Re: parking ticket: motor vehicle nuisance? huh?
Just can't stay away
I believe these tickets are issued by the parking authority based on an old ordinance. Going to court in April. Will contact the Parking Authority for an explanation. (May be a chance for them to collect add'l revenue)
Posted on: 2012/3/24 4:29
Re: parking ticket: motor vehicle nuisance? huh?
Just can't stay away
I KNOW it is violating the law. That is not the issue here.
It is the PROCESS of paying the fine that is being debated. It is a NEW STATUTE. That is all I am saying. Please keep on topic.
Posted on: 2012/2/3 19:56
Re: parking ticket: motor vehicle nuisance? huh?
Just can't stay away
May I invoke the phrase "Holier Than Thou".
Geez, did you ever consider becoming a preacher?
Posted on: 2012/2/3 19:53
Re: parking ticket: motor vehicle nuisance? huh?
Just can't stay away
Thx. Vigilante. You are probably right about why I rec'd the ticket.
I did phone the court today. This is a NEW statute. It is not yet printed on the ticket form itself. The amount of the fine has not been made public. Soooo, they are sending me a court appearance document within 2 weeks and hopefully when I go to court the beauracracy will have ended. Snowflake 20. "Generally I don't violate traffic or parking rules which doesn't make me a perfect driver, more like a law abiding one. I don't like to pay fines and get tickets." I guess you are assuming that I violate the law and I like to pay fines???? Remember your comments when in future you are overtime at a meter or make some other parking/traffic mistake. Your comments are juvenile.
Posted on: 2012/2/3 16:19
Re: parking ticket: motor vehicle nuisance? huh?
Just can't stay away
Think the point is the fact that we have to go to court for a simple parking ticket versus just paying it online or snail mail.
I admit my guilt. This is something new. I thought you only go to court for serious moving violations. Never heard of Motor Vehicle. Nuisance and it seems no one else did either. Will find out tomorrow. Good luck to all you perfect drivers.
Posted on: 2012/2/3 2:52
Re: parking ticket: motor vehicle nuisance? huh?
Just can't stay away
Same thing happened to me. Parked in a red zone. Tried to pay online to no avail so I dropped tix and a check in the mail. They were mailed back with a note that I must call Traffic Violations for a court appearance. Funny, the Court Appearance box was not checked off on the ticket. Wondering why I have to go to court for a parking violation?? Will call tomorrow and keep you posted.
Posted on: 2012/2/3 1:29
Re: contractor for Ductless, Mini-Split Air Conditioner/Heat Pumps
Just can't stay away
I've had a Mitsubishi Mr. Slim system for about 10 years now.
It both cools and heats, (I use it a a supplement to my gas heating system) and 3 wall units run off a single compressor. I clean the wall units every year and have not touched the compressor. The units are great. You don't have cool your entire home. The compressor is practically silent. I feel my was money well spent. Great investment. The best part is I never again have to lug and store those window units.
Posted on: 2011/11/4 18:01
Re: Rich Boggiano for Jersey City Council At Large
Just can't stay away
I have to say that you have completely turned me around due to your posts on JC List. The answers you provide are solid and make sense. You are an intelligent, honest man who cannot be intimated or bought. I am voting for you and will tell eveyone I know to do the same. God Bless.
Posted on: 2011/10/28 19:36
Just can't stay away
Rorsach and Flip;
Absolutely LOVE your comments. They are to the point and hit right in the gut. Thank You.
Posted on: 2011/10/8 15:13
Re: Variance to get 3 units in 1-2 family zone
Just can't stay away
Why not call the bldg dept. Before calling a lawyer. They can direct you.
Posted on: 2011/10/4 12:07
Re: Delenio's
Just can't stay away
Burger and fries are exceptional. Angus beef, great roll and fat fries with lettuce and tomato. Absolutely delicious.
Great chicken milanese too. Nice guys, treat the patrons with respect.
Posted on: 2011/9/21 1:10
Re: Suggest JC Real Estate Attorney?
Just can't stay away
Irwin Rosen. Smart, nice, thorough, experienced.
Easy to deal with and has a staff and nice office on JSQ. Joe Scanlon in Hoboken also very, very good.
Posted on: 2010/12/7 23:13
Re: our tax dollars at work - crossing guards make $48/h
Just can't stay away
Thanks NeverLeft and Irish.
You are free thinkers. I thought I was losing my mind on this thread.
Posted on: 2010/11/30 15:09
Re: our tax dollars at work - crossing guards make $48/h
Just can't stay away
OK. Spoke to a guard this morning. Old timer in JC Heights.
They make 40-46 bucks A DAY depending on seniority. Laughed when I said 48 bucks an hour. Let's take an average 42*20=210 per week. Yes folks, $210.00 a week. Below is the data cut and pasted from the NYPD website: GREAT PART TIME JOBS ARE AVAILABLE NOW! GOOD PAY - $9.88/HOUR TO START, $12.90/HOUR AFTER 3 YEARS. HEALTH BENEFITS-HEALTH INSURANCE WITH 20+ HOURS WORKED PER WEEK. Do you really think that Jersey City would pay 48 bucks an hour when NYC pays 9.88-12.90? As far as "scaremongering" I was simply speaking to the fact that dismissals, en masse, at the local high schools are troublesome traffic wise. You know we all avoid 3PM traffic on Montgomery, Palisade, Bergen and Commuinpaw. I was not implying anything about the students demeanor. I have discussed this issue ad nauseum. I'm done. Power to the little guy.
