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Re: Gunstore Owner vindicated on 3 bogus charges

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2006/12/8 3:52
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The truth shall be told. Our righteous God will expose the evil no matter how cancerous it is.
Good shall always win over evil.
JC corrupt Politicians can always hide, but God will always find them. 3 evil Men attack a good Man who follows God and Jesus Path. He is beaten and thrown in jail. The criminals are set free, and work "with" the corrupt Prosecutors and corrupt Cops, to falsely indict an innocent Man for political reasons.
The wrath of God will crush their evil so powerfully, that it will make the Tsunami of 06, look like a small stream in the country on a summer day!
Praise God and Jesus, and you will be saved. Fight off evil, no matter the cost or efforts.
Remember, tell the truth, no matter how much it hurts, or what evil person goes down.
The truth. The truth. Always tell the truth!

Posted on: 2008/5/10 3:01

Gunstore Owner vindicated on 3 bogus charges

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2006/12/8 3:52
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2008/5/11 2:57
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Police at the 7th st precinct perjured themselves in front of a Grand Jury, getting the misguided grand Jury to illegally indict Mr Murray on phony gun charges. Superior Court Judge Fred Theemling dropped 3 gun charges from Murray. Murrays Lawyer, Peter Willis will get the last 3 bogus charges dropped. The assailants who attaced Mr Murray 1 year ago, will face aggravateds assault charges in Superior Court soon. The FBI ,and U.S. Attornety Chris Christie, will investigate corrupt Prosecutor Ed Defazio, and his assistant, Leo Hurley, for their perjury and corruption, and see how deep in the city government the 08 corruption goes. Possible 08 election corruption, to close a gunstore to "please" the far left, anti gun Officials, which would send Defazio and Hurley to jail, along wi th the assailants who assaulted Mr Murray. In the next few months, the FBI and U.S. Attorney will be all over the Prosecutors office, and the 7th st Precinct to see the depth of the corruption. No one knows how deep it goes, but remember the Duke Rape case. This case makes the Duke case look like a picnic.

Posted on: 2008/5/10 2:49

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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2004/9/3 0:19
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SalOnTheHill wrote:

NewHeights wrote:

1. If 2 men approached him and one of them swung at him he does have the right to use deadly force (just as a police officer would also have the right). It doesnt matter if he instigated by blowing his horn etc.

Patently and entirely untrue. Self-defense law does not work that way. You are only permitted to use lethal force in response to lethal force. Somebody taking a swing at somebody else (for being a loony douche) does not justify the discharge of a firearm.

I see what you are saying, however is "deadly force" a subjective term? Im pretty sure there have been instances of people being killed by a few punches to the head. Im not coming down on either side of this case, just a curiosity question on my part here.

Posted on: 2008/5/9 17:33

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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2006/8/19 20:49
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jediweapon wrote:
Just goes to show you how Hudson Country grand jurors are all too willing to indict a ham sandwich in return for an extended lunch recess.

Quite apart from the "aggravated assault" issue, the guy clearly had a license to carry. And yet the bozo assistant prosecutors were able to get trumped up counts of unlawful possession (2) and possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose without so much as a dissenting whimper from jurors.

In fact, indictments by sleepy and analytically-impaired grand jurors in Jersey City are so routine that the assistant prosecutor in charge had no trouble getting "an officer [to] testif[y] to the grand jury that Murray had no permit to carry a gun."

In defense of that rent-a-cop like testimony, Jersey City Police Chief Tom Comey says the officer was "testifying to the best of his ability."

That's not saying much, is it?

You should write editorials for the New York Post.

Posted on: 2008/5/9 17:25

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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2006/2/2 2:32
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NewHeights wrote:

It sounds to me it was a witch hunt by anti-gun advocates and I think its going to backfire on them in a big way.

I don't know - looks like Dave is the one doing the backfiring.

