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Re: Food Pantry in JC?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I see people lining up at the basement door of St. Mary's (2/Erie) and leaving with bags of groceries. I think it is Monday.

Posted on: 2007/9/19 21:50

Re: ox restaurant
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Just can't stay away


jennymayla wrote:
But how on earth do you pronounce it? "Oh Ex"? Or, gasp, "ox"? Or do we just call it "hugs and kisses"?

Speaking of which...
who do I have to sleep with to get me a JC Whole Foods?

1. We will pronounce in Auch (soft X) - in the hope that the menu features some Gascon dishes
If we pronounced it OH EX and the food was poor, people would soon call it OH EX LAX
If we pronounce it Ox - people will anticipate tough meat and slow service
If we pronounce it Hugs and Kisses all the macho people would refrain.

2. You could sleep with me - no guarantee - but I have some ideas

Posted on: 2007/9/18 11:44

Re: ox restaurant
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Just can't stay away

Raise your hand if you ever expected to see Bottarga on a Newark Avenue menu.

Any indication that OX will serve lunch?

Posted on: 2007/9/17 15:53

Re: Jersey City developers bet on Newark Avenue - Building boom moves inland
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Just can't stay away

Just out of curiosity - did the new plaza at Grove PATH retain its old name - Fitzgerald/Patoya (???)

Posted on: 2007/9/14 20:48

Re: NJ transit to build pedestrian bridge from Hoboken to Newport
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Just can't stay away


ianmac47 wrote:
...a trans Hudson Pedestrian Bridge linking Jersey City to Manhattan would be modernity encapsulated, a monument to the new Jersey City, to technology, a link to the future.

Modernity encapsulated would be a giant FAX machine (invented in JC) that turn me into a telephone signal and reassemble me at my office in Manhattan, if it could iron my shirt and shine my shoes as part of the deal that would be modernity encapsulated with truffles.

Posted on: 2007/9/13 21:45

Re: NJ transit to build pedestrian bridge from Hoboken to Newport
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Just can't stay away

Just out of curiosity: where would a pedestrian bridge - let's say crossing the river at Exchange Place - have to start on the Jersey side in order to not be too steep to be unwalkable? Where would it end on the NYC side? Wouldn't the NJ side have to be surrounded by Park N'Walks to really dent PATH crowding? Wouldn't a pedestrian bridge have to be ADA compliant, therefore making it almost necessary to build a people mover rather than a walkway (this would also allow for a steeper gradiant). Wouldn't it just be easier to make one lane of the Holland Tunnel a pedestrian walkway, isolated from the fumes and assorted other dangers.

With respect to those who question the chintziness of our current public building habits think about:
The PATH terminal at WTC (Calatrava has replaced Fidel Castro as my favorite Marrano because of this project, btw).
The Fulton Street Subway project
The proposed Gare de Moynihan
The (lavish) new entrance to the Brooklyn Museum
just four off the top of my head....

Posted on: 2007/9/13 20:59

Re: Fulop: Let's tighten our ethics rules
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Just can't stay away

If reforms fail in the City Council is there a means to put them on the ballot?

Posted on: 2007/9/8 11:18

Re: Skinner's Loft... delish!
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Just can't stay away

Just walked by (9:30ish) place was jammed. People in LITM and folks in the Thai place, too - looks like Da Avenue might be toddling before long.

I had lunch at Skinner's Loft today and it was fine - staff was doing a good job.

Maggie has a club sandwich on the menu made with chicken. I love club sandwiches, but ever since that Seinfeld episode turkey puts me to sleep if I eat it at lunch. I am really happy about this minor innovation.

Posted on: 2007/9/7 2:03

Re: The Financial Times: Jersey City -- You live where?
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Just can't stay away


alb wrote:
lothar wrote:
Geez, how many times have I read something like this? /quote]

I think the article is a little silly.

To the extent that it might be true: personally, I think it's great if snobs who live in Snobville have to pay a snob surcharge that I don't have to pay.

To the extent that the argument is fictional: the guy who wrote the column probably had write a column on short notice, and this was something he could write very quickly without exactly libeling anyone or getting anyone riled enough to look into the origins of the article. One question might be whether any of the anonymous acquaintances the guy refers to actually exist.

