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Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2006/11/27 12:04
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jc_dweller wrote:
Irregardless is not a word. At best it's a double negative. At worst, it makes you sound, well... "special".


Br6dR wrote:

Irregardless of that, it was an odd word to put in his list of PC words that send him into a conservative rage.

How ironic that I used it in a post about misused words. One of us is spec... Wait, if you teabaggers keep using that word as insult you know what's gonna happen.

Posted on: 2010/3/14 0:47

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2006/7/14 19:34
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Xerxes wrote:
"Special" DOES mean extraordinary in a positive way
and "Retarded" DOES mean slowed.

Why should I have to rethink those perfectly valid definitions.

If you doubt these meanings, just look up the words in a dictionary.

My fave is how "colored person" is perjorative but "person of color" is not. At least THIS WEEK.
Second fave is how some doofs think it is proper to refer to people who have been U.S. citizens for 6 generations as "African American."

Any short people here calling themselves "altitudinally challenged?"

The class valedictorian is probably SPECIAL...the one who couldn't read at age 18 is probably not, he is most likely retarded (and not "comprehensionally challenged.")

Getting rid of perfectly good straigtforward language and replacing it with long silly phraseology is PEDANTISM.

While special does mean extraordinary, not necessarily "in a positive way." Just different than the norm.

I always wondered if some day I called someone an African American and they we actually australian aborigine if they would be insulted.

I always wondered why Little People prefer that term. I can understand if they don't like Midget or Dwarf, but "Little People" reminds me of toys.

But it is what they want, so I'll do it. I'll avoid the R-word as I avoid the N-word, cause that's what they prefer.

But I'm never so PC to be above a good joke.

Posted on: 2010/3/13 21:49

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2007/10/11 3:28
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Do you think "special" people will call each other "retarded" the way some black people call each other "nig***"?

Posted on: 2010/3/13 21:30

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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kramones wrote:
Wow. I was shocked after reading some of these responses. Whoever said that "special" means extraordinary and "retard" means slow probably should have thought twice before posting that response. Special also means otherwise different from the normal and retard, a verb, means to delay the progression of. So actually, people with disabilities literally ARE special, of course you feel that the word special shouldn't be used to describe people who are not perfect.

And to the person who said, "Pretty soon the JJ won't even tell us the ethnicity of violent crime suspects walking the streets...." Real classy. Explain to me how this is relevant - why are you comparing a person with a disability to a criminal? Or are you that bigoted that you are scared of people with disabilities as you are of a criminal?

I've been a special educator for many years and I take personal offense to the use of the word retarded. Not only is it insulting to people who are less fortunate than you or I, but on the larger picture of Civil Rights it is particularly upsetting. What a great freakin idea. Let's keep putting down individuals and continue to use derogatory terms to describe a group of people who have historically been denied access to the luxuries that we are accustomed to.

What good comes out of calling someone retarded? How big of a sacrifice is it for people to simply stop using that word? It seems that the only reason for people to use the word is to purposefully offend someone.

You should be thankful that you were born with all your limbs, the mental and educational capacity to survive on your own, the capability to make sound decisions for yourself, and that you are normal.

+1 kramones

I agree with you completely.

Posted on: 2010/3/13 21:00

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2004/12/29 17:58
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"Special" DOES mean extraordinary in a positive way
and "Retarded" DOES mean slowed.

Why should I have to rethink those perfectly valid definitions.

If you doubt these meanings, just look up the words in a dictionary.

My fave is how "colored person" is perjorative but "person of color" is not. At least THIS WEEK.
Second fave is how some doofs think it is proper to refer to people who have been U.S. citizens for 6 generations as "African American."

Any short people here calling themselves "altitudinally challenged?"

The class valedictorian is probably SPECIAL...the one who couldn't read at age 18 is probably not, he is most likely retarded (and not "comprehensionally challenged.")

Getting rid of perfectly good straigtforward language and replacing it with long silly phraseology is PEDANTISM.

Posted on: 2010/3/13 20:47

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2006/12/28 17:08
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Irregardless is not a word. At best it's a double negative. At worst, it makes you sound, well... "special".


Br6dR wrote:

Irregardless of that, it was an odd word to put in his list of PC words that send him into a conservative rage.

Posted on: 2010/3/13 20:39

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2004/9/14 17:44
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I am still surprised, but no longer shocked, by the cynicism and lack of empathy people display sometimes, especially online where they can hide behind an avatar. All big and bad, and cruel, and ignorant, devoid of empathy and respect, seemingly disconnected from whole chunks of their own species. Lot of good that big old brain does them. Normal?

