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Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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Good to see JCList's resident child care expert once again rushing to judge.

A few more comments back and forth and it will be safe for you to trot out the usual complaints whenever a child dies or is injured (i.e., how they pick all the flowers around the neighborhood and no one complains yet god forbid your dog poops on the sidewalk (the injustice!), they are all overindulged and overparented, etc.

Your class act hasn't changed much over the years.


Vigilante wrote:
Sounds like the mother's fault.

Posted on: 2014/11/23 4:14

Re: MorrisCanal Park -- for dogs or kids?
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While I'm not one to make excuses for irresponsible dog owners, that entire peninsula was covered with geese poop for years. I mean, one did not walk there after dark without removing one's shoes before re-entering one's apt.

That area is usable for children for about a week every Spring, when they cut the grass and remove all the trash.

Posted on: 2013/9/4 23:44

Re: Helicopters over the Hudson
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Since the helipad near the NY Waterway terminal @ Exchange Pl. has been very active, the fumes of idling helicopters + the ferry boats makes Owen Grundy Park stink to high heaven.

I used to bring my infant daughter to the gazebo area to run around at night, but had to stop this year as the stink is too overpowering. In the past, the ferry fumes were intermittent as the boats don't idle long, but the copters sometimes sit idling for 30 mins. at a time, and the fumes are constant.

It's a shame because the park is absolutely gorgeous when the sun is going down, it's prime public space.

Posted on: 2013/9/4 23:36

Re: Harbor Casino
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tommyc_37 wrote:
I wonder if any changes are in store at the paulus hook spot. Always felt kind of sterile to me..

I used to go to the original HC before it was razed and man, it was anything but sterile. I was sad to see it go, especially since the new place had zero character and a totally different clientele. It was due for a change.

Posted on: 2013/5/10 22:58

Re: Pretty Bad Light Rail Accident near GS Building/Paulus Hook (4/30)
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FWIW, I lived on Essex St. and used to see light rail conductors disobey signals (both the traffic light and the train signal). The conductor would come to a stop and crane his neck before crossing the intersection, but it was still a bit unnerving. I believe at the time (2006ish - don't know if things have changed since) the management company involved in operating the LR was eligible for some sort of bonus based on the on-time performance of the trains, which explained a lot.

Posted on: 2010/5/3 18:07

Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
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corybraiterman wrote:

There are 235,000+ long time residents who don't want this statue. Keep the 2,000 hipsters who want to keep this statue in place from taking over this town. Thank you.

Hipsters? There is still a large and active Polish community in Paulus Hook, it's they and not these alleged hipsters who would object to seeing their memorial removed.

Anyone remember the "Stop the Ethnic Cleansing!" flyers all over PH back when OLC stopped Polish-language mass?

Posted on: 2010/4/30 16:03

Re: Hoboken Barnes & Noble announces March 31 closing
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GrovePath wrote:

K-Lo wrote:
I already pay for the library with my tax dollars, and use it regularly.

Maybe they need to open the magazine areas up to seeing outside -- have free wireless and startup a coffee shop kind of thing to make place more inviting -- should help offset their costs. If it doesn't already then the Main Library's WIFI should carry into Van Vorst Park and the coffee sold could be in paper cups to go.

There are such libraries around the country, if I remember correctly the Baltimore County Library System is set up like that. It can get tricky because local businesses (bookstores, video rental places, cafes) will pitch a fit if they perceive the library as a competitor and many library directors and patrons believe a library should serve in a more traditional role.

Bookstores, both independents and (now) chains, aren't closing because the printed book is an obsolete format. (Hell, the book is an almost perfect format. A trade or massmarket paperback is extremely portable, light, and durable.) They're closing because fewer people read on a regular basis. There was a pretty damning report (published around 2004, I believe) about how reading habits in America have declined. There's simply a lot more stuff out there competing for people's interests.

FWIW, I think it's remotely possible for Kindle or iPad to have a positive impact for print mags and periodicals, but I don't see them as bringing anything good for bookstores or book publishers.

Posted on: 2010/1/29 0:00

Re: Bergen Lafayette -- NYTimes: Jersey City Officer Shoots Man
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What was reported that was not true?

The reporter correctly attributed the "mistaken identity" story to the family and isn't trying to pass it off as the truth.

Posted on: 2010/1/11 14:25

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newgirl99 wrote:
It's possible that I'm uptight.

It's also possible that the folks who run this bar lack the kind of creativity and positive energy that brings in good & consistent business.

just sayin.

I've been going to the IM semi-regularly since about 1998 and mostly enjoy it, but then again I don't seek creativity and positive energy when I want to have a few beers.

Over the years the management and kitchen have been a revolving door, but my only complaint is that those cast iron chairs are hard on the ass by beer #3.