My snob friends who live in snobvilles - Summit, Chatham, Scarsdale, etc. pay proportionately less in taxes than I do, based on size, value, condition of house, etc. In turn they send their kids to the neighborhood schools without having to run all over town to make sure their kids will be going to a school that by suburban standards is okay at best in terms of teacher qualification, student accomplishment and physical condition of building. I have never heard any of them voice concern about the physical safety of their kids. All of the towns have summer programs and community recreation facilities that JC lacks. Their trash is picked up by collectors who clean up after themselves and their downtowns don't have 3 feet of grass growing around the lampposts, nor are the bases of the lampposts stuffed with garbage. In short, they are getting their money's worth.

Add the cost of private school to a young JC family's tax bill and it looks like they are the one's paying a surcharge.

I should add that I have never been the victim of "you live where?" snobism. I have, however, often been appalled at people's poor knowledge of local geography- before JC became known - the usual response was - wow, you must get up at 4am to get here (lower manhattan). And now I am the victim of ediface envy - many of us old timers who bought early and often find ourselves embarrassingly wealthy, at least on paper and until the deluge.

Posted on: 2007/9/2 13:04

Edited by loucheNJ on 2007/9/2 13:47:16

Re: The Financial Times: Jersey City -- You live where?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I think that posting articles like this strengthens the position that GP should continue in his role as JCLists media watchdog. My only regret is that I will not have the pleasure of reading the article when FT shows up on my stoop this morning.

The only thing I question is the statement about DTJC going from upperclass in one generation - except for the area around VVP, I always thought the area was middle class and working class Euro ethnics and their descendants until the mid 60s.

Posted on: 2007/9/1 11:59

Re: Hudson Square
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Just can't stay away

Can the city require that a supermarket remain in operation continuously throughout the redevelopment?

Will I be called a commie for even suggesting this type of government interference with private property?

Posted on: 2007/8/31 16:42

Re: CAMPING and using public transportation to get there
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Just can't stay away

Metro North has a stop called Appalachian Trail, that and the ones north of it are pretty much into the country - you might try calling them and seeing what's around there.

If you take a yellow cab fromtrain to a campsite, please post a picture of your arrival.

Posted on: 2007/8/30 20:00

Re: Economic Diversity
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Just can't stay away


Dwntownguy wrote:
A few years back HUD had a program that gave the renters of Low Income Housing the opportunity to use their rent money to buy their Rental Property. This program accomplished two objectives:

Sense of Ownership

Seed money for future Economic Independence.

We need to return to that program.


I believe this was a major housing policy in Britain when Baroness Thatcher was PM. Anyone know how well it worked.

Posted on: 2007/8/30 17:30

Economic Diversity
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Just can't stay away

Lots of posts here about problems stemming from people living in rent controlled apartments and public housing. Lots of posts saying that one of the things people like about downtown is its diversity. I think that downtown is about as ethnically, regionally, linguistically, religiously diverse as one can imagine. In general people perceive this as enhancing the quality of life - tossing them together with interesting people, etc. No social intervention beyond creating a sense of reasonable safety and keeping city and transit services going was needed to achieve this.

Economic diversity probably takes more work - or social policy. Rent controlled apartments provide low cost housing, but do not always yield enough revenue to maintain buildings (if we are to believe owners) and they are not reserved for low income people - anyone who finds one can rent one. Like public housing they are perceived to be hotbeds of crime and social dysfunction. My guess is that the residents of these buildings bear the biggest brunt of the crimes and annoyances caused by a small % of their neighbors.

My question is how do we achieve economic diversity and also cut down on crime and behaviors that diminish quality of life. Years ago, I believe Andrew Sarris (I may be wrong) wrote a long article in the VV which essentially said petty criminals would take advantage of social integration and that crime would increase. Shortly thereafter I was looking at an apartment in Buffalo, NY and was assured by the landlord that if a black man ever showed up on the corner of Lexington and Norwood, a cop would be waiting for him by the time he got to Utica. We've come a long way.

