Re: Notice of violation & Order to correct - JCFD
Just can't stay away
Has anyone else had an inspection saying you need a knoxbox? And you have to pay $25 to get the order form for one?
Also with our inspection, they say that if we do not correct our violations we will be fined $5000 a day per violation. WTF??
Posted on: 2018/10/2 15:00
Re: 4th of July in JC @ Exchange Place - Featuring Snoop Dog
Just can't stay away
But what time are the fireworks and what time are the Macy's fireworks?
Posted on: 2018/7/4 15:56
Re: New Tax Rate is Insane!
Just can't stay away
I still don't know what my new taxes will be. How can I have appealed something where I don't have the info?
Posted on: 2018/5/25 1:56
Re: New Tax Rate is Insane!
Just can't stay away
My mortgage company pays my taxes. Will they be the ones to get the new tax amount from the city?
Posted on: 2018/3/28 1:44
Re: Mason / Front Porch Contractor
Just can't stay away
Bumping this, because we also need our stairs re-done. Having a hard time finding a mason.
Posted on: 2017/10/10 0:17
Re: Property Registration
Just can't stay away
Nope, old building from the 1920's that was refurbed in the mid-80's when the association was developed. I will ignore. Thanks everyone for your advice. That guy on the phone scared me. lol.
Posted on: 2017/1/27 15:36
Re: Property Registration
Just can't stay away
Yes, it was from the Landlord/Tenant department. I said we didn't have 5 units under rental and no one owns more than one unit and he said it didn't matter I still had to fill out the form and send in $10 per unit. And I told him nothing on the form applies to anyone in my building we are a non-profit Condo Association. And he was telling me well the owner would be the President, and I was like, ahhhh I don't think that is how it works and he told me well then I can go to court then and pay the $2500 fine. :/ Maybe I will ignore it, I do feel like I got this in the past and ignored it because of the 5 unit thing. I feel like it was worded differently this year which set off alarms. If they want me to register my building (which I am sure it is somewhere), then it shouldn't be coming from the landlord/tenant department.
Posted on: 2017/1/27 1:54
Property Registration
Just can't stay away
Did anyone else get this property registration form that must be filled out by March or you are massively fined and have to go to court.
We are a condo association, there is no sole owner, we all own our units and don't answer to an LLC.This form seems to deal with Landlord/tenant issues and we are mostly owner occupied. I called them syaing I didn't feel this form applied to us and he said all buildings must apply. So, I guess I am just wondering if anyone else has filled out this form and could help me with it. I am treasurer for the association and no one else on the "board" is even around for this.
Posted on: 2017/1/25 16:08
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
Just can't stay away
No one is against the safety of children. We are against your ignorance and bigotry.
Posted on: 2016/4/28 0:37
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
Just can't stay away
Posted on: 2016/4/27 23:18
Re: Al Roker, Jesse Eisenberg, John Leguizamo @ NJCU
Just can't stay away
How do we get tickets for Jesse and John's events?
Posted on: 2015/9/29 21:25
Re: Jersey City: Newark Avenue - Pedestrian Plaza
Just can't stay away
Is Yvonne the new Sonia of Newport?
I'm all for this! And I have a car. I never drive down that stretch unless picking up pizza from two boots, but that can be easily detoured.
Posted on: 2014/8/23 15:50
Re: Jersey City police chief: Fulop devised 'illegal' operation to snarl traffic at Holland Tunnel
Just can't stay away
Good point. My guess is that I know the neighborhood associations don't like commuters using Jersey City local streets to bypass tunnel traffic. With the closure of the Pulaski Skyway inbound I would think residents feared this would get worse. I know in the past there had been talks of redirecting traffic to prevent this. (This was years ago). I see other towns closing roads or making certain roads one way to prevent commuters from using local streets by schools to avoid traffic. Maybe this is something similar. I doubt it is anything like bridgegate.
Posted on: 2014/7/13 12:32
Re: Parking lot on 9th and Erie - door always open!
Just can't stay away
And it's open again! WTF?
Posted on: 2013/3/20 22:48
Re: Parking lot on 9th and Erie - door always open!
Just can't stay away
While we are at it, maybe Silverman should charge double a month to the people who take up two parking spots. You want two spots, then pay for them.
Posted on: 2013/3/17 22:30
Re: Parking lot on 9th and Erie - door always open!
Just can't stay away
Then why not hire someone temporarily to watch the garage during restaurant hours and close the garage door when the restaurant closes?
Posted on: 2013/3/16 21:22
Re: Snor'Eastercane
Just can't stay away
Could the residents of The Park Hamilton please move EVERYTHING on their balconies inside.