Posted on: 2010/3/13 19:42

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2008/11/8 15:38
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What specifically about the word "retarded" is derogatory? The only thing that makes it so is that we allow it to be. The people we are talking about are, for one reason or another, slower than average, which is exactly what the word "retarded" means. If we all stood together and stood up for the disadvantaged (which I'm sure you do) and took back the word "retarded" it would mean just what it is meant to mean, nothing more, nothing less.

BTW, there is a special place in my heart for anyone who teaches, cares for or otherwise helps special people. Thank you for your work.

Posted on: 2010/3/13 19:40

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"

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2009/3/16 21:38
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2010/10/19 0:58
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Wow. I was shocked after reading some of these responses. Whoever said that "special" means extraordinary and "retard" means slow probably should have thought twice before posting that response. Special also means otherwise different from the normal and retard, a verb, means to delay the progression of. So actually, people with disabilities literally ARE special, of course you feel that the word special shouldn't be used to describe people who are not perfect.

And to the person who said, "Pretty soon the JJ won't even tell us the ethnicity of violent crime suspects walking the streets...." Real classy. Explain to me how this is relevant - why are you comparing a person with a disability to a criminal? Or are you that bigoted that you are scared of people with disabilities as you are of a criminal?

I've been a special educator for many years and I take personal offense to the use of the word retarded. Not only is it insulting to people who are less fortunate than you or I, but on the larger picture of Civil Rights it is particularly upsetting. What a great freakin idea. Let's keep putting down individuals and continue to use derogatory terms to describe a group of people who have historically been denied access to the luxuries that we are accustomed to.

What good comes out of calling someone retarded? How big of a sacrifice is it for people to simply stop using that word? It seems that the only reason for people to use the word is to purposefully offend someone.

You should be thankful that you were born with all your limbs, the mental and educational capacity to survive on your own, the capability to make sound decisions for yourself, and that you are normal.

Posted on: 2010/3/13 18:35

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2008/11/8 15:38
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Here's the real point, and it's not just limited to the word "retard" or phrase "mentally retarded." Rather than run away from words which go from being clinical to derogatory, defend what the clinical usage represents. Rather than let the idiots of the world claim "retard" as an insult, fight the battle of explaining the issues of retardation.

In my experience, most mentally retarded people are wonderful human beings. They are often happy people with great intentions, even though they may be frustrated by the world around them. My sister Abbie always had a smile on her face. Those who are capable of doing work if trained typically do their jobs well. Of course they're not perfect, they suffer from an infliction they did not create. Yet in most cases they just soldier on through life without complaints.

The community supporting the Mentally Retarded should fight to own the phrase, just as they fight to support their family member or friend. If you just run away from the word, the next phrase you choose becomes the next derogatory phrase. For instance "Special" now becomes "Speschuuuuul," and perhaps even more derogatory than the word it replaces.

Instead of letting the ignorant and the idiots humiliate others with "retard" explain to them the error of their ways. Educate them. If that fails ostracize them, not the retarded. I know, it's a difficult task. It's easy to run away from a word, but you'll keep running from one word then the next, and in the long run, that's far worse.

Posted on: 2010/3/13 11:51

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2009/6/16 8:31
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what's next for the 'tart cart' ???

Posted on: 2010/3/13 10:26

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2006/11/27 12:04
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Bobblehead wrote:

Oh no you di'int.

Posted on: 2010/3/13 0:12

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2005/12/13 20:06
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Oh no you di'int.

Posted on: 2010/3/12 15:53
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Oh, wait, there is one: The Jersey Sting.

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2004/9/15 18:45
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OMG...this thread is simply RETARDED! Seriously, don't you people have lives?

And here I am posting a comment. I'm thinking maybe I need to get a life myself.

Posted on: 2010/3/12 14:08

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2009/4/16 13:21
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Br6dR wrote:

zeitgeist101 wrote:
You mistake being pompous for being matter of fact (which is understandable) but if you think that it is the passage of time that I think is the issue then there is no purpose to write anything else- you've missed the point.

I usually hear people using peruse to mean they are just glancing at something but what they should be saying is browse.

It would be funny to see what would happen if you called someone a "peruser." If you used it in an insulting tone would they be offended or just confused or both? I think both.

Being irritated by the misuse of a word is fine. Throwing it in with ni--er, fa--ot and retard is silly at best. But that's the kind of thing that does wonders for the liberal agenda. Keep up the good work.

