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Re: Business trash disposal, legal requirements?
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Contacting our council person is a good idea. I've tried the RRC, its basically just an intermediary for contacting different agencies, I call them, they call the jcia, didn't seem to be a different effect.

Posted on: 2013/10/22 18:43

Re: Business trash disposal, legal requirements?
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No ideas? Anyone?

Posted on: 2013/10/22 0:20

Business trash disposal, legal requirements?
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There is a business near me which throws out piles of trash, some bagged some not, with regular curbside pickup. Is this legal or are they required to arrange for a private company to pickup their trash? They leave it a huge mess in the same area as the residential trash in front of the building, it is frequently not in cans. I know they are required to keep the trash area neater, but despite numerous complaints and the JCIA's claim that fines have been issued, it doesn't improve. It is making the block look dumpier than it should. Who else can I contact for help with this?

Posted on: 2013/10/18 22:10

Re: Thoughts on Journal Square and Greenville?
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user1111 wrote:
According to googlemaps

Here is an idea, why not try it for yourself... I lived on Belmont in Kennedy way back, and it its about 15min during winter months (most people walk faster when its cold out) and about 25 min during summer... To the original poster of this thread choose wisely what part of town u live in some of these fools will be your neighbors.

Guess what numb-nuts, I have tried it. Its a solid mile, I do live in the area and I do regularly walk or run to Lincoln park, it is not close. I cited google maps solely to back up the distance I mentioned. Not sure what your point is since you agreed with me that its an average 20min walk from Belmont and Kennedy to JSQ.

Posted on: 2012/9/8 20:12

Re: Jersey City cop kills pit bull after it bites woman
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JCbiscuit wrote:

FDS_JC wrote:

brewster wrote:
Resized Image

"The damage above is reportedly the work of four pit bull terriers were were trying to reach a stray kitten camped out in the engine compartment of a Dodge minivan belonging to the dogs' owner." ... dyssey=mod_sectionstories

No different from other dogs, huh?

A relative of mine has two German Shepherds who as puppies ate a pizza sized hole in the drywall when left unattended for a few hours, so while Pits do have more powerfull jaws, chewing large holes in stuff not unique at all.

I'd wager that drywall is a tad easier to get through than steel and galvanized rubber.

That bumper is not steel, it is plastic. I wouldn't be surprised if the fender is also plastic.

Posted on: 2012/9/8 20:06

Re: Thoughts on Journal Square and Greenville?
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od49 wrote:
Lincoln Park, at Belmont and JFK, is slightly less than 1 mile from the PATH, a 15 minute walk along JFK. You can also bike to/from PATH. All cities have people who hang out in public places.

According to googlemaps, whose accuracy I trust, Belmont and JFK is exactly 1 mile from JSQ, 20 min walk for the average person. And this is the very tippy tip of the park, do you really want to go to LP to sit in that section of dusty half-dirt lawn and watch traffic speed down JFK? It is 1.5 mi to the fountain, which is what I think of as the entrance to the actual park. You can keep adding distance for the basketball or tennis courts, playing fields, track etc. and yes, every city has people hanging around in public spaces, but in JSQ its usually exclusively the scumbags, not a healthy demographic mix. Think Union Sq, plenty of dirtballs there too, but also college kids, old folks, families etc, all kinds hanging around on a nice day.

Posted on: 2012/9/8 18:47

Re: Jersey City cop kills pit bull after it bites woman
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brewster wrote:
Resized Image

"The damage above is reportedly the work of four pit bull terriers were were trying to reach a stray kitten camped out in the engine compartment of a Dodge minivan belonging to the dogs' owner." ... dyssey=mod_sectionstories

No different from other dogs, huh?

A relative of mine has two German Shepherds who as puppies ate a pizza sized hole in the drywall when left unattended for a few hours, so while Pits do have more powerfull jaws, chewing large holes in stuff not unique at all.

Posted on: 2012/9/4 21:03

Re: Thoughts on Journal Square and Greenville?
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someguyinjc wrote:

FDS_JC wrote:
JSQ is not gentrified yet, but it is definitely the next area of JC to do so. . . The other downside is there are no parks in the neighborhood, and the only public space, which is Journal Sq itself, is full of scumbags sleeping on benches and falling over on the side walk. Sooner or later, this will all change. . . .

