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Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2006/4/17 14:14
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From Carolina's Lavanderia
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tommyc_37 wrote:
Maybe I'm missing something, with Smartcards.
What is the advantage?

Hi Tommy, As the others have explained there is a major discount in purchasing the SmartLink card. If you're a daily commuter such as myself you can either pay $54 for unlimited 30 days or $52 for 40 trips. Since I get the monthly it averages the cost out for me to less than $1.20 per trip since I use it about 42-44 times in 30 days (and sometimes more depending on the month).
You can't buy a monthly Metrocard for the PATH. And even though you get a 15% discount for purchasing $54 on the Metrocard you still get charged $1.75 per trip when you use it on the PATH. So in Metrocard math:
$54 on the card would give you $62.10 on the card which you could only use 35 times on the PATH with $0.85 remaining.
Before I purchase a monthly I do the math and calculate how many times I expect to take the PATH for 30 days (including vacations, weekends and holidays) to see if it makes sense. I do the same for the Metrocard because in the winter months esp December I take the subway almost everyday too. In the summer I walk the 10 blocks to the PATH station to save myself a few bucks.

My issue is not with the SmartLink program itself it is with the $5 fee for replacement cards. I think it is a big rip off of the public. Everytime you want a new card you have to spend $5 regardless if it was lost or stolen. I doubt the cards cost more than a few cents to manufacture so this is big money maker for the Port Authority. I bet when the MTA switches over to it there will be a big public outcry about this bait and switch. $5 for card that you have to pay to replace for another $5 is outrageous imo. I think it should be replaced for free at least one time before you have to pay again or you should be able to turn in the old card for a replacement if you find it again.

They claimed on the phone that my previously lost card cannot be reprogrammed. So I wrote to SmartLink complaining about the situation:

"I?m disappointed with the SmartLink card program. I lost my $5 SmartLink card a couple of months ago and then found it again. I called customer service to have it reactivated and found out that once the card is reported lost or stolen it is permanently disabled. I find that extremely disappointing since I paid $5 for a card that is only replaceable for a fee. So I?ve paid $10 now for 1 SmartLink card.

You should really consider allowing people to reactivate cards if found, giving people a 1 time replacement or allowing people to return them for a free replacement. It?s a lot of money you are charging people for a plastic card that probably costs your company not more than $0.10.
Thanks for taking the time to read my concerns."

And this is the stupid answer I received from them:

"The card isn't killed when you report it lost it's hotlisted. We disable the card once you call and replace it with a new one because we transfer your trips from that card to the new card. If we don't disable the lost card then you will not be able to receive those trips from that lost card.

Thanks for your inquiry and feel free to contact us any time.

SmartLinkService (AK)"

Typically, they didn't address my complaint and white washed it with some public relations bull crap.

Anyhow I just wanted to point this out to people in case they weren't aware of it. I don't know if SmartLink is a private company or what but somebody, either SmartLink or the Port Authority is making huge profits off these cards.

Nobody else seems to be as outraged or pissed off about it as me, so I'm letting it go now. Thanks for letting me vent.

Posted on: 2009/11/18 15:51

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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I prefer the separate cards for the separate systems. I use the subway every day, I only use the PATH two or three times a month. With the different fares on the two systems, plus both of their potential discounts, I found it very cumbersome to purchase amounts on a MetroCard that would work out evenly and wind up with a zero balance. Given the mag stripe on MetroCards and the propensity for them to wear out, I don't want to re-use them past the $45 fill that is the current amount that winds up getting a discount and also zeros out properly. The PATHLink is actually a better system. Tap it once, it works, and I can re-fill it online, and I know the card will last forever (or as long as PATH keeps them active). I keep the PATH card as well as my ferry and subway cards and my work ID/Security card in a plastic ID card container which is tethered to my belt, so I never have to pull out my wallet for any of those items.

Posted on: 2009/11/18 2:53

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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Even if you put $13 dollars on your Smartlink card you get 10 rides for $1.30. You do not even have to take it out of your wallet. It reads it with the tap to the machine because of a chip. Also the magnetic strip on the Metrocards wear out and I have lost money because of that. Also the Smartlink saves you almost $1 a day. That does add up after time.

Posted on: 2009/11/17 23:51

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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With the Smartcard, I pay $1.30 a trip when I buy 40 trips. Also, I think it is a little faster going through the turnstile.