As I said before you have missed the point. As to what any of this has to do with furthering a "liberal agenda" I think you are just confused. Go ahead and get the last word though, I am done with this topic and responding to you.

Posted on: 2010/3/12 10:21

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2006/11/27 12:04
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zeitgeist101 wrote:
You mistake being pompous for being matter of fact (which is understandable) but if you think that it is the passage of time that I think is the issue then there is no purpose to write anything else- you've missed the point.

I usually hear people using peruse to mean they are just glancing at something but what they should be saying is browse.

It would be funny to see what would happen if you called someone a "peruser." If you used it in an insulting tone would they be offended or just confused or both? I think both.

Being irritated by the misuse of a word is fine. Throwing it in with ni--er, fa--ot and retard is silly at best. But that's the kind of thing that does wonders for the liberal agenda. Keep up the good work.

Posted on: 2010/3/12 9:19

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2009/4/16 13:21
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You mistake being pompous for being matter of fact (which is understandable) but if you think that it is the passage of time that I think is the issue then there is no purpose to write anything else- you've missed the point.

I usually hear people using peruse to mean they are just glancing at something but what they should be saying is browse.

It would be funny to see what would happen if you called someone a "peruser." If you used it in an insulting tone would they be offended or just confused or both? I think both.

Posted on: 2010/3/12 3:52

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2007/6/20 16:54
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Excuse my own ignorance, but what's a peruser in the more updated sense? I only know the original definition as in peruse a magazine.

Posted on: 2010/3/11 12:09

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2006/11/27 12:04
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Oh that damn passage of time and all the menacing changes it brings.

Read any book on word roots and you'll see that words and their meanings have changed many times throughout history. That's the way it is whether you like it or not, you pompous dolt.


zeitgeist101 wrote:
I was referring to how words are used without there true meaning being known thus effectively changing the meaning of the word.

So no Peruse was not a typo; to peruse something means to read through with thoroughness or care- this is not how it is normally used. []

Faggot was originally spelled with only one -g- and referred to a bundle of sticks, twigs, or branches bound together and used as fuel, a fascine, a torch, etc. []

Nigger could originally be used to refer to anyone who was of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc. []

Psychopath and Sociopath are frequently used interchangeably but they do not mean the same thing, although their meanings are similar (similar means alike, but not the same as one another).

So to answer your question Br6dR ; no I am not "...some... intellectually challenged guy?" you presumptious twit.


Br6dR wrote:


zeitgeist101 wrote:
Granted it is frequently used to mean something other than its original intended meaning, but so are a lot of words- nigger, faggot, peruse, sociopath, psychotic, etc...

Ah the good old days when ni--er and fa--ot were used in their intended ways.

Peruser? That's an insult?

What'samatter with you? You some kinda... intellectually challenged guy?

Posted on: 2010/3/11 10:00

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2009/4/16 13:21
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And please do not mistake what I said for a conservative rant. I do not believe that nigger and faggot should be used to describe any person. I do however object to removing an effective clinical word from usage based upon sentimentality.

Posted on: 2010/3/11 5:50

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2009/4/16 13:21
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I was referring to how words are used without there true meaning being known thus effectively changing the meaning of the word.

So no Peruse was not a typo; to peruse something means to read through with thoroughness or care- this is not how it is normally used. []

Faggot was originally spelled with only one -g- and referred to a bundle of sticks, twigs, or branches bound together and used as fuel, a fascine, a torch, etc. []

Nigger could originally be used to refer to anyone who was of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc. []

Psychopath and Sociopath are frequently used interchangeably but they do not mean the same thing, although their meanings are similar (similar means alike, but not the same as one another).

So to answer your question Br6dR ; no I am not "...some... intellectually challenged guy?" you presumptious twit.


Br6dR wrote:


zeitgeist101 wrote:
Granted it is frequently used to mean something other than its original intended meaning, but so are a lot of words- nigger, faggot, peruse, sociopath, psychotic, etc...

Ah the good old days when ni--er and fa--ot were used in their intended ways.

Peruser? That's an insult?

What'samatter with you? You some kinda... intellectually challenged guy?

Posted on: 2010/3/11 5:37

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2005/1/3 6:06
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Can we still use "tardo?"

Posted on: 2010/3/10 14:53
"Contemplate this upon the Tree of Woe."

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2006/11/27 12:04
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Might as well throw this in.


# Idiot indicated the greatest degree of intellectual disability, where the mental age is two years or less, and the person cannot guard himself or herself against common physical dangers. The term was gradually replaced by the term profound mental retardation.