Lincoln Park is not too bad, but it's about 10 blocks south of the PATH station along 440. I passed by one evening and it seemed a little eerie, so your best bet is probably to go during the daylight hours. There is even a track to run on and several baseball diamonds scattered throughout the premises.

FDS, I agree that the "occupants" by the JSQ fountain leave much to be desired. For the most part, they just talk smack and waste the hours away while getting a healthy dose of UV radiation. Aside from the occasional off-color remarks hurled at unsuspecting passersby, they seem to be harmless. When the OWS crowd set up a makeshift satellite site at JSQ, I saw some of these "locals" actually try to talk with them. How's that for solidarity?

As for a time frame... Who knows? Maybe we'll see the changes within our lifetime, maybe not, but that's why it's called an investment, eh?

Lincoln Park is plenty nice, but it is 1.5 miles from the center of Journal Sq, too far for a casual stroll, a trip there and back on foot would easily take an hour, and thats without stopping to smell the roses (or is that dog feces?)
As far as the JSQ fountain hang-arounders, they don't actually ever say or do anything to me, but some of them frequently have something rude to say to single girls. Whatsmore they are a big sign that the city doesn't even care to keep up appearances around here

Posted on: 2012/9/4 20:59

Re: Jersey City cop kills pit bull after it bites woman
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dtjcview wrote:

brewster wrote:
FDS_JC: The practical difference is that when a chihuahua decides you're the one to bite, he can't tear your head off and a pit can.

I think FDS_JC's point was pits aren't the only breed that can be dangerous, not that every breed is equally dangerous. Lots of breeds have the capability of killing or seriously hurting people, including

- German Shepherds
- Any type of Mastiff
- Dobermans
- American Bulldogs
- Rottweilers
- Most bull terrier breeds
- Cane Corsos

Heck even family favorites such as labs, retrievers and boxers could cause serious injuries.

Exactly what I was thinking. Pits are more attractive to idiots who want a tough looking dog, so probably more of them are raised wrong, compared to other breeds. Being attacked by a german shepherd could be just as bad, but there just aren't as many wannabe Michael Vick's out there breeding Shepherds.

Posted on: 2012/8/28 0:29

Re: Thoughts on Journal Square and Greenville?
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Just can't stay away

JSQ is not gentrified yet, but it is definitely the next area of JC to do so. It is less than fifteen min from Manhattan on the PATH, and the real estate is still cheap, undervalued in my opinion. I bought here 5 years ago, not because I love the neighborhood, but because of what's bound to happen to it. Because of the economic meltdown I give it another 10 years before we see enough major changes to consider it gentrified. As it stands now, there are no non-indian sitdown restaurants, not one single bar you could take a nice girl or guy to, and no good supermarkets. The other downside is there are no parks in the neighborhood, and the only public space, which is Journal Sq itself, is full of scumbags sleeping on benches and falling over on the side walk. Sooner or later, this will all change. If looking to buy as an investment its a good place to do so, if looking to rent short term, maybe shell out the extra money and go downtown. If you commute to manhattan I wouldn't consider anywhere away from the PATH (ie: outside Downtown and JSQ) its the only direct 24hr mass transit link JC has to the city. Lightrail is not very fast, and is way more expensive than it should be if you're also paying PATH fare.

Posted on: 2012/8/28 0:16

Re: Coconut Latin Caribbean Grill
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Just can't stay away

I've gotten take out from there. Its pretty standard latin fare. Nothing to write home about, but then again none of the latin places I've tried in in JC have been as good as I expect. When I lived in Queens I always had a great, cheap spot nearby, so maybe I'm just spoiled.

Posted on: 2012/8/20 1:18

Re: Signs of life at JScare? 42-story residential tower on tap for Jersey City
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Just can't stay away

I'm all for development in JSQ, lord knows this neighborhood needs a boost, but I'll believe it when I see it.

