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Re: Parking problems getting out of hand
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2006/11/13 18:42
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From 280 Grove Street
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Parking problems need creative solutions for the individual.

Rip down a paper JCPA temporary parking reserve sign near the construction sites and white out their information. Then write RESERVE PARKING on the sign with the times you need the spot outside your home and post them up.

Posted on: 2007/8/10 23:32
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Parking problems getting out of hand
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2004/11/6 21:13
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
You can always dig up the green park area and have under ground parking!
Imagine if parking was available under all the parks in JC!

A grand idea. I can't wait for the sump pump for that underground lot to fail and all the cars get totaled.

Posted on: 2007/8/10 22:01

Re: parking
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2005/3/21 20:01
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+2 on cars and dogs.

Posted on: 2007/8/10 21:45

Re: parking
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2004/11/7 17:04
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harsimoose wrote:

freedom wrote:
How about home owners being able to paint your LIC#
on the curb, and that is your spot from 6pm to 6am 7 days
a week. this would really make sence after a reval, and
our taxes double or triple. Resident taxpayers should come


you do not OWN the curbside space in front of your property. and you should not expect something of ENORMOUS value (private, deeded parking in a densely populated urban area) without PAYING for it.

When you bought your house or your condo, you knew it didn't come with parking. Now that your hindsight is 20/20, you clamor that you should be GIVEN something you did not pay for? NO WAY BUB.

It's like the new dog-owning residents who move here and then complain about the fact that there isn't a dog run every 2 blocks, or the yuppies who think having a Whole Foods within walking distance is some sort of fundamental right. The "i'm here now, here's my list of entitlements" phenomenon. And it's everybody's fault but their own that the time they spent drooling over the stainless steel appliances in the kitchen they just bought should have been spent doing simple, basic research.

If you own a car, and you didn't buy a property that comes with parking, and you are too cheap or lazy to garage your car, you have YOURSELF to blame, not other drivers, not people who frequent the nice businesses in our neighborhoods and come from all over the place to do so (therefore keeping them afloat), and NOT the city.

Poor you.


Caveat Emptor!

Posted on: 2007/8/10 21:29
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Re: Parking problems getting out of hand
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2006/11/13 18:42
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From 280 Grove Street
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You can always dig up the green park area and have under ground parking!
Imagine if parking was available under all the parks in JC!

Posted on: 2007/8/10 21:21
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Re: Parking problems getting out of hand
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2006/4/10 13:29
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heights wrote:
Every business should have a meter in front of it,

Great, so now you're talking about taking away dozens of currently free to residents parking across the downtown.


towns in Bergen county require a resident only use of their facilities, even the Hudson County town of Secaucus has asked people using the basketball courts to show id.

Any facility that accepts Green Acres funding from the state for acquisition, maintenance or improvements must be open to the public, not just local residents. I'm fairly certain at least Hamilton Park has a Green Acres sign, but I would bet most the parks in the county have accepted the funding at some point, making ID requirements illegal.


Remember this ain't Manhattan, the city (J.C). has not even come close to implementing a plan to satisfy all in the parking problem. It is designed to create ticket issuing sort of like musical chairs. When the condos are complete the new owners have a choice of buying a parking space in the building which is another additional cost . If the Jersey City Parking Authority had a plan like Verizon has with the privacy rights of the Caller ID system it would work. You can block your number and you can refuse calls that do block their number. Both parties have their rights.



I think Hoboken has the best plan uniformed zoned parking and only one side of the of streets for non resident parking.

Didn't someone mention that a single zone system was under consideration?


It's bizzare why our town will not make it normal for parking here.

What is normal anyway? Maybe normal should be that people don't drive places unless they are physically handicapped. Maybe normal should be paying for luxuries like parking spaces. If by normal you mean vast parking lots and and car in every driveway-- well that's not normal in a city.

Posted on: 2007/8/10 15:05

Re: parking
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fat-ass-bike wrote:

What happens if you live in a 3 family brownstone that has 4 cars...

