often the city cleans the park and empties the trash cans in the park? The cans in the dog runs were overflowing this afternoon.

Posted on: 2010/6/1 21:27

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Not too shy to talk

I can't take this tease anymore. Open the damn park! Fence off the area they are still working on. The trees are in bloom, the grass getting greener, sun beaming down, kids & dogs staring in hungrily but no park. What up???

I'm all for the BBC. I read more profanity here than I hear when passing the court. Besides, it brings more diversity & urban coolness to the area; Lord knows we need it. I think dogs should be on leash when they are not in the runs. But no matter, just open the park!

Posted on: 2010/4/7 18:58

Re: The Hamilton Inn
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Not too shy to talk

I am quite impressed with its atmosphere, cocktails and food. The new owner has done a wonderful job revamping the sports bar with mediocre food to an excellent restaurant with unique list of drinks. I was with a group of people talking, having a good time that I didn't resally notice the music. I am sure with time, they will find the right note. I am very happy with it. An excellent addition to the neighborhood. It will do very well here.

Posted on: 2010/4/3 23:58

Re: New Resturant on Erie
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Not too shy to talk

I haven't been able to eat there yet but the menu looks really good. Nothing fancy but a 'comfort food' restaurant. They deliver too so I am happy they opened in our neighborhood.

Posted on: 2010/3/27 23:45

Re: Retail in Hamilton Park
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Not too shy to talk

To say these businesses won't do well even before they open is pretty passimistic. I think Jersey City can support better businesses like Smith & Chang and soon-to-open (fingers crossed) Hamilton Inn. There are enough people who prefer to shop and eat at quality establishments than at the mall and 99C stores; me for an example. I know there are people who have lived in JC for many years on this board and I am only a recent transplant, but I believe we should embrace the changes for the better in the new Jersey City and encourage entrepreneurs to invest here. Oh, and of course, it isn't SOHO here. That's why I moved here. As far as Embankment is concerned, I am quite happy with their happy hour.

Posted on: 2010/2/13 23:10

Re: How much to tip for food delivery?
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Not too shy to talk

$2 to $5 depending on the quantity of the food and amount of the bill.

Posted on: 2010/2/13 19:19

Re: Hamilton Park Ale House jersey Ave.
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Not too shy to talk

Last time I heard which was a couple of weeks ago, it was to be the first week of Feb. I hope it does. I had to walk all the way to Marco & Pepe from Hamilton Park to be rejected at the door because the wait was too long last weekend.

Posted on: 2010/1/31 17:33

Re: Best Dry Cleaner?
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Not too shy to talk

John's in Newport Mall. They do a great job with shoes too.

Posted on: 2010/1/31 17:27

Re: Smith and Chang-- new store
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Not too shy to talk

Great article about this store and Jersey City. ... =0&yrsearch_submit=submit

Posted on: 2010/1/31 17:17

Re: Hudson River more contaminated by dangerous PCBs than expected
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Not too shy to talk

It is going to take another hundred years to clean it up.

Posted on: 2010/1/22 20:32

Re: Retail in Hamilton Park
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Not too shy to talk

I went in Smith & Chang General Goods (a very cool store) and I heard people saying there will be a bakery on the parkside soon. I'm glad new things are happening in the neighborhood. It's about time! Now, we need the park to reopen.

Posted on: 2010/1/22 20:27

Re: Retail in Hamilton Park
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Not too shy to talk

I also heard a bakery is coming.

Posted on: 2010/1/21 19:25

Re: New Jersey Senate Votes No on Gay Marriage
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Not too shy to talk


simulcga wrote:
Is it possible that there can be that many ignorant buffoons?

And, I'm the registered Republican! If I feel this way, how can not a majority of the politicians (most of who bill themselves as liberal and progressive) make the right decision here.

We need to fire them. We elect politicians to do the right thing even if the buffoons are the majority. These politicians are just a bunch of cowards. I am sorry to say our President seems to be one of them.

Posted on: 2010/1/8 20:05

Re: New Jersey Senate Votes No on Gay Marriage
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Not too shy to talk

Waht a shame. It is a civil rights issue, and if it were left to the majority, the minorities including women and blacks would not have obtained equal rights in the 60's. Those who oppose gay marriage will realize in time they had stood on the wrong side of history. A terrible shame.

Posted on: 2010/1/8 15:40

Re: New Jersey Nears Vote on Letting Gays Marry
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Not too shy to talk

Amen. Let them marry. Let them be. And let your prejudice rest.

Posted on: 2009/12/9 16:05

Re: ANIMAL CRUELTY AT THE HUDSON COUNTY SPCA -- at 480 Johnston Avenue, Jersey City
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Not too shy to talk

The picture of Martha absolutely broke my heart. It's so sad.

Posted on: 2009/1/12 20:45

Re: New York Times: At Least the Agents Are Sold
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Not too shy to talk

I want more positive articles written about JC real estate and JC in general. Informercial or not.

Posted on: 2009/1/12 20:39

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
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Not too shy to talk

I like seeing younger people everywhere in JC; hipster or IT geek, I don't care. They bring certain freshness to the neighborhood and they probably spend more money on coffee, food, drinks, clothes, etc. than others. I think lux condos and young people both add to the desirability of the city. I'm for both!

Posted on: 2008/10/23 21:03

Re: Jersey City Real Estate
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Not too shy to talk

Well, the real estate market nationwide and even worldwide is not in its best shape, but I'd say JC market is holding up pretty well in comparison.

Posted on: 2008/10/20 16:18

Re: Think the PATH is bad?
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Not too shy to talk

The Tokyo video is scary.

I only hate PATH on weekends. The weekend night services are the worst. It can take an hour to get home after midnight. The stop at Hoboken is just not right. I see more and more people using PATH. When there are this many users, Port Authority should schedule more services on weekends and no more Hoboken & JC in one service. Also, install fans or AC for the train stations. It is inhumane and dangerous how hot it gets in those stations.

Posted on: 2008/7/30 3:08

Re: What Jersey City Restaurant Do You Miss the Most?
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Not too shy to talk

Where did Lucy go?

Posted on: 2008/7/22 19:17




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