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HPNA Monthly Meeting November 3rd, 2010 7:45 pm
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hamilton Park Neighborhood Association Est. 1977


Location: Cordero School, 9th and Erie
Date: 1st Wednesday of the Month at 7:45 pm
November 3rd, 2010 7:45 pm

Topics: How to Eat Well and Stay Healthy through the Holidays and Green Map of Jersey City
Speaker: Laura Lacey, LMT/CNC -- Massage, Wellness, Nutrition 212 1/2 7th Street
Instead of dreading the 10 pounds that one gains from all the holiday events, learn how to enjoy the holidays without starving oneself or gaining the "holiday weight". Laura, neighborhood businesswoman, will speak about how to not only survive but also how to enjoy eating healthy during the holidays.

Speaker: Richard Williams
Richard Williams will present the Jersey City Greenmap,

December 1st, 2010 7:45 pm
Topics: HPNA Elections and NY-NJ Gasline Expansion Project
Speaker: Tim White, VP, Spectra Energy
Representatives from Spectra Energy to talk to the community about the proposed gas pipleline through Jersey City and to answer questions.

January 5th, 2011 7:45 pm
Topic: Gift of Giving
Come and learn about amazing things people are doing in our community for our neighbors! Find out how you can help. Various charities and non-profits in the neighborhood and city will be there and present what they do and how we can help.

Posted on: 2010/11/2 22:50

GIFT OF LIFE Blood Drive - MON, AUG. 30, 2010, 3PM - 9 PM
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Annually, the Hamilton Park Neighborhood Association (HPNA) features THE GIFT OF LOVE topic at one of our public meetings to introduce local non-profit organizations and inform the public what they can to to help.

For the first time, the HPNA will join with the Hamilton Park Condominiums GIFT OF LIFE Blood Drive for the NY/NJ Blood Center. Please participate.

When: MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2010
Time: 3PM - 9 PM

A pair of Mets tickets will be given to each donor!

Please call 1-800-933-2566 to schedule an appointment or visit the website:

If you have questions about medical eligibility please call 1-800-688-0900

Posted on: 2010/8/25 1:25

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I think the lawsuit is a rumor. The part is in transit from Canada and may be stuck in customs for awhile.


I_heart_JC wrote:

stevehpna wrote:

bem141 wrote:
Have I missed what is going on with the fountain and the spray area? I would love to know - I heard the spray area was one for one day and it was slippery. What's the plan though? And why isn't the fountain on?

Finally some updates :)

1. The fountain is awaiting final inspection. It should be operational soon.

2. The children's spray feature needs a new controller which is currently in transit. DPW and the Div of Architecture understand that it is needed ASAP. The surface has been worked on and is no longer an outstanding issue.

Steve, I heard a rumor today that I'd love for you to squash: that a lawsuit has been filed as a result of an injury in the spray area, so it will be closed indefinitely.

Please tell us this isn't true. If it is, and that litigious neighbor is reading this thread, then I gotta ask....really?!

Posted on: 2010/7/2 17:09

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The Pet Free Zone signs are now in place.

The two lawn section along 8th Street are designated as "pet friendly", and the two sections along West Hamilton are "pet free". All other lawn areas, and walkways are also pet friendly.

Both the results of park renovation survey conducted by Jennifer Greely and the HPNA clearly demonstrated community support for a pet free area. The survey
results specify that 30% of Hamilton Park be designated as ?Pet Free?. The current configuration is very close to the 30% figure.

The 115 page report is available at: ... tion_Community_Report.pdf

Posted on: 2010/6/29 20:02

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Vigilante wrote:
From what I've heard from our neighborhood committee-man the sign problem is definitely being worked on. Fulop is working on it and they are approaching a solution but we should be patient. Calling the DPW or Parks Dept will not speed up the process. Give it a couple of weeks and we'll hopefully have satisfaction. It seems like a simple thing but alas this is Jersey City.

That is correct. The goal is to get this straightened out asap, maybe before the July 4th holiday.

Posted on: 2010/6/26 15:17

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Slacky wrote:
Oh I'm deadly serious.
Whilst taking my morning constitutional I noticed at least one of the signs that had previously been left intact has now also been altered. The sign closest to the dog run in the center of the park now reads "Free Zone". This must have happened overnight.
I also saw a contractor checking all the signs while talking on his phone.
The money it will cost to repair these signs could have been better spent on garbage cans for the basketball court.