Posted on: 2007/8/10 14:49

Re: Parking problems getting out of hand
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2005/7/13 15:03
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ianmac47 wrote:
Oh, you also want to get rid of the 2 hour parking. That's a bad idea too, unless you're willing to have more streets with metered. People come to do things in the downtown during the day, for less than two hours, and there wouldn't be enough metered spots. Non-downtowners actually do use the city parks. Should they too have to pay to use city facilities? Or the library? Or then there are the businesses that aren't near main business corridors. They need their non-downtown patrons to park nearby. Let's say there is a pet store on Erie street, 5 blocks from the meters on Newark Avenue. Their customers want to be able to park closer to the store than that or will go elsewhere. So then does the city install three or four meters on Erie? I sure as hell hope not.

Every business should have a meter in front of it, towns in Bergen county require a resident only use of their facilities, even the Hudson County town of Secaucus has asked people using the basketball courts to show id. Remember this ain't Manhattan, the city (J.C). has not even come close to implementing a plan to satisfy all in the parking problem. It is designed to create ticket issuing sort of like musical chairs. When the condos are complete the new owners have a choice of buying a parking space in the building which is another additional cost . If the Jersey City Parking Authority had a plan like Verizon has with the privacy rights of the Caller ID system it would work. You can block your number and you can refuse calls that do block their number. Both parties have their rights. I think Hoboken has the best plan uniformed zoned parking and only one side of the of streets for non resident parking. It's bizzare why our town will not make it normal for parking here. Get a folding bike !

Posted on: 2007/8/10 14:30

Re: Parking problems getting out of hand
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2005/7/13 15:03
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Get a folding bike, it's liberating !

Posted on: 2007/8/10 14:11

Re: parking
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2007/6/20 16:38
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2007/10/3 3:46
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freedom wrote:
How about home owners being able to paint your LIC#
on the curb, and that is your spot from 6pm to 6am 7 days
a week. this would really make sence after a reval, and
our taxes double or triple. Resident taxpayers should come


you do not OWN the curbside space in front of your property. and you should not expect something of ENORMOUS value (private, deeded parking in a densely populated urban area) without PAYING for it.

When you bought your house or your condo, you knew it didn't come with parking. Now that your hindsight is 20/20, you clamor that you should be GIVEN something you did not pay for? NO WAY BUB.

It's like the new dog-owning residents who move here and then complain about the fact that there isn't a dog run every 2 blocks, or the yuppies who think having a Whole Foods within walking distance is some sort of fundamental right. The "i'm here now, here's my list of entitlements" phenomenon. And it's everybody's fault but their own that the time they spent drooling over the stainless steel appliances in the kitchen they just bought should have been spent doing simple, basic research.

If you own a car, and you didn't buy a property that comes with parking, and you are too cheap or lazy to garage your car, you have YOURSELF to blame, not other drivers, not people who frequent the nice businesses in our neighborhoods and come from all over the place to do so (therefore keeping them afloat), and NOT the city.

Poor you.

Posted on: 2007/8/10 14:08

Re: parking
Home away from home
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2006/11/13 18:42
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From 280 Grove Street
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We need some serious parking enforcement that involves the cops downtown.

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Posted on: 2007/8/10 13:58
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: parking
Home away from home
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2006/4/10 13:29
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2024/5/15 1:51
From Mars
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freedom wrote:
How about home owners being able to paint your LIC#
on the curb, and that is your spot from 6pm to 6am 7 days
a week. this would really make sence after a reval, and
our taxes double or triple. Resident taxpayers should come

Except that there are more cars then there are houses. Furthermore, some houses have fire hydrants in front of them-- fire hydrants are a public good. Should the people with fire hydrants in front of their house get to move the hydrant, or block it? And it does nothing to solve the problem of non-downtown residents coming into the neighborhood to use public facilities like parks and patronizing local businesses that are off the business corridors.

