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Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Home away from home
A median with trees and bike lanes is the worst idea i have ever heard. Where do you think you live? moron.
Posted on: 2010/4/26 13:56
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Home away from home
That's true a real city would never have a median on a major road.
Park Ave:
Posted on: 2010/4/26 13:49
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Not too shy to talk
Obviously there is a difference in opinion. But trees and a median will drastically improve the aesthetics of the downtown JC. It looks like a concrete jungle right now. If the appearance of the neighborhoods look better, perhaps people will have more pride in where they live and walk...and try to keep it clean.
Posted on: 2010/4/26 13:39
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Home away from home
There is traffic on Columbus. Whenever I drive to the Grove Street it takes me 10 minutes. I turn off first and go half a mile on columbus.
A median with trees and bike lanes is the worst idea i have ever heard. Where do you think you live? Really? The city is plenty bike and pedestrian friendly. Like it or not people(even people who live in JC) use columbus to get to the holland tunnel. This will not change. why the hell are you all so obsessed with effing trees? plant more piss trees.. that will totally help.
Posted on: 2010/4/26 1:44
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Home away from home
2007/11/29 18:19 Last Login : 2015/7/15 3:35 From Jersey City, NJ
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Quoting and replying on this thing still makes no sense, and I can never get it to work right.
I like trees. But I HATE THE EMBANKMENT (the structure, not the restaurant... I don't want to get banned). I don't like graffiti and this thing is a magnet for graffiti. It should be leveled for development of housing that is appropriate for a historical neighborhood. The ones that want to keep it are on 5th Street and just want their free parking ensured. It's ugly and an eyesore. The HIGH LINE like New York - it will never be. And I don't want my property taxes raised any more thank you very much. And a 5 lane highway downtown that is impossible to cross as it is... is bad news as well. Leave the trees, just repave it as is. I like trees. Just did a bunch of plantings in my backyard today in fact.. But the embankment just needs to go. Nothing historic about it period, and its a public danger as pieces keep falling off. FG
Posted on: 2010/4/24 20:32
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Home away from home
2007/11/29 18:19 Last Login : 2015/7/15 3:35 From Jersey City, NJ
Registered Users
Cash payouts from the construction company? Make the project easier and we'll donate to your next campaign.
And here is a brown envelope with a surprise in it. That is why we get these bizarre public projects that sometimes don't serve the Jersey City public interest. FG
Posted on: 2010/4/24 20:20
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Not too shy to talk
Why were the center island scrapped? If they made it look more similar to Montgomery Street below Marin, it would help pedestrian flow better. At least we would have a median to get to rather than cross the entire highway at once. ++1 Such a shame that this is happening... to the poster that spoke to Fulop; is there anything that can be done here? if they have to remove the trees along the sidewalk, so be it, but why not go back to the plan for the median? CC is already dangerous enough and unfriendly to pedestrians as it is; this will only make things worse.
Posted on: 2010/4/24 2:34
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Home away from home
Awesome post. alek8; you are my hero.
Posted on: 2010/4/23 19:58
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Quite a regular
2006/11/14 21:17 Last Login : 2010/10/26 17:52 From the best stuff on earth
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and yet: Quote:
Posted on: 2010/4/23 19:26
My signature will be a funny quote and/or observation.
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Home away from home
This whole cockup isn't entirely new as it was discussed last summer on this thread and this thread.
Posted on: 2010/4/23 15:14
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Just can't stay away
I lived on Columbus for over a year and traffic was never a problem. Think of the weekends and nights; when you look both ways and you don't see a car coming in either direction.
They should put a center median with nice size trees and bike lanes.. NOT a highway for our suburban weekday workers.. The city really missed the boat. They could have really transformed the Newark, Columbus, and Jersey streetscapes. But all they did was set us back AGAIN.
Posted on: 2010/4/23 15:04
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Home away from home
2008/1/3 19:12 Last Login : 2020/9/30 18:46 From Van Vorst Park
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It makes absolutely NO SENSE as to why the center median was scrapped. It also makes NO SENSE as to why bike lanes weren't added.
There is NO NEED for Columbus to be wider for more vehicular traffic. This project has POTENTIAL to make the area look better. It looks like it has failed on all accounts. Most infuriating, is that the people who lose the most are the residents. Steve Fulop, please try to do something here.
Posted on: 2010/4/23 14:50
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Just can't stay away
While they're at it why don't they add some more massive underutilized parking lots (think Montgomery east of Grove), if they're going to make this city even less walkable, why not go all out? In all seriousness, bike lanes would be way more useful, and why the hell aren't they doing the landscaped median?
Posted on: 2010/4/23 14:18
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Not too shy to talk
The way I understand it, the public meeting needs to occur before the trees can be removed:
Quote: While this is a long awaited project, by law the removal of three or more trees must be preceeded by a public meeting pursuant the Open Public Meetings Act. This will require 2 weeks public notice of the meeting. So it looks like the trees will be gone in about 2 or 3 weeks.
Posted on: 2010/4/23 14:16
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Home away from home
I noticed too that the work seems to be happening around the trees and that they look like they are not being removed except where the sidewalk bumps out at the corners. This is adjacent to Dixon on the south side between Brunswick and Varick. Trees, when they are going to be removed are usually the first thing to get done, but the crew really seems to be working around them. So hopefully, they're staying along that stretch.
