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Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks

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2010/10/15 21:02
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2010/10/15 21:59
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The JCPA vehicle is the most glaring, but frequently cars with FOP plates also park in front of the fire hydrant. I have witnessed the street sweeper go around it on street sweeping days and the car is not ever ticketed. Every time I see something like this, I take a picture.

Posted on: 2010/10/15 22:02

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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catboot wrote:
A JC Parking Authority vehicle regularly parks illegally on our street - either in front of a fire hydrant or on top of the crosswalk. But of course they can do it since they are the Parking Authority and they are clearly playing by a different set of rules.

Take a picture of the vehicle w/licence plate and send it to the parking authority, the police, and Steve Fulops office. Explain in the email that this vehicle is habitually being parked illegally (give the location) and it needs to stop. I would also post the picture here on JC List. Sometimes embarassing the guilty party along with getting multiple parties to hold them accountable can do the trick. Follow up with multiple must be persistant, good luck!

Posted on: 2010/10/15 21:47

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks

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2010/10/15 21:02
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2010/10/15 21:59
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A JC Parking Authority vehicle regularly parks illegally on our street - either in front of a fire hydrant or on top of the crosswalk. But of course they can do it since they are the Parking Authority and they are clearly playing by a different set of rules.

Posted on: 2010/10/15 21:05

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks

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2010/9/18 14:30
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2010/10/16 3:42
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It's a combination of problems at our corners: poor signage, lack of well-maintained (and painted) crosswalks and red-lined curbs, lack of enforcement and people parking at the corners.

Here's a site we created to help drivers understand the implications of their actions: Jersey City Parking Hall of Shame

Will someone be killed before the city takes enforcement action or paints the crosswalks?

Posted on: 2010/10/15 20:45

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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GlitterQueen wrote:
They don't even enforce the no parking areas near the curbs that are clearly marked by a sign and the diagonal white lines.

In my opinion, the lack of ENFORCEMENT is the biggest problem in Jersey City. The lack of Enforcement from the JCPD, JCPA and the JCIA create huge reprocussions that negatively effect the quality of life of all residents. People park too close to the corner or in crosswalks because they know that they will get away with it (people in wheelchairs and women with baby carriages can't cross but they don't care). Fights, public drinking and drugs occur every weekend on Monmouth St because the same hoodlums hang there knowing that if cops do come they won't be arrested. People constantly dump their household garbage in public cans resulting in countless public cans being in a constant state of overflow because no one is enforcing the illegal dumping ordinance.

There are plenty of easy opportunities for theses agencies to enforce the law and arrest/ fine the culprits. The result would be a better quality of life for residents and funds would be raised to help the city with the budget crisis.

Posted on: 2010/10/15 19:54

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2009/9/6 17:28
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They don't even enforce the no parking areas near the curbs that are clearly marked by a sign and the diagonal white lines.

Posted on: 2010/10/15 18:29

Re: Tickets for parking within 25 feet of a crosswalk

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2010/2/1 20:11
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2010/11/9 18:19
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I know this is an old thread, and that the majority of the posts here are focused on downtown JC, however, I can tell you that from someone who lives in the Heights, Western Slope area, the parking situation is HORRIBLE up here also. With the influx of one family homes being sold and then torn down and those monster two families going up in its place, along with the garages that go along with it, that we have lost approximately 16 parking spots on my block alone in the last two years. That, coupled with people making their alley ways into makeshift driveways ups that total even more.
We are a one car family, garage and driveway free, and struggle to find a place to park day after day. It has come to the point that I don't dare venture out after dark for fear that I will never find a spot. I'm not looking to park right in front of my home but the same block would be nice - there are times when I've parked all the way up on Kennedy Blvd because nothing else was available (I'm down on Liberty Ave - so it's a far walk when it's late at night). I cringe every Tuesday when I have to pick my son up at Boy Scouts at 8pm -
The best is when I look around at all my "neighbors" - the ones with the driveways, garages and alley way spaces, and their cars aren't even parked there - they are out on the street. I parked in the driveway across from my house one night just to prove my point....and it still didn't make a difference. It just made the owner of that house really pissed
So, if I find a spot right on the corner, and I can fit there and I'm not really blocking anything, I dump my car there. Sorry. Years ago you would have gotten a ticket, but not so much lately.
Anyway, I just needed to vent.....parking in JC SUCKS

Posted on: 2010/10/15 18:29

Re: Tickets for parking within 25 feet of a crosswalk
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2009/4/27 22:18
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The Parking Authority is in a tough spot.