Posted on: 2009/12/8 16:13

Re: Wave of gentrification that leapfrogged the Hudson has reached new heights - Jersey City Heights
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The Thevenots' four-story, 100-year-old, gingerbread-style Victorian cost $454,000, making the family's monthly mortgage payment $250 less than the $2,100 they had been paying to rent one floor of a Park Slope, Brooklyn, brownstone.

Love how they sneak in the little realtor's mantra about paying less to own than rent.

I can't imagine how much of a downpayment this couple made on a $454k unit if their mortgage is $1850 per month. Certainly A LOT more than 20%.

Posted on: 2009/11/16 20:30

Re: Liberty State Park Incident
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ripple wrote:
I haven't visited the UK, but in Germany, the Czech Repbulic, and the Netherlands, there seemed to be zero chaos arising from the legality of walking down the street with a beer. Also, a tidbit of backup (regarding health effects) from academia:

sorry for being a bit off-topic (wish JClist could have a nested thread system ala reddit)

Prague has had a problem w/groups of tourists (mostly Brits, from what I saw) running amok while binge drinking.

Russia has no open container laws and even in wealthy cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg it's not uncommon to be harrassed by groups of drunken teens or to see people passed out on sidewalks in the AM. As much as I love these cities I wouldn't want to see the same behavior encouraged in JC. There's always a few a-holes who ruin it for everyone else.

Posted on: 2009/11/13 19:29

Re: Liberty State Park Incident
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hamlet wrote:
We must resist this at all costs, or we will wake up one day in oppressive police state.

Viva la revolution! If there's no anthem associated with The Cause yet, I'd suggest you rally against oppression to the tune of the Beastie Boys' Fight for Your Right (to Party)

Posted on: 2009/11/11 19:28

Re: WSJ: The Dependent Housewife from Mumbai -Inability to work in America comes with an unexpected gift
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manu wrote:
The problem is that it would probably take 7 years for her husband to get his green card. There is a humongous backlog and USCIS is currently working on applications filed in 2002.
I personally have been leaving in Jersey City for 9 years, own a house in Jersey City, have a son that is American. I applied for a green card 4 years ago and will probably get it in 3 years. In the meantime, if I lose my job and don?t find another one within a month (and it would have to be a very similar job, otherwise I would have to start the process again), I would have to pack and leave the country?
There is indeed ways to work legally but it is not that easy?

Wait times vary and are very dependent upon the type of visa. The wait time for a green card for K-visa holders is about 4-9 months from time of AOS filing to green card production. H visa holders are at the mercy of their employer, who usually files on their behalf.

Posted on: 2009/10/7 14:43

Re: WSJ: The Dependent Housewife from Mumbai -Inability to work in America comes with an unexpected gift
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bodhipooh wrote:
Very well said, JadedJC. And congratulations on your overseas experience!

It is easy for people to complain our immigration policies and rules, but I have found that our rules are very similar to that of other countries, and very often much more sane and logical. And, to top it off, our rules have clear instructions attached to them. Other countries have all kinds of caveats, and exceptions, which make traversing the system an exercise in frustration.

The thing is that our country, and our immigration system, gets a lot more scrutiny because it is a much bigger country, and much more people are trying to come here than anywhere else. People should really look at what is going on in other countries, and how they handle this, before they critize our system. It really isn't as bad as some make it out to be. Of course, it isn't perfect.

Absolutely. The author of the WSJ piece can apply for AOS (Adjustment of Status) after her husband gets his green card. At that point she is free to work in the US. If she has no interest in becoming a provisional resident, she can't legally work here. Plain and simple - and that's a good thing, why should she compete against the 10% or so of US citizens in JC who are unemployed? Modifying this law would open another avenue for immigration fraud.

There is a procedure in place for her to be able to work here legally if she wishes, it's simply up to her to file the proper documents.

Posted on: 2009/10/7 13:45

Re: WSJ: The Dependent Housewife from Mumbai -Inability to work in America comes with an unexpected gift
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Just can't stay away

I agree it's an interesting human interest piece, but like others I found myself looking for something that wasn't there. For better or worse, most editors who assign items like this are looking for lightning rod issues (in this example it could be immigration law vs. a woman having to forgo her career in order to live in the US with her husband, and the "injustice" therein) to make it interesting. The author and subject seems to be happy, and the point of her story is simply that her biggest adjustment to her new life is how to deal with an excess of time - something as new to her as her new home.

Posted on: 2009/10/6 18:27

Re: thoughts on 61 grad street - grand view
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griyenga wrote:
hi guys,

I am planning to buy a 1 bed apartment in the gradview, 61 grand st at jersey city paulus hook area. What do guys thik about this place in terms of :

- Sellebility at a later point in time?
- Area ?
- The building does not have amenities and that makes me think if I should buy at any of the newport condos. We are confused with a few apartments at the portofino.
I kow for a fact that Portofino is an older building, but is a full service amenity building.