Posted on: 2012/7/31 0:35

Re: Jersey City cop kills pit bull after it bites woman
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Just can't stay away

Whenever there's an incident involving a "pit" some idiot has to comment on how they should be banned. In terms of aggression on people they're no worse than many other breeds. Unfortunately they're a popular breed for another kind of idiot to own, and many owners have no idea how to properly train or care for any kind of dog. It also bears mentioning that not every dog labeled a "pitbull" in these report is actually a pitbull.

Posted on: 2012/7/31 0:29

Re: McGinley Square
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Just can't stay away

I believe St Peters is still involved, but without a developer its certainly at a stand still for the foreseeable future.
Remember the last mayoral election? Heavy machinery arrived at the journal sq lot and pushed dirt around for a few weeks, as soon as the election was over they were long gone and haven't been back since (big surprise). They must think we're idiots, and apparently they're right since we keep electing the same people to "represent" us.

Posted on: 2012/6/29 23:01

Re: Lafayette Redevelopment
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Just can't stay away

not for nothin, the Statue of liberty should be backwards in the Mural, thats (fittingly) the only side Jersey has a connection with...

Posted on: 2012/6/25 18:48

Re: McGinley Square
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Just can't stay away

Are you referring to the McG Sq redevelopment plan that St Peters is involved with, the one around Bergen and Montgomery? I'm not holding my breath for that to happen. The JSQ development has been a pathetic mess for years now, I don't expect this to go any differently. The city gov doesn't bother taking the time to really affect any kind of development outside downtown.

Posted on: 2012/6/25 18:35

Re: Animals Live Here...
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Just can't stay away

unfortunately, typical around here

Posted on: 2012/6/9 20:48

Re: JJ (typical JC weekend) Police Beat: a crash, a slash, a shotgun blast… and two JC fools.
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Just can't stay away

The last story is great, I guess they settled that argument

Posted on: 2012/4/25 13:52

Re: It's Greek To Me
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Just can't stay away

Personally I have found igtm to be overpriced and of mediocre quality. I used to live in Astoria where Greek food is plentiful and many high quality Greek restaurants are moderately priced. When I moved to JC it was one of the first places that I went to eat out, I was not impressed, and haven't been back.

Posted on: 2011/9/2 0:03

Re: Eminent Domain McGinley Sq
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Just can't stay away

Its a tough situation to consider. While there are several well maintained owner occupied houses in the "redevelopment zone" most are poorly maintained buildings full of rentals. While it is certainly not fair to the owner/residents of these better maintained properties, it would definitely be a big improvement for the neighborhood. This area is severely lacking in dining and entertainment, and St. Peter's is the only positive thing spurring development around here. I also find it laughable that someone would say there is no trash on the street in this neighborhood, its filthy, and that is thanks to many of the residents of the ramshackle multi unit buildings, some of which have been targeted for the redevelopment.

Posted on: 2011/7/19 1:38

Re: The Beacon
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billc wrote:
I don't think anyone would seriously try walking to Liberty State Park from the Beacon unless they are in training, but if that is your thing, go for it.

Yeah that's quite a hike, but if you have a bike its a quick ride, and if you go cruise down Summit to Communipaw rather than following Johnston its not such an ugly view.

Posted on: 2011/6/1 22:31

Re: ????Info on obtaining R1 driveway variance???
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Longhorn wrote:

monj1985 wrote:
As a law student I'm trying to do this the legal way. I posted on here because I know there is a legal way to get a variance, its just somewhat difficult and I was wondering if anyone went through the process. I agree I'm mad about illegal driveways too, but at the same time now theyre punishing people like my parents who do everything by the book. As for aesthetics lets be realistic its the city, jersey city isnt stopping people from building those huge 2 family houses that have illegal apartments and fit like 50 ppl in them with 10 cars, well all those illegal residents are taking the parking spots, and it seems only fair the people who live on the block who pay their taxes should be able to park their car. I'm in the heights there are no historic houses on my block or in my area in general. Honestly if people really want aesthetics move to the suburbs plain and simple, but dont screw over the little guy who follows the law while everyone around him breaks it. Anyway like I said I have no intention of doing it illegally I just want some advice on how to proceed to get the variance, I know its possible.

