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Re: Jersey City cops file lawsuit against city, police chief
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Seems to me this administration is no different than the last. I thought Fulop wasn't going to run his administration this way, guess he lied too.

Posted on: 2013/12/31 2:13

Re: 30-Year-Old HC Man Killed in Short Hills Mall Car Jacking
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Just can't stay away

I am reading the post here and am honestly disgusted. What does the color of anyone's skin have to do with this crime. BOTTOM line is four men, with extensive criminal histories, MURDERED a man in front of his family for his car. The public outcry should be why these men were on the street to begin with. Lets not turn this into a racial matter, it wasn't provoked by race. This crime was committed because a man who decided to go to school, get an education, find a good job and buy a nice car. A man who wanted to spend the day with his family, go shopping. Because of four men his family, his children were robbed of his life. Whats truly disappointing is that there isn't a bigger public outcry about it. Why because it was white man who may have been well off, people might be affraid to offend someone because they want to appear to be politically correct. Like I said this crime was commited because of race, it was commited because they wanted his car to sell. There is the real crime, you work your whole life to buy nice things and make your families life better and you are punished for it. You can't blame the police for this, or mall security. The blame should be placed on the judicial system for allowing them early release, or not sentencing them long enough. There is your real deterrent for commiting crimes, serving real prison time. People should be on the phone with there congressman and senators pressuring them to create stricter laws and more severe prison sentences. What a shame is that in a week or two this mans name will be forgotten. The man was murdered in front of his family for a car, he didn't provoke the crime, he never hurt anyone, all he wanted to do was spend the day with his family.

Posted on: 2013/12/22 21:26

Re: Jersey City to choose new ambulance provider?
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Just can't stay away

I have been reading alot of the articles in the paper and online about this. I've noticed that there is alot of misinformation whether it is deliberate or not. I can tell you from experience, I worked in the ems field for 18 years, first off you can not be forced to go to Bayonne hospital or hoboken if you want to still go to the Jersey City Medical Center for care. Many emts that work at JCMC also work for or at one time worked at McCabe. The level of training is the same throughout the state for ALL emts. I know many of the emts that currently work at the Jersey City Medical Center and do not want to see any of them lose their jobs but I do think we should consider this contract. The NJ dept. of OEMS regulates the ems in the state, they are suppose to keep track and act accordingly if anyone is criminally charged. So as far as background checks go that should be easy to do, if your interested you can go to their website and lookup someone to see if they have been ever charged or disciplined by the state. I also think they should make McCabe and Carepoint prove prior to taking over that they have the manpower and equipment ready to go otherwise they should withdraw their bid and award JCMC the new contract.

Posted on: 2013/12/18 18:23

Re: Attempted Car Jacking starting from downtown to Westside Avenue.
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Just can't stay away

So we can all thank the couragious victim for the bad guys getting away. Instead of calling the police when he thought he was being followed blocks before, and letting them know that he was being followed. So instead of using common sense he put his family in harms way. Deciding to out run the bad guys with his arm in a sling was a BAD MOVE. What if things didn't go so well, what if they hit you or you hit someone else driving in a reckless manner and seriously injured your family. Please dont make this guys out to be a hero.

Posted on: 2011/11/19 14:02

Re: Jersey City Public Schools Need a New Immigrant Superintendent
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Just can't stay away

A new IMMIGRANT superintendent, that is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. Why do we have to have labels for reasons to give someone the job. Why does it have What does race or ethnic backropund have to do with why someone should be more qualified for the position. Why can't we just say " Hey Jersey City we need a new superintendent for our school system" Lets try picking someone who is QUALIFIED" someone who has a record of IMPROVING things. There are someo keys words we should be looking for, not immigrant.

Posted on: 2011/10/20 12:18

Re: Bergen Lafayette: Officer kills man, 28, who points gun at him and police dog Froto
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Just can't stay away

Challenge. Challenge what, he broke the LAW. He committed an act of violence, he threatened how many innocent people by firing a gun into the streets, he POINTED a gun at a cop. A cop who showed his intentions to arrest him by NOT firing at him until the threat of possibly being killed was there. Another thing public opinion, I think not. The law is the law, and it is not a matter of public opinion it is a matter of facts. You dont put people on trial because of public opinion, you put them on trial because of facts. The facts of the matter are simple the shooter ( not shooting victim, because you are NOT the victim if you are the one breaking the law) has the chance to put down his weapon and be arrested. His decision was to run and then THREATEN the lives of two police ( yes Froto is a police officer also) officers. Bad choice on his part.

