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Re: Park at Brunswick & C. Columbus Dr
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I saw them mowing the grounds there again this weekend so maybe they now have a routine in keeping it cut. Also I assume if they made the pedestal so large that someday they plan on placing a larger statue there.

Posted on: 2010/6/28 15:16

Re: Park at Brunswick & C. Columbus Dr
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Not too shy to talk

I always get a laugh at how small the statue is with the pedestal being so large along with the weeds so high most of the time.

Posted on: 2010/6/24 7:44

Re: Park at Brunswick & C. Columbus Dr
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I saw a few people in there a day or two ago cutting the weeds so I guess it's done.

Posted on: 2010/6/24 7:12

Re: Vehicle State Inspection
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brewster wrote:
State facility at Secaucus Rd & County Ave. Free. Never had a significant wait.

I will agree with brewster on the Secaucus facility. In 40 years of inspections I've never had a problem there ot JC (now closed). Last year for the first time while getting repairs I did have an inspection done at A One Autoworks at 184 Bay St. Their # is 201-533-0300. I was satisfied but would normally use the free option in Secaucus.

Posted on: 2009/11/21 18:25

Re: I helped police apprehend a car burglar
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Not too shy to talk

Great job, there are several cars that won't be broken into tonight because of you. I just happened to have my police radio on at the time and heard the call & grab. Doesn't happen like that often.

Hope you cleaned your feet good.

Posted on: 2009/10/24 0:35

Re: The Postal Carrier keeps leaving our front door unlocked
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Not too shy to talk

During our last state inspection for a 3 family house, we were failed until we installed a knob lock that is always locked on the outside along with a required self closure.

If your going to change the lock keep this in mind. Of course some lock themself out.

Posted on: 2009/3/25 15:59

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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Not too shy to talk


brian_em wrote:
I've talked with this shop owner about this incident, and he described it as the men started to rough him up, and at one point pushed him to the ground. If I can recall correctly, i think punches were thrown. When the two men had him on the ground he reached for his gun and fired shots into the air.

Now, I wasn't there, but if his story is true, and guys were kicking his a$$; his gun is licensed, and he has a carry permit, legally he has the right to defend himself, by all means necessary.

If I remember correctly, the video showed that there was room for him to back up further and pull out of the parking space but he instead decided to confront the people in the double parked car. The many people who met him when he first opened the store got the impression that he was not a stable person that should be handling firearms. Then to say ?had the legal right to blow their heads off? after leaving court just shows the attitude he has.

Posted on: 2008/2/25 17:42

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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Not too shy to talk

"I had the legal right to blow their heads off," Murray added.

Is this the kind of person you want to have a gun? Take it away for good!

Posted on: 2008/2/23 0:01

Re: Armed robbery near Montgomery?
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Not too shy to talk


alb wrote:

Scottacus wrote:
(Remember if someone witnesses a crime in progress they should always call 911, not the non-emergency number.)

Disclaimer: The following could be wrong. I'm going by what I think I saw someone post here awhile back.

You should call 911 in an emergency, but, if you're using a cell phone, the 911 routing system (?) is not very good, and it's hard for the 911 people to get your call to the right people.

So, if you have a cell phone, you should program the non-911 number for the local police into your speed dial system and call that in an emergency (if you're in the city you live in when you see a crime).

Question for those who know more about this: If what I've written is true, and you have two people calling about a serious crime in progress, would it make sense to have one person call 911 and the other speed dial the local police number, then ask the authorities which call to drop? Or would that just confuse everyone?

Good question, In JC the cell 911 calls go to the Hudson County Center. They in turn switch you over to the JCPD.

I would go with calling 911 as I've had several times called the 5477 number and received a message that all operators are busy and to hold on. That delay could cost you or someone harm. Hudson County does switch you over to JCPD pretty fast.

Posted on: 2007/12/14 5:59

Re: Lofts Up In Smoke
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Not too shy to talk

Thats 141 Newark Ave 3 story, 4th alarm now with building fully involved and moving into other buildings.

Would that be the old Burger King?

Posted on: 2007/11/29 7:07

Re: Anyone have any information on the new (huge) building going up at 5th Street and Brunswick?
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Not too shy to talk


GrovePath wrote:
I can't imagine this area next year -- what changes -- and all at once!


Metro wrote:
On another project in the area...