Posted on: 2007/8/10 13:13

Re: parking
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2006/11/13 18:42
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loucheNJ wrote:

freedom wrote:
How about home owners being able to paint your LIC#
on the curb, and that is your spot from 6pm to 6am 7 days
a week. this would really make sence after a reval, and
our taxes double or triple. Resident taxpayers should come

I've always thought that was a good idea - I would just add that homeowners w/o cars should be able to rent their curbs or have them available for guests or workmen.

What happens if you live in a 3 family brownstone that has 4 cars and the property curb length only accomodate 1.5 cars before you're infront of your neighbors property. This would mean that only 1 car per building!

Some times we forget that most of the brownstones were 1 family homes and built in the days of the horse drawn cart. The only solution I see is by making the cost of car ownership in inner city areas that don't have off street parking extremely high.

On of the biggest complaints I hear from small 'street strip' businesses / shop owners, is that there is nowhere for customers to park and their reliance on locals is too 'hit and miss' in making money.

If people want whole foods downtown (I prefer Amish Market) they will need a siht load of available parking for customers - I'd hate to rely JUST on locals for business.

Posted on: 2007/8/10 13:06
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: parking
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2006/12/11 14:01
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2007/9/19 21:47
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freedom wrote:
How about home owners being able to paint your LIC#
on the curb, and that is your spot from 6pm to 6am 7 days
a week. this would really make sence after a reval, and
our taxes double or triple. Resident taxpayers should come

I've always thought that was a good idea - I would just add that homeowners w/o cars should be able to rent their curbs or have them available for guests or workmen.

Posted on: 2007/8/10 12:39

Just can't stay away
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2006/10/26 1:36
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How about home owners being able to paint your LIC#
on the curb, and that is your spot from 6pm to 6am 7 days
a week. this would really make sence after a reval, and
our taxes double or triple. Resident taxpayers should come

Posted on: 2007/8/10 12:32

Re: Nose in.
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2006/11/13 18:42
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tern wrote:
As an aside can anyone explain why some parking places have signs saying "nose in parking only"? Why does it matter if you are nose or tail in?

This has long puzzled me.


You would see those signs when parking infront of a wall - the idea of nose parking only is so when you start-up and hit the gas pedal you don't spray the wall will exhaust fumes and stain the wall.

Posted on: 2007/8/10 10:58
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Parking problems getting out of hand
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2006/12/12 20:19
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Kabukiman wrote:
While I respect your opinion the point still is that I, like many residents, do have a car and I am not looking to get rid of it or relocate. I also understand some of the folks parking here are residents who do not have permits. This one shocks me because it is not difficult at all to acquire a permit. And, once you have it, you can renew it through the mail. So to me that excuse falls flat as well.

This is bullshi*t. I've lived here 3 1/2 years and pay a ton of taxes, but for some reason I'm not allowed to get a resident parking permit b/c I drive a company car and it's registered in Bergen County. Mothereffers, I hope you all rot in he!!.

Posted on: 2007/8/10 1:10

Nose in.
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2006/5/10 16:36
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As an aside can anyone explain why some parking places have signs saying "nose in parking only"? Why does it matter if you are nose or tail in?

This has long puzzled me.


Posted on: 2007/8/9 23:22

Re: Parking problems getting out of hand
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2004/9/3 0:19
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A Chevy Tahoe takes up almost twice as much space as a Honda Civic, yet the city is doing nothing to discourage drivers from parking oversized vehicles on the street.

I'm all for limits on SUVs because of their wasteful and negative impact, however the Tahoe does not take up twice as much space when parked on the street:

Civic Coupe: Length = 174.8 in.
Width = 68.9 in

Tahoe: Length = 202.0 in.
Width = 79 in.

Difference = 27.2 inches in length
10.1 inches in width

So on a street with parallel parking you give up about 2 feet per Tahoe, and in a lot with side to side parking you give up just under 1 foot.

and just for fun... :)
HUMMER H1: Length = 184.5 in
Width = 86.5 in

Posted on: 2007/8/9 23:20

Re: Parking problems getting out of hand
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2006/4/10 13:29
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I know, how about we take that piece of undeveloped land between Barrow, Montgomery, Jersey and York and turn it into a big parking lot!