Lets go over the FACTS. 1 The officers responded to a call for someone shooting a gun. 2 The officers located the man shooting the gun. 3 The officers attempted to arrest the man shooting the gun. 4 The man shooting the gun decided to run from the police. 5 The man who had beend shooting the gun then points the gun at the police. 6 The police officers lives ARE now in danger. 7 The officers shoot the man in possession of the gun. 8 The man with the gun is not shot in the back he wa shot in the chest, which means he was no longer running away he stopped to fire on the police.

Public opinion what would you like the police to do beg and plead with the man to stop shooting at them , I think not. He was given a LAWFUL COMMAND to stop and put down his weapon. He chose otherwise and now he is dead. As far as the politicians going to visit the family, I think that is wrong they need to stay out of it. I never see them visit the families of the victims of killings anyother time. I never read about them visiting family members of people that die in car crashes or other tragic accidents.

Posted on: 2011/9/5 15:28

Re: Kennedy Dancer artistic director handcuffed by Port Authority before concert at Exchange Place
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Just can't stay away

Should have locked up the arrogant @*%$@. You want to call names ok here is your new name CONVICT. As for Mr. Perkins it's not called over zealousness, they call it doing their job. A secure area is a secure area SIMPLE as that.

I am sick and tired of people on here complaining on how the cops don't do their jobs, we'll everytime they do everyone has something negative to say about it. Here is a reality check people the laws apply to ALL of us, not just the ones that are different from you.

Posted on: 2011/8/14 17:52

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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Just can't stay away

This is not accurate, ALL the cops lost a weeks pay, in addition the 82 cops that suppose to get layed off also gave up there raise until september.

Posted on: 2011/2/24 5:36

Re: My landlady is #### me. Any advice?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Here is some advice move out.

Posted on: 2011/2/9 2:35

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Parking Authority is political, that will never happen

Posted on: 2010/12/4 16:54

Re: Greenville: Cops fire on two men - started with brutal home invasion, kidnapping-robbery
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

CRIME IS DOWN. Didn't you hear, and they want to lay off 82 Police Officers. Pack your bags people this is just the beginning.

Posted on: 2010/12/4 5:46

Re: Important Email
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Two more police officers were shot at tonight...enough said.

Posted on: 2010/12/1 6:39

Re: JCPD cutbacks
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I checked out the civil service web site. You can't layoff from the top. You have to start with the bottom, so laying off the highest apid guys isn't going to happen. What they should do is down size dept. that do similar work. How about the parking authority, why do we need so many, what do they really do. A cop can write a parking ticket. Every time I needed a car moved from my driveway they would send the parking authority, and when it needed to be towed they would call the police. So why are they around again.

Posted on: 2010/11/21 15:14

Re: JCPD cutbacks
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I was reading an article from last week. A man was attacked by a group of 5 or 6 guys on Bidwell and MLK Dr. and his car was taken. Within 15 minutes the police caught 4 of them and got the guys car back. Do you think this will happen if they layoff 80 cops.

Think again.

Posted on: 2010/11/20 20:41

Re: Hard Grove wants an Entertainment and Dance License: help petition against it
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I think its a great idea. I hope they get it.

Posted on: 2010/11/17 5:13

Re: Deer settles in at Honda dealership and city garage
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Can you say dinner.

Posted on: 2010/11/17 5:08

Re: Gross Behavior by JC Police Officer Menendez
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

How do we know the officer overstepped her authority. Is anyone here a cop or is an expert on police procedure. I don't mean a lawyer either because a lawyer does not know what the proper police response is for everything. What we have here is a nosey body someone who wanted to see what was going on and interferred. Maybe we should just let the cops do thier jobs and not watch from a " substanial distance". Because we all know that if it had been something serious like a murder nobody would want to get involved.

Posted on: 2010/11/17 5:04

Re: Gross Behavior by JC Police Officer Menendez
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Ha ha, thats why I moved out. The cops in my new town are friendly. I think it's funny you went through all that trouble and nothing happened. Maybe you exaggerated what really happened, I find it hard to believe.

Posted on: 2010/10/22 0:11

Re: Downtown: Police respond to 'large food fight' at Ferris High School confront 500 'rioting students'
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Epps wants a nice juicy raise for himself, but still wants to lay off teachers.