Posted on: 2008/5/9 17:24

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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2008/1/28 23:20
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NewHeights wrote:

1. If 2 men approached him and one of them swung at him he does have the right to use deadly force (just as a police officer would also have the right). It doesnt matter if he instigated by blowing his horn etc.

Patently and entirely untrue. Self-defense law does not work that way. You are only permitted to use lethal force in response to lethal force. Somebody taking a swing at somebody else (for being a loony douche) does not justify the discharge of a firearm.

Posted on: 2008/5/9 17:22

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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2005/7/7 4:33
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Ive met this dave guy and agree with many he is a bit of a loon but it sounds to me as though he was railroaded and he has a strong case against JCPD and the agressors.

1. If 2 men approached him and one of them swung at him he does have the right to use deadly force(just as a police officer would also have the right). It doesnt matter if he instigated by blowing his horn etc.

2. If JCPD "testified to the best of their ability" but he really had the right to carry this is a big problem for the court and JCPD. Dave will not only beat that charge but is probably entitled to monetary damages and the JCPD will have some explaining to do.

3. If his license to sell was wrongly revoked he will absolutely be able to sue the city for lost revenue.

It sounds to me it was a witch hunt by anti-gun advocates and I think its going to backfire on them in a big way.

Posted on: 2008/5/9 17:14

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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2007/5/14 20:09
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Just goes to show you how Hudson Country grand jurors are all too willing to indict a ham sandwich in return for an extended lunch recess.

Quite apart from the "aggravated assault" issue, the guy clearly had a license to carry. And yet the bozo assistant prosecutors were able to get trumped up counts of unlawful possession (2) and possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose without so much as a dissenting whimper from jurors.

In fact, indictments by sleepy and analytically-impaired grand jurors in Jersey City are so routine that the assistant prosecutor in charge had no trouble getting "an officer [to] testif[y] to the grand jury that Murray had no permit to carry a gun."

In defense of that rent-a-cop like testimony, Jersey City Police Chief Tom Comey says the officer was "testifying to the best of his ability."

That's not saying much, is it?

Posted on: 2008/5/9 16:18

Kills 3 of gun merchant's charges - still faces aggravated assault & bias intimidation based on race
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Kills 3 of gun merchant's charges

Friday, May 09, 2008

Three of six charges filed against a Jersey City gun shop owner who fired a .357 Magnum into the air while apparently being assaulted were dismissed yesterday by a state Superior Court judge.

Two counts of unlawful possession of a weapon and one count of possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose faced by David Murray were dismissed by Judge Fred Theemling.

Murray, the owner of David's Sporting Goods on Second Street near Newark Avenue, still faces charges of aggravated assault and possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose. He is also charged with bias intimidation, or intimidating or threatening to intimidate a person or persons based on their race, officials said.

The charges stem from a May 3, 2007 incident in which someone double-parked beside Murray's car and refused to move. A nearby security camera captured images of two men getting out of the vehicle and walking to Murray's vehicle, where there was a confrontation.

At least one man can be seen swinging punches at Murray before Murray fires his licensed .357 Magnum into the air. The two men then go back to their vehicle and speed away. Murray was arrested and indicted and the Hudson County Prosecutor's Office did not press charges against the others involved.

Earlier this year, Murray filed charges against two men himself in Jersey City Municipal Court and the complaint identifies them as Donnell Rawlings and Eddie Powell. That case is still pending. Rawlings is known for his role as "Ashy Larry" on "Chapelle's Show," which aired on Comedy Central.

Theemling stripped Murray of his license to carry guns in June, and his license to sell them in September, citing the May incident and security concerns at the store in the wake of a gun theft. Murray is appealing that decision, which came after an officer of the New Jersey State Police Firearm Investigation Unit testified that his inspection of store security and records revealed no reason to pull the license.

Murray's attorney, Peter Willis, informed Theemling that he will argue for the dismissal of the remaining charges and a June 5 hearing has been set for oral arguments. Willis is also seeking to have Theemling removed from the case.

