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Re: High school Astroturf: $1.3 MILLION!
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lowkey2 wrote:
I understand that 1.3 could be used for cheerleader outfits and kickballs, but with no field where would these sports take place.

Turf is essential for urban sports to thrive. I could question this move if we were in Kansas surrounded by fields, but aren' turf=sports in dirt boxes=not fun=low participation.

Totally agreed. That field is home to an enormous amount of extracurricular activity, and it should be renovated once and well, so as to serve all of its users for as long as possible. It's not something to be a penny-wise-pound-foolish about.

We could chase our tails all we want cherry-picking one expenditure here and one expenditure there and asking hypothetically what could be used with X allocation, but that house of cards quickly tumbles down, as lowkey2 pointed out.

What this story really is about is the fact that a lower bid was disregarded in favor of a bid for hundreds of thousands of dollars more. That's what the press (haha) and the hard-working taxpayers deserve an answer about.

Posted on: 2008/7/27 21:48

Re: The Junction Area..White Girl wants to buy.. everyone says I am crazy
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The buildings now referred to as "Metropolis Towers" were fromerly named GREGORY PARK.

Posted on: 2008/7/27 16:10

Re: Jersey City construction worker has $128,000 confiscated at airport
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JC_DowntownRegular wrote:

heights wrote:
Serves him right ! Just like the dopes that had more than $100k in those failed banks where the F.D.I.C. only gives half of anything over than $100k. Ignorance and being a foreigner or terrorist is no excuse for breaking the law.

Heights, I guess everyone can not be as well versed in international commerce and customs regulations and as financially savvy as you.

Yes it is up to each individual to know the rules and regulations beforehand, but don't throw it back in their face when they make an honest mistake.

I'm sure you never ever made a mistake. And you probably never ever brought anything back into the country without declaring it.

You give heights a lot more credit than I do. I'm willing to bet heights has never held a passport or left the country.

Posted on: 2008/7/27 3:26

Re: The Junction Area..White Girl wants to buy.. everyone says I am crazy
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injcsince81 wrote:

SalOnTheHill wrote:

nlb1025 wrote:
Thank you all for your comments. I do not think I will do it.

Feedback from anonymous users on an internet message board is the most logical basis upon which to make important life decisions.

You are *really* a fun person, Sal/NON.

Oops, I mean a condescending piece of shite.

I'm starting to get the impression that my posts bother you, injc.

Posted on: 2008/7/25 21:41

Re: The Junction Area..White Girl wants to buy.. everyone says I am crazy
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nlb1025 wrote:
Thank you all for your comments. I do not think I will do it.

Feedback from anonymous users on an internet message board is the most logical basis upon which to make important life decisions.

Posted on: 2008/7/25 21:08

Re: 9th & Marin crosswalk
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Okay that's one instance. Who else?

Posted on: 2008/7/24 2:45

Re: 9th & Marin crosswalk
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jclxz wrote:

How many grievous injuries per month should an intersection receive before it requires an hour per week of police presence, whether those injuries are the result of cars colliding with pedestrians or angry drivers assaulting pedestrians?

I give up, how many?

Sounds like you've done exhaustive research on the subject. Care to elaborate?

Posted on: 2008/7/24 1:54

Re: Where are all the BJ shopping carts coming from?
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jclxz wrote:

sullyx wrote:
really? I have something to retract when you've refered to all the "complainers" as yuppie scumbags? don't think so, why don't you tell us where you live and I'll be happy to roll ALL the carts I find laying around up to your door so you'll never be at a loss for one!

You'd better get a lawyer now if you don't realize that "yuppie scumbag" is not a libelous statement, but knowingly falsely accusing someone of a crime is.

I'm still willing to accept a statement that you did not intend to accuse me of criminal activity. It does not need to reach the level of an apology.

Just as an anonymous poster making a generalized accusation about another anonymous poster is not libel, because your identity is protected. Genius.

Posted on: 2008/7/24 1:51

Re: 9th & Marin crosswalk
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Maybe if you put reflectors on the BJ's Shopping Carts you knowingly remove from their premises, the cars might slow down for you.

Entitled scumbag.

Posted on: 2008/7/24 1:30

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bdlaw wrote:
Was he looking at places at Liberty Harbor North?

When I'm looking to drop half a mil on a condo in a new development project in a gentrifying city I know nothing about, manufactured internet hype about celebrity sightings is just the push I need to sign that contract.

Posted on: 2008/7/23 14:58

Re: Healy Timeline
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Nice to see the spokespersons for our neighborhood associations getting actively involved in partisan politics. Well done, HCA!

Posted on: 2008/7/22 19:59

Re: 1938 Tax Assessors Photo
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The name of the office you seek is hidden within the subject line of your post.

The archives are in the basement of City Hall - I would recommend scheduling a visit - the folks that work in that office are really nice, and very happy to help people.