Just interested in others' ideas and thoughts - not creative name calling and labelling. One thing that I would be interested to know about is the housing fund developers contribute to and how that is being used.

Posted on: 2007/8/30 13:39

Re: New York Times: Jersey City Landlords Prosper in New York’s Shadow
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Just can't stay away

I think the city should be holding seminars for people transfering to JC to provide information and assistance on moving here. The more walk to work or lightrail to work commuters we have the less cars on the roads and less people on PATH, and more people supporting local businesses and paying NJ taxes. PATH should be asked to participate.

Employers should encourage this too - locals are probably more on time and less unwilling to stay late if they have a quick commute home.

Posted on: 2007/8/29 11:52

Re: Wayne Street Issues
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Just can't stay away


Brandegee wrote:
If this area of Jersey City is going to improve, the old-school Jersey landlords need to sell or die off. This sounds cold, but I really could care less which comes first.

Maybe no one wants to buy buildings covered by rent control.

Anyone know what the procedure is when you buy a rent controlled building and want to convert it to condos? My guess is that it takes years and involves buying out or relocating each tenant.

Posted on: 2007/8/27 21:00

Re: Cafe Nia
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Just can't stay away

Decided to have lunch there before someone reported that their brother-in-law knows someone who hallucinated eating there and thought that the pepper shakers were not authentic.

Alas - they are closed. Sign says open for bfast on Sunday.

Anyone know what kind of food they will have? Is the name Nia a clue?

Wound up with #59 at Vietnamese place nearby. Just like grandmama used to make.

Posted on: 2007/8/25 17:45

Re: Wayne Street Issues
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Just can't stay away

The guys who are bothering people are the sons and grandsons (or maybe daughters) of the people who were doing the same siht 25 years ago. I really thought that when the tan brick apt building got fixed up (south side of street) the block would get better.

Why You-tube? Surely not to humiliate them - I don't think they would care. Maybe as a way of warning people off Wayne St. and downtown for a while - how do you publicize that? When realtors and landlords start getting hurt maybe action will be taken.

Posted on: 2007/8/24 23:13

Wooden Stoops
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Just can't stay away

Is the historic district commission now requiring stoops that need replacement to be replaced with wood? Two going up on Erie between 6&7 - can that just be a coincidence? Adds a pleasant bit of whimsy to the streetscape.

BTW, how come no one posts any juicy Dan Wrearden (?) stories anymore?

Posted on: 2007/8/23 17:48

Re: So much for all of you folks who predicted a JC/NYC RE Crash
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Just can't stay away

I guess my question is, how much a part of the Manhattan market is JC - are we similar to the desirable areas of Brooklyn? Notice that the words speculation and flipping never appear in the article - would they in a similar article on JC.

Posted on: 2007/8/20 23:20

Re: looking for good dentist aroud van vorst park, grove Path
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Just can't stay away


ripple wrote:
I recently went to Dr. Paul Lustiger's office at Exchange Place (I know, not VVP, but if you have functioning legs the walk is no big deal). No complaints whatsoever, and the practice seemed to be very up-to-date.

Here's another vote for Lustiger - if you see him, offer your condolences on the death of the archbishop.

Posted on: 2007/8/19 20:02

Re: Oceans rising: move to high ground?
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Just can't stay away

"But the way the city gives the finger to the neighborhoods when it comes to sewers is a pointer of where it's going to go."

Brewster, you and Mrs B. aren't alone in having these conversations, I talk to myself about that often, especially during thunderstorms. That you point out that the neighborhoods (see above) are not being helped has occurred to me too. Maybe the city wants the historic districts gone - flood 'em out, declare buildings structurally compromised, screw 'em on compensation and turn all of JC below the Palisade into highrises - then we'll fix the sewers.

Projects like the Lower Thames flood project and the work that The Netherlands has done are nationally and regionally run. The same would have to occur here, so maybe there is a chance for concern and competency and a sense of proaction.

I used to live in a town that is considered to have one of the best flood prevention program in the US - Davenport, Iowa - know what they do?

