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Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2008/1/3 19:12
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2020/9/30 18:46
From Van Vorst Park
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Oh I totally agree. But classifying people as "yuppies" is no less ignorant than somebody saying "oh great...just what we need - more projects and ghetto gangsters". It's ignorant, that's all.

The fact is that many of the newcomers that are referred to as "yuppies" actually care about the community because they have invested a lot of their money to buy properties in these neighborhoods.

Also, whether you like the "yuppies" or not, the downtown neighborhoods are getting safer. I think that's something that most residents can appreciate.

Posted on: 2008/5/7 20:38

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2008/2/18 21:46
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Uh ok have you read this board? Low income is constantly bashed. If you need an example check out HEIGHTS posts.

Posted on: 2008/5/7 20:38

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2004/9/3 0:19
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2008/7/9 19:55
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crushthedemoniac wrote:
Tommy dont mean to single you out but theres a difference between fixing up a city and turning it into a hoboken clone. Not everyone wants to live in an episode of sex and the city . Its very possible to have lower middle class and not have it look like camden.

There are huge differences between Hoboken and Jersey City. The anti "yuppie" sentiment is no different than if someone came here and said they hated all of the low-income people that live in their city. It is classist and discriminatory, with the only intent of making someone feel bad for something that is out of their control. Simply put it is unacceptable.

Posted on: 2008/5/7 20:36

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2008/2/18 21:46
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Tommy dont mean to single you out but theres a difference between fixing up a city and turning it into a hoboken clone. Not everyone wants to live in an episode of sex and the city . Its very possible to have lower middle class and not have it look like camden.

Posted on: 2008/5/7 20:22

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2008/1/3 19:12
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2020/9/30 18:46
From Van Vorst Park
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Anonymous, we have to face the facts that there are some residents of Jersey City that do NOT want the city to improve. It's sad.

Posted on: 2008/5/7 19:19

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2004/9/3 0:19
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2008/7/9 19:55
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video wrote:

...he joined a management training program that sent him to several cities, mostly in the South. Ms. McHugh, who works in corporate communications for BNP Paribas...

Young and professional....sounds like yuppies to me. Woo-hoo! That is exactly what we need more of.

Yeah, really...the nerve...these people with their stable incomes and families adding all kinds of family/social values and economic stimulus to the should totally report these types to the police next time you see them strolling along outside on a nice sunny afternoon with their kids...f'ing public nuisances.

Lucky for us though we have some very bitter and crotchety people who add their own special type of charm to the neighborhood.

Posted on: 2008/5/7 19:16

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2004/12/14 20:08
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...he joined a management training program that sent him to several cities, mostly in the South. Ms. McHugh, who works in corporate communications for BNP Paribas...

Young and professional....sounds like yuppies to me. Woo-hoo! That is exactly what we need more of.

Posted on: 2008/5/7 18:51

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2008/5/3 23:12
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2008/11/29 21:28
From Downtown JC
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A putting green ! Now No.1 is really angry...send the whole building back to Westchester...anyway, every1 who read the NYX knows that these real estate friends pluck someone who recently brought a unit in their project that isn't selling so promote ...all about the duckets.

Posted on: 2008/5/6 18:06

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2004/12/12 23:31
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2015/12/3 0:37
From Paulus Hook
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My wife and I looked at Gull's Cove a few months ago, after seeing the "homes staring at 335K" banner hanging on the building's facade. Besides a studio for that price, all the 1BRs were over 400k and 1BR + den units were in the 575k range, which to us seemed a little high. I believe we were also quoted a common charges fee that was higher than the $350 per month mentioned in the article. The clincher, however, was that I couldn't stomach subsidizing a rooftop putting green when that same space could have served more residents if it was reserved for BBQing or outdoor parties.

Posted on: 2008/5/6 16:46

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2006/10/23 18:47
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Sal, I agree it's a sales tactic that people see right through - and there's no harm in asking, right? I read the NY Times pretty much from cover to cover every Sunday, it's one of the delights of the weekend. I wish the Times were as tough and critical in their reporting of the local real estate market as they are with, for example, human rights abuses in China.