I was at the East District Captain's meeting last night and the noise in the basketball courts in Hamilton Park and other issues were discussed.

Vandalism in the park will not be tolerated. If you have witnessed the signs or other park features being vandalized file a police report at the Police Department - East District at 207 7th Street.

Posted on: 2010/6/23 16:15

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

At least one of the signs seems to be installed in the wrong area from what I've been told. The signs should designate that 2 of the 4 lawns are pet free, not 3 of 4.


matt07302 wrote:

stevehpna wrote:

The signs for the pet free area (two of the four lawns) should be up by the end of the week. Until then, people are free to walk their leashed dogs on all lawn areas.

I noticed the signs for the Pet Free Areas have been installed. Although it is not 2 of 4 lawns it is 3 of 4 (All the open lawns). The only green area that pets are allowed is the small space in the Southeast corner and i suppose some of the bits of grass around the ball courts.

Posted on: 2010/6/21 20:42

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

For starters there should be trash receptacles by basket ball court bleachers, and the blue recyclable container has gone missing - must be replaced. The city should be providing containers soon and if all else fails the HPNA may have to provide them. The trash problem should be reduced once there are trash bins in place.

At the last HPNA meeting we invited the organizer of the basketball league, and he has committed to cleaning up after the league games, and we'll hold them to it.

We're working with Downtown Jersey City Watch ( to patrol the courts after hours - this should also help. There's also been discussion of education, perhaps politely talking with the users of the courts. If all else fails there are caps that can be placed on the hoops but this is a measure of last resort. If you have ideas, please share them.

Keep in mind that the basketball courts aren't the only place where trash accumulates. For example, the children's play area is also a problem.

At the basketball courts there are after hours noise and trash problems, and they go hand in hand. So we're looking to address both.


downright wrote:

How can the HPNA help the situation with the littering by the basketball court? I already signed up as a volunteer to help clean the park, but cleaning up after other people on a daily basis is no way to combat the problem. By cleaning up for other people, we are only making the situation worse.

Random litter/trash is expected, and that is what the clean up should focus on taking care of. We should not be responsible for cleaning up the systematic trashing of the basketball court.

What can the HPNA do?

Posted on: 2010/6/9 16:33

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Vigilante wrote:
It is obvious that the cops are being put up to this by the HPNA. They believe that by lying to people about the law then they can scare them off the grass, "nip it in the bud" as they say. You cannot make an entire park "pet free". It's against the law. There are NO signs anywhere indicating a "pet free" area. The cop doesn't have a leg to stand on...

The signs for the pet free area (two of the four lawns) should be up by the end of the week. Until then, people are free to walk their leashed dogs on all lawn areas.

I saw police in the park yesterday. The only request for cops in the park from the HPNA that I know of was for patrols near the basketball courts after 10PM due to noise issues.

Posted on: 2010/6/9 15:21

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular





9 AM


Prevention and education will also be discussed.

Sorry for the CAPS :)

Posted on: 2010/6/4 18:11

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

& Park Re-opening Ceremony will take place in Hamilton Park -- see

As Stani mentioned the monthly HPNA membership meeting is tonight, June 2. information is available here. Strategies to Keep the park litter free will be discussed.


Rachel_Rae wrote:
Keep in mind I am new...
Is there a Hamilton Park board or alliance?

If so does it hold benefits/ fundraisers?

Also, I am curious about adding recycling bins, and possibly information pamphlets handed out to park users.

While I am not in favor of confrontational behavior, a little passive aggressive smiling and talking goes a long way.

I would volunteer to do it myself :)

Posted on: 2010/6/2 14:43

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The signs designating the pet free lawns - the two sections in the NW section of the park closest to the children's play area should be installed soon.

Also, the Public Works employee that handles the basketball league will be at this month's HPNA meeting (June 2 - Cordero School). Not all of the litter can be blamed on the league, but residents have pointed out that they are part of the problem. Ideas to discourage littering, and organized clean up efforts will be discussed.

The open discussion segment (park issues) is 8:45PM and the meeting begins at 7:45PM.


robotjustin wrote:
Boy, the park is really nice!

My only concern is about some of the people with dogs.