What is your advise : Granview or the newport condos like Portofino, mandalay, trump?

Any suggestions advise is highly valued -!!!!


My wife and I looked at a 1BR unit there prior to the crash 1 1/2 yrs. ago. It's a beautiful building (there was a piece in the Times about how the architects were stunned that the developer followed their plans down to the last detail, as usually developers will try to cut corners, but who knows to what degree it was just real estate porn). The area is very quiet (particularly at night), very safe, and you have tons of decent restaurants a few blocks east.

FWIW, Paulus Hook and Newport are both nice areas, but the vibe is completely different. Spend an afternoon and evening in both places before deciding which you prefer.

Posted on: 2009/9/22 21:23

Re: Today's "Children of Faith" Festival at City Hall - Write to the Mayor if Disturbed
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BrightGirl wrote:
This is not the type of community I want to live in, and I intend to write to the Mayor and tell him so. I encourage any like-minded individuals to also write and express their views.

Funny how the people who clamor the most about how much they love diversity are so quick to switch from a welcoming embrace to a middle finger once someone who's not "like-minded" voices an opinion.

Posted on: 2009/9/21 18:06

Re: The Krave Truck?
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JackieCruise wrote:

groovlstk wrote:

bill wrote:
I think pious was mistakenly used for uptight.


If this where I supposed I'm supposed to get mad and flame you back please know I won't play.......I don't take myself and certainly don't take you seriously enough to participate.......(but my roomate thinks you are the pious one!!!)

There was no insult intended, but feel free to substitute Bill's misinterpreton if you prefer that label

Posted on: 2009/9/11 0:55

Re: The Krave Truck?
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Just can't stay away


bill wrote:
I think pious was mistakenly used for uptight.


Posted on: 2009/9/10 20:06

Re: The Krave Truck?
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Just can't stay away

Columbus, near Club H, is very wide and there is room for parking along the curb w/out interfering with the 4 lanes of traffic. (A decade ago there was talk of running the Light Rail along Columbus rather than Essex for this very reason.) Unless the Krave truck was double-parked there shouldn't be any traffic issues. I've seen the Krave truck dutifully and politely parked at the curb near the newer PATH entrance on my commute home every night - it's possible the owners were waiting for a parking slot to open up as there is a steady turnover of cars parked outside Club H.

Regardless, I am not so pious as to boycott a business for something so trivial, but to each his own.

Posted on: 2009/9/10 14:51

Re: Two Aprons
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The one table has grown to two tables and now most mornings there is a stroller on the metal doors and a guys feet sticking out from the chair blocking the entire sidewalk so I walk in the street.

I used to live nearby and on most mornings there was an effete fellow sitting on one of the chairs outside 2A with his legs crossed and feet blocking the sidewalk. It never bothered me and I simply stepped around him (although it would have been nice if he sometimes bothered to look at people's faces rather than stare at passing men's crotches, but it's none of my bidness what he does while enjoying his morning coffee).

As for why I don't say something to them directly, it will result in them muttering "*sshole" as I walk by. I would rather they see this post and move the tables on their own.

I doubt they would treat a polite request in this manner but if you're afraid to confront the owners directly maybe you can leave a yellow sticy on the door. (Also, I believe any restaurant or deli that uses sidewalk space has to have a permit - or at least that's a sidealk cafe requirement in NYC.)

Posted on: 2009/8/26 16:51

Re: DOWNTOWN: LIGHT RAIL TRAIN HITS TAXI -- CABBIE INJURED ( It is believed the taxi ran a red light. )
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I lived on Essex St. for years and observed light rail conductors routinely running red lights. Usually the conductor would bring the train to a stop and crane his/her neck both ways before continuing, but it still used to piss me off (although not as much as when they blow their foghorns at 2AM).

Posted on: 2009/8/21 15:10

Re: Jersey girl writing for Westport News: "Practically in Manhattan, I tell them."
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Just can't stay away

This entire piece is reminiscent of the kind of bad but "safe" middlebrow humor that newspapers used to run in syndication years ago. The Onion has spoofed this sort of columnist many times, most recently here.

Posted on: 2009/8/19 20:49

Re: ShopRite - the place where you feel safe!
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Just can't stay away

Last time I visited that Shop Rite was on the evening of 9/11, and only because all the streets south of Grand were closed for emergency vehicles so I had to use my bike instead of driving.