... a luxury mid-rise condominium at the intersection of Merceles and 2nd, features 54 condominiums....

Also the main Home Laundry building around Merseles, 2nd to 3rd St. is also slated to become phase two of that condo. I hear anywhere from 1 to 3 years away. It's hard to believe so much change is going on around the area in such a short time.

Posted on: 2007/6/28 22:52

Re: Anyone have any information on the new (huge) building going up at 5th Street and Brunswick?
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Not too shy to talk

On another project in the area, the condos slated to be built in the area of 1st and 2nd streets along Merseles is getting underway. All the buildings (part of the Home Laundry) have been vacated and fenced off getting ready to be torn down.

Here is a notice and web link. They just don't know how to spell Merseles St.
Crescent Court
2nd Street
Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey

Crescent Court will debut

in the Summer of 2007!

Matzel & Mumford brings it's award winning experience in luxury midrise development to Jersey City in the spring of 2007.

Crescent Court, a luxury mid-rise condominium at the intersection of Merceles and 2nd, features 54 condominium homes with all of the convenience a downtown Jersey City address has to offer.

The homes will feature from 900 to 1800 square feet of luxury and include upscale finishes, full kitchens with breakfast bar, full appliance package, luxurious master suites, in-home laundry, and more. Parking is provided in the buildings private garage and offers elevator access to the professionally decorated lobby and common hallways. A terrace courtyard at the lobby level offers residents a private retreat.

Prices for these one and two bedroom residences is anticipated to begin in the mid $300's.

Visit our "Request Information" area of this web page to register today and you will be placed on our VIP list for our exclusive VIP grand opening. ... e=OurCommunities&State=NJ

Posted on: 2007/6/28 3:07

Re: Anyone have any information on the new (huge) building going up at 5th Street and Brunswick?
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Not too shy to talk


jcwalkingman wrote:

On that note, does anyone know what's going on across the street with the other 12-story building at 361 Newark? The site was so active up til about winter, but ever since then, it's been dead quiet (they pretty much stopped working there around the time the Planning Board approved the increase in height from 6 to 12 stories). I suspect that they're just waiting for permits, but I could be wrong.

I was told a few weeks ago by a city official that the owner got his clearance for 4 then 6 and then 12 stories after the one across the street got theirs. Then he said he never built anything over 4 stories and has now decided to try and sell the property instead of building himself. Oh boy.

Posted on: 2007/6/28 2:39

Re: Bill Combating Rogue Tow Truck Operators, Predatory Towing Practices Advances
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Not too shy to talk

I guess this means that no politicians own towing compainies.

But I think it's a good bill.

Posted on: 2007/6/13 0:17

Re: Post your Pimp Sightings Here
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Not too shy to talk

Saw him passing City Deli on Newark Between Jersey & Barrow around 11:30am on Wed 4/11 all dressed in power blue. My first sighting of him, my wife is mad she missed him.

Posted on: 2007/4/16 23:48

Re: Crescent Court?
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Not too shy to talk

The 1st phase will be around the area of 2nd and Merseles, The property is what is now owned by The Home Laundry consisting of the buildings on both 1st & 2nd st (south side). I saw the drawings and they looked good.

Later the laundry buildings on 2nd st. (north side) & 3rd st. should be a phase 2 later on.

Posted on: 2007/2/28 21:38

Re: New 5 story 30 unit building with 30 underground parking spaces proposed for Monmouth & Newark A
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Not too shy to talk


GrovePath wrote:
It is the large vacant lot just in on third (north of Newark --334-336 third street ) and also the building on the north west corner of 3rd and Newark (340 3rd -- it was a daycare center) this all surrounds the red brick building (338 3rd -- not in the plans -- it was just re-done.)

The plans also include the place across the street the old art deco police station that was just all redone (maybe this is for parking reasons -- I want to see the plans)

GrovePath, are you saying that after all the $$$ they just put into that old police station they are now going to tear it down?

Posted on: 2007/2/22 2:23

Re: Dog run open at Van Vorst Park
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Not too shy to talk

Parkman, great work! You can be proud of the work you did along with getting the public involved in the project.

I won't be using it but I'm happy for all the ones that will and the HAPPY DOGS.

Posted on: 2007/2/19 23:32

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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Not too shy to talk

Tonight there is a large fire in the rear area north of Caven Point Ave. and Pacific Ave. It's described as a large pile of mulch chips burning 400' wide X 30' wide and 20' high. It's causing embers to land on all the local buildings and is a 2 nd alarm as of 11:30pm.