Posted on: 2008/5/6 15:38

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2008/1/28 23:20
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2010/3/27 15:08
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JadedJC wrote:
Good grief, this old vs new JC debate is just tiresome and stupid. While people were busy bashing the seemingly nice young couple, no one challenged this assertion from the real-estate agent:

The couple went over their budget, buying a 750-square-foot one-bedroom late last summer for $436,000. (A similar one-bedroom is currently on the market for $475,000, Ms. Miniard said.)

That's just such BS, and a clear case of the agent talking up the market. A 9% appreciation since late last summer?? That would've been just about the time the mortgage/credit market meltdown was beginning. While the JC real estate market has proven to be resilient, I seriously doubt there's been a 9% appreciation since last summer. If anything, I've heard the developers of some these projects are offering some price concessions and incentives just to move the last units. My bet is the unit will go well below the asking $475K.

Inflating an asking price in hopes of achieving a lower but still reasonable return is not a novelty just birthed by the current credit debacle. Realtors have done this since there were realtors. If the writer had said there is currently a one-bedroom under contract for $475K, then I'd raise an eyebrow. But listing something with one's fingers crossed and as a negotiating starting point does not equate to a 9% appreciation. When the unit sells, for whatever price it does, that will let you know the appreciation rate.

So I agree with you that the unit will not get its asking price, but disagree that this is any sort of scandal that reasonable people can't see through.

Posted on: 2008/5/6 15:20

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2007/6/27 22:27
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crushthedemoniac wrote:
Jenny, I cant speak for anyone elses reasons but mine would have to be as follows. I embrace anyone who has worked hard for the money they've earned and think its great they can afford to drop a half mill on a condo, but being from JC theres nothing more aggravating than seeing the area your from being turned into another gentrified yuppie(yes i said the Y word) city. Alot of people would debate this saying the it cuts down on crime or whatever, but im not buying it. I guess its just sad to me seeing a once working class downtown where I felt I fit in walkking around is now somewhat alienating to me since I dont enjoy 8 dollar coffee or a trendy sushi place. I guess for me that would be my reason for knocking people buying these places. WORD

Take heart, there are still plenty of un-yuppified areas in Jersey City for you to enjoy, many of which are unlikely to be yuppified any time soon!

Posted on: 2008/5/6 14:55

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2006/10/23 18:47
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Good grief, this old vs new JC debate is just tiresome and stupid. While people were busy bashing the seemingly nice young couple, no one challenged this assertion from the real-estate agent:

The couple went over their budget, buying a 750-square-foot one-bedroom late last summer for $436,000. (A similar one-bedroom is currently on the market for $475,000, Ms. Miniard said.)

That's just such BS, and a clear case of the agent talking up the market. A 9% appreciation since late last summer?? That would've been just about the time the mortgage/credit market meltdown was beginning. While the JC real estate market has proven to be resilient, I seriously doubt there's been a 9% appreciation since last summer. If anything, I've heard the developers of some these projects are offering some price concessions and incentives just to move the last units. My bet is the unit will go well below the asking $475K.

Posted on: 2008/5/6 14:54

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2005/7/9 16:38
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JPhurst wrote:

alb wrote:

The worst view a unit there could possibly have would be of a pretty attractive part of Jersey City.

For now, but not for long. There will be buildings just as high going up directly north and south of it, and Liberty Harbor will have lots of buildings going up to the west. The only views that will remain are to the West, which overlooks Paulus Hook, where they can't build up (although in this city, I wouldn't put anything past certain officials).

As it happens, my wife and I, with the recent expansion of the family, decided to purchase a unit there last year. We just closed last Friday. We're on the north side and the views right now are amazing, but I knew going in they will not last. That's not why we bought.