At Journal Square, it looks like they are installing MasterCard PayPass at the old cash turnstile at the end. You can use your Mastercard to ride the Path train. I don't know when it will be ready.

Posted on: 2009/11/17 23:35

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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Maybe I'm missing something, with Smartcards.

What is the advantage?

Why would I carry one card to access the PATH, and another card to access the NYC subways, when I can have one, very slim card (Metrocard) that I can refill and gives me access to both transit systems?

I don't understand Smartcards.

Posted on: 2009/11/17 23:08

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2006/4/17 14:14
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Does anyone else think this SmarkLink card is a rip off?
So I lost my SmartLink card a couple of months ago. I thought it was stolen, so I reported it. Well it's $5 to replace the card (that I already paid $5 for). Silly me I assumed the replacement cost is free, at least I thought that's what they were saying when they were pushing the thing back in the begining. Well I paid the $5 fee because I get a monthly and I need to use SmartLink for that. Well it turns out the card fell out of my pocket at work and I found the card last week under one of my file cabinets. I thought "Yay I'll just have it reactivated and now my BF can have one too". I called customer service and guess what? Once you deactive the card it can never be reactivated again. So there's $5 down the toilet.
So I've spent $10 on plastic cards that probably cost 10 cents to produce. I wrote to the SmartLink people "voicing my concerns", but I doubt I'll get a reasonable response. So I just wanted to give all you SmartLink folks out there a heads up: hold on to your card for dear life.

Posted on: 2009/11/17 22:52

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2006/4/17 14:14
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From Carolina's Lavanderia
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This is a very good blog about the plight of disabled PATH riders. God I hope I never break a leg. ... semi-disabled-path-rider/

Posted on: 2009/11/6 16:48

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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From Carolina's Lavanderia
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I just wanted to say in my opinion PATH did not suck this Saturday night. They ran extra trains for the Halloween Parade. The trains were still full but in a normal morning commute sort of way, at least it was that way when I went home at 1am. Thank you PATH for listening to our complaints.

Posted on: 2009/11/2 16:45

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Here is a post from a lawyer looking for clients:

13 Injured in Manhattan Train Accident

Posted by Paul Napoli
October 21, 2009 6:44 PM

Manhattan, NY - 13 people were injured Wednesday morning in a PATH train accident at the 33rd Street Station near Herald Square in Manhattan.

The 7:59 a.m. train out of Hoboken, NJ arrived at Penn Station about 8:15 a.m. carrying 425 to 450 passengers on the seven-car train. When the train failed to stop, it crashed into a bumping block designed to halt trains that fail to stop at the end of the line and absorb the impact.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey operate the PATH train. Jennifer Friedberg, a Port Authority spokesperson, said thirteen people reported minor injuries. Seven people, including two crewmembers, were taken to nearby hospitals and the rest declined medical attention. The fire department stated between 60 and 80 fire personnel responded to the accident scene.

The accident is under investigation. Port Authority officials did not release how fast the train was moving when it crashed into the bumping block or the cause of the accident.

If you or a family member has been hurt while using or suffered injury by a mass transit bus or train, call Napoli Bern Ripka, LLP today at 888-529-4669. There is a possibility of collecting compensation for lost wages, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and present and future disability. Only an experienced attorney can help you determine if your claim has merit and, if so, how much you could recover. Do not discuss your case without having an experienced legal representative to advise you.

Posted on: 2009/10/22 1:22

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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I always save my farts for the PATH train, especially when I'm standing.

Posted on: 2009/10/9 13:10

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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Hah, I've been riding the PATH daily for over 11 years and I swear the farting has become epidemic. I mostly notice it on the rides home and I figured that those people had been saving up all day just to release on the PATH. I wish I could have witnessed the ranter.

Posted on: 2009/10/9 0:02

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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AmyJCNJ wrote:

wrong again. A large part of the Netherlands is below sea level and they do just fine over there.

Not wrong again. If you read my post carefully, I said that levees are pointless and that areas are called flood zones for a reason. Naturally those areas are prone to flood. And areas along the coast that are below sea level will naturally flood or be submerged for some period of time. Do you deny the fact that those areas below sea level would normally be flooded? So unless the laws of physics have been upended, I don't see how I am wrong. You may disagree with my opinion that levees are pointless, and I will give you that much, but please state that more clearly.