I saw multiple owners letting their furry buddies relieve themselves (both #1 and #2) in close proximity to children and families in what I believe is the no-pet part of the park.

Even if you pick it up, poop will still leave a residue on the grass which is definitely a health hazard to the little kids I saw running around on / rolling in / eating of / crawling upon / the grass.

Maybe someone from the dog community could help to organize an awareness campaign about the dangers of mixing pooches and kiddies, and make sure everybody keeps it safe and healthy.

Posted on: 2010/6/1 14:56

Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - June 2, 2010
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hamilton Park Neighborhood Association

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2 2010 - 7:45 PM
Cordero Elementary School Auditorium
Erie between Pavonia & 9th Street

Meeting Agenda:

7:45 - 7:50 Welcome and sign-in

7:50 - 7:80 Monthly Captain's Meeting Update
HPNA Board member, Elna Mukaida, will brief everyone on the JCPD Captain's Meeting held
every fourth Tuesday of the month. The Captain's meetings are JCPD's primary way of
communicating crime statistics to residents and provide a forum for residents to discuss specific
incidents and concerns with the JCPD. We encourage everyone to attend these meetings.

8:00 - 8:45 PSE&G Presentation, introduced by Elna Mukaida
After a frigid winter with expensive heating bills, we will soon be facing high bills again to keep
cool this summer. We will learn how residents can conserve energy and reduce their costs this
summer. Anthony Castellitto, from PSE&G's speaker program will have power point
presentation and then discuss special PSE&G programs available to consumers.

8:45 - 9:00 Park Concerns - open forum
? Voice your concerns and questions about the park.
? Make suggestions on how the community can take care of our treasure.
? Clean-up and garden maintenance committees.
? Parkfest announcements
? Volunteers always welcome for HPNA activities: Parkfest, Halloween Party, December
holiday party for Cordero School, distributing HPNA newsletters.

9:00 - 9:30 Social time - chat with the guest presenter and meet your neighbors
HPNA Announcements-Calendar of Events

? Every Friday, 2-8 PM - Creative Grove Artist Market / Arts in Action - The Grove square becomes a living room for the art and
creative community. Encouraging free expression, music, installations, art on display and
for sale, the handmade revolution becomes official.
? Saturday, June 6th: Learning Community Charter Schools Annual Fundraiser
June-a-Palooza at Hamilton Square.
? Wednesdays, starting June 9th, 4pm-8pm - FARMERS MARKET is back in
Hamilton Park!
? Saturday, June 12th: HPNA PARKFEST is back in our beautiful renovated park.
10am -6pm. Entertainment - Food - Vendors.
? Wednesday, June 23: Grand opening of Miniature Golf Course Benefit for the
Jersey City Museum, Hamilton Square. McWilliams/Pavonia/Erie
? Tuesday, June 22,7pm - Police Captain's Meeting
7:00 pm at M.S. 4 library. 2nd floor (107 Bright Street). No meetings in July & August.

Posted on: 2010/6/1 3:48

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Park maintenance is on the agenda for the June HPNA membership meeting:

WEDNESDAY, June 2nd 2010 ? 7:45 PM
Cordero Elementary School Auditorium

We expect to have city officials present to discuss issues such as litter in the courts and other quality of life issues.

Excerpt from the June newsletter:
Park Concerns ? open forum
* Voice your concerns and questions about the park, including the dog run.
* Make suggestions on how the community can take care of our treasure.
* Clean-up and garden maintenance committees.


Falcon wrote:
I was outraged to see the trash and have been thinking about a more positive solution. There is a blue garbage bin next to bleachers - there is no excuse, I observed one young guy purchase a icey and put the empty cup in the blue bin while another finished a water a put the empty under the bench...

Posted on: 2010/6/1 0:56

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

There was some trash under the bleachers, and some of it made it into the blue recycle bin.

Resized Image

Resized Image

We'll put this on the agenda of the next HPNA meeting on June 2, 2010. More details on that later.


Vigilante wrote:

Amy wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
The absolutely horrible idea of leaving the BB court in the park was paying dividends tonight. The court is completely trashed. I almost cried when I saw it tonight. Truly disheartening. Meanwhile, the dog-runs are spotless.