I previously bailed on Shop Rite after getting fed up with rude people - the express checkout lanes, in particular, are a joke - people get in line with overflowing carts, sometimes more than one (maybe they thought the sign meant multiples of 14 items?) - it just made no sense to put up with aggravation when the A&P is just down the road.

FWIW, the Shop Rite is bliss compared with the old Edwards on Central & Franklin (I believe now it's a FoodTown), where I shopped for years. There was a big homeless guy with long hair and a beard who would sit outside the entrance screaming at people entering the store, the place smelled like rotten eggs all the time, and the produce looked like it had served as trampolines before getting a second chance.

Posted on: 2009/8/11 17:08

Re: Politifax: "Excellent reason to believe" Senator Cunningham is official who "could not be bought
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The Ledger ran a pretty damning editorial about Cunningham a few years ago:

Star Ledger - This Hudson politician is an insult to the voters

Posted on: 2009/8/5 17:14

Re: Favorite current downtown weirdos?
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GnomeGeneral wrote:

These people give a neighborhood flavor and it's sad to see less and less as the area absorbs more cookie-cutter hipsters and wealthy white/asian/indian residents who are too self-absorbed or scared to mingle with anyone who doesn't fit in their demographic.

Tragic, truly. It's really sad to see bums leaving and working class replacing them.

As RobotJustin pointed out, none of these people are or were bums - they all had jobs (or are/were retired) and were good neighbors and had more of a claim to the title "working class" than the wealthier residents who replaced them.

If you want to argue that Paulus Hook is better off without them, fine - but your reaction (referring to them as "bums" without even the slightest suggestion of such in my previous post) is sad. These folks aren't Teddy nor do they dress like pimps. They aren't like the regular homeless guys who hang around Exchange Place and nonchalantly take a whiz in front of everyone when nature calls - but they are a fock of a lot more interesting to talk to. Unfortunately, most of the newer, wealthier residents of PH can't make such distinctions.

Posted on: 2009/8/4 15:32

Re: Favorite current downtown weirdos?
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There's an old guy in a motorized wheelchair/scooter I see cruising along Montgomery once in awhile, an American flag flying atop his rig and a cigar stuck in the corner of his mouth. Sometimes he wants to play with the big boys and eschews the sidewalk for the road, cruising in the right lane at about 2MPH, oblivious to the cars swerving around him. Every time I see him my first reaction is, "thank God he's still alive."

There's also an elderly gentleman named Henry who (I believe) lives in PH and is on friendly terms with everyone he passes. I would hardly call Henry "wierd" but he's certainly a character.

Another old favorite is the tall, dreadlocked African American guy who cruises around Portside with a camera hanging from his neck. He has a big dog that poops indiscriminately around the neighborhood. But other than that, he's a really nice guy.

When I lived in the Heights, there was a guy on New York Ave. towards Ravine who used to spray-paint anti-government slogans all over his property. I remember when GWB took office he was particularly prolific (and prophetic).

My all-time fave was a group of adults who hung out on the front patio of a brownstone on Washington (next door to where Taste of Cin was located, or on the opposite side of the same street as Liberty Wine & Deli) in Paulus Hook during the 90s. They would sit outside in chairs drinking wine and listening to Frank Sinatra and greeting everyone who walked past. They are long gone and that building is now on the market for several million - makes me sad and wistful when I walk by, even if that area is now one of the most beautiful in all of JC.

These people give a neighborhood flavor and it's sad to see less and less as the area absorbs more cookie-cutter hipsters and wealthy white/asian/indian residents who are too self-absorbed or scared to mingle with anyone who doesn't fit in their demographic.

Posted on: 2009/8/4 14:42

Re: Crazy Crack head on the Path
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JerseyCityNj wrote:
Either just pay her no mind or if you are really that scared change cars. I am surprised by your reaction to her, things like this are common when taking public transportation.

Several people have recommended changing cars as an easy solution, but depending on the situation that might not be a good idea. When I was taking the subway and PATH during the bad old 80s and early 90s, the people who reacted to crazy or potentially violent passengers were the ones who were singled out for attention.

Most commuting veterans dealt with such situations by burying their heads in books and avoiding making eye contact with the transgressor.

This is a totally different situation than seeing a group of Hoboken frat jocks yuck it up after a night drinking.

Posted on: 2009/7/31 14:39

Re: The Beacon
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Just can't stay away

I'd be proud to have someone as optimistic and outgoing as Mary as my neighbor (just don't count on me moving to the B anytime soon). And Mary, this is not some subtle attempt by me to get the last word in

Posted on: 2009/7/24 16:01

Re: The Beacon
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marybarr wrote:
Probably because not as many of them like living there as we do here.

I doubt it. More likely they they don't feel the need to convince everyone - most of all themselves - that they are happy with their investments.

Posted on: 2009/7/21 16:06

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