The new construction may take away views, but it will create a very interesting neighborhood. We'll get to see how "New Urbanism" develops pretty much from the ground up, and that's exciting. The neighborhood is bookended by light rail stops, and there will be a mix of residential and retail. In any event, we're still in walking distance from our friends and family as well as the local places we dine and shop. And unlike some other new developments, this one and the adjacent Liberty Harbor transition very well with the surrounding historic districts.

We'll see how it goes, I guess...


Liberty Harbor North seems like a very architecturally diverse and livable neighborhood.

And still a stone's throw away from the historic DT.

Mocco did a darned good job.

Posted on: 2008/5/6 14:48

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2008/1/3 19:12
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2020/9/30 18:46
From Van Vorst Park
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Yea, wow. The attitude on this board amazes me. The city is getting better, much better in fact. Why exactly are you guys criticizing these bright young people for choosing JC?

JC natives...would you rather your property value be going up...or going down?

Who would you rather move into the neighborhood? Would more drug dealers make you happy and make it feel like the "good old downtown" again?

You people are just coming off as silly/jealous/resistant to change. My advice to you bitter folks would be to embrace the changes that are occurring, and welcome your new neighbors instead of sneering at them.

Posted on: 2008/5/6 14:32

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2006/7/21 20:08
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hmmm... so successful, smart entreprenuerial people shop ALL over; choose to spend their money downtown, appreciate the "small strides" that have happened downtown with restos and stores, and most of this board chooses to bash 'em. The only thing that gives me the douchechills about this story are people's reactions to it.

Posted on: 2008/5/6 13:33

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2004/11/8 3:36
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crushthedemoniac wrote:
Jenny, I cant speak for anyone elses reasons but mine would have to be as follows. I embrace anyone who has worked hard for the money they've earned and think its great they can afford to drop a half mill on a condo, but being from JC theres nothing more aggravating than seeing the area your from being turned into another gentrified yuppie(yes i said the Y word) city. Alot of people would debate this saying the it cuts down on crime or whatever, but im not buying it. I guess its just sad to me seeing a once working class downtown where I felt I fit in walkking around is now somewhat alienating to me since I dont enjoy 8 dollar coffee or a trendy sushi place. I guess for me that would be my reason for knocking people buying these places. WORD

You better get used to it, on another site I counted 44+ residential construction projects that are proposed or in progress in JC. For better or worse this is the future of JC, not the 99 cent stores, no area stays static, change is always going on, jc can only get better for everyone.

Posted on: 2008/5/6 13:16

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2005/2/14 23:14
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hero69 wrote:
Calling someone a d_ck is both mean and sexist. How do you know that the reader is not a woman, and even if it is aman, maybe he doesn't have a d-ck either.

Please be nice to one another.

HAHAHA, you win!

nominating this for post of the month.

Posted on: 2008/5/6 4:04

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2008/2/18 21:46
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Jenny, I cant speak for anyone elses reasons but mine would have to be as follows. I embrace anyone who has worked hard for the money they've earned and think its great they can afford to drop a half mill on a condo, but being from JC theres nothing more aggravating than seeing the area your from being turned into another gentrified yuppie(yes i said the Y word) city. Alot of people would debate this saying the it cuts down on crime or whatever, but im not buying it. I guess its just sad to me seeing a once working class downtown where I felt I fit in walkking around is now somewhat alienating to me since I dont enjoy 8 dollar coffee or a trendy sushi place. I guess for me that would be my reason for knocking people buying these places. WORD

Posted on: 2008/5/6 3:08

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2007/2/3 21:36
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oh I know I know!!

is it because they've got their sh*t together enough at age 27 to buy a half-million-dollar condo?

okay, maybe that's just my reason.

I am jealous, I admit it.

Posted on: 2008/5/6 2:56

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2005/3/31 1:24
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Why do we always have to bash people who move into these new developments? I am as guilty as the next person but it sort of makes me wonder what we are afraid of/why we get so snarky. Any thoughts on that?