If you want to talk about creating more parking, there are some actual solutions that don't involve turning downtown Jersey City into a parking lot wasteland.

1. Convert certain two way streets into one way streets to allow for parking. Montgomery and Newark between Grove and Jersey come to mind. Parking is only on one side of the street to make room for two way traffic.

2. Charge "Light Trucks" a higher fee for a parking permit to encourage small compact cars. The light truck designation is a specific list of vehicle models that covers SUVs. A Chevy Tahoe takes up almost twice as much space as a Honda Civic, yet the city is doing nothing to discourage drivers from parking oversized vehicles on the street.

3. Charge yearly fees for curb cuts. Curb cuts for driveways consume at least one parking space on the street. While I'm sure owners of property with curb cuts love their private parking space, they deprive the entire neighborhood of street parking. More to the point, many of the curb cuts are not even in use, but are maintained just in case the owner wants to sell the property or eventually get a vehicle. A nominal, yearly curb cut fee would dissuade property owners from maintaining an unused or infrequently used curb cut.

Posted on: 2007/8/9 22:58

Re: Parking problems getting out of hand
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2006/11/13 18:42
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From 280 Grove Street
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parking lots downtown!

who wants to sacrifice their land around those 2 parks downtown and if there is any vacant land you can bet a developer already has his eye on it, or its already privately owned - I'd like something done with the land under the turnpike - parking or dog runs is fine!

Posted on: 2007/8/9 22:03
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Parking problems getting out of hand
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2007/4/17 20:50
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2011/3/3 2:45
From Hamilton Park
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Kabukiman wrote:
What about municipal parking lots?

Yes! This is more like it. Why not municipal parking lots? Works in many other cities. Philadelphia does it, Baltimore does it, hell Lancaster, Pennsylvania does it. Our parking here is terrible in NYC and JC. There is alot that could be done to alleviate the issue. Better permitting based on apartment type, vehicle limits based on family size, incentives to get rid of your car, etc.

I'm also a fan of dropping notes on peoples windshields for parking like morons. I have one on my block as well who is notorious for driving down the side of the street recklessly and parking wherever he likes. He actually backed into my car the night I brought it home from the dealership....hard.

So, back to my original statement. What can be done? Letter writing, community meetings? I am willing to do what I have to do to at least get this matter looked into.

Municipal parking lots would be great, BUT, everyone is out to make the big bucks. What would make more money-- selling to developers (who could care less about the impact on the infrastructure) or creating a much-needed parking lot?

Posted on: 2007/8/9 22:02

Re: Parking problems getting out of hand

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2007/8/9 18:39
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2007/8/10 19:31
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What about municipal parking lots?

Yes! This is more like it. Why not municipal parking lots? Works in many other cities. Philadelphia does it, Baltimore does it, hell Lancaster, Pennsylvania does it. Our parking here is terrible in NYC and JC. There is alot that could be done to alleviate the issue. Better permitting based on apartment type, vehicle limits based on family size, incentives to get rid of your car, etc.

I'm also a fan of dropping notes on peoples windshields for parking like morons. I have one on my block as well who is notorious for driving down the side of the street recklessly and parking wherever he likes. He actually backed into my car the night I brought it home from the dealership....hard.

So, back to my original statement. What can be done? Letter writing, community meetings? I am willing to do what I have to do to at least get this matter looked into.

Posted on: 2007/8/9 21:49

Re: Parking problems getting out of hand
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2007/7/2 22:44
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2012/10/8 4:55
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I agree the parking is awful. First I don't think that we should prohibit any resident from a parking pass, regardless of what type of apartment they live in.

Secondly, I don't understand why they don't put lines down to mark the parking spots. Then you don't have some idiot taking up four spots. They have them everywhere down at the shore and you can at least know what is a spot and it keeps things "neater".