Posted on: 2007/8/17 12:11

Re: New Condo Complex in Jersey City Sets Record for Penthouse Sales
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Just can't stay away


MrWolf wrote:
Exactly. This is definitely a private buyer who was probably quoted a similar number in NYC for half the space. You're going to see a lot more of these types of purchases in the coming months/years. It's a testament to JC coming into its own as a viable alternative to NYC.

I think you're right - my first guess was Corzine or someone like that. I know it is hard for some to understand, but not everyone buys a primary residence with appreciation in mind - investments are for appreciation your home is for you and your family to enjoy.

Posted on: 2007/8/15 20:53

Re: Fueled By Seller's Market, Corporate Housing Providers Unveil NYC / Jersey City Plans
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Just can't stay away

Match - I assume that these apartments are in the rental part of the building - not sure how involved renters would be in neighborhood development whether transient or lessees. The building also has condos - 60, I think. Those are the people who might have a more vested interest in neighborhood concerns.

Not sure about corporate policy re: reimbursement for returning home on weekends. When I did it, it was only once a month - otherwise you ate the expense. Family Friendly policies have probably improved since then.

Posted on: 2007/8/14 14:43

Re: New Condo Complex in Jersey City Sets Record for Penthouse Sales
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Just can't stay away

When did the word "community" become a synonym for "building?"

Posted on: 2007/8/14 14:31

Re: Fueled By Seller's Market, Corporate Housing Providers Unveil NYC / Jersey City Plans
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Just can't stay away

Don't you think it will be good for local restaurants and services like dry cleaners, especially if these folks are working on the waterfront rather than commuting into Manhattan.

I've noticed big CORT trucks at Grove Pointe the last few days - aren't they a furniture rental company? Is it usual for accommodations as described in the article to rent furniture?

Posted on: 2007/8/14 14:28

Re: Embankment sale invalid
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Just can't stay away

"I am pleased the Surface Transportation Board ruled in favor of the city and the community this week," Mayor Jerramiah Healy said. "Their decision removes a major obstacle to the city and the community's goal to turn this embankment into green space and a light rail line to the city's Downtown area."

Is a light rail down the embankment or along 6th street a community goal?

Posted on: 2007/8/13 12:58

Re: Sawadee Thai Restaurant
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Just can't stay away


Pennington wrote:

caps wrote:
based on the most recent comments, it appears molly is right...........

This is every new JC restaurant thread:
"I heard this place is opening." "Can't wait." "What's the menu going to be?" "Anyone know?" "Went there last night. AMAZING!" "Such a great addition to the neighborhood!" "Where is this place?" "Oh my God I'm going tomorrow!" "What are the hours?" "This place is so tasty. WE haven't had this since the last time WE were in (fill in blank)." "Oh my God I can't wait to try it!" "Where is this place?" "Tried it. A little expensive." "WE tried it last nite. Delivery. A little slow. And cold." "A little expensive." "Ordered delivery. Who are they trying to fool?" "This isn't food." "Service slow." "THERE'S NO ROOM FOR KIDS OR STROLLERS!" "Very expensive." "This place blows." "I heard this place closed." "Why?"

Post of the year easily. Funny and sad at the same time, but 100% true.

You left out my favorite: It's not authentic -i.e. it doesn't taste like my grannies or the vegetables were not fertilized with night soil like they are in ......

Thanks for the post - made for my first laugh of the morning

Posted on: 2007/8/11 13:11

Re: parking
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Just can't stay away


freedom wrote:
How about home owners being able to paint your LIC#
on the curb, and that is your spot from 6pm to 6am 7 days
a week. this would really make sence after a reval, and
our taxes double or triple. Resident taxpayers should come

I've always thought that was a good idea - I would just add that homeowners w/o cars should be able to rent their curbs or have them available for guests or workmen.

Posted on: 2007/8/10 12:39

Re: What's with the house on 3rd and Erie?
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Just can't stay away

You can start a list of buildings like that:

the one on Erie between 6&7 that hasn't had a stoop in years.

the first one on Erie between 1st &2nd that was supposed to have installed architecturally appropriate doors, but instead chose the bank vault look.

the one on 5th between J&E - under renovation for years

All of these are in historic districts, btw

Posted on: 2007/8/10 11:38