Re: Heat...
Home away from home
70 day 6a to 11p and 65 at night 11p to 6 a . If converted to condos and you rent, as long as your lease states landlord pays heat he must do so from oct 1st to april 30th.
if you feel a chill at 72 put some socks on.
Posted on: 2009/10/14 1:37
Re: Shoprite/Marin Blvd: Calling cops spanish word for "pigs" leads to trouble for six males
Home away from home
Marybarr you're a disgrace
Posted on: 2009/10/2 13:34
Re: Con men back in town
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Leaving out a few details? How tall?, what color skin?, hair type ? etc..give me a break if you want to inform the public how about a physical description. of the guy?
Posted on: 2009/8/30 22:07
Re: M & R Salumeria
Home away from home
Go to Andrea Salumeria Grocery 247 Central Ave. Its even better in my opinion. fresh mozzarella made daily.
Posted on: 2009/8/24 22:41
Re: How much notice must I legally give to leave me apartment?
Home away from home
Brewster- great find. I wasnt aware of this. I put this in addtional provisions that tenant and or landlord must provide 45 day notice prior to end of lease or automatic month to month tenancy takes effect. Although I do use the NJAR lease which is pretty iron clad. I need to read it more thoroughly.
Posted on: 2009/8/11 18:56
Re: Hudson County Sheriff's Officer pulls gun on manager in Ole Mexifunk Cocina
Home away from home
Booze and guns are never a good mix...come to think of it booze doesnt really go well with anything
Posted on: 2009/8/11 18:51
Re: How much notice must I legally give to leave me apartment?
Home away from home
good point, I forgot to mention. the landlord can and should beging the eviction process if last months rent is not received.
Posted on: 2009/8/11 17:18
Re: Obtaining a Variance?
Home away from home
have you not seen whats gone down in JC recently. There is only one real way to get a variance and I wouldnt go there right now. wait til things cool off....capiche?
Posted on: 2009/8/11 1:31
Re: How much notice must I legally give to leave me apartment?
Home away from home
xerxes- you can move out at end of tenancy as long a there are no provisions stating otherwise. Alot of tenants just dont pay last months rent or retrun landlords calls etc. At that point landlord can send a certified letter and start showing the apartment for rent.
Posted on: 2009/8/10 18:44
Re: Country Village: $10G fine for having illegal basement apartment
Home away from home
how about making all of these buildings legal 3 families and raising the taxes accordingly. this way they would fall under the city and state green card inspections etc.
Posted on: 2009/8/10 18:41
Re: SLY PATH COP CANS WOLFPACK OF 'MUGGERS' - Port Authority cop corralled a crew of gang-bangers
Home away from home
look it up slick....chicago and Washington Dc had the sharpest increase in crime the past few years. They also have the strcitest gun laws. thats common knowledge.
Posted on: 2009/8/10 18:39
Re: SLY PATH COP CANS WOLFPACK OF 'MUGGERS' - Port Authority cop corralled a crew of gang-bangers
Home away from home
Although I am a supporter of the right to carry, I am not a huge fan of guns in bars.
The article quotes the BBC and the Colbert Report two really reliable sources. what some people fail to realize is that in the 42 states that you have complete right to carry concealed firearms, gun violence is actually lower than in the strictest states. Philidelphia and Miami are two east coast cities that allow the right to carry. do you feel less safe when you visit these cities? Chicago is the strictest city in the US for gun control and violence is soaring out of control. washington DC also has strict gun laws and violence is out of control there too. England has seen a sharp rise in gun violence since they banned guns. Again, I'm for strict phsycholigical and physical testing before someone is issued a permit to carry but I think its the individuals right to defend themselves.
Posted on: 2009/8/10 18:35
Re: JCMUA official, Angela Bellizzi, pleads guilty to bribes to secure cut-rate sewer connection permits
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during the real estate boom a few years ago I knew some developers getting jerked around by inspectors. the inspectors would come in give them a list of 3 or 4 things to change and come back a month later and give 3 more things to change. The developers asked for a complete punch list and they were denied. total scumbags.