Posted on: 2010/11/29 17:48
Re: our tax dollars at work - crossing guards make $48/h
Just can't stay away
Incorrect. They work 20hrs a week, go out 3X a day. There are not 500
Guards. Think there are abt. 200. The 20,000. May be a supervisor salary. I am not flailing, you're supporting bad data. Just make a call to JCPD or ask a guard. The data is NOT posted on line. they are aout there in all types of weather, get hit by cars and take all kinds of Abuse. Again, drive by Lincoln or Ferris at dismissal. Now how abt the school security guards. Let's go after them next.
Posted on: 2010/11/28 14:48
Re: our tax dollars at work - crossing guards make $48/h
Just can't stay away
Exactly! About 40-50 bucks a day!
Please also note. NYC provides health benefits. Hope the JCPD can handle all your job applications....
Posted on: 2010/11/28 3:21
Re: our tax dollars at work - crossing guards make $48/h
Just can't stay away
OK let,s go from the ridiculous to the sublime.
It's the per DIEM rate not hourly. Hhhmmm thought you would be touting the Wall Street Journal, not the Jersey Journal.
Posted on: 2010/11/28 2:34
Re: our tax dollars at work - crossing guards make $48/h
Just can't stay away
Again, this is mis-information. Only in the Jersey Journal, the PREMIER NJ newspaper. INCORRECT DATA!!!!!!!!
If you don't believe me call the JCPD and ask for the Crossing Guard Dept. It seems they are factoring-in health benefits. EVEN SO THOSE FIGURES ARE UNTRUE. Not fair folks. Do they do that at your job? Now thanks to Gov. Christie the health benefits are abolished. Let's see who will take this job now........ 10 BUCKS AN HOUR. MAKE THE PHONE CALL!!!! Read between the lines folks. By your calculations they would make abt. 192 bucks a day, 960 a week. 3840 a month, 46K a year. THAT'S WHAT A ROOKIE COP AND NEW TEACHER MAKE. Are you that naive? Propaganda and media. You fell for it.
Posted on: 2010/11/27 17:11
Re: our tax dollars at work - crossing guards make $48/h
Just can't stay away
Oh reeally. Please let me know what schools collect.
That is BS THEY ONLY MAKE ABT 10 BUCKS AN HOUR What idiot would volunteer to do this 3 times a day and Do it in the rain and snow. You are clueless. This is not freakin Mayberry. The city also consists of more than Downtown. JC. Try thinking a bit more deeply. Well golly gee maybe we should have a volunteer fire dept. too.
Posted on: 2010/11/27 3:35
Re: our tax dollars at work - crossing guards make $48/h
Just can't stay away
Get real folks. They make about 10.00 an hour,
work in all kinds of weather and are at their posts 3 times a day. If u think it's easy go to Ferris, Dickinson, Lincoln at 3 PM. U would pee in your pants. Yeah they're really draining the city coffers. Now let's pick on the meter maids they really make the big bucks.
Posted on: 2010/11/26 23:24
Re: Embankment- Update Thread
Just can't stay away
Hmmmm. Am at city hall right now in the bd. Of adjustment meeting .
They attys are doing summations. I just heard 800 units. Touche'
Posted on: 2010/10/6 0:14
Re: Embankment- Update Thread
Just can't stay away
Amen to that.
I can't believe anyone is dumb enough to believe someone will build 2 family homes on this Property. Hyman will sell it off, tthis is his MO), and someone will get approvals to build huge bldgs. Do your homework.
Posted on: 2010/10/5 23:50
Re: Embankment- Update Thread
Just can't stay away
Really funny. Meeting still on.
Hyman and wife sitting with Steve Lipski, former councilman who disgraced himself by urinating on the public, from the balcony at a Grateful Dead concert. PERFCT TOGETHER.
Posted on: 2010/10/1 0:24
Re: Embankment- Update Thread
Just can't stay away
Amen brother! So tired of being pushed around by politcians and developers.
This is our city. We live here and care. If they build, your backyards will have no alleys. You will most likely be looking into someones window. How much money does Hyman need. He already made 25 mill off gulls cove. Go rape the land somewhere else. SOB.
Posted on: 2010/9/30 21:25
Re: Embankment- Update Thread
Just can't stay away
I hope there is a good turnout. It will be really terrible for the folks on 5th and 6th the have hi rise apts in their back yards. We really must show our supprt tonight and stop this insanity.
Posted on: 2010/9/30 19:59
Re: Rosemary McFadden replaces Dominick Pandolfo as Mayor's Chief of Staff
Just can't stay away
What a bargain. This woman was President of the NYMEX!
We are lucky to have her for 1.00 a year. This job should be child's play for someone of her caliber.
Posted on: 2010/9/7 23:27
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Just can't stay away
I am a dog lover however, I love people more. It really sucks that
People are defacing signs. I am so sick of this selfish crap. I can't even plant Flowers in my front yard because people let their dogs piss all over and kill Everything. Dogs must be on a leash period! It is the law. What freakin part Of that don't people understand. God forbid a child gets bitten! Human beings first!
Posted on: 2010/6/22 2:43
Re: 3 Jersey City couples have fun battling each other for $10,000 renovations prize on HGTV show airing
Just can't stay away
Oh lighten up Bill.
This show brought some welcome, favorable, noteriety to our our city. All of the contestants are major community "givers" whose contributions make a big difference in our quality of life. That is who they are. They were not going for an Emmy here. The Rivo's are my neighbors. You couldn,t ask for better folks to be in your backyard. PS: What have you done for our community lately?
Posted on: 2010/5/31 21:56
Re: School Board Election, Apr 20: Fulop Announces Candidates Support
Just can't stay away
So is Councilman Fulop for the teacher's contract?
Posted on: 2010/4/20 0:44