Finally, Murray has filed an internal affairs complaint with the Jersey City Police Department saying an officer testified to the grand jury that Murray had no permit to carry a gun. The fact that Murray was licensed to carry guns was the basis for the dismissal of the charges yesterday.

Jersey City Police Chief Tom Comey said his office's investigation of Murray's allegation about the officer is ongoing but he believes the officer was "testifying to the best of his ability," and not lying.

Posted on: 2008/5/9 15:08

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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2007/3/19 18:28
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I completely defend David's right to bear arms and run a business. Really don't understand the arguement that a gun shop has no business on Newark because we're in the city and not the country. I've also been in his shop a couple of times and he's never been aggresive trying to sell me a fire arm or was he spouting hate speech like some of you claim.

by the way, I don't own a firearm nor do I posess a permit to carry but from the rigorous standards I've heard New Jersey upholds, if he passed it enough said.

Posted on: 2008/2/25 19:21
utterly deplorable

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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2006/2/18 5:53
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brian_em wrote:
I've talked with this shop owner about this incident, and he described it as the men started to rough him up, and at one point pushed him to the ground. If I can recall correctly, i think punches were thrown. When the two men had him on the ground he reached for his gun and fired shots into the air.

Now, I wasn't there, but if his story is true, and guys were kicking his a$$; his gun is licensed, and he has a carry permit, legally he has the right to defend himself, by all means necessary.

If I remember correctly, the video showed that there was room for him to back up further and pull out of the parking space but he instead decided to confront the people in the double parked car. The many people who met him when he first opened the store got the impression that he was not a stable person that should be handling firearms. Then to say ?had the legal right to blow their heads off? after leaving court just shows the attitude he has.

Posted on: 2008/2/25 17:42

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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2006/2/10 1:24
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Slow down there Castro. I never said anything about David being a racist. You are taking someone else's post and combining it with mine, to try and make it seem like I would condone racism.

I have been in his store twice and have never heard him say the N word, or anything racist. So I can make a comment on that.
When I say he's a bit out there, I'm referring to his aggressive beliefs that everyone should own a gun.

I believe that gun ownership is our right, but will be the first to admit, it's not for everybody.

Yes, I was under the impression he had a carry permit. If his permit only allowed him to carry inside his store, then yes, he might be in the wrong. But again, I'm not a lawyer.

But like I said, the details of this ordeal seem one sided, and before we jump down this guys throat, he should have a right to before a judge and have them fairly decide what action to take.

Posted on: 2008/2/25 4:42

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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2006/3/22 3:51
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brian_em wrote:
Hey, I'll admit, David's rhetoric is a little bit "out there". But as of now, there is no law that denies him his right to operate his business. Am I saying that I agree with every word that comes out of David's mouth? No. But this is America. His business does not violate any laws, and it is wrong for people to try and kick him out of town because they disagree with him. Everyone preaches free speech until someone says something they don't like. Everyone preaches diversity, but they want to ruin this guy's business because he's a "redneck". .

Out there?? Free Speech? America? Sorry, is being a racist a-hole the realisation of the american dream? I think I musta missed a meeting.


What about the shops on grove street, where defound two pakistani assassins working there... Their shop is still open. How come there is no cry from the community to shut them down?

Maybe because they didn't shoot in the air in JERSEY CITY! The so called assassin of which you speak WAS arrested because he was accused of shooting someone in PAKISTAN.


If you have a problem with gun dealers in an urban environment, write to congress and try to get a law passed. Do it by the book, not by some shady, sneak around the law, kind of way.

I think most people just with the fact that this guy is a NUT. If he was Sgt Bilko then I think I could live with that.