My guess is it's a location the the recycle plant is storing the wood chips you have been talking about in the past. I guess I could be wrong but... where there is smoke there's fire.

Posted on: 2007/2/19 4:56

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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Not too shy to talk


parkman wrote:
tomorrow I will ask Public Works to tap into the fire hydrant and saturate the area to wash away this dust.

I guess that will make it a dog skating ring.

Great work parkman, we all know it's not easy doing a project like this.

Posted on: 2007/2/12 6:20

Re: Dedicated Public Servant Takes Plunge for Evidence
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Not too shy to talk

It's great that the woman took the action she did. But it takes more than just the woman calling, the police need to respond fast and this is what appears to have happened in this case.

I've called JCPD for people breaking into cars only to see the police arrive 30-60 minutes later. That does not work and I understand that some things are more important to respond to first, but hers is the exception.

Lets hope this happens more often.

Posted on: 2007/2/12 5:24

Re: Mapping Crime in Ward E - Steven Fulop
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Not too shy to talk


Annod wrote:
Any news about get crime stats from the police?

Have you guys seen the Incident Map at Hoboken 411? It is really neat.

I like that, we need it here.

Posted on: 2007/2/4 5:16

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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Not too shy to talk

OK, in the 4-5 times that I've used the PATH in the last five years I have observed a lot of what your saying and I feel for all of you.

My suggestion is next time you get on the train yell, `I'm mad as hell and I won't take it anymore' When you hear someone else yell, join them and we'll see how many JC Listers are on the same train and start a revolt.


Do nothing...

Posted on: 2006/12/3 4:41

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Cente
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Not too shy to talk


NNJR wrote:

Unless they are going to put a LR stop there how can anything significant not add more traffic?

This would be right next to the Liberty Science Center and about the same walk from the Johnson Ave LR station.

Posted on: 2006/11/7 3:56

Re: Staff Parking in JC?
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Not too shy to talk


Australian wrote:

I wonder where the Police and JC Parking Authority staff park their private vehicles

In the crosswalks.

Posted on: 2006/9/28 0:08

Re: ummm.. did I see horses?
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Not too shy to talk


jc_insomniac wrote:
Many of us complain about dog poop in parks and on the streets, and this dude lets his horse leave huge, steaming piles of sh!t and no one says anything?

That's because their treated as a mode of transportation and it's considered just a backfire.

Posted on: 2006/9/26 20:55

Re: $9M TAG: 300 block of first street
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Not too shy to talk


ElVee wrote:,2756,HGTV_23556_44049,00.html

The episode showing this house aired last night on HGTV. Don't know when it will air again.

Anyone else catch it?

I saw it about 3 months ago on HGTV, recorded that part on DVD and anyone I've shown it to can't believe it. Will this raise my property values? Great interior, wrong neighborhood.

Posted on: 2006/9/26 2:29

Re: Zoning Board to Consider Building Housing on the Embankment
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Not too shy to talk


ccitizen wrote:
Policing? The department isn't willing to dedicate a patrol to Hamilton Park. Do you reall think they could dedicate police to an awkward spot that they would have a hard time getting to and from?

They would have to build roads to get a cop up there since they don't get out of their car much. You know this is the truth for most.

I'd like to see the light rail with a park but now you have the danger of people getting hurt. Also, if making open space, how high would you have to make the fences along the entire route so kids don't fall off? There is no easy solution.

Posted on: 2006/9/21 1:20

Re: JCPD Deputy Chief John Sheyka Dies
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Not too shy to talk

I've said for 20 years that he was the best cop Jersey City ever had. It's a big loss to everyone in JC. He was always the first one on the scene even after he moved up in the ranks and did not need to.

It was a great honor to have known him. R.I.P.

Posted on: 2006/9/8 3:15

Re: KILLED IN GUN BATTLE: Booker T. Washington Public Housing Complex on Bright street
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Not too shy to talk


hero69 wrote:
Maybe they should have 24-hour surveillance cameras and armed national guards and/or police on a 24 hour basis patrolling the projects. Something need to be done about the lawlessness in the projects.

That's a dam good idea, JCPD have many cameras in high crime areas, why not there?

Posted on: 2006/8/29 20:34

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