Posted on: 2010/10/21 1:23

Re: Gross Behavior by JC Police Officer Menendez
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Was anyone injuried in the accident? Do you know if the guy you took the picture of told the cops he was driving the car? Did you see whether or not they wrote him a ticket? Leaving the scene of an accident is only an arrestable offense in certain cases. You should check out the stae stautes title 2C for criminal and title 39 for motorvehicle laws.

I checked it out even if the guy left got changed and came back you may not be able to write him a ticket for leaving the scene of an accident.

Posted on: 2010/9/19 17:53

Re: Is it good decision to rent apt at "Gloria Robinson Court" located at 348 Duncan Avenue Jersey City
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

The old name to that was the Duncan Projects. I believe one building is still standing. The neighborhood is still the same. Check the crime stats,

Have you been down there yet?

Posted on: 2010/9/17 1:09

Re: Is it good decision to rent apt at "Gloria Robinson Court" located at 348 Duncan Avenue Jersey City
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

That is a HIGH CRIME area. I wouldn't even drive through the nieghborhood,let alone move into it

Posted on: 2010/9/17 0:56

Re: Any reputable car window tinters in JC?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Place on Communipaw Ave. between Kennedy Blvd and Westside Ave near Bobs autoglass

Posted on: 2010/8/27 10:17

Re: Jersey City is closing its police academy to save money
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I had the same question, I found a few with less. Bergen County, Passaic County, Essex County, Middlesex County are some. Turns out that even if the person doesn't pass the academy they still have to pay for the spot. If someone gets injuried and has to resign or fails out they lose the money. So I guess in some ways it would be cheaper to keep it here. Also wouldn't you rather have cops training future cops from thier own city. I would think it would they would be able to train them better on our own specific problems as well as the law.

Posted on: 2010/8/6 22:33

Re: Jersey City is closing its police academy to save money
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Just can't stay away

NYPD can't train them the laws are different, state to state

Posted on: 2010/8/6 19:25

Re: Did You Know Your Taxes Went Up Again Today???
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Just can't stay away

Sorry to inform you of this Taggart but I think, I could be wrong, Jersey City just might pass Newark with the murder rate.

Posted on: 2010/7/3 7:38

Re: Did You Know Your Taxes Went Up Again Today???
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Sure lets listen to Vega, layoff cops and firemen. So when the crime rate gets completely out of control because of all the jobless people commiting even more crimes there aren't enough cops out there. Also when the summer months you can't get an ambulance fast enough because they are busy the firemen respond to help until the ambulance gets there we won't have them either.

It is unfortunate people but taxes are going to have to go up. Lets face it we don't pay alot in Jersey City as compared to other cities. This is apart of the metro area, I know everyone here that has a multifamily house and rents out apartments loves to use that term when telling people what they want for rent. It works in your favor then.

Posted on: 2010/7/2 3:44

Re: Hudson County Sheriff's second in command is linked to convicted felon - loan shark.
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Just can't stay away

Actually you cant blame Healy for the Sheriff, that is a position that is voted in on by the public.

Posted on: 2010/6/29 3:14

Re: Bergen Lafayette: Couple slain in botched carjacking
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Just can't stay away

Something doesn't sound right with this story. They stay it was a botched carjacking because the car had an anti-theft device. But if they killed these two people as they got out of the car and were walking to the house then wouldn't they have the keys on them. Why wouldn't the killers just take the keys and steal the car?

Posted on: 2010/4/6 11:00

Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Sorry to tell you T-Bird but I'm not part of the machine. I used to go to the city council meetings and I was against all of the political bull. I grew tired of it and decided to move out of the city. I've said it in the past the only way to change things is to change things. Everyone complained about the current government yet they still voted them back in, not me. So you get what you asked for, that's why I moved. I was born and raised in Jersey City lived there for over thirty-five years and remember what it was like and see what it has become.

I don't like where this is going, sure I'll admit alot of areas have improved but most areas of the city have gotten worse. If the only ones speaking out are in the downtown area then it will do nothing. That only accounts for about 1/5 of the population. What you need to do is organize more neighborhoods and have large groups from all over the city to show up and speak thier minds. I agree a change is needed. Maybe someone should think about contacted the neighborhood assoc. leaders from around the city. Imagine if each leader brought 15 people with them to a city council meeting, instead of a hundred or a hundred and fifty people showing up you would have over a thousand. They would have to listen to you then. Have each neighborhood block assoc. leader have fifteen or twenty people from thier area call thier council people each day to complain about things in the neighborhood. Right now the way I see it the only ones putting an effort in is the downtown area, thats like building a house with a tack hammer, lets break out the power tools.

Posted on: 2010/3/11 13:45

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