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Re: Protest @ Goldman Sachs Building JC Oct. 6 2PM
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Not too shy to talk

I was hoping for more excitement. ;)

Posted on: 2011/10/6 19:05

Re: New FX show: Untitled Jersey City Project
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Not too shy to talk

But is it a show? Or a web series? or an Audi commercial?

On the website there are 2 minute videos for episode 1 and 2. Is that it? (I guess 2 minute is short form?)

Posted on: 2011/9/19 12:53

Re: Taste of India at Newport Centre Mall
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Not too shy to talk

Anyone know anything about the Thali place next to Taste of India? I wonder if its owned by the same people... if not might bring competition for Taste of India..

I like the food... however I think its very oily.

Posted on: 2011/9/16 13:12

Re: What was that? Really loud alarm downtown.
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from facebook

At 1:00 p.m. Today, JC Residents Should ?Stop & Remember? When The Bells Begin To Ring & The Sirens Begin To Blow
by City of Jersey City Official Government Page on Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 12:18pm

U.S. Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) and his colleagues from New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Virginia introduced a resolution that calls on Americans to come together as a nation for a Moment of Remembrance at 1 p.m. EDT on September 11, 2011, the 10th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks, marked by a minute of reflection and ringing of bells and sounding of sirens across the country.

The U.S. Senate approved legislation that asks all Americans to stop and remember during a national Moment of Remembrance on September 11 which will occur at the same time across the country: 1 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, noon Central Daylight Time, 11 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time, and 10 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time.

Local, state, and national institutions -- including state and local governments, military and veterans'organizations, the news media, houses of worship and sports teams -- have been called upon to mark this minute with bells or sirens to honor the victims. Jersey City Police and Fire Departments will take part in the National Momement of Remembrance.

Lautenberg, on his blog said ?This will be a striking symbol of American solidarity, signaling to the world that we remain united against those who threaten our freedom. It will also be a powerful, nationwide expression of America's patriotic spirit -- and our refusal to forget the thousands of innocent lives we lost in the destruction of 9/11?Make no mistake: 9/11 changed our country forever, and a tragedy of this magnitude requires every American to stop and remember -- and show the world how strong we are when we stand together.?

Posted on: 2011/9/11 17:08

Re: Downtown's Christopher Columbus Drive's six-lane roadway is nearing completion
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Not too shy to talk

That makes sense.

What about all of the shuttles that come from Condo communities like Beacon, etc? Those always try to stop right there between grove and marin.

Posted on: 2011/5/5 15:21

Re: Downtown's Christopher Columbus Drive's six-lane roadway is nearing completion
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Not too shy to talk

It's sad when the road surface is already 100x better to drive on by just being milled. If they never complete it... it would still be a big improvement...

Are they still going to have the taxi line and bus stops on the block between Grove and Marin? I hate driving through there during rush hour. If they keep it at least it will slow down traffic so people don't speed past grove at 70mph! ;)

Posted on: 2011/5/5 14:52

Teppan Bar & Grill - Fire Trucks
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Not too shy to talk

There were fire trucks at Teppan Bar & Grill this morning ~7am.

The fire alarms were set off in the 50 Columbus building but firemen seemed to ok 50 Columbus.

Firemen and fire trucks lingered at Teppan, I noticed smokey smell while walking by Teppan this morning.

Anyone know whats going on there?

Posted on: 2010/10/18 13:21

Re: 50 Columbus - Lots of Water....
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Not too shy to talk

Resized Image

Another separate water issue this evening... :(

Posted on: 2010/9/17 4:11

50 Columbus - Lots of Water....
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Not too shy to talk

The lobby of 50 Columbus was flooded this morning. The elevators were shut off for some time and the water was shut off around 8am.

Anyone know why this happened? pipe break? stupid tenant?

Which floors were affected? One maintenance guy told me 2nd floor but I heard a lady complaining about the 4th floor and someone else had mentioned it going up as high as the 14th.

Posted on: 2010/9/3 12:54

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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Not too shy to talk


Amy wrote:
I always pick up my dog's poop and never throw it in other people's trash cans, BUT I wish the city was more diligent about emptying the public trash bins we do have. This morning I was about to throw out a poop bag but noticed that the bin was literally stuffed to the rim and flies were buzzing all around it. Yes, an over abundance of poop--on the sidewalks or left to sit in the bins-- leads to a hefty fly population. Luckily there was another, slightly less full bin across the street.

Speaking of trash cans... I am a dog owner and I am diligent about picking up after my dog. I also walk a block or so to a public trash can to throw away the poop bags.

However, I noticed that after the trash cans are emptied someone [not sure if its the trash men or what] turn the trash cans upside down in the metal bins. why is that? Then people just continue to throw bags in the bottom which layer up and never get cleaned out even after someone comes and turns the trash can right side up.

Posted on: 2010/5/26 16:37

Re: How did you come to live in Jersey City?
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Not too shy to talk

I was born and raised in the least populated state in the country. Then I went to school in the hottest [but it's a dry heat] state. Then started my career in Southern California. Then I met my now Husband while he was consulting in So Cal... a few years later I followed him to Jersey City. :) I've only been here for about 4 months. So in short I moved here for love <3

Posted on: 2010/5/25 20:04

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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Not too shy to talk

Some people just aren't responsible dog owners. I have a dog and I am... Its no fun for responsible dog owners to see poop everywhere either. Gives all dog owners a bad name.

However I have to vent about something almost as bad... People letting dogs pee in places they aren't supposed to... at my building there are more than a few dog owners that let their dog pee right on the steps outside the building. It's disgusting... the steps are completely covered in it. If you live in my building you know what I mean.

I want to complain but I am afraid the building might make some rash decision like not letting dogs stay there any more.

(sorry had to vent)

Posted on: 2010/5/25 15:53

Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
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Not too shy to talk

On my way down Christopher Columbus this AM toward the turnpike I noticed that [most of] the trees were preserved at Monmouth and C. Columbus. Looks like they broke up the side walk all the way up to the base of the trees.

Or maybe they aren't finished yet ripping them up? hope they stay!

Posted on: 2010/4/23 12:42

Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
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Not too shy to talk

Does anyone have a link to city information regarding this project?

Does this have something to do with the fence they had up between Marin and Warren?

Posted on: 2010/4/22 19:11

Re: 50 Columbus Dog Breed Specific Bans
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Not too shy to talk

What does this mean for those banned breeds who ALREADY live there?

Its says "...or any existing tenants considering getting a dog...". It doesn't say current residents need to give up their dogs? Or does it? It says these breeds wont be allowed to reside at 50 Columbus.

Are these breeds somehow grandfathered in? Or do they gotta go?

Posted on: 2010/4/1 16:27




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