Posted on: 2008/5/6 2:39

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2004/12/29 17:58
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Just WAIT until they see the lovely condo in East Orange.

Posted on: 2008/5/6 2:16

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2005/6/8 3:24
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should be "The only views that will remain are to the East"

Posted on: 2008/5/6 1:09

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2005/6/8 3:24
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alb wrote:

The worst view a unit there could possibly have would be of a pretty attractive part of Jersey City.

For now, but not for long. There will be buildings just as high going up directly north and south of it, and Liberty Harbor will have lots of buildings going up to the west. The only views that will remain are to the West, which overlooks Paulus Hook, where they can't build up (although in this city, I wouldn't put anything past certain officials).

As it happens, my wife and I, with the recent expansion of the family, decided to purchase a unit there last year. We just closed last Friday. We're on the north side and the views right now are amazing, but I knew going in they will not last. That's not why we bought.

The new construction may take away views, but it will create a very interesting neighborhood. We'll get to see how "New Urbanism" develops pretty much from the ground up, and that's exciting. The neighborhood is bookended by light rail stops, and there will be a mix of residential and retail. In any event, we're still in walking distance from our friends and family as well as the local places we dine and shop. And unlike some other new developments, this one and the adjacent Liberty Harbor transition very well with the surrounding historic districts.

We'll see how it goes, I guess...

Posted on: 2008/5/5 20:56

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2007/10/9 19:48
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I'm pretty sure that he is a man and I am only defending myself. I have no problem with anyone until they make generalizations about me without knowing anything about me. I like to play nice as long as everyone else plays nice with me.
I don't see how it's sexist either, women can be dicks. I've worked for plenty of women that I swear have had... wait, too much information and I'll stop there before I get in trouble.
Bottom line I was defending the girl in the article who I personaly know.

Posted on: 2008/5/5 19:15

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2004/11/14 2:38
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Calling someone a d_ck is both mean and sexist. How do you know that the reader is not a woman, and even if it is aman, maybe he doesn't have a d-ck either.

Please be nice to one another.

Posted on: 2008/5/5 18:02

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2004/11/7 7:24
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chiefdahill wrote:
People are really loving JC and much to the chagrin of a select few, more people are coming.

I think one thing people are missing about Gull's Cove is that it's right by the light rail stop, the Sandbar, the marina, the Little Lady Ferry to Liberty State Park (and the Liberty Science Center), Two Aprons, Legal Grounds, the Grove Street bars and restaurants, and whatever businesses open up in Liberty Harbor North.

The worst view a unit there could possibly have would be of a pretty attractive part of Jersey City.

And, if you live in that building and pay a few thousand dollars a year to Offshore, you can take the ferry across to Liberty State Park and go sailing every weekend.

So, for anyone who's idea of a good vacation is to sail in a little boat around the Statue of Liberty, then dock at a dive bar and listen to loud music, or to go on light rail adventures, Gull's Cove would be paradise.

Posted on: 2008/5/5 17:20

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2004/9/15 19:03
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True enough - good point Chief!


chiefdahill wrote:

Get over it and every condo that was mentioned in the last few "the hunts" was sold by different real estate companies so drop the conspiracy theories.

Posted on: 2008/5/5 16:52

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2007/10/11 3:28
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Get a sense of humor. In case you hadn't heard I follow the herd.

Posted on: 2008/5/5 15:34

Re: Westchester Can Wait -- "Jersey City...It is like being on vacation every weekend.”
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2007/10/9 19:48
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2013/2/18 15:54
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You are a DICK. That's right a DICK. I am a banker not a mortgage broker and I have never sold a damn subprime loan so you can kiss my ass. Do I shit on your profession?

Why do people that have no experience always feel that they need to comment on someone else's life. What interactions have you had with anyone in the lending business? If you read any of my posts you would have seen that I advise people against buying homes if they cant afford it. Be a sheep and follow the heard, don't think for yourself.

Posted on: 2008/5/5 15:31

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