I was just walking near the park. I didn't get too close to the courts, but from what I could see they weren't "completely trashed." There was maybe one plastic bag floating around.

The trash bin on the way out of the park on 9th concerns me. It was filled to the rim.

No offense but you must be blind. Take a look around the perimeter of the court. There are dozens and dozens of bottles thrown all over the place. The area under the bleachers is full of trash.

Posted on: 2010/5/29 14:35

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The signs in the park, including the signs which will designate the pet free lawns, will be in place early next week. The delay was due in part to the furlough days. The missing signs are still in the shop being fabricated.

Posted on: 2010/5/28 14:48

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hamilton Park is now open!

Posted on: 2010/5/27 16:37

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

From Althea:
"Hamilton Park is 100% good to go. They will be holding their re-opening ceremony at Noon this Thursday (5/27/2010). I met with the PSE&G rep this morning and the final lights are being connected tomorrow. That is our final step, but even if that falls through, all safety issues have been met and the Park will be open to the public this weekend."

Posted on: 2010/5/26 3:28

Quite a regular
Quite a regular

& Park Re-opening Ceremony

Sign-up form:

Saturday, June 12, 2010 (10:00 am to 6:00 pm)
Rain date: Sunday, June 13th
Set-up time: 7:00 am to 10:00 am Clean-up: 6:00 p m ? 8:00 pm

COST: $10 current HPNA member; $20 non-member; $25 Day of Festival

MAIL form and check made out to:
Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assoc.
PMB #166,
344 Grove Street,
Jersey City, NJ. 07302

Advance Registration Deadline: Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Morning of the Park Festival - $25 -- CASH ONLY

Food Vendors: $75.00 -- Food vendors must pre-register
Commercial Businesses: $75.00 (includes Real Estate agencies) Please contact us if you?d like to be
a sponsor and donate prizes for the raffle.

Non-Profit/Community Service Groups are invited to exhibit at no charge, but registration is

SPACES: 8 ft. wide by 4 ft. deep. BRING YOUR OWN TABLES. Tables are not provided. Space
filled on first-come, first served basis the morning of the Festival. No motor vehicles are allowed in the
Park. Please park in authorized parking spaces. JCPD will ticket any illegally parked vehicles.
HPNA membership is open to local residents. Annual fee is $10.00 per household, per calendar (Jan-
Dec) year. Members enjoy a discount off their table space. You may include the membership fee with
the table space reservation. Please fill out a membership form at the HPNA table the day of the

Posted on: 2010/5/7 2:54

WEDNESDAY, MAY 5TH 2010 – 7:45 PM
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hamilton Park Neighborhood Association

Est. 1977


WEDNESDAY, MAY 5TH 2010 ? 7:45 PM

Cordero Elementary School Auditorium

Meeting Agenda

7:45 ? 8:00 Welcome and Neighborhood Updates

* June Parkfest has been rescheduled to Saturday June 12th. If you?d like to volunteer to help, please let one of the Board members know or e-mail hpnajc@gmail. com Vendor applications are available.
* If you are not a member of the HPNA, please join today.

8:00 ? 8:05 Monthly Captain's Meeting Update

* Our own HPNA Board member, Elna Mukaida, will brief everyone on the JCPD Captain?s Meeting held on thefourth Tuesday of every month. The Captain's meetings are JCPD's primary way of communicating crime statistics to residents and provides a form for residents to discuss specific incidents with the JCPD. We encourage everyone to attend these meetings if they are able.

8:05 ? 9:00 New Neighborhood Businesses ? Jan Nordland

We welcome the following new businesses to the neighborhood:

* Thomas John Carlson Art Studio, 326 5th Street, Ground Floor, JC, NJ

Thomas J. Carlson 732-877-9116 email: JCArtSchool@

* Parkside Bistro, 131 Erie Street, JC, NJ

Maikel Ghobrial, Ron Elfar 201-222-2144 email: MaikelGhobrial@

* The Vintage Store, 203 Brunswick Street, JC, NJ

Chase Whitaker email: chasewhitaker@

* Jocelyn Cruz, USTA Tennis, Tennis Program Specialist

Long Island & New Jersey Regions 914-462-1723

email: JCruz@Eastern.