Some of these changes included getting rid of the brand new sliding glass doors because they weren't fire rated (meanwhile the city previously okd it) , adding more sprinkler heads etc. The time and money lost because of loans, undoing and redoing work etc was rediculous. It was evident the inspectors were corrupt. I suggested either video taping the walk thru with the inspectors permission or hiding cameras in the building. They should have listened to me. I told them it was a shake down and they were either too stupid or too scared to take my advice. If an inspector tried that crap with me i'd throw him down the stairs.
Posted on: 2009/8/7 14:49
Re: Corzine signs law limiting handgun purchases - Represents a victory for Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah
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NY is trying to pass a law that makes it mandatory for all ammo to be micro stamped like a finger print and owners needs to register the ammo. It will force ammo companies to stop selling in NY. So the citizens of NY will be unarmed.
Another law the criminals are sure to abide by. Im starting to beleive the laws have nothing to do with criminals vs lawful citizens but corrupt govt vs the tax payer. like lost corrupt socialist govt they always try to unarm the populace before they start taking away every other right.
Posted on: 2009/8/7 14:07
Re: Tenants could be on street -- "hardship" increases possible if owner not getting "fair return"
Home away from home
xerxes- you are really scaring me with your twisted diatribes. your phychobabble reminds me of the diary the pitssburgh gym shooter kept.
Your attack on Brewster was so out of line it makes you look pathetic. Brewster brings alot to this forum, you on the other hand just scare me. about 30% of what your saying may be true. FYI there are plenty of 5 plus unit buildings in JC that are market rate. many gut renovations that never went condo are actually way above market. JC landlords beware of nut jobs like this. Something tells me that when you were a child your parents charged you rent.
Posted on: 2009/8/6 14:31
Re: How much notice must I legally give to leave me apartment?
Home away from home
You have an implied lease and its month to month with 30 days written notice. Now if you paid cash and the LL cant prove you ever lived there you might be able to skirt but chances are you would lose in court.
Posted on: 2009/8/5 14:50
Re: Tenants could be on street -- \"hardship\" increases possible if owner not getting \"fair return\"
Home away from home
I agree there are two sides to this story and that is why this case will be heard in front of a JC Rent Leveling Board.
The reason rent controlled city govts are open to hardships is because the last thing they want to see is the blight spread as it did in the 70s. Landlords are already walking away from buildings by the droves. it costs the city alot of money and resources to keep these buildings heated etc once they are abandoned. Everyone has to kick in and help during these times even those that have milked the system. How much do you want to bet that this family was receiving govt aid for the past 20 yrs but the article neglected to mention it. The bottom line is this poor tenant played the system and is living way below the avg market price. That wasnt the intention of rent control. .The idea came during the depression as a temporary solution and its intention was to help keep rents in or around market prices not rediculously low. its obvious that the tenant probably had an in with prior landlords to avoid the cpi raise year over year. If prior landlords annually raised the rents , this tenants rent would be more in line with market prices.
Posted on: 2009/8/4 15:44
Re: DeFazio: Inspectors, time to get tough - crack down on buildings where criminal activity has occured
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Downtownsteve28- So you think I should move down south? you really are a clown aren't you? how about I stay here and try to change this city for the better. Chances are you'll eventually get fired and your new job will be in some other state. I'm self employed and tied to the area.
I never said get rid of all low-income housing. I said dont blame the landlord for the mess thats been created by govt policies. Thanks for phsycho-analyzing me. It's kind of pathetic how every lib on this forum will correct ones grammar when they dont have an intelligent rebuttal. Atleast you admit you dont know the first thing about landlording, I'd be glad to post on the electrical engineering thread. FYI,there are more right leaners and independents in JC than you realize.
Posted on: 2009/8/3 14:44
Re: Tenants could be on street -- "hardship" increases possible if owner not getting "fair return"
Home away from home
these articles make me laugh.....this couple had 30 yrs to save up and milk the system and now they are complaining....ha ha. landlords have a right to hardship because taxes and heating costs far exceed the CPI that rent control increases are based off of.
rent control was implemented during the depression as a temporary solution and it caused much of the urban blight we experience today. I have a rent ocntrolled tenant paying $300 a month and every 3 years he leases a brand new beamer. Give me a break. Another misleading point of this article is the upgrades in other apartments being spread to all tenants. If a unit is renovated, the increased rent only applies to that specific unit. If common area improvements such as a new roof, elevator, renovated hallways, heating system ( heat paid by landlord) etc the cost is spread to all the units.