Posted on: 2008/2/24 5:54

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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2008/1/30 5:45
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I've met this guy, and in my personal opinion he shouldn't be allowed to own,carry or sell guns. I own guns and went in there to check the place out one day long before the incident and he seems alittle too extreme for me. He seems to think the only way to protect yourself in this world is with a gun. Sorry but I don't agree. I have had extensive training with firearms and can tell you that you can shoot at someone from three feet away and still miss. So relying on protecting yourself with a gun is not the answer.

When I was in his store a guy came into the store and was asking about his sports gear, and Dave tried to sell him a gun. When the guy told him that he didn't believe in owning one Dave went a rampage on "what are you going to do if someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night adn wants to rob you, if you had a gun you could protect yourself". The guy told Dave if someone breaks into my house in the middle of the night I will go out the fire escape and call the police. He didn't like that response.

Posted on: 2008/2/24 5:17

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked

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2007/12/2 19:33
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O yea, for those who live in the area. After he ' shot into the air ' there were police on ladders trying to pick out a slug that hit the blue building across from jordan's on 2nd/newark. One bullet hit the building and the hole in the vinyl siding is still there. that's a bad attempt to shoot into the air. from what i've read he was on the ground when he shot into the air. for a bullet to hit a building is reckless.

Posted on: 2008/2/24 4:50

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked

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2007/12/2 19:33
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He doesn't have a concealed weapons permit. Those are next to impossible to obtain in NJ unless you are a retired policeman. He was permitted to have the gun on him within his business as is the case with gun shop owners. He was across the street going home after closing up shop when the incident occured.

I'm all for the 2nd amendment. I think people with clean backgrounds should be allowed to own guns, but this dude is a loon. He is a blatant racist and enjoys starting confrontations with people over nothing. If you're in his shop alone and mention something about not feeling safe walking home at night. I can guarantee he'll drop the N bomb. He has with me when I went in there to ask about paintball guns. A lot of people I know have the same story too.

Posted on: 2008/2/24 4:40

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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2006/2/10 1:24
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Hey, I'll admit, David's rhetoric is a little bit "out there". But as of now, there is no law that denies him his right to operate his business. Am I saying that I agree with every word that comes out of David's mouth? No. But this is America. His business does not violate any laws, and it is wrong for people to try and kick him out of town because they disagree with him. Everyone preaches free speech until someone says something they don't like. Everyone preaches diversity, but they want to ruin this guy's business because he's a "redneck".

What about the shops on grove street, where they found two pakistani assassins working there... Their shop is still open. How come there is no cry from the community to shut them down?

If you have a problem with gun dealers in an urban environment, write to congress and try to get a law passed. Do it by the book, not by some shady, sneak around the law, kind of way.

Posted on: 2008/2/24 3:48

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked

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2008/2/1 21:30
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This guy is a wacko. He has a right to bear arms but he should go back to his gun toting, hillbilly, redneck town he came from. This is Jersey City and I am from Jersey City. Just when I thought the neighborhood was getting better, this wackjob opened this place up. The thought of going back to having 5 locks on my door again and afriad of my own shadow is what this store represents.
I have a summer home and have friends and family who hunt as well as going skeet shooting and I have shot a gun before at a range. In South Jersey. Not in a heavily populated city with nut jobs all over the place. There is no need for this gun shop in Jersey City. Especially across from a nightclub and a residential neighborhood. If everyone was going to shoot everybody over being blocked in with there car the murder rate in Jersey City would be outrageous. This man is not a vigilante, but a redneck hillbilly wacko. wait till he hurts somebody and then all the JC listers sticking up for the lunatic will all of sudden blame not enough gun laws in NJ, instead of saying there are too many.
This nut gives a bad name for gun owners.

Posted on: 2008/2/23 18:12

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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rob3_nj wrote:

The questionable part is suspending his license to sell. I don't understand this one. It does seem overly extreme to me.

He didn't loose the his permit to sell because he shot his big gun three times on Newark Avenue. He lost his right to sell guns because he let kids steal guns from his store a few weeks later!