I find it very arrogant of any people to try to control nature. People forget that environmental systems are dynamic and trying to control or preserve these systems for their own selfish purposes is extreme arrogance.

Nature is unrelenting and we often fail to see consequences down the road or understand the extremely complex dynamic system that nature is. Just because we believe that we are controlling a system does not necessarily mean we are are actually controlling it. It's more of delaying the inevitable, and the inevitable is usually more catastrophic than when nature is allowed to run its course. Am I saying the the Netherlands will be flooded? No. I don't know that. What I do know is that a natural cycle has been disturbed and I will not presume to know what the consequences in the future (and I'm talking long term geologic time here not just next year or decade) will be.

Back to the PATH, I agree with FrankM. Give the system some time to work any and all kinks out.

Posted on: 2009/9/29 15:03
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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Please excuse the heavy editing.


Frank_M wrote:

AmyJCNJ wrote:

It's called Planned Obsolescence...

For example, how much you want to bet that roads will have to be repaved again in 10 years. If you've ever driven on a highway in Germany...

Germany certainly does have excellent roadways, but their construction and maintenance costs money. Where do you think it comes from?

My point is, if you want something built correctly the first time go to the experts...

Okay... staying relevant to the point you claimed that the new PATH trains were constructed with the idea of "planned obsolescence" in mind. I disagree. As evidence of the entire vehicle's allegedly suspect nature, you cite inoperative air conditioning systems while having no knowledge of their mode of failure. That's in an incomplete, if not cynical, assessment. If PATH and/or Kawasaki really wanted to cut corners, the stainless steel skin would have been the first premium item to be eliminated as its most valuable trait is longevity. I do agree we should defer to experts when we want something built correctly. Fortunately, Kawasaki is an expert in the construction of rail cars. Aside from one simple issue that will most likely be resolved, is there anything else that indicates to you they were built to a low standard? Have you experienced problems with acceleration, braking, door operation, or any other critical function? I haven't.

Regarding the DC accident, little direct comparison can be made. The NTSB had previously expressed concern about the safety of old cars which was not related to anecdotal problems with air conditioning systems. The sky isn't falling just yet.

Off topic, I've heard the "Why can't America do things the way Germany does," argument too many times before. It's an apples to oranges comparison. Aside from cigarettes and beer virtually everything seems to cost more in Germany, and not just by a small margin. It has a all-powerful federal system that is able to employ a one-size-fits-all approach that simply won't fly in our much less homogeneous society. It is also has 25% of the population of U.S but less than 4% of the area. I know jack about geopolitics, socioeconomics, or whatever academic fields this issue falls under, but common sense and simple math tells me their approach does not have the potential to scale up effectively. Besides, German citizens are not saving money over the long term by taking a bigger hit on first-cost. They may reap the benefits in other ways, but they still keep paying and paying. There's a strong chance I may be living there in the future, Hamburg preferably, but I'm not thrilled about certain economic prospects.

Bis dann!

Posted on: 2009/9/29 14:56

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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Sorry totally off topic:


Frank_M wrote:

AmyJCNJ wrote:

ErinMaiden wrote:
thats the SECOND time i've heard the A/C was broken in a new train. when will they learn you get what you pay for. its like the elevators at the lite rail 9th street station. every week one goes down.

It's called Planned Obsolescence and it permeates everything from consumer products to public transportation. 50 years ago stuff was built to last, now you can figure on a 10 year life span at the most at the taxpayer and consumer's expense.

For example, how much you want to bet that roads will have to be repaved again in 10 years. If you've ever driven on a highway in Germany you would see no pot holes, no cracks, rarely. The reason why is they use better and more durable contrustruction materials. Failure is built into the system here in the US because the contractors get big bucks from the state to repair and replace. And the money flow from planned obsolescence keeps our good old economy afloat. The Story of Stuff

Germany certainly does have excellent roadways, but their construction and maintenance costs money. Where do you think it comes from? The fruits of their impressive taxation policies and fuel prices seem obvious. Also, are you sure they use better materials? Higher traffic volume, greater vehicle weight, and a more severe climate all contribute to accelerated wear of roadways in the northeastern United States relative to Germany.