Posted on: 2008/7/20 17:13

Re: Assault in Van Vorst Park tonight
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heights wrote:
It's amazing the cameras didn't work again. Get rid of the basketball courts.

heights, please point out for the class the location of the basketball courts in Van Vorst Park. TIA.

Posted on: 2008/7/20 6:19

Re: Newark Councilwoman & how does this effect JC?
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
It would seem that nearly every elected JC person in office and staff should quickly have their name included on the list for Bush to pardon for felony offences before he leaves office - siht it wouldn't surprise me if some had their name on that list already

Really? Nearly every elected JC person in office and staff? Any "notable exceptions" you might want to refer to?

And which ones have been convicted of federal criminal charges? Because the President can only pardon those convicted in federal court.

Who needs facts when you have perception to control?

Posted on: 2008/7/19 23:43

Re: Two schools, not supermart slated for Heights lot
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jc344 wrote:
I understand people are happy that theres new schools being built, now lets see how happy they actually are when the schools finally open and you have the school busses and parents picking up there kids. In my opinion it doesn't make very much sense to build 2 more schools less than a block from another brand new school, traffic will become even worse once the schools open.Also nobody still has answered the question of what happens when schools letting out and the fire department has to respond to an emergency? I guess people will consider that when something does in fact happen. As for the Stop n shop I do believe that when the state decided to condemn the property to put the 2 new schools there the represenatives from stop n shop emphatically stated that either way the store on central avenue will be closed . Once that happens the residents of the heights will have to travel either downtown ,to hoboken or to rt440 to do there shopping. Unless of course you find all your shopping needs on Central Avenue.

What percentage of JC elementary school students ride school buses?

Posted on: 2008/7/16 18:14

Re: Two schools, not supermart slated for Heights lot
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Mathias wrote:

GrovePath wrote:
Anyone from the Heights have any perspective on all this?

A Stop and Shop mega-store would bring a lot more unwanted car traffic to the Heights but I doubt it would hurt local merchants any more than the existing Stop and Shop already does -- and though quaint a lot of city delis/bodegas/fruit stores are really over priced and horrible.

Also is there really a baby boom happening in the Heights - I would think that as the area gentrifies somewhat you would see fewer kids per house not more.

The area really is not being "gentrified." There is an increasing Latino and South East Asian population. The area remains, as it has been since I was a young kid a mostly working class area with a mix of some seedy streets and a few really nice ones.

Don't look for a Starbucks or American Apparel to open up anytime soon on Central Ave.

I think the Stop and Shop would have been a better move. The store would have created permanent well paying union jobs (with great health care benefits) for area residents.

Between educators, administrators, maintenance, security, etc, how many local jobs will be created by the schools? Aren't they permanent union jobs with great health care benefits (well-paying being a relative term)? Or is this a unions-we-like versus unions-we-don't argument?

Posted on: 2008/7/16 16:38

Re: council person chastises Journal
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scooter wrote:
you two are a-holes
...the fine art of debate, JC-stylee

It's at least as refined as labeling anyone who doesn't share your (hysterical) view of Fulop as "JC's white Obama" to be a member of the HCDO payroll...

Posted on: 2008/7/16 15:40

Re: council person chastises Journal
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dontstealmyrocks wrote:
And..who the hell is SHE to critisize?????

Oh yes, lest we not forget that, yes Viola, well done.

Play the racist card it works everytime!

Momma 's taken care of her baby, and got's him a city job.

Something that Obama is totally against.

I believe I read it in Dreams from my father.

Corruption comes in many colors, let's just call it:

"United Colors Of Corruption"

Get the point now???

Yeah, because playing "the racist card" is *clearly* more tacky than confusing Willie Flood and Viola Richardson. Complete with Amos n' Andy phonetic spelling.


Posted on: 2008/7/16 13:14

Re: Liberty Harbor North
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fashionista422 wrote:
I know that every time I pass by (which isn't all the time) there are always new changes and more stores and restaurants popping up.

Really? Which "stores and restaurants" have popped up so far in Liberty Harbor?

Posted on: 2008/7/10 21:07

Re: Man attacked outside Newport mall; 3 charged -- large group of teens and young men behaving diso
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rocky34 wrote:
Kids are going to be the next victim of crime, they are either threatened by their parents or by others, because of these region only they are moving towards the darkness of the crime.
rocky-Need Quality Traffic? Need SEO and Backlinks?
Social Media Marketing

Sweeeeeet sweeeeeeet SPAM...

Posted on: 2008/7/9 16:11

Re: 2520 Kennedy Blvd
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shadrack wrote:
Parking is terrible in that area.

Auto thefts and break-ins happen frequently, but the area has been improving slowly over the last 10 years. There are many charming old apartment buildings and houses in the area.