Posted on: 2009/8/3 14:18
Re: DeFazio: Inspectors, time to get tough - crack down on buildings where criminal activity has occured
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conchords_flight- I have some rent control buildings, why do you ask?
Posted on: 2009/8/3 4:10
Re: DeFazio: Inspectors, time to get tough - crack down on buildings where criminal activity has occured
Home away from home
heights-even if a property is held in an llc, all the members and/or the in-state agent can have warrants issued against them.
I know because I went to court and paid a bogus garbage fine (neighbors dumping their trash in one of my buildings recycle pales) but the court had no record of the paid fine and issued a warrant for my arrest even though I was in an llc. I agree that the absentee landlords need to be held accountable too, but until the section 8 system/rent control system is seriously revamped, the vicious cycle will continue.
Posted on: 2009/8/2 23:32
Re: DeFazio: Inspectors, time to get tough - crack down on buildings where criminal activity has occured
Home away from home
So defazio wants to put blame on the landlords and property managers for the crime taking place in the city?
maybe if this backass liberal city would get rid of rent control landlords would be able to rent to quality tenants. lets not forget that if a landlord denies a section 8 tenant they can be fined for descrmination. give it up jc you spun the web and now youve tangled us all up in it.
Posted on: 2009/8/2 17:50
Re: Jersey City Cops Injured; Shoot Culprit
Home away from home
Word of not lung at a police officer with a might get shot
Posted on: 2009/7/28 15:16
Re: Under Sized and Under Equipped Police Force
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Bottom line is The MP5/9mm is under powered. the other calibre mp5 obviously have much more stopping power.
many police forces around the world are starting to use the HK MP-7. Due to the increase in incidents wher the perps have body armor, HK believes police forces need the penetration of a rifle in a submachine gun platform. Many argue that this small rifle round, may be able to penetrate body armor but doesnt have the stopping power of a .40 or ,45 cal. pundits will also argue it fills a void that can easily be filled by variations of the M4 for example.
Posted on: 2009/7/24 14:00
Re: NYTimes: From ‘Quiet and Sweet’ to Death at Gunman’s Side
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Here is some more info
PBS- doesnt get more liberal than this. even looks into the issue stats inc in this article im still waiting for some shred of evidence that im making this stuff up...marybarr a rebuttal please. you are the newly appointed leader of the jokers on this board. please enlighten us with your knowledge of street scum and radical islamicism.
Posted on: 2009/7/23 21:02
Re: NYTimes: From ‘Quiet and Sweet’ to Death at Gunman’s Side
Home away from home
can anyone of you that disagree please show me one article that says the form of islam being tought in prison isn't militant? I gave you five and I could have given you a dozen more. I gave articles from fox new yes but also washington post. NYTimes wouldnt ever do an article about this because its not in there best interest.
sometimes it just is what it is. please look into a town called islamberg in upstate NY. the feds are watching it closely and are extremely concerned about this brand of militant islamicism being tought to black prisoners in the US prisons. Its a fact jackasses.
Posted on: 2009/7/23 20:41
Re: NYTimes: From ‘Quiet and Sweet’ to Death at Gunman’s Side
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SonofPizazz- Who really has an agenda...Nice signature. By the way thats extremely offensive and sacrilegious ... unds-for-muslim-converts/ ... 8/19/AR2005081901460.html,2933,524799,00.html ... an-jails-troubles-experts,2933,281074,00.html
Posted on: 2009/7/23 17:09
Re: NYTimes: From ‘Quiet and Sweet’ to Death at Gunman’s Side
Home away from home
marybarr- enough with your feel good stories about how you turned your life around and how you were once a street thug and now your the greatest neighbor.
These thugs got what they deserved. I wonder if this clown converted to islam after a stint in prison. its no secret that many prisoners convert to a violent brand of islam while in prison. Marybarr just thank god this never happened to you while you were in your "immature" phase.
Posted on: 2009/7/23 15:15
Re: Jersey City Cops Injured; Shoot Culprit
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I see we have several crack users on this sight. ... ta-enemy-of-democrat.html JCLXZ- my friend, you are a piece of $hit.
Posted on: 2009/7/22 15:58