It's funny you mention the suburbs, but you have it backwards. If you want to park your car in a driveway and drive everywhere you go, then it is you that needs to move to the suburbs. That is what the suburbs are made for. The city is made for walking and public transit. Cars are a luxury, not a necessity here.

Unfortunately in much of JC public transpo is severely limited, and people needing to travel to shop or get to work in off hours need an alternative form of transport.

Posted on: 2011/6/1 22:22

Re: 13 indicted -- part of Bloods Gang Greenville based drug ring
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Out on bail? Why would you release a repeat offender whose past offenses include armed robbery?

Posted on: 2011/5/21 17:22

Re: Family in Heights disturbing all around them...taking over the street!
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Maybe they were avid plumbing enthusiasts?

Posted on: 2011/5/14 13:19

Re: Family in Heights disturbing all around them...taking over the street!
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Just can't stay away

I was thinking wild west justice more like a posse on horseback tying up the bastards and finding the nearest tall tree.

Posted on: 2011/5/13 23:13

Re: Family in Heights disturbing all around them...taking over the street!
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heights wrote:

FDS_JC wrote:
Sounds like you need some modern day vigilantes to take the law into their hands old west style....

Or old Jersey City style. Actually we are coming up on the 10 year anniversary of the murder of J.C. police officer Dominick Infantes. The off duty officer addressed his neighbors lighting off fireworks in a dangerous manner the end result was murder by the neighbors because they did not feel they should have been reprimanded. ... er-domenick-j-infantes-jr

That's a sad story, and crazy that a jury would let them off easy like that. But not sure how it relates to my comment, are you illustrating the negative outcome of confronting these scumbags on ones own?

Posted on: 2011/5/12 10:34

Re: JC Post Office - Be Very Afraid
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The worst part is that we all pay their salaries. Its too bad that when so many people are desperate for jobs these slobs don't even bother doing the ones that they have.

Posted on: 2011/5/11 0:18

Re: Family in Heights disturbing all around them...taking over the street!
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Just can't stay away

Sounds like you need some modern day vigilantes to take the law into their hands old west style....

Posted on: 2011/5/11 0:15

Driveway Zoning?
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Does anyone know how to find out if a property is zoned to have a driveway? In my row of houses at least half have driveways, but mine does not. When I called the parking authority they said that a curb cut would indicate whether I can have one or not. The thing is my neighbors do not have a curb cut, and the curb in front of my house is practically at the same level as the pavement, negating the need for a cut. My house does not have the original iron fence in front. It was replaced by a home made wooden one at some point, which makes me think that perhaps it once was used as a driveway. I have heard that the city is only allowing new driveways on new construction, but is there any way to get an exception on this? Has anyone else dealt with the city on this?

Posted on: 2011/5/8 21:46

Re: Opinions on Journal Square - Is it still up and coming?
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@Neverleft -
"I don?t consider the JSQ area ?run down? yes it is old, but those people take pride in their houses and try their best to keep them up."
That's true about some blocks in JSQ, but there are plenty where people don't give a damn about maintaining their properties, and there are a lot of buildings around with absentee landlords who do only the bare minimum, if that. Its very easy to find house with piles of trash permanently in the yard, or pieces of siding hanging off, places where people take no pride in their surroundings. Just look at all the trash on the streets, I see people throwing crap on the sidewalk and out of there cars all the time.
As to the original question, I think there are some indications that JSQ is on the up, Hudson County Community College has been doing some development, and so has Saint Peter's. Overall though, JSQ isn't much different than it was 4 years ago, and I don't think it will change that much in the next 4. Eventually it will become more gentrified, its way too close to Manhattan not to go up in value and attract more "newcomers" and "yuppies", and as they come so will more amenities to benefit us all. I think that massive empty lot in the square has a big negative impact on of the neighborhood and the city will have to do something about it before real changes happen. In the long run owning property in the area will be a sound investment, but I wouldn't expect the value to jump anytime soon.

Posted on: 2011/4/16 21:07

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