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Re: Future of Newport Mall
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CdeCoincy wrote:
Maybe they should take a cue from Short Hills and get rid of the food court and toy stores. Riveredge doesn't have a food court either.

The mall at short hills has a toy store...

Wish they would branch out and open up at Newport. They are the same type of toy store as Jack's on Jersey Avenue was. Hated when Jack's closed up shop; it was the best place for unique birthday gifts.

Posted on: 2013/6/15 23:42

Re: Review of Early Learning Academy on Marin Blvd in jersey city
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Not too shy to talk

I would stay away from ELA.

If you are looking to stay in the VVP and or Paulus Hook neighborhood try:

Hudson Montessori


Little Harbor Academy

Posted on: 2013/5/9 20:28

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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Not too shy to talk ... dge_rules_grove_stre.html

What ever happened with this ruling.... did the PA appeal? Haven't heard a peep about this in the news... can't imagine they will be able to get it overturned. When would be the estimate that they actually start working on an ADA accessible entrance for Grove Street?

Posted on: 2012/2/22 16:05

Re: Is Healy not going to run?
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Not too shy to talk

Yes Healy will run, but we need a mayor for all of JC not just downtown. Fulop will not get the rest of the JC votes West Bergen, Greenville etc are not fond of Fulop or Healy.

OK, I can understand why those wards wouldn't like Healy but why not Fulop? As far as I can tell, he is actually the only ward councilman that takes even a remote interest in the other districts. And if he is elected, he will not focus just on downtown. In order for JC to viable long term, other areas of JC need desperate attention. Fulop knows this and he is not dumb enough to run for mayor and then focus all his time on Downtown. He will find and support a candidate that can carry his torch for Ward E and focus on the other districts as appropriate.

Posted on: 2012/2/21 18:55

Re: 2 reported killed in car crash in Downtown Jersey City
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Not too shy to talk

If you are driving fast enough to cause another car to burst into flames and be propelled several feet and you still cannot get control of your own car then you deserve to be shot there on the spot.


Posted on: 2012/1/19 16:49

Re: 2 reported killed in car crash in Downtown Jersey City
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Not too shy to talk

There are definitely problems with the traffic pattern on that stretch of Grand, but having two lanes on each side is not one of them. There needs to be more clear signage, right after Barrow, letting drivers know that the left lane is for turning only as they approach Grove. The driver in the SUV was probably in the left lane as he approached the light at Grove and tried to swerve around the cab (possibly at a high speed to cut in front of someone in the right lane). You can tell this by the damage on the SUV, and the fact that the cab was propelled toward the north side of the street. The other major issues are people stopping illegally in front of the hospital and school to pick up passengers, and the whole traffic mess in front of the McDonald's shopping center.

Denibleu.... You assumption about the impact is wrong. It was a direct front end to back end hit. The SUV was probably going 70+ mph, the cab actually appeared to be going the speed limit. I have this from one of the few people who witnessed the accident . The SUV then careened out of control down grand street crashing into several poles, hence the damage.

Posted on: 2012/1/19 16:48

Re: 2 reported killed in car crash in Downtown Jersey City
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Not too shy to talk

Speeding on Grand, headed east towards the waterfront. Impact occurred right after the first crosswalk at grand and grove street intersection. Cab immediately burst into flames upon impact and the crash launched the cab diagonally across to thenorth side of grand street past the Taqueria building. The other car went out of control but stayed on the south side of grand street, took out the light by the second crosswalk and then continued further down grand to crash into another pole in front of the basketball courts at the boys and girls club (this is where the pedestrian was hit and killed/ murdered.)

Posted on: 2012/1/19 15:40

Re: 2 reported killed in car crash in Downtown Jersey City
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Not too shy to talk

He killed an innocent man who was on his way home to Gull's Cove. I hope he gets the maximum sentence as well.

It's TWO innocent people, potentially three. The cab driver was severely burned and in critical condition. Haven't heard any updates on his status. Was the Gull's Cove resident in the cab or the pedestrian? These poor people! I believe a chef from Abondonza Tratorria (along with others from that restaurant or Taqueria) tried to pull the passenger in the cab out of the car window but they couldn't get him through. Just an awful thing to happen.

Posted on: 2012/1/19 15:09

Re: 2 reported killed in car crash in Downtown Jersey City
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Not too shy to talk

What a horrible accident. Know a guy who witnessed it. The person who caused the accident was probably attempting to flee the scene but he actually did not. He was walking around, almost like he was a witness. My friend was standing right next to him at one point, as he waiting to give his statement to the police. The police went up to him and asked him if he was the driver. He denied it, was acting all weird and then one of the cops put his hand on the guys chest, felt his heartbeat racing. They went ino the car, he had left his wallet inside, and then identified that it was him and he was cuffed immediately.