It is only going to get worse, and I mean MUCH MUCH WORSE.

What about municipal parking lots?

Posted on: 2007/8/9 21:40

Re: Parking problems getting out of hand
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2004/11/26 15:57
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Re/ the website ---- I love it !!

Re/ the key along the door --- charming in theory, but I'm not the passive-agressive type! If I have a genuine beef with someone, my first step is to go right to their front door if it comes to that.

Be careful in general though because, as you say, this can be because of vehicles coming and going.

Don't be naive. Coming out to "readjust" after an adjacent car leaves is as intentional as it gets. He's notorious on this block (for the parking, as well as for dumping his trash in front of other people's houses late at night).

Posted on: 2007/8/9 21:35

Re: Parking problems getting out of hand
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2006/5/10 16:36
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Hit his car on purpose every time he does this, if you press the corner of your bumper against a side panel of his car, he will get dented without a scratch on yours.

Be careful in general though because, as you say, this can be because of vehicles coming and going. In fact, I think the vast majority of cases arise this way, there can't be many wankers like that about. Or can there?


Posted on: 2007/8/9 21:28

Re: Parking problems getting out of hand
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2007/8/1 19:34
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Leave him a little note under his wiper asking him politely if he could avoid doing this, or if this doesnt work, walk by his car a little too close with your keys out

Posted on: 2007/8/9 21:27

Re: Parking problems getting out of hand
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2007/4/17 20:50
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djh101 wrote:
Im tired of seeing people park so awkwardly that nobody can use the space in back or the front.

In all fairness, as other cars come and go, someone who has actually parked correctly and considerately can end up looking like they f*cked up or intentionally took two spots. So, not all cases are intentionally inconsiderate parking.

But, you're absolutely right ---- there are many, many who do it intentionally either just to be a jerk or because God forbid some other car should come to close to their vehicle.

I have a guy on my block who does this very thing --- he'll come home and park himself smack-dab in the middle of an open space that is easily 2+ cars long. I know it's intentional because even when he's forced to park "normally" and a car in front of him or behind him leaves, he'll actually come out of the house and move his car a half-space (forward or back) to regain his buffer zone.

He's such a colossal a**hole that I would actually post his address, but anyone on my block who knows who I am certainly also knows who I'm talking about.

Posted on: 2007/8/9 21:27

Re: Parking problems getting out of hand
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2004/11/26 15:57
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Im tired of seeing people park so awkwardly that nobody can use the space in back or the front.

In all fairness, as other cars come and go, someone who has actually parked correctly and considerately can end up looking like they f*cked up or intentionally took two spots. So, not all cases are intentionally inconsiderate parking.

But, you're absolutely right ---- there are many, many who do it intentionally either just to be a jerk or because God forbid some other car should come to close to their vehicle.

I have a guy on my block who does this very thing --- he'll come home and park himself smack-dab in the middle of an open space that is easily 2+ cars long. I know it's intentional because even when he's forced to park "normally" and a car in front of him or behind him leaves, he'll actually come out of the house and move his car a half-space (forward or back) to regain his buffer zone.

He's such a colossal a**hole that I would actually post his address, but anyone on my block who knows who I am certainly also knows who I'm talking about.

Posted on: 2007/8/9 21:20

Re: Parking problems getting out of hand
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2006/4/10 13:29
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2024/5/15 1:51
From Mars
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Oh, you also want to get rid of the 2 hour parking. That's a bad idea too, unless you're willing to have more streets with metered. People come to do things in the downtown during the day, for less than two hours, and there wouldn't be enough metered spots. Non-downtowners actually do use the city parks. Should they too have to pay to use city facilities? Or the library? Or then there are the businesses that aren't near main business corridors. They need their non-downtown patrons to park nearby. Let's say there is a pet store on Erie street, 5 blocks from the meters on Newark Avenue. Their customers want to be able to park closer to the store than that or will go elsewhere. So then does the city install three or four meters on Erie? I sure as hell hope not.

Posted on: 2007/8/9 21:07

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