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Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations fly
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2009/4/30 13:56
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Ogden1 - You are kidding right? I must have seen 30 people I know personally from downtown who were wearing Fulop t-shirts/volunteering and passing out literature. In some spots there were a few folks simply holding signs, but based on what I saw yesterday, it seemed as if Fulop did a nice job of getting the community involved with his campaign.

Posted on: 2009/5/13 18:19

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations fly
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Just wanted to throw in a hat's off to Azam Riaz. I was at the debate two weeks ago and thought he had a lot of good things to say. He strikes me as a man of high integrity and deep commitment to his family, neighborhood and city at large. I hope he remains an active voice in the city.

Posted on: 2009/5/13 16:06

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations fly
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Dear Mr. Catrillo,

Please use the extra campaign money and your future pay raise to fix up that eyesore that you call home. I'm all for historic preservation but I'd rather not relive the depression.

Will your campaign staff continue to meet at The Algonquin Round Table?....they are a witty bunch of individuals ..bringing back the pun!

Your Our (fall) Guy

Posted on: 2009/5/13 15:06

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations fly
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And Fulop's brothers were also carrying signs at Grove Street.

Posted on: 2009/5/13 12:39

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations fly
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ogden1 wrote:
There are tons of day laborer's that Fulop picked up by truck and distributed throughout Ward E holding up signs. Funny I asked 4 of them who Steve Fulop was and none of them knew.........

HMMMM indeed, Ogden. Perhaps the Fulop team paid a few folks to campaign - I don't know for sure, but it's certainly legal and done all the time. The difference would be that, if they did, THEY paid for some of their workers as opposed to the Healy team - YOU paid for a good number of their team; municipal workers who were on the clock and "reassigned" to their posts on the street today.

So be it - the people have spoken. Four more years of jackassery at the top.

Posted on: 2009/5/13 3:50

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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Kudos to Steven Fulop on the results (no shocker) and as far as Guy Catrillo is concerned he is still, a neighbor and friend to many.

Posted on: 2009/5/13 2:49

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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So, after all that noise, Catrillo loses by 40 points. Not so loud now I would hope.

He has been exposed as a squab in dove's clothing....

Posted on: 2009/5/13 1:40

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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So, after all that noise, Catrillo loses by 40 points. Not so loud now I would hope.

Posted on: 2009/5/13 1:36

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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ogden1 wrote:
There are tons of day laborer's that Fulop picked up by truck and distributed throughout Ward E holding up signs. Funny I asked 4 of them who Steve Fulop was and none of them knew.........

Not for nothin but have you seen Guy's swat team? Scary. Super scary. Rough and tumble.

In general, I think the troops out there on the street are a motley crew, across all candidates. Assuming they are just random people paid a day rate, with volunteers peppered in here and there. That's campaigning for ya.

But I will also say that the most sincere seem to be the Levin ticket -- each of them out there in front of the Grove Street PATH engaging with folks for the past week.

I've seen Guy once, Manzo once, Healy once, Fulop a bunch (I'm his ward) and Levin and his candidates a ton.

If you judged the candidates solely on their on-the-street action, scoring on likeability, knowledge, and overall presentation it's gotta be Levin et al or Fulop.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 23:12

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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ogden1 wrote:
There are tons of day laborer's that Fulop picked up by truck and distributed throughout Ward E holding up signs. Funny I asked 4 of them who Steve Fulop was and none of them knew.........

Since you have been vehemently anit-Fulop I will take your comment with a grain of salt.

I can add my own experience. Some Fulop supporters were outside Basic and I asked them whom they liked for mayor and at-large, and they were well spoken and knew a lot about the candidates.

Disclosure: I am a Fulop supporter but do not work for or volunteer for any campaign.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 21:54

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations fly
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why does that matter? if someone wants to pay someone to stand with a sign... don't they have the right to do it?

Posted on: 2009/5/12 20:32

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations fly
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There are tons of day laborer's that Fulop picked up by truck and distributed throughout Ward E holding up signs. Funny I asked 4 of them who Steve Fulop was and none of them knew.........