Hope the mayor and Fulop are paying attention. Just a matter of time before this was about to happen. Something needs to be done about enforcing the speed limit on grand street. This wasn't even a peak time for this road and if it happened an hour or two earlier, even more people could have been hurt or killed.

Hope the guy who did this gets a maximum sentence for his crime. Our thoughts go out to the victims and their families.

Posted on: 2012/1/19 14:37

Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Ditto. Where is everyone located? Curious as to the scope of the quake? (we are downtown JC/Paulus hook area).

Posted on: 2011/8/23 17:58

Re: Cupcake Shop on Grove
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Not too shy to talk

So glad to hear this! Love Cupcake Salon! I was so disappointed when I saw the shop shuttered up at the mall. This is great news! The owner is super sweet and makes DELICIOUS cupcakes. 10x better than the dry a** cupcakes from Magnolia's.

To all you haters, you should be ashamed yourselves! Support this local business; the owner is extremely pleasant, professional and has an excellent product.

Posted on: 2011/8/5 0:13

Re: Wolves in Liberty State Park
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Not too shy to talk

Where exactly on Morris Pesin were you? Near the parking lots/playgrounds? Closer to the waterfront/Freedom Way? Are you sure they weren't coyotes or feral dogs as a previous poster mentioned? More importantly did you contact the LSP parks department about your sighting? If they were wolves, coyotes or feral dogs, all would pose a threat to dogs, children and adults.

Posted on: 2010/10/12 13:16

Re: weekend ferry service?
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Not too shy to talk

the liberty landing marina runs weekend service. here is the link to their website

Posted on: 2010/8/6 23:50

Re: Jersey City Superintendent of Schools Charles T. Epps Jr. $300.000.00/year
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Not too shy to talk

Epps is preparing to play the race card to save his sorry behind. 35 out of 40 schools failing but the City must retain an incompetent because of his race ? OY !


Just check out today's article as proof. ... y_school_board_hears.html

All the more reason to praise and support Sterling Waterman's opposition to extending this fraud's contract. It's amazing to me that people would sacrifice the education of their children, and the future leaders to represent the African American community (or any ethnicity for that matter) just to stand up for "one of their own".

Embarrassing to say the least.

Go Sterling! .... please continue to stand strong and shake up this corrupt BOE. You truly have the interests of the children in mind; which is beyond commendable.

Posted on: 2010/7/29 20:17

Re: Park & Sixth Comfort Food Coming to Grove Street, JC
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Not too shy to talk

I think they have a different take on what people would associate with traditional comfort (i.e. southern) food. So I think this will not present any "issues" for the delicious Soul Flavors establishment.

If you take a look at the menu (link below) it appears to be along the lines of a italian deli style place where you can get a good sandwich or salad as well as some prepared foods. I think the menu looks pretty good and this will be a great addition since a good sandwich place in the grove street area is something we do not have.

Posted on: 2010/5/15 14:14

Re: Cocoa Bakery & Cafe
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Not too shy to talk

That's great to hear that this place is still planning to open.

EricFleming, no pressure, but any idea when you will officially "open the doors"?

Posted on: 2010/5/8 14:44

Re: Jersey City Playground Rules
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Not too shy to talk


woodstock1 wrote:

Amen maxine.

what radryan03 doesn't realize (or doesn't want to admit) is that these kids that learn to be disrespectful to adults, authority figures, etc. at a young age will be the ones committing what he refers to as the reals crimes (manslaughter, vandalism, etc.) in the near future.

Ridiculous - because I would prefer not to be execute stereotypes on my community. I am in a forum of educated people, yet everyone wants to play ignorant to the fact that we are minority.

We have the ability to empathize and rationalize with more background and knowledge - which means we can attack problems dimensionally and expect more from ourselves than to fall back on limp-dicked ordinance, and fighting with children and cops.

Has anyone considered where these kids would play soccer if it wasn't on the community playground? What is our community missing - maybe something for everyone? Where is the local soccer field? Have you suggested to your local council person that maybe we need more green space? Instead of looking to the local cops to resolve a 'kiddy' issue, you need to start looking to yourself (the educated adults). This is a selfish topic. We pay ridiculous taxes to pay for things like green space and public facilities - start asking for them! I do.

Just remember that delinquency, disrespect, and poor decision making are limited to no one - regardless of where they live and who they are.

Sorry radryan03 but I beg to differ. Comments had nothing to do with stereotypes (case in point the recent murder at UVA... wealthy white kid that probably was raised with a "silver spoon" and did whatever he pleased and got whatever he asked for). You either have respect for the rules, society, your elders, etc. or you don't. Whichever aspect of life you choose to disrespect and to what degree will determine your ethical makeup and your future outcome in life whether you are white, black, brown, yellow, purple, blue, what have you.