Up until recently, I lived around the corner from there for 4 years. Street parking can be tedious, but it's hardly the most difficult part of town to park in, and there are privately owned driveways and lots within a 2 block radius with spaces to rent for around $100/month on average.

And for the record, neither I or my roomate ever once had any of our vehicles interfered with, nor did I ever hear of or witness any car break-ins or thefts. Not saying they don't happen, just questioning the basis upon which shadrack offers his/her assessment that they happen frequently, or any more or less frequently than any other area. Just ask anybody who lives near Hamilton Park, Paulus Hook, or VVP about car break-ins and spare tires being stolen.

Other than the car break-in comment, I agree more or less with shadrack's comments. Commuting via JSQ is not hard, 15 minutes on foot, less by bus. Also, for groceries, Shoprite in Hoboken has a great and very reliable delivery service if you don't plan to keep your car, but it sounds like you do.

Posted on: 2008/7/8 22:20

Re: Bergen Lafayette: DEEJAY HERO SAVES LOST 2-YEAR OLD - naked, wandering along King Drive
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nikkiinnj wrote:

SalOnTheHill wrote:
Really? What "kind of people" would that be, CK?

Oh, and "sell off"? Really?

Hmm well technically I think it would be more of an auction...

True, CK did mention "the highest bidder".

Posted on: 2008/7/7 17:06

Re: Bergen Lafayette: DEEJAY HERO SAVES LOST 2-YEAR OLD - naked, wandering along King Drive
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AlexC wrote:
"Everybody was standing there looking at her walking down the street," King said.

really? jeez, what kind of people would just watch a toddler cross a street on her own?

The kind of people that live there !

Jersey city should sell off that section to the highest bidder and cut it's loses !


Really? What "kind of people" would that be, CK?

Oh, and "sell off"? Really?

Posted on: 2008/7/7 16:33

Re: Liberty Harbor North
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ianmac47 wrote:

SalOnTheHill wrote:
There's the Liberty Harbor North Redevelopment Plan, and then there is "Liberty Harbor", the Mocco-owned development comprising a large percentage of the LHN Redevelopment Plan.

So while Gull's Cove is not a part of the development named Liberty Harbor (the Northern-most portions of which abut Grand Street, this phase commonly being referred to as Liberty Harbor North), it lies within the Redevelopment Plan of the same name.

Not exactly. Gulls Cove is not owned by Mocco now, but he did own the land before selling it to Metro Homes, with deeded restrictions requiring they adhere to the master plan created by Duany Plater Zyberk. This is different than the other redevelopment zones.

Also, "Liberty Harbor" was originally a plan to build high rise residential towers in what is now Liberty State Park, Le Corbusier style.

None of which has anything to do with whether Gull's Cove is part of the overall development community being built by Mocco and in the present day being referred to as Liberty Harbor. Which is and was my original point, that groove gave the impression in his post that the Mocco development is somehow in Siberia.

Posted on: 2008/7/1 20:24

Re: Liberty Harbor North
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ianmac47 wrote:
Technically, Gull's Cove is part of Liberty Harbor North. The masterplan by DPZ includes everything between Jersey Avenue and Van Vorst Street. The portion that is commonly referred to as Liberty Harbor North, and which is accessible from Liberty Harbor .com is being built by Peter Mocco, but the res of the lots, such as those around Gulls Cove, must conform to the LHN masterplan created by DPZ. This is similar to another DPZ community, the much lauded Seaside Florida. DPZ created what amounted to city zoning ordinances, and most of the properties were eventually built on by private owners, conforming to the masterplan.

There's the Liberty Harbor North Redevelopment Plan, and then there is "Liberty Harbor", the Mocco-owned development comprising a large percentage of the LHN Redevelopment Plan.

So while Gull's Cove is not a part of the development named Liberty Harbor (the Northern-most portions of which abut Grand Street, this phase commonly being referred to as Liberty Harbor North), it lies within the Redevelopment Plan of the same name.

Posted on: 2008/7/1 19:28

Re: Liberty Harbor - thoughts?
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jennymayla wrote:

groovlstk wrote:

nycareerpro wrote:
I have looked at Liberty Harbor a few times and really fell in love with it. It does have tons of amenities and is very technologically advanced for a decent price. I am just waiting for my lease to be up to move in there! The sales people were quite friendly to me, but they are very busy! It is definitely worth it though. Anyone else live there now that has any more comments on these condos in Jersey City? Thanks!

Liberty Harbor

$1/2 million for a 1BR is a "decent price" in a neighborhood that is certainly up and coming but will be years before arrival? Plus it's more than a stroll to the Grove PATH and you'd have to rely on the light rail to get to Exchange - unless you use the Turnpike each day to commute, it's hardly as convenient as lower-priced options east.