Posted on: 2009/5/12 20:31

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations fly
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Actually, LoraJ -- I speak for you. Jk.

Anyway just wanted to draw some attention to two videos I just found on the youtube.

The first is one that was posted today and made with footage taken last night at Grove St when Cory Booker was there in support of the Healy Team:

The second is one I just discovered of a pretty hilarious interview C. Fulop did at some point with Melissa Surach, who IMO is the Stephen Colbert of downtown Jersey City:

Doubt either of these will change anybody's vote, but they are entertaining.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 20:14

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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As icechute says Guy4downtown, we are all waiting for what Guy will do. All we get are negatives against Fulop, who we all respect.

So again, why should we vote for Guy?

And guess what, we LOVE that he is the dissenting voice in the council. Why do you not get that. It's because he speaks for US. The last thing we need is a "united downtown" that will do the mayors bidding.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 15:02

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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Good night, Guy4downtown. Thanks for playing. Looking forward to tomorrow when the intellectual dishonesty ends - at least in this race. Maybe you can twist the truth for the mayor for the next month.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 14:24

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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I'm calling B.S.

Right here and now, name for me 5 items, platforms or positions Guy Catrillo is running on that are in the interests, and for the benefit of Ward E residents.

Agreeing with the Mayor and Council (whoever that ends up being) DO NOT COUNT!

I'm not voting until this afternoon and I'm on the edge of my seat.

The floor is yours....

Posted on: 2009/5/12 14:22

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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Guy will rubber stamp anything the mayor says. An independent voice brings discussion to issues. Steve has done well by me and will be getting my vote.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 14:20

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations

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2009/5/12 13:32
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This is an official statement on behalf of the Guy Catrillo Campaign for Downtown Council.

The Campaign of Current Councilman Steven Fulop is expressing outrage over the internet about our campaign. No surprises here. We know it is an attempt to spin the voters' attention away from Fulop's ad campaign which doesn't always accurately reflect his record as Ward E Councilman. His ad campaign says the Councilman is commited to 'Open, Honest, Government' and that he is against 'pay to play.' However, his record doesn't support these claims -- He has campaign contributions from numerous developers, votes for abatements he promised not to approve and statements he has made which are misleading.

See Steve Fulop's Elec Report:

Guy Catrillo is running against the incumbent. The incumbent touts his record of 'accomplishments.' It is Guy Catrillo's duty to challenge any 'claims' made by the councilman which may be inaccurate and could mislead the voters. Our interest is in the Truth, and getting it out to you.

The Fulop Campaign supporters are saying that our last ad in the Hudson Reporter is 'negative.' Well, here's what it says. It says that Councilman Fulop has alienated himself from every one of his council colleagues. That may negatively impact Fulop, but it is not a negative ad. It is the truth, a truth that even Fulop readily admits.

As a friend and supporter of Guy Catrillo, you know we are not engaged in a negative campaign. We have kept to that decision. Our campaign is committed to presenting the Truth about the current councilman?s record ? a record which he should be willing to defend and support.
We have found lots and lots of Fulop's claims which do not support his record. We know voters will find this interesting.

We recommend the Fulop campaign engage in an honest factcheck of its literature. To get them started, here is a real look at the Councilman?s record.

Check it out at:

The Guy Catrillo Team for Downtown Council

On May 12th, Vote 3-C for One United Downtown

Posted on: 2009/5/12 14:15

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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According to the Catrillo myspace page, it seems the Fulop abatement votes are for: 1) The Beacon (Ward E?) 2) 5 year abatements downtown 3) a 20 yr abatement for a Waldo/ PADNA bldg 4) abatements for low income or market rate ("affordable"?) housing 5) construction in other wards where they need the help The only ones in question are 1) and 2) and 3) Fulop said in old campaign literature that he's against further abatements. It seems he's flexible. Two of those projects are are preserving/ revitalizing a neighborhood with the construction as a linchpin. The other is for a 5 yr abatement. It's not clear, though it sounds like that's Fulop's restrained use of supporting abatements: special cases; low-income or market rate; other wards... not 30 yr abatements, granted without question, for 500 unit downtown condos. Quote:
Exactly...they all voted for tax abatements...Fulop too. They all take campaign contributions from developers...Fulop too. ... Okay, so is I rob 1 bank and they rob 3 ..does it make me any less a bank robber?
That makes him less of a bank robber, or perhaps a different breed. I'm not saying this is Robin Hood stuff. I'm saying that the votes in question might have a more legitimate basis in the Fulop mind.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 12:30

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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LoraJ wrote:
And that's the problem, Catrillo has not answered the question, nor has anyone from his campaign even though it has been asked over and over again.

Guy doesn't have positions. Guy takes down messages when the mayor calls. And because the mayor must not believe Guy has a shot in hell of winning, the mayor hasn't bothered to give Guy any messages. Seriously, how many times have you seen Healy with Catrillo at an event where Catrillo was the primary event?

Hopefully, Guy's fifteen minutes are about to end.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 8:58

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations fly
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GrovePath wrote:
For it being an unimportant story - you seem like you can't stop posting to this thread!

alanwright wrote:
Thank you, Grove Path, for posting another unimportant news story from the JC Reporter.

All of my posts about the HPNA board... the subject of the OP... had the same theme: this is unimportant.

My most recent post above was about a different topic raised by ogden1: Guy Catrillo playing duck, duck, squab.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 5:43

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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If Fulop votes yes on tax abatements for the Beacon, Canco, and Journal Square; and voted NO on Newport then Healy is robbing the bank and Fulop is trying to stop Catrillo from joining the robbers.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 4:20

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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JRL wrote:
r_pinkowitz How many tax abatements did the other 8 council people vote for?

How about full transparency for BOTH sides?

Exactly...they all voted for tax abatements...Fulop too.
They all take campaign contributions from developers...Fulop too.

Are the others claiming they don't? Like it or not they ALL have, including Councilman Fulop.

Okay, so is I rob 1 bank and they rob 3 ..does it make me any less a bank robber?

just my opinions on the facts and it's not meant to sway any opinions on who to vote for and for me, it's not about that.
It is what it is, and let's not pretend it isn't. Those that get it, will understand it and those that don't, just won't.

Hopefully we will have a decent council that serves JC well. Most of us love Jersey City and plan on staying a very long time.

It's late ...G'nite

Posted on: 2009/5/12 4:09

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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pinkowitz - How many tax abatements did the other 8 council people vote for?

How about full transparency for BOTH sides?

Posted on: 2009/5/12 3:51

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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How can Guy claim he doesn't run a negative campaign after running an ad like the back cover of the JC reporter. I listened to him at the HPHA (no. not the HPNA) meeting and the Guy kept talking in circles about friends in high places and I kept thinking does this guy really think that's a smart move? I felt like the "guy" thought claiming he was in the mafia would get votes. Sorry Guy, that was a terrible strategy. You sounded like you should be on the payroll of the Sopranos.

Oh and by the way, Guy, your fake Fulop ad still looked better than yours.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 3:19

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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And that's the problem, Catrillo has not answered the question, nor has anyone from his campaign even though it has been asked over and over again.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 3:03

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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LoraJ wrote:

r_pinkowitz wrote:

LoraJ wrote:

ogden1 wrote:
It's pretty telling that you would rather look at a single incident from 2002 instead of looking at the fact's on Steve Fulop's record.

Everyone should check out the link posted above in #28. This shows the real truth about the Councilman's record.
read it and make your own choice.

Most of us here are very aware of what Fulop's facts are. He keeps in touch with the community by sending out emails, attending community meetings, etc. I have never heard of Guy until a couple of weeks ago.

Fulop has accomplished so much for this community and is in the process of accomplishing more.