Just because the local government has not put additional resources into more green spaces, doesn't constitute breaking the rules of the playground and putting other children in potential danger. I certainly support more greenspaces for kids to play soccer, skateboard, play basketball, etc. but it doesn't mean one should make up their own rules just because we don't have those amenities available in the community.

(BTW, last I checked the only non-Healy ticket person elected to city council was Fulop, so if the rest of your districts' don't have an advocate to enhance the quality of life in your neighborhood, then you should've rallied around a candidate that would have fought to bring about change to your part of the community.)

Posted on: 2010/5/5 20:16

Re: Jersey City Playground Rules
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

This is not about vilifying teenagers, who obvioulsy need a place to play ball (for example, in the surrounding park area), but about the police officer's rude and unprofessional conduct in this situation. She could have suggested that the kids play in a different area of the park or tried to diffuse the situation in a similar manner. Instead, she chose to ridicule the adults in front of the teens, who learned that it is not necessary to respect other people around them.

Amen maxine.

what radryan03 doesn't realize (or doesn't want to admit) is that these kids that learn to be disrespectful to adults, authority figures, etc. at a young age will be the ones committing what he refers to as the reals crimes (manslaughter, vandalism, etc.) in the near future.

Posted on: 2010/5/5 17:35

Re: Jersey City Playground Rules
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Not too shy to talk

Cop out? I don't begrudge the kids a soccer game but there is a place for that and it's not on a toddler's play area. STOP rewarding bad behavior.

This is the same situation with all the kids that skateboard at the Owen Grundy Pier in downtown JC. Signs are clearly posted that this is not allowed yet every time I am down there, there they area. And 99% of the time there is cop at the foot of the Pier just standing there and letting it happen. They are tearing up that sitting area and stage and it looks like crap.

Posted on: 2010/5/5 13:46

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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Not too shy to talk

I don't think I want F1 in that park but, boy does it point out even more, to me, the boringness of that park. I often run there, and take my dog....but that park resembles more of a field or a desert than anything else. If not for the amazing views of NYC, the statue, and the small refuge for a couple swans or whatever they are....the park is useless. There should be baseball fields, soccer fields, tennis courts, maybe a pond, swimming pools...gosh maybe even a few more restaurants or a shop or two. Why not? It's HUGE and nothing is there. It's not like you have to knock down a tree to do it, because there aren't any there! I've been there so many times and other than that little playground area where people bbq, and the ferry terminal, the park always seems empty to me.


Not to mention that the playground area is already wearing down and could use a facelift. And there are practically no shade trees. Why don't they redevelop the old rail yards right behind the LSP terminal. Isn't that an opportunity for more retail, restaurants, etc.? So sad, it is such a wasted space if it stays "as is". Central Park it will never be, but it has potential to be better than what it is now.

Posted on: 2010/5/5 13:36

Re: Where are the playgrounds in Paulus Hook?
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Not too shy to talk

Welcome! Where did yo move from?

You can actually get to LSP more quickly (and with a shorter walk to playground if you take the ferry... link below). It is a $1pp to go across the canal (i think kids under 6 are free).

There is also Hamilton Park if you walk north on Jersey Avenue you will run right into it. However, 2 things, 1) it is closed right now for renovation, although it is hopefully going to open on 6/5 and they just installed a whole new playground area... and it looks great; 2) if you think it is a long walk to VPP then you are going to have to add another 10 minutes to get to HP.

If you are really feeling adventurous, hop the lightrail to Hoboken. They have a nice waterfront walkway and there are several age-based playground areas at Church Square Park (which is about a 7-10 minute walk from the Hoboken Terminal.)


Posted on: 2010/5/1 3:53

Re: Shame on you City Council
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Not too shy to talk

Gotta love Arnold Diaz... didn't he do one of these segments on Willie Flood and her son too?

All the more reason Fulop needs to be mayor. And listen up any non-ward E residents, if you vote these goons into office again in 2013... then you deserve what you get. This city will never change until we get more people like Fulop on the council.

Posted on: 2010/4/30 13:02

Re: Council debates federal loan to Hilton Hotel developer
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Not too shy to talk

Posted on: 2010/4/29 2:49

Re: Council debates federal loan to Hilton Hotel developer
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Not too shy to talk

Ugh! As much as development for JC is a good thing. This is not a responsible venture to get involved with right now given the economic climate.

Didn't Fulop also say recently that the existing hotels in the Newport area were reporting lower than average occupancy rates.. if so, what economic value does another hotel add to the city right now?