This is just a sample:
Posted on: 2012/10/29 18:17
Re: Liberty State Park Events
Just can't stay away
Did these auditions take place in Liberty House Restaurant? looks like it.
Posted on: 2011/1/20 1:39
Be careful on Erie Street and 10th
Just can't stay away
They put up a stop sign and changed the light to flashing red all directions. I wasn't even paying attention, and didn't even see it until my husband pointed it out. The two cars in front of my went right through the stop sign and the guy behind me looked confused as to why I was stopping.
So anyone driving on 10th, don't assume the people on Erie see you or know to stop. I think everyone is just used to that intersection the way it was. Proceed with caution.
Posted on: 2010/7/4 14:20
American Idol Audtions in Liberty State Park; Jersey City, NJ
Just can't stay away
That's what Ryan Seacrest said on the show tonight. It always seems like they put the crowds in stadiums as a holding area, initial audition place. Where could they do that here? Liberty Park?
Posted on: 2010/5/20 1:41
Edited by Webmaster on 2011/1/20 19:08:05
Re: Car Dealers on 440
Just can't stay away
I will never set foot in Hudson Toyota gain. Loathe them. The BBB give Hudson Toyota an "F" last time I checked.
I had a good experience with Parkway Toyota in Englewood.
Posted on: 2010/4/28 23:13
Re: Drivers Must Come to Full Stop at NJ Crosswalks
Just can't stay away
I drive and I walk and I agree that there are as many bad pedestrians as there are bad drivers. I try to be a courteous driver as well as a courteous pedestrian. I am not going to cross the street unless I can tell that the driver can see me. This includes a driver who could possibly make a turn where I am crossing, there can be a blind spot in the car where they might not be able to see me at an angle. I am going to have to look up this law and read it so I understand. Currently, when I am turning on Washington Street in Hoboken every morning from Observer, I get a green arrow and the pedestrians have a Don't Walk sign. They step into lane one, but I turn into lane three. They usually get the point then that they are not to cross because we have the right of way. But my confusion is, if they are showing intent by stepping into lane one, I can no longer continue? I have to stop and impede traffic and let all the jaywalkers cross?
Posted on: 2010/4/2 11:59
Re: Did the Census leave out part of Jersey City?
Just can't stay away
From what I hear, you are supposed to write "DUPLICATE" on it and send it back.
Posted on: 2010/4/1 19:09
Re: Did the Census leave out part of Jersey City?
Just can't stay away
We have a condo association. We are a very small association though. Only 7 units. I am not sure if my neighbors got theirs or not. I was picking up my neigbors mail for a month, and it looked like he got something from the, not sure if it was the survey or not. He is registered with the state as the association secretary and I am registered as the treasurer.
Posted on: 2010/4/1 18:55
Re: Did the Census leave out part of Jersey City?
Just can't stay away
We did not get ours. I live on 9th St. in Hamilton Park.
Posted on: 2010/4/1 18:38
Re: Drivers Must Come to Full Stop at NJ Crosswalks
Just can't stay away
So does this mean pedestrians can walk against red lights and cross whenever they want to? Get into the crosswalk when I have the green arrow and they have a Don't Walk sign and we are all supposed to stop and hold up traffic because they are too entitled to wait for a walk signal?
Posted on: 2010/4/1 17:44
Re: New Resturant on Erie
Just can't stay away
We got delivery from there the other night. They delivered withing 30 minutes which is pretty good compared to other places in the area. We also enjoyed our food and thought prices were very reasonable.
Posted on: 2010/4/1 17:32
Re: Cristie and what he'll do to NJ
Just can't stay away
Exactly! Don't like gay marriage? then don't have one. It is as simple as that.
Posted on: 2009/12/12 20:02
Re: JC Post Office - Be Very Afraid
Just can't stay away
I try and avoid the post office on Washington as much as I can. I had my mail held one time while on vacation. I had requested for my mail to be delivered and restarted on a certain date. Mail did not start up again for 3 days. I went to the post office to the window that says "Mail Held" told them I wanted to pick up my mail and also complain that it had not started up again. I was shoo'd away to go to another window. The other window was where people got their passports. There were 4 people in line to get their passports. I went back to mail held and said, "look, forget the complaint part, I just want my mail." She told me this is not where you pick up held mail. I told her the window says "mail held," I just saw someone pick up their held mail there and that is where I had picked it up in the past. She refused to give me my mail so I had to wait about 30 minutes in line for people to get passports so I could pick up my mail. I sent in a written complaint, but I am sure no one cares.
Posted on: 2009/11/22 6:30