Quote: JC has so much potential, yet it amazes me how many times they miss an opportunity to take advantage of it. Just compare our waterfront with Hoboken's and it will infuriate you. Bottom line is Jersey City never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
Posted on: 2010/4/23 14:12
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Home away from home
Although I think that area where the trees come out is stupid, that doesnt mean it should become a lane. Not once have I seen traffic there. Traffic exists at the Marin & CC intersection. Making another lane wont fix anything, becase the problem here is that one intersection.
I couldn't care less about how many lanes they turn it into, but think of the cost. Not only the expantion but also the police that will have to somehow alter the lanes between AM & PM. How about a bike lane instead?
Posted on: 2010/4/23 13:59
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Home away from home
Its because they are either too stupid or too drunk to know what is going on and have absolutely no understanding of modern urban planning methods. The problem is akin to trying to build a rocket ship with a bunch of scientists who couldn't pass fifth grade math.
Posted on: 2010/4/23 13:39
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Quite a regular
Why are these 'decision makers' eager to do something that surely they realize is not the best plan? What else is going on here? Someone must be gaining something from this wild plan and it surely is not the residents.
Posted on: 2010/4/23 13:31
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Home away from home
Why were the center island scrapped? If they made it look more similar to Montgomery Street below Marin, it would help pedestrian flow better. At least we would have a median to get to rather than cross the entire highway at once.
Doesn't anyone in government realize that this is definitely not going to facilitate the build up of Newark/Grove area as a shopping and dining destination if there is a huge highway cutting right through it. JC has so much potential, yet it amazes me how many times they miss an opportunity to take advantage of it. Very frustrating...
Posted on: 2010/4/23 13:20
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Home away from home
2007/10/9 19:48 Last Login : 2013/2/18 15:54 From Van Vorst Park
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Spoke with Steven Fulup last night and they originally were going to have a center island that ran down Columbus with tress ala Park Ave but that idea was scrapped. I don't get why this city screws up every chance they have to make this town better. Instead they are going to make it a highway and cut down whatever trees are still left.
He went into detail about the vaults and that the city is making up an excuse about the roots growing laterally which will cause problems later.
Posted on: 2010/4/23 13:14
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Home away from home
Posted on: 2010/4/23 12:58
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Not too shy to talk
2010/4/1 16:23 Last Login : 2013/1/17 16:28 From Downtown Jersey City
Registered Users
On my way down Christopher Columbus this AM toward the turnpike I noticed that [most of] the trees were preserved at Monmouth and C. Columbus. Looks like they broke up the side walk all the way up to the base of the trees.
Or maybe they aren't finished yet ripping them up? hope they stay!
Posted on: 2010/4/23 12:42
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Home away from home
File a lawsuit against the city.
Posted on: 2010/4/23 5:22
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Home away from home
I live on Columbus and they already started taking down some trees around Coles/Varick last year, allegedly as part of the Newark Ave. redevelopment. (??? Maybe they had the wrong street???)
I think it looks terrible without the trees, it really took away from the neighborhood feeling. I don't really understand - they're going to take away the things that make the neighborhood people friendly - pedestrian walkways, places where people can stop and talk to their neighbors, turn it into living on a highway, and then wonder where all of the crime comes from? Please, tell me what to do to stop this "plan" from becoming a reality.
Posted on: 2010/4/22 23:07
Thank you for making The Great Jersey City SOUP SWAP an annual success! See you in January 2013 for the next Soup Swap!
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Home away from home
I agree with the masses. We do not need more lanes for traffic. We need less.
So many people see Jersey City as a shortcut to the tunnel. Road improvements should be designed to discourage that, not encourage it. Stop the conversion of Columbus and Jersey into high speed thoroughfares! Rethink!
Posted on: 2010/4/22 22:51
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Home away from home
2009/10/7 15:46 Last Login : 2024/7/1 0:32 From jersey city
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Hey Fulop I heard you have been ?marking? your territory around City Hall by throwing your old PRO-Ked?s up on the wires. (and that you had the hipsters cut down Healy?s old Converse!)
Posted on: 2010/4/22 21:21
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Home away from home
This is total crap.....
JUST PAVE THE FRIGGIN' ROAD!!!! It's been 20 years since it's seen a paving crew. It does NOT need to be widened. LEAVE THE TREES! LEAVE THE PARKING!!! And construct a raised median with trees like upper Broadway or Park. Ave in NYC. It can work; the PATH tracks are a full level below the street. There is no reason this scar through downtown needs to be made so much worse instead of better. Seems like JC can't manage to do anything without leveling the place first and then the end result is a piss-poor, half-assed job (see Newark Ave. and Grove Street PATH Park). Yes, this was all the work of Goldman-Sachs. This, along with their "winter garden" that never happened. Get ready: our own version of the Gowanus Expressway is coming. Robert Moses would love it!
Posted on: 2010/4/22 20:41
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Home away from home
2009/10/7 15:46 Last Login : 2024/7/1 0:32 From jersey city
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moxiebaby wrote If you didn?t get the answer...(or if you are just screwing around) Notice there are no overhead wires along the street. The vaults are under the sidewalks and carry all of the wires. I think the actual vaults are maybe every 50 feet with a cement hatch and the conduit with the wires run between them. They are a problem not only with roots growing into them but also with rock salt getting into them. The rock salt seeps down and eats away at the wires. Boom!! But it does make for a nice streetscape...having no wires. (no place for punks (and maybe some of you hipsters) to hang sneakers...word up yo!!)
Posted on: 2010/4/22 20:34
Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
Quite a regular
And leave these mysterious 'vaults' in. Let the trees keep growing around them.
Posted on: 2010/4/22 20:32