Nope German roadways are specifically designed to last longer and the weather conditions just as harsh as the northeast with snowy mountainous regions in the south and low lying shorelines in the north. Yes it does come at price but it's done right the first time and cost the same over the long term.
German Autobahn History

My point is, if you want something built correctly the first time go to the experts. Another example: levee construction in the US is completely inferior compared to Europe. The Dutch are far superior at constructing dykes and they are built to hold.

Back to the PATH trains:
My beef is on several occasions, not just one, I've encountered a new train with a/c failure. The conductor confirmed it was broken and apologized, so it's not a failure of how to operate the equipment. I think it's unacceptable. If I'm spending a $1Mil on a piece of equipment I expect it to work. An A/C problem is a pretty minor issue, but I think it foreshadows problems to come down the line. If that is failing already, what else is going to fail on these trains in the future? A failure on these trains can cost lives. Look what happened in DC earlier this year. Equipment failures should be taken seriously no matter how minor.

Posted on: 2009/9/28 21:46

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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AmyJCNJ wrote:

ErinMaiden wrote:
thats the SECOND time i've heard the A/C was broken in a new train. when will they learn you get what you pay for. its like the elevators at the lite rail 9th street station. every week one goes down.

It's called Planned Obsolescence and it permeates everything from consumer products to public transportation. 50 years ago stuff was built to last, now you can figure on a 10 year life span at the most at the taxpayer and consumer's expense.

For example, how much you want to bet that roads will have to be repaved again in 10 years. If you've ever driven on a highway in Germany you would see no pot holes, no cracks, rarely. The reason why is they use better and more durable contrustruction materials. Failure is built into the system here in the US because the contractors get big bucks from the state to repair and replace. And the money flow from planned obsolescence keeps our good old economy afloat. The Story of Stuff

Germany certainly does have excellent roadways, but their construction and maintenance costs money. Where do you think it comes from? The fruits of their impressive taxation policies and fuel prices seem obvious. Also, are you sure they use better materials? Higher traffic volume, greater vehicle weight, and a more severe climate all contribute to accelerated wear of roadways in the northeastern United States relative to Germany.

Civil projects are constructed to meet a specified budget and life span, but they are not planned to become "obsolete" or maintenance nightmares as some sort of greedy maneuver. Granted, the aspect of quality in consumer goods is valued in European counties more so than in the United States where we tend to be more keen on quantity, but that's another discussion.

That brings us back to our fancy new Japanese trains--do they really appear to you as being built to a low standard?? An inoperative air conditioning system is hardly grounds to throw the train under the bus, especially considering that many operators and technicians are probably not yet intimately familiar with the new cars.

Regardless of this weekend's confusion or a recent half-assed internet survey, PATH has taken a phenomenal number of people to and from Manhattan at least five days a week during the past few years without fail. It's orders of magnitude more reliable than an MTA subway system that is a perpetual machine of frustrating surprises.

Posted on: 2009/9/28 21:19

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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ErinMaiden wrote:
thats the SECOND time i've heard the A/C was broken in a new train. when will they learn you get what you pay for. its like the elevators at the lite rail 9th street station. every week one goes down.

It's called Planned Obsolescence and it permeates everything from consumer products to public transportation. 50 years ago stuff was built to last, now you can figure on a 10 year life span at the most at the taxpayer and consumer's expense.

For example, how much you want to bet that roads will have to be repaved again in 10 years. If you've ever driven on a highway in Germany you would see no pot holes, no cracks, rarely. The reason why is they use better and more durable contrustruction materials. Failure is built into the system here in the US because the contractors get big bucks from the state to repair and replace. And the money flow from planned obsolescence keeps our good old economy afloat. The Story of Stuff

Posted on: 2009/9/28 18:38

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2005/7/19 15:35
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thats the SECOND time i've heard the A/C was broken in a new train. when will they learn you get what you pay for. its like the elevators at the lite rail 9th street station. every week one goes down.

Posted on: 2009/9/28 16:46

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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JC_DowntownRegular wrote:
I actually rode in one of the new cars to WTC this morning. They seem to be okay. Much brighter inside. Didn't do much checking out as I was still waking up.

Yeah I was in one of the new cars last week. The ride is much smoother however the AC was already broken int he car I was in - on a brand new train car! That is just unacceptable.

We ended up taking the WTC and then the subway to 14th because we didn't want to take a chance of being late. we left at 6:12pm and arrived at the Union sq station at 6:45 via 6 train. I think it was the better choice.
We took 33rd street train home with no problems or detours. strange.