# Imbecile indicated an intellectual disability less extreme than idiocy and not necessarily inherited. It is now usually subdivided into two categories, known as severe mental retardation and moderate mental retardation.

# Moron was defined by the American Association for the Study of the Feeble-minded in 1910, following work by Henry H. Goddard, as the term for an adult with a mental age between eight and twelve; mild mental retardation is now the term for this condition. Alternative definitions of these terms based on IQ were also used. This group was known in UK law from 1911 to 1959/60 as "feeble-minded".

# Retarded comes from the Latin retardare, "to make slow, delay, keep back, or hinder." The term was recorded in 1426 as a "fact or action of making slower in movement or time." The first record of retarded in relation to being mentally slow was in 1895. The term retarded was used to replace terms like idiot, moron, and imbecile because it was not a derogatory term. By the 1960s, however, the term had taken on a partially derogatory meaning as well. The noun "retard" is particularly seen as pejorative.

Posted on: 2010/3/9 22:29

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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mscottc wrote:

Crazy_Chester wrote:
This word went out of fashion more than a few years ago, and rightfully so. Deservedly or not, its meaning had been reduced to a juvenile schoolyard insult. By still using it you make yourself sound like an ignorant jerk.

I don't care about fashion. I care about truth and reality. "Mentally retarded" was the correct phrase then, and is still the correct phrase. If it offends you, that is your problem.

To quote "Retard": to make slow; delay the development or progress of (an action, process, etc.); hinder or impede.

In this case we are talking about humans with delayed mental development. Just because others have chosen to belittle the word with their ignorance of the issues or perhaps their own miserableness does not take away the reality of the symptoms or the diseases that cause it or the situation of the individuals or families that to deal with this awful status. I have wonderful memories of my mentally retarded sister (now no longer with us) and refuse to let people who choose to belittle others ruin that.

I have a dictionary, too. so I know what it means. It doesn't offend me at all because, ultimately, I could not care less. But it definitely is not the correct term in the year 2010. It just makes you sound like an uneducated hick. If you want to speak as though you are stuck in another generation, go for it. Don't expect your intransigence to be rewarded with admiration, though.

Posted on: 2010/3/9 22:09

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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2009/12/1 22:07
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Probably nothing valuable will come of this dialogue...

Posted on: 2010/3/9 22:09

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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Crazy_Chester wrote:
This word went out of fashion more than a few years ago, and rightfully so. Deservedly or not, its meaning had been reduced to a juvenile schoolyard insult. By still using it you make yourself sound like an ignorant jerk.

I don't care about fashion. I care about truth and reality. "Mentally retarded" was the correct phrase then, and is still the correct phrase. If it offends you, that is your problem.

To quote "Retard": to make slow; delay the development or progress of (an action, process, etc.); hinder or impede.

In this case we are talking about humans with delayed mental development. Just because others have chosen to belittle the word with their ignorance of the issues or perhaps their own miserableness does not take away the reality of the symptoms or the diseases that cause it or the situation of the individuals or families that to deal with this awful status. I have wonderful memories of my mentally retarded sister (now no longer with us) and refuse to let people who choose to belittle others ruin that.

Posted on: 2010/3/9 21:42

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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T-Bird wrote:

Xerxes wrote:
I KNOW "peruse" was a typo and we all make them, but for the life of me I cannot imagine what the real word was.

I think Zeitgeist did indeed mean to use "peruse." Although it's not an insult, it is a word that has been bastardized over time to mean something other than its original definition. (People use "peruse" now when they mean that they superficially read something over or glanced at it. The actual definition - at least the original one - was to carefully study something.)

Irregardless of that, it was an odd word to put in his list of PC words that send him into a conservative rage.

Posted on: 2010/3/9 20:51

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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Xerxes wrote:
I KNOW "peruse" was a typo and we all make them, but for the life of me I cannot imagine what the real word was.

I think Zeitgeist did indeed mean to use "peruse." Although it's not an insult, it is a word that has been bastardized over time to mean something other than its original definition. (People use "peruse" now when they mean that they superficially read something over or glanced at it. The actual definition - at least the original one - was to carefully study something.)

Posted on: 2010/3/9 18:19

Re: Stop using the word "retarded"
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This word went out of fashion more than a few years ago, and rightfully so. Deservedly or not, its meaning had been reduced to a juvenile schoolyard insult. By still using it you make yourself sound like an ignorant jerk.

Posted on: 2010/3/9 18:03

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this whole issue is retarded.

Yes. Very.

Posted on: 2010/3/9 17:53

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