The myspace page makes a big deal about abatements. I don't like abatements, I don't have to agree with him on everything. However all of that stuff is from 2005. And it sure doesn't seem like Guy is against abatements according to that page. So why would I switch my vote based on that?


Councilman fulop Voted on abatements throughout his tenure not just 2005

2005- Voted Yes on 9 tax abatements
2006- Voted Yes on 12 tax abatements
2007- Voted Yes on 8 tax abatements
and even in 2008 he Voted Yes on a Market Rate Condo. project in Paulus Hook.

That's 30 Tax Abatements he voted YES on. This does not include the ones he abstained on.

And Guy is different in this area how? He states on his page that he is for abatements in some cases.

I can't answer that for you, I don't work on or for the Catrillo campaign and that answer has to come from them. I'm just stating a fact about the voting record. IMO, it's just about full transparency on this issue and he does vote for abatements just like the rest of them.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 2:46

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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r_pinkowitz wrote:

LoraJ wrote:

ogden1 wrote:
It's pretty telling that you would rather look at a single incident from 2002 instead of looking at the fact's on Steve Fulop's record.

Everyone should check out the link posted above in #28. This shows the real truth about the Councilman's record.
read it and make your own choice.

Most of us here are very aware of what Fulop's facts are. He keeps in touch with the community by sending out emails, attending community meetings, etc. I have never heard of Guy until a couple of weeks ago.

Fulop has accomplished so much for this community and is in the process of accomplishing more.

The myspace page makes a big deal about abatements. I don't like abatements, I don't have to agree with him on everything. However all of that stuff is from 2005. And it sure doesn't seem like Guy is against abatements according to that page. So why would I switch my vote based on that?


Councilman fulop Voted on abatements throughout his tenure not just 2005

2005- Voted Yes on 9 tax abatements
2006- Voted Yes on 12 tax abatements
2007- Voted Yes on 8 tax abatements
and even in 2008 he Voted Yes on a Market Rate Condo. project in Paulus Hook.

That's 30 Tax Abatements he voted YES on. This does not include the ones he abstained on.

And Guy is different in this area how? He states on his page that he is for abatements in some cases.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 2:34

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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LoraJ wrote:

ogden1 wrote:
It's pretty telling that you would rather look at a single incident from 2002 instead of looking at the fact's on Steve Fulop's record.

Everyone should check out the link posted above in #28. This shows the real truth about the Councilman's record.
read it and make your own choice.

Most of us here are very aware of what Fulop's facts are. He keeps in touch with the community by sending out emails, attending community meetings, etc. I have never heard of Guy until a couple of weeks ago.

Fulop has accomplished so much for this community and is in the process of accomplishing more.

The myspace page makes a big deal about abatements. I don't like abatements, I don't have to agree with him on everything. However all of that stuff is from 2005. And it sure doesn't seem like Guy is against abatements according to that page. So why would I switch my vote based on that?


Councilman fulop Voted on abatements throughout his tenure not just 2005

2005- Voted Yes on 9 tax abatements
2006- Voted Yes on 12 tax abatements
2007- Voted Yes on 8 tax abatements
and even in 2008 he Voted Yes on a Market Rate Condo. project in Paulus Hook.

That's 30 Tax Abatements he voted YES on. This does not include the ones he abstained on.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 2:31

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations fly
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ogden1 wrote:
It's pretty telling that you would rather look at a single incident from 2002 instead of looking at the fact's on Steve Fulop's record.

Everyone should check out the link posted above in #28. This shows the real truth about the Councilman's record.
read it and make your own choice.

Most of us here are very aware of what Fulop's facts are. He keeps in touch with the community by sending out emails, attending community meetings, etc. I have never heard of Guy until a couple of weeks ago.

Fulop has accomplished so much for this community and is in the process of accomplishing more.

The myspace page makes a big deal about abatements. I don't like abatements, I don't have to agree with him on everything. However all of that stuff is from 2005. And it sure doesn't seem like Guy is against abatements according to that page. So why would I switch my vote based on that?

Posted on: 2009/5/12 2:24

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