* Smith & Chang General Goods, 232 Pavonia Avenue, JC, NJ

Sawyer Smith and Alex Chang 201-420-0557 email: SSmith@smithchang. com

* The Hamilton Inn, 708 Jersey Avenue, JC, NJ

Mike Gondevas 201-839-5818 email: Gondevas@gmail. com

* JC Food Co-Op

Dave & Mary Ann Suliburk suliburk@gmail. com mobile: 917.806.5676

510 A Monmouth St. tel 917.576.8955 website: http://www.jcfoodco

* EASY RIDERS - Bicycle Rentals & Tours, 8th Street, JC, NJ

Christopher Englese and Damian Weicvorek 201-377-0771

email: contact@easyridersj www.easyridersjc. com

9:00 ? 9:30 Social time ? chat with the guest presenters


Every Friday, 2 ? 8 PM ? Creative Grove Artist Market / Arts in Action

www.creativegrove. org - The Grove square becomes a living room for the art and creative community. Encouraging free expression, music, installations, art on display and for sale, the handmade revolution becomes official.

Every Friday Mar 5th (all day) ? JC Fridays: A Day of FREE Art Events in Jersey City

JC Fridays, a citywide celebration of free arts and culture, is back! Nearly 40 venues will hold events for thousands of adults and children, many in the downtown area. A full schedule of JC Friday events can be found at http://www.jcfriday

Monday, May 10th 7PM ? Downtown Jersey City Watch

The Downtown Jersey City Watch, a neighborhood watch group focused on reducing crime downtown, holds their monthly meeting at Grace Church Van Vorst Sanctuary 39 Erie St (enter through the red doors on 2nd Street).

Tuesday, May 25th, 7pm ? Police Note and Captain?s Meeting

Captain Brian Gallagher, Commander of the East District holds monthly meetings open to the public (which replace the regular crime reports from the police at neighborhood meetings). Meetings are held the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm at M.S. 4 (107 Bright Street). Please attend and encourage your neighbors to attend as well.

Please visit the HPNA Website and Blog at:

http://www.hamilton and http://hpnajcblogsp

Want to receive this newsletter and other announcements electronically?

Join our Yahoo! group:

http://groups. group.HPNA- JC-Public/

or join us on Facebook:

http://www.facebook .com/group. php?qid=43764481 913

Posted on: 2010/5/4 14:58

Re: HPNA Membership meeting - Cocoa Bakery is on the Agenda!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The City is confident that the park will open in May.
The HPNA Parkfest will take place on Saturday June 5, (rain date June 6).

The job has to be 100% completed which includes the grass being fully grown in before the park can open. From what I understand this is required under state bidding regulations/contract.


PBW wrote:

tamard wrote:
Stevehpna: We'll have reports from the last Police Captain's Meeting and Park and Parkfest updates.

Does anyone have an update on when the park will be opening based on last night's meeting?

I didn't go last night, but I went to the one before. They said:
"99 percent sure it'll be open for the annual June Flea Market."

I second if anyone was there to post if there was an update (or not).

Posted on: 2010/4/8 19:01

HPNA Membership meeting - Cocoa Bakery is on the Agenda!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

HAMILTON PARK NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION's monthly meeting Wednesday, April 7th, 7:45pm
Cordero Elementrary School.
Entrance is on Erie between Pavonia & 9th Street.

Guest speakers:

American history brought to life right in our backyard: Eileen Markenstein of the Historic Harsimus Cemetery on Newark Avenue.

Help keep our neighborhood safe: Pam Andes, founder of the Downtown Jersey City Block Watch

We'll have reports from the last Police Captain's Meeting and Park and Parkfest updates.

Please join us, meet your neighbors and sample goodies from Cocoa Bakery !

Posted on: 2010/4/7 13:51

Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone

A public meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 30 2010 at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers, 280 Grove Street.

The purpose of the special meeting is to consider a pet free zone in Hamilton Park. The meeting is in accordance with Jersey City Municipal Code 90-20.

? 90-20.
E. The Director of Public Works shall have the authority, to designate any pet-fee zone(s) within city parks; provided, however, that not more than 50% of the area of any city park shall be designated as pet-free without prior approval of the Municipal Council via resolution.
F. Prior to designating any pet-free zone(s) within any city park, the Director of Public Works shall hold a public meeting to solicit the comments of residents on the proposed location of such zone(s). The Director of Public Works shall provide written notice of the meeting to the City Clerk and two newspapers of general circulation within Jersey City of the time and place of said meeting at least 14 days prior to its occurrence.
G. Areas within parks where pets are permitted and pet-free zones may be designated by appropriate signs, fences, and other devices consistent with the design and aesthetics of the park and the use and enjoyment of the park by all members of the public.