My wife and I looked at LHN and it was impressive. I particularly loved the building facades and technology, but the two 1BRs we looked at (last Spring) were $505k and $510k. Too much, too far, and too many pushy salespeople and the on-site financier guy was greasier than a fried funnel cake fried in fried oil at Great Adventure on a hot day.

While I reject this thread since it is all based on FRAUD, I still want to respond...

LHN is a casual walk to the Grove PATH station. Like 8 minutes tops. Plus on a nice day, it's a great walk to the Exchange PATH. And what's wrong with having to take the light rail if you don't feel like walking?

As for the neighborhood, it is literally across the street from an already-booming neighborhood called Van Vorst Park, and it borders another booming neighborhood called Paulus Hook.

Okay, so some of the new fancytown elements of LHN might be under construction for a while, but it's incorrect to position it like it's in the boonies or an underdeveloped location.

I have heard similar complaints about the sales people though. Lots of people have been turned off by them, which is a shame.

+1. Doesn't LHN start literally one city block south of the much revered "Gull's Cove"? (Worst name for a development EVER, btw).

Posted on: 2008/7/1 18:49

Re: New Jersey to stop affluent suburbs subsidizing low income housing in poorer cities like Jersey
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ValidQs wrote:
These are the type of comments that might be funny if it wasn't so sad to know that people really buy into this silliness.

Mount Laurel housing and Abbott school districts are two examples of NJ's efforts to appear politically correct, to act as though we're doing something to improve people's lives when, in reality, things are only getting worse.

Things are getting worse because these programs do little or nothing to promote their claimed goals. The urban school districts continue to spend more money per pupil and provide less educational benefits. Even with state oversight these districts continue to spend money recklessly and the kids suffer.

Show me how Mount Laurel has changed anything in this state except taking more tax dollars from those who work and pay taxes.

God forbid we should ask the people who need the help to earn their way to a better life. If this approach helped one generation of our needy get ahead and then the next generation took advantage of that benefit and established themselves as educated, working, taxpaying citizens there would be a valid argument for continuing with these concepts. Instead we have spent decades and other peoples money (that's what taxes are) giving away temporary solutions like candy to the hungry. It's time to recognize that the same hard work and focus on education that got the suburban residents their better life will work for others. We just need to let them have the freedom to make it on their own instead of pretending they can't.

Or ease your conscience, keep taking other peoples' money and inventing phony solutions that sound right but don't work. This will be politically correct and a continuing failure.

IP address cross-check on aisle 6!

Posted on: 2008/6/30 15:19

Re: Car & Driver for Jersey City School Superintendent Epps
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God forbid the publication in which this story appeared was correctly credited.

Posted on: 2008/6/30 14:11

Re: I Saw Someone Riding A Bicycle On the Pulaski Skyway This Morning
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Vigilante wrote:

Mathias wrote:

crushthedemoniac wrote:
I've always ponderd riding from Newark Penn to the GWB. Id defenitly be down for trying it, theres just that small matter of needing a bike . Also Mathias thats awesome that you can do that kind of distance but what do you think a person with little to no biking experience can pull off? Im in good overall condition but really havnt touched a bike in a few years.

Riding from JC to the GWB is not far..10 miles or less one way depending on where in JC you start.

Rule #1 is that you need a good bike. Do not under any circumstance by a bike anywhere but a bike shop (no wal-mart department store bikes).

If you think that you want to work up to doing long rides it is best to buy a road bike. You could probably get a decent beginner road bike from a bike shop for between $800 and $1000.

If you are not sure how much you would be riding and only see yourself doing rides no more than 20 miles I would suggest a Hybrid bike which you could get for between $500 and $800.

I started riding in May of 2005 on a $300 Schwinn. I was 225lbs and it literally took me all day to reach the GWB. Now I am 160lbs and can get there in 32 minutes.

Email me if you want to know more about cycling around Hudson County or ideas on bikes

I did the math. If I do the same as you by 2011 I will completely vanish from the Earth. Don't Laugh Sal!

Start now and I'll time you - some things are worth the wait!

Posted on: 2008/6/28 8:57

Re: 2008 Street paving - Councilman Steven Fulop
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injcsince81 wrote:

ianmac47 wrote:

injcsince81 wrote:

All the townhouse-style LHN buildings are built with wood framing.

Are you surprised that they shake?

The owners keep telling themselves that when Grand Street is repaved, the problems with the shaking will be solved. I suspect actually that the reason those folks are seeing cracks is that the development is beginning to settle on some softer then expected ground.

There is a whole thread over on kannekt dedicated to what those people have termed The Shakes.

The owners of the LHN townouses need to stop telling themselves that.

Even if G-street gets repaved, there will always be a truck rumbling there, shaking their wood frames.

The owners of townhouses in LHN need to realize that they live in an 21 Century American wooden shantytown.

You didn't really call other people on JCList "nauseating naysayers", did you?

Resized Image

Posted on: 2008/6/27 20:07

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