Gun shop owner: Thief used distract-and-grab scam

The owner of a Downtown Jersey City gun store described a smooth con today that left the shop short a $575 gun and left a thief with a James Bond-type weapon for who knows what purpose.

At 6:45 yesterday evening, two men walked into David?s Sporting Goods and Self Defense store on Second Street at Newark Avenue, owner David Murray and police told The Jersey Journal.

One of the men took out a roll of $20 bills, saying excitedly that he wanted to buy paintball equipment.

While Murray was preoccupied gathered up a paintball gun, paint balls and other equipment, the second man walked over to the glass gun cabinet, reached over it and grabbed a Walther 380 PPK-S -- all caught on the store's security video, which Murray showed the Journal. The man stuffed the gun in his pocket and runs out of the store, the video shows.

Moments later the other man takes the box full of paintball equipment and places it on the glass cabinet, blocking the view of the missing gun, the video shows. As the second man and Murray are finishing their transaction, the man's cellphone rings.

?As he was checking out he got a call on his phone and said ?Oh, the car?s on the meter. I still got to give the guy the money,'? Murray said.

That man then bolts and Murray looks over to see the gun gone.

After realizing what happened, Murray ran outside where people waiting for a bus said the pair ran away south on Monmouth Street, police reports said.

Murray drove around the area looking for them and then returned to the store and dialed 911, reports said. He said the pair looked familiar and may have been in the store recently to case it.

The video captured clear images of the face of the man who took the gun and police got his complete hand prints from the top of the glass cabinet. The other man was also captured on the security video but a baseball cap blocked a portion of his face from view.

Murray said he hoped the prints and video would lead to the pair?s arrest and ?they wont be able to steal, rape and commit more crimes.?

Stealing a gun from a federally licensed gun dealer is a federal offense punishable by up to 10 years in prison, Murray said.

Murray has some gun troubles of his own, having recently lost his "carry permit'' after an incident in the neighborhood where he shot into the air after a heated exchange with someone blocking his car got physical and he said he felt his life was in danger.

Michaelangelo Conte

Click here for video and all the news articles

Posted on: 2008/2/23 18:08

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked

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2007/7/14 1:01
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I talked to David just after the event and I also had a chance to talk to a couple of cops about it later on.

David can be scarey to talk to. Its like being at a meeting of the KKK. Even before that night, I was uncomfortable around him, and I didn't even know he had a carry permit.

It is my understanding that the police were unable to substantiate his claims about the attack and thus did not attest the two blacks involved. David didn't have any marks on him nor did he appear dirty from being pushed to the ground. It was standard procedure to take his gun from him and hold it until there was a hearing. The suspended his carry permit later and it was a second hearing that suspended his seller's license.

The facts seem to be that he shot his gun up into the air as a warning. He is allowed to defend himself if he believes that his life is in danger but shooting in the air is just dangerous. He could see Jordan's from across the street in his shop. Why didn't he call the police? For that matter why didn't he call 911 early on in the confrontation?

The event showed some bad judgement on his part and having his carry permit suspended while its all sorted out seems like the best solution. There is a big difference between owning a gun and being issued a carry permit.

The questionable part is suspending his license to sell. I don't understand this one. It does seem overly extreme to me.

Posted on: 2008/2/23 17:47

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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There is video of the gun shop owner fighting "Ashy Larry" (from the David Chappelle show) over a parking space in front of Jordon's Club where Ashy had just finished performing.

Click here for video and all the news articles

Posted on: 2008/2/23 15:33

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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2008/1/10 17:24
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You might be correct but lets wait to see what the real facts are.

Was Murray attacked? Was he in a situation where it would be acceptable for him to pull out his firearm? I don't think we know.

The only thing we know at this point is that shooting into the air is extremely stupid.

My best guess is that Vigilante will wind up being correct; this is probably a case of idiot vs. idiot.