Also, if this does get approved, (which given the contributions to Healy's and the council's campaigns, it pronanly will) there should be some height restrictions on the building. I don't think anyone in the neighborhood wants the Paulus Hook/Downtown JC area to turn into Newport II.

Posted on: 2010/4/28 13:51

Re: Trees along Christopher Columbus drive
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Not too shy to talk

Why were the center island scrapped? If they made it look more similar to Montgomery Street below Marin, it would help pedestrian flow better. At least we would have a median to get to rather than cross the entire highway at once.

Doesn't anyone in government realize that this is definitely not going to facilitate the build up of Newark/Grove area as a shopping and dining destination if there is a huge highway cutting right through it. JC has so much potential, yet it amazes me how many times they miss an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Very frustrating...


Such a shame that this is happening... to the poster that spoke to Fulop; is there anything that can be done here? if they have to remove the trees along the sidewalk, so be it, but why not go back to the plan for the median? CC is already dangerous enough and unfriendly to pedestrians as it is; this will only make things worse.

Posted on: 2010/4/24 2:34

Re: MorrisCanal Park -- for dogs or kids?
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Not too shy to talk

everbody should ease off neanoora.

the bottom line is that people let their dogs off leash in MP all the time and JCPD does nothing about it (or LSP police, since technically it is their jurisdiction too.) So if no one is handing out tickets, what is to stop everyone form doing it... nothing.

That said, I reiterate again, that LSP should seriously consider adopting off leash dog hours throughout the entire park. It is an even compromise.

Additionally, as to neonoora's comment about the nice weather bringing more people out.... I feel they are right on as well. Simply put, there are a lot of lazy dog owners out there. And you never see these people out for more than a pee and poop with their dogs when it's raining, snowing, sleeting or below freezing out. We too take our dog out in all weather conditions to make sure he has enough exercise.

And on another note, to me the off leash dogs in MP are a lot less of an issue than the off leash dogs on the marina walkway in Paulus Hook. These people have A LOT of nerve. At least in the park most people try to keep the dogs towards the end of the park and away from where kids are playing. The park has some flexibility for off leash dogs to share space with kids, adults, etc. but the walkway is a busier environment and is not meant for dogs to be off leash. I guarantee you if some biker or rollerblader ran into to one of these off leash dogs on the walkway, the dog owner's would through a hissy fit.

Posted on: 2010/4/19 18:56

Re: Jersey City will start enforcing new pedestrian crossing law by putting cops in crosswalks
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Not too shy to talk

What they should really focus on is enforcing the speed limit on Grand Street. Great that they repaved most of the road but eliminating the on-street parking and creating two lanes between Jersey Ave and Grove Street has made that street even more of danger zone than it was before.

Posted on: 2010/4/17 0:08

Re: MorrisCanal Park -- for dogs or kids?
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Not too shy to talk

I think a compromise needs to be reached. Overall JC and NJ in general are behind the curve when it comes to off leash dog laws.

Since Morris Canal is owned by LSP, the park should adopt off leash dog hours, similar to Central Park (dogs allowed off leash before 9AM and after 9PM.) I think even after 8PM would be fine since most kiddies are in bed by then. Also restrict the off leash area of MCP to the far end of the peninsula. They should not be near that circular walkway where the benches are.

I support off leash dogs (with rules... yes I know there are dog runs but some dogs do not do well in them and most dogs do need a large space to run free in addition to their normal walks). However, the Morris Canal Park is out of control. People are inconsiderate there and most do not pick up their dogs poop. As a dog owner myself nothing infuriates me more.

Posted on: 2010/4/14 13:32

Re: Liberty State Park Incident
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Not too shy to talk

Yes.. i saw the entire article and others. I think they key word you are missing here is "federal officers" (i.e. CIA agents, FBI, DEA, etc.) My point in referencing these NPS statistics were in comparison to crime statistics for police officers in cities such as NY, JC, Newark, LA, etc. not vs. other federal officers.

Downtown Regular, I think we can just agree to disagree.

Posted on: 2009/11/13 1:55

Re: Liberty State Park Incident
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Not too shy to talk

Sorry Downtown Regular and no offense to any family, friends or acquaintances you may have at the NPS but looking at these NATIONAL statistics... I think that a JCPD or NYPD officer's job is slightly more dangerous. But that is just me.... ... 2/28/GR2008022800363.html

And again, I was not talking about the NPS; I was talking SPECIFICALLY about the LSP officers. Is an NPS officer in danger.. in some circumstances, possibly, but to compare the risk to their safety as equal to someone who works on an urban police force is frankly disrespectful.

Posted on: 2009/11/12 20:21

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