If they start enforcing the state laws as written, it will eliminate HUNDREDS of spots from downtown leading to a huge backlash from our neighbors with cars. The state legislation was clearly not written with urban municipalities in mind.

As it stands, the unofficial policy of the PA is to leave cars alone unless they are over the line of or in the crosswalk.

There is an informal process to review this underway and community input is always appreciated by the PA, as I understand it. The next PA meeting is Tuesday, October 26th at 5:30pm. Some of you folks should go and voice your concerns.

Posted on: 2010/10/15 17:06

Re: Tickets for parking within 25 feet of a crosswalk
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2004/11/6 21:13
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JerseyCityKid08 wrote:

New Jersey State law requires:

50 feet from a stop sign


That'll be the day. Just keep in mind the Jerking Authority managed to run in the red a few years back, with this kind of low hanging fruit available. It has such low productivity it might as well simply be a welfare agency for it's employees.

Posted on: 2010/10/15 15:42

Re: Tickets for parking within 25 feet of a crosswalk
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2010/1/14 22:17
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jcdowntowner wrote:
I think this type of safety improvement would be great for saving lives throughout downtown Jersey City... ... osswalks-safer/#more-1256

New Jersey State law requires:

25 feet from a crosswalk

50 feet from a stop sign

I would like to see more of those bump-outs around.

Posted on: 2010/10/15 14:48

Re: Tickets for parking within 25 feet of a crosswalk

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2010/8/27 3:42
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I think this type of safety improvement would be great for saving lives throughout downtown Jersey City... ... osswalks-safer/#more-1256

Posted on: 2010/10/15 14:26

Re: Tickets for parking within 25 feet of a crosswalk
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2005/12/18 2:57
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I got one of those when I parked in front of Light Horse. I was not in the crosswalk but I was probably within 7 feet. However I thought it was a viable spot since there are always cars parked there. I think those tickets are issued at the behest of businesses, so they can save spots for preferred guests. It is ridiculous how this violation is committed on almost every block but selectively enforced.

Posted on: 2010/10/14 17:57

Tickets for parking within 25 feet of a crosswalk
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2007/7/30 22:23
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Saw someone get a $54 ticket for parking within 25 feet of a crosswalk at York and Washington.

Uh wouldn't that mean tickets on every single block in this town?

Posted on: 2010/10/14 17:32

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2009/3/19 15:20
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speaking of parking too close to crosswalks how about the JCPA parked in a crosswalk. (intersection of 1st & Newark)

I know he just had to get some Pino's pizza, but the shoveled spot in the snowbank was not for parking wussy 3-wheeled go karts in, it's for pedestrians you jerkey.

edit: I would post a pic but not allowed to attach files

Posted on: 2010/2/15 11:15

Re: Please don't park in crosswalks
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It's their world, I just live in it.

Posted on: 2010/2/14 1:40

Re: Please don't park in crosswalks
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I wouldn't be surprised if they parked there because the passenger wanted to open their door with no snow blocking the way.

Posted on: 2010/2/14 1:35

Re: Please don't park in crosswalks
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Hall of Shame I like that. I have called the Parking Authority several times and nothing ever happened? I called the Police, who told me to call the Parking Authority!

I'll take pictures and post them. Just like the asshole in the Caddy today blocking the box right at the intersection of Warren/Washington this afternoon. My favorite was this week, when I was walking by the same crosswalk and some big SUV was parked in the cross walk. I commented to my Wife as we were passing the crowd of Parents picking their kids up at the school, that they should really tow cars that are parked in the crosswalk, and this Woman says, oh that's my car, then she just keeps chatting with her friend and doesn't move it!

Arrogance sucks.

If the Parking Authority is presented with pictures with plates shown, can they issue tickets after the fact?