This was advertised in the Jersey Journal and Hudson Reporter, in accordance with the ordinance.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 14:20

HPNA Meeting March 3 2010
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

See: ... id=235222#forumpost235222

Ward E Councilman Steven Fulop will be present to talk about the city budget.

All are welcome to attend.

Posted on: 2010/3/2 17:31

HPNA Membership meeting - TAXES on agenda
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Tax increase on the agenda this month!

WEDNESDAY MARCH 3rd 2010 ? 7:45 PM
Cordero Elementary School ? auditorium
Meeting Agenda

7:45 ? 8:00 Welcome and Neighborhood Updates
We have Membership information, announcements, and potential dates for upcoming HPNA events.
? Membership Renewal!! Please make sure you've renewed your membership for 2010!
? June ParkFest! This year?s parkfest will be on June 5th. If you?d like to participate please let one of the Board members know or email

8:00 ? 8:05 Monthly Captain's Meeting Update
Our own HPNA Board member, Elna Mukaida, will brief everyone on the JCPD Captain?s Meeting held on the fourth Tuesday of every month. The Captain's meetings are JCPD's primary way of communicating crime statistics to residents and provides a form for residents to discuss specific incidents with the JCPD. We encourage everyone to attend these meetings if they are able.

8:05 ? 8:45 Update on the City budget / Tax increase and the Proposed Gas Pipeline
Councilman Steve Fulop will address the membership about the recent proposed City Budget. After last week?s city council meeting, City Council President Peter Brennan, announced that the budget will not be ready for passage until next month so there?s still time to take action and make sure your concerns are heard by the City government. In addition to the City budget, as many of you know there is a proposed gas pipeline for New York that could potentially go through Jersey City. As this is in the initial stages, there are more questions than anything else however, Councilman Fulop has been looking in to this issue and will update us on his findings.

8:45 ? 9:00 Neighborhood Announcements!
If you have some news you want to bring up to you neighbor, say it here!

9:00 ? 9:30 Neighborhood social time, chat with presenters

Posted on: 2010/3/2 17:27

Re: Ward E Debate Wednesday May 6, 2009
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Cordero Elementary School ? auditorium

Meeting Agenda

7:45 - 8:00 Welcome and Neighborhood Updates
We have Membership information, announcements, and potential dates for upcoming HPNA events.
? A reminder that all memberships expire in January. In order to vote on the Bylaw & in the elections you must be a
member as of November and you must renew your membership in January!
? HPNA Children's Holiday Party. This year's holiday will be held in the Cordero Cafeteria at 3:00 PM on December 18th.
? The DCNA Holiday party is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday 16th. The exact date, time and location will be sent out to the email list as soon as that information is scheduled.

8:00 ? 8:05 Monthly Captain's Meeting Update
Our own HPNA Board member, Elna Mukaida, will brief everyone on the JCPD Captain?s Meeting held on
Tuesday, May 26th. The Monthly Captain's Meeting is the police department?s primary way of communicating crime statistics to residents and provides a forum for residents to discuss specific incidents with the JCPD. We encourage everyone to attend these meetings if they are able.

8:05 ? 8:20 Nominations for new HPNA Board members
The December meeting is when we take nominations for the next year?s HPNA board members; elections
will be held at our February meeting. We will also take nominations again at our January meeting.

8:20 ? 9:00 Proposed HPNA By-Laws Discussion
The HPNA board has been working to revise and update our bylaws. We have a draft of proposed changes
which have been posted to the HPNA Blog for the past two months and will be the topic of discussion at this
meeting. If you have proposed revisions you'd like the board to consider before then please email

9:00 ? 9:30 Neighborhood social time, chat with presenters

Announcements :
Every Wed - Sat, 8 PM: Dec 9th - 19th ? J CITY Theater presents: A Tuna Christmas
J CITY Theater opens their Christmas show: "A Tuna Christmas" on December 9th and there are two great
ways that HPNA members can save on ticket prices for any performance night through December 19th!
? Option 1: bring this newsletter or print out the HPNA email and bring it to the box office to get $5.00 off the ticket price.
? Option 2: bring a donation of school supplies or toys to the box office to get $5.00 off the ticket price.
Want to reserve a spot because you've heard about their sold out shows and don't want to miss out? That's
ok - give them a call and tell them which night you are coming and they will set aside tickets for you. 917-

Every Friday, 2 ? 8 PM ? Creative Grove Artist Market / Arts in Action - The Grove square becomes a living room for the art and creative community.
Encouraging free expression, music, installations, art on display and for sale, the handmade revolution
becomes official.