Posted on: 2009/9/28 16:40

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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I actually rode in one of the new cars to WTC this morning. They seem to be okay. Much brighter inside. Didn't do much checking out as I was still waking up.

Posted on: 2009/9/27 17:28
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2008/10/4 19:05
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There is a path supervisor at the Hoboken music and arts festival selling smartlink cards. Everyone who is annoyed about anything path related should make their complaints known!

Posted on: 2009/9/27 17:17

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I'm surprised Debbie Duhane didn't make all this clear.

Posted on: 2009/9/27 16:35

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Someone just returned from Boston and swears they saw the new PATH cars running up there.

Posted on: 2009/9/27 15:30

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yesterday was a huge mess.... and the conductor who was shouting the schedule couldn't have been less helpful if he tried - all they kept saying is that they were going to exchange place ..... no mention of the WTC stop in the city and then back out to Pavonia (this was at 9:30ish)
once we stopped at WTC we got out fast and went to the subway since there was no way I was going back to NJ and witting at HOB

there were alerts in the station but it didn't say anything but addition stop at exchange place.... which is NOT really what happened at all

coming home it seemed that the trains weren't on schedule either since the WTC to NWK is usually on the 30 min and nothing came at 3AM but there was one at 3:30 ish

I just don't understand how the whole extra trip into the city and then back out was deemed irrelevant and not put on the sign?

Posted on: 2009/9/27 14:51

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According to the e-mail alert the mess was just for one day, Saturday, 9/26.
But since this is PATH we are talking about, catch an earlier train just in case.

Posted on: 2009/9/27 14:25

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2008/10/4 19:05
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Does anyone know if the JSQ to 33rd Street line is stopping at Exchange place today, or was that just yesterday?

Waiting for the NWK bound train at WTC last night around midnight I was surprised to see a 33rd Via Hoboken train making the loop at WTC. WTF

Posted on: 2009/9/27 13:45

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I too was surprised by the Exchange Place detour that took us all the way to WTC, and so were my fellow passengers. would it kill PATH to post a couple signs when they do this? so much unnecessary confusion.

Posted on: 2009/9/27 12:44

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Was going from Grove St. to 9th St. I read the PATH Alert to mean there would be one extra stop at Exchange Place.

Nope. The train went from Grove to Exchange to WORLD TRADE back to Exchange to Pavonia to Hoboken to Christopher to 9th.

Yes, I could've, should've gotten off at WTC and gotten MTA or, seriously, just walked at that point I still would've gotten there sooner.

Between that and the guy on my left who kept spitting and the guy on my right who reeked of booze... it was not a great adventure.

Just with PATH would've been a little more forthcoming with what "via exchange place" meant.

Posted on: 2009/9/27 5:36
Thank you for making The Great Jersey City SOUP SWAP an annual success! See you in January 2013 for the next Soup Swap!

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2009/6/11 13:44
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Tino wrote:

AmyJCNJ wrote:
Can someone explain to me what this means?
Should I walk over to Pavornia to take the PATH instead of waiting at Grove? When (at night, during the day) is the work being done? huh?

9/25/2009 5:36:26 PM
September 26 PATH will perform major switch replacement work. Trains traveling to 33rd Street will operate via Exchange Place. Please allow additional travel time.

Just got that too - think it means that it'll make all regular stops PLUS exchange

From PATH on Twitter:

Tomorrow & Sunday, JSQ/33 (via HOB) will stop at EX PL after GRV, and then continue to HOB. 33/JSQ (via HOB) unaffected. #PANYNJ

so 33rd st-bound hits up exchange after grove. jsq-bound is unchanged

Posted on: 2009/9/25 23:47

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I think it probably means that 33rd Street Trains will go 33rd - Christopher => Hob => Pavonia => Exchange, without providing direct service to Journal Square.

Posted on: 2009/9/25 22:09

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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AmyJCNJ wrote:
Can someone explain to me what this means?
Should I walk over to Pavornia to take the PATH instead of waiting at Grove? When (at night, during the day) is the work being done? huh?

9/25/2009 5:36:26 PM
September 26 PATH will perform major switch replacement work. Trains traveling to 33rd Street will operate via Exchange Place. Please allow additional travel time.

Just got that too - think it means that it'll make all regular stops PLUS exchange

Posted on: 2009/9/25 21:56

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