Posted on: 2010/2/14 1:32

Re: Please don't park in crosswalks
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Why didn't you take any pictures and post them here? It would be nice to have a hall of shame.

Posted on: 2010/2/13 17:27

Re: Please don't park in crosswalks
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Saradove wrote:
Please don't park at crosswalks, especially with all the snow piled up. Walking home from the Grove Street PATH station last night I came upon two cars parked smack-dab at cleared crosswalks.

Maybe I should start carrying an indelible marker to leave notes directly on the offending autos.

Even without the snow, parking in the crosswalks or too close to the corner is a constant problem. There is no consideration for pedestrians including mothers with baby carriages and handicapped in wheelchairs.

Posted on: 2010/2/13 16:55

Please don't park in crosswalks
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2008/6/26 1:17
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Please don't park at crosswalks, especially with all the snow piled up. Walking home from the Grove Street PATH station last night I came upon two cars parked smack-dab at cleared crosswalks.

Maybe I should start carrying an indelible marker to leave notes directly on the offending autos.

Posted on: 2010/2/13 16:30

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2005/4/15 20:40
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From the curb as maintained by the DPW, street maintenance staff that fills potholes and creates crosswalks seems to be from where the curb starts to turn back 25 or 50 feet. This is how the curbs were painted along Erie and Jersey Ave.

However, I have a feeling that the JCPA eyeballs it for an average car's length. Mostly they seem not to ticket too often though.

Posted on: 2009/11/7 19:10
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Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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25' or 50' from the corner.

So what is the corner?
The crosswalk?
The curb line of the intersecting street?
Where the edge of the front yards meets the sidewalk?
The face of the buildings on the intersecting street?

I've asked cops who were out writing tickets, and, maybe not surprisingly, they didn't know.
I did get one guy to tell me that it was the building line, but I didn't believe him.

I've also asked cops whether, as a rollerblader, I was obligated to travel on the streets as if I were a pedestrian or a bicyclist.
They told me that I was more like a pedestrian.

Posted on: 2009/11/7 0:30

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2007/10/11 3:28
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A mid-size car (A Camry for instance) is about 15-16 feet long. So your talking about 3 car lengths from the corner. Personally I would be happy with 1 1/2 to 2 car lengths from the corner.

Posted on: 2009/11/6 23:05

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2007/10/20 17:38
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While we're on the topic of parking, does anyone have access to an online copy of the JC parking regulations? I don't mean the MVC handbook, but the actual codified ordinances.

Posted on: 2009/11/6 23:02
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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AmyJCNJ wrote:
What I meant to say is for me it is hard to tell where 25 and 50 is. Half of my childhood was with the metric system. And I don't carry a measuring tape with me. Painted curbs would make it clear for those of us who don't know how far 25 ft is.

7.62 meters, but I can't help you with the tape measure.

Posted on: 2009/11/6 22:55
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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25' is the usual lot width on the streets downtown.
Though that does vary some.

Posted on: 2009/11/6 20:56

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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It is clear. You just don't know the law.

As jklm posted on this thread, and I posted on another thread, parking is prohibited

? Within 25 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection, or side line of a street
? Within 50 feet of a stop sign

where do you start measuring the 25 feet? is the measurement supposed to be from the 'top' of the crosswalk line closest to the curb? from the middle of the crosswalk? from the bottom of the 'second' crosswalk line?

"within 25 feet of a crosswalk" is not a model of clarity.


Posted on: 2009/11/6 20:51

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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jklm wrote:
How to measure 25 feet without the aid of of a measuring tape:

Put one foot in front of the other (and so on) until you've counted 25 steps. A foot is about a foot long.

When you're a tall man perhaps, but not my feet I'm a petite woman with little feet. But thanks for the tip.

Posted on: 2009/11/6 20:46

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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How to measure 25 feet without the aid of of a measuring tape:

Put one foot in front of the other (and so on) until you've counted 25 steps. A foot is about a foot long.

Posted on: 2009/11/6 19:45

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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ianmac47 wrote:
Or we could let the free market figure it out, and people can either pay for parking or get rid of their cars.

Free market would mean no parking authority.

Posted on: 2009/11/6 16:33

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