Friday, Dec. 18th, 3 - 5pm ? HPNA Children?s Holiday Party at Cordero
The HPNA is proud to sponsor a Children?s Holiday party at Cordero Elementary school on December 18th
at 3:00pm. There will be live music, refreshments and activities for the kids! Who knows, maybe we?ll even
get a visit from Santa!

Monday, Dec. 14th
PM ? Downtown Jersey City Watch
The Downtown Jersey City Watch, a neighborhood watch group focused on reducing crime downtown, holds
their monthly meeting at Grace Church Van Vorst Sanctuary 39 Erie St (enter through the red doors on 2nd

Tuesday, Dec. 22nd, 7pm ? Police Note and Captain?s Meeting
Captain Brian Gallagher, Commander of the East District holds monthly meetings open to the public (which
replace the regular crime reports from the police at neighborhood meetings). Meetings are held the 4th
Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm at M.S. 4 (107 Bright Street). Please attend and encourage your neighbors
to attend as well.

Please visit the HPNA Website and Blog at: and

Want to receive this newsletter and other announcements electronically?
Join our Yahoo! group:
or join us on Facebook:

Posted on: 2009/12/1 16:04

Re: Man Hit By Car on Sat. August 15th - 7th and Jersey Ave.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

(final and only) bump. If you witnessed the accident or know someone that did, please send me a PM.

Posted on: 2009/8/25 16:41

Man Hit By Car on Sat. August 15th - 7th and Jersey Ave.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

If you witnessed the accident please send me a PM. The driver stopped and spoke to police but additional information is needed.

Posted on: 2009/8/23 19:50

Re: Ward E Debate Wednesday May 6, 2009
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Reminder - the debate is TONIGHT Wednesday May 6, 2009

The Hamilton Park Neighborhood Association is proud to sponsor a debate between the Ward E candidates for City Council. The questions posed to the candidates will be taken from the audience and read by the moderators. There also will be a half-hour period after the debate (9:00 - 9:30PM) for candidates to meet and speak to the audience members one on one (if they choose).

Date: Wednesday May 6, 2009
Time: 7:30 - 9:00 PM
Location: Cordero Elementary School, 158 Erie St, Jersey City (there's plenty of seating for everyone!)
Participants: All certified Ward E candidates have stated they will attend.
In Alphabetical order: (by last name)

* Guy Catrillo
* Steven Fulop
* Azam Riaz
* Joseph Tarrazi
* Jaime Vazquez

This is the LAST debate in before the May 12th election! Come out, meet your candidates, and get informed about the issues that matter to YOU!.

We hope to see you there!
Olu Howard
HPNA President

Posted on: 2009/5/6 14:42

Ward E Debate Wednesday May 6, 2009
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The Hamilton Park Neighborhood Association is proud to sponsor a debate between the Ward E candidates for City Council. The questions posed to the candidates will be taken from the audience and read by the moderators. There also will be a half-hour period after the debate (9:00 - 9:30PM) for candidates to meet and speak to the audience members one on one (if they choose).

Date: Wednesday May 6, 2009
Time: 7:30 - 9:00 PM
Location: Cordero Elementary School, 158 Erie St, Jersey City (there's plenty of seating for everyone!)
Participants: All certified Ward E candidates have stated they will attend.
In Alphabetical order: (by last name)

* Guy Catrillo
* Steven Fulop
* Azam Riaz
* Joseph Tarrazi
* Jaime Vazquez

This is the LAST debate in before the May 12th election! Come out, meet your candidates, and get informed about the issues that matter to YOU!.

We hope to see you there!
Olu Howard
HPNA President

Posted on: 2009/5/4 17:26

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