Posted on: 2008/2/23 5:23
Author, Dream-weaver, Visionary, plus Actor

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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2007/12/8 18:23
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These guys were at a comedy show. Do you really think they were in the mood to kick some ass? If David Murray was in the right, why was he the only charged by JCPD? If the incident went down as Mr. Murray claims then the other party would have been charged with assault. They were not.

David Murray broke the law. How do you defend that?

Posted on: 2008/2/23 5:17

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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2008/1/10 17:24
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I agree, both parties are probably at fault. Also JC344 is right, firing into the air is extremely dangerous. At the end of the day you can't just fire into the air; you're endangering innocent people.

He could have pulled out his firearm and not fired. If he was in a life threatening situation then he should have defended himself.

I have no problem with him having a firearm and I have no problem with him defending himself. There is however a big problem with him shooting into the air.

Posted on: 2008/2/23 5:13
Author, Dream-weaver, Visionary, plus Actor

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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2007/10/11 3:28
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Why should he have walked away? Why didn't they? Because it was 2 on 1 and they are obviously thugs? Unfortunately for them he had a gun. He probably should have left no witnesses. In the end though it sounds like another case of A-hole vs. A-hole.

Posted on: 2008/2/23 4:56

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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2006/1/18 5:35
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I read this post and I actually was amused at some of the responses, the gunshop owner has a permit for the gun and a permit to carry he gets into a physical altercation and decides to fire his gun in the air. Does anyone see anything wrong with this scenario? The old saying is what goes up MUST come down, is it possible that firing a gun in the air( not at the individuals who he was in the altercation with) is actually quite careless/reckless . That's why someone who handles a weapon in such a callous and careless way should not be permitted to sell guns let alone carry one. True he may have stopped the altercation, but more importantly he could have injured or killed an innocent person.

Posted on: 2008/2/23 4:48

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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2008/1/10 17:24
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This is an unfortunate incident and we really don't know what happened. Did he really have to discharge his firearm? This guy doesn't sound like the most level headed person in the world. It almost sounds like he was asking for trouble. Who knows though, maybe he did the right thing? I've read a lot of these crime reports and I often think many JC residents would be safer if they owned firearms.

Posted on: 2008/2/23 4:42
Author, Dream-weaver, Visionary, plus Actor

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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I think it really comes down to David's story. And do far, I haven't heard the two guys' side yet. But not showing up to court is pretty sketchy.

I think it's unfair that politicians, people on this site, and in our community are using their dislike of a person to write their own laws here...Just because someone own a business that disagrees with your beliefs, doesn't mean that they have less rights than you do. It's like abortion clinics. Many people disagree with it, but it doesn't make it right to burn the clinics to the ground. It's still arson.

And for all we know, maybe David is fabricating the story, who knows. If he is, then he deserves all the crap getting tossed his way. But right now, it appears that he is correct, and the law is being bent against him. That's just not the way our judicial system should work...

Posted on: 2008/2/23 3:52

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
Quite a regular
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2005/12/9 2:09
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2015/10/15 22:03
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I've had two conversations with Dave and arrived at the conclusion that the man is an absolute moron. It's scary to think that he be legally allowed to sell guns. Hopefully they will hold the ruling against him-we'll all be better off from it.

Posted on: 2008/2/23 3:26

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
Home away from home
Home away from home

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2008/1/27 17:56
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2015/4/10 4:08
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When I applied and was granted a pistol permit, I had to undergo a pretty intense check. Fingerprints, photograph, waiting period and fees. In some municipalities, character statements from two neighbors are required.

I am not a gun crazed redneck nor do I belong to the NRA. I believe that some of the outrageous arsenels in personal collections are a bit disturbing, however, demonizing legal gun owners is a dated practice for New Jersey politicians.

This shop owner followed procedure and is an "easy target" for people with political agendas. I'm going to the range to shoot paper targets now.

Posted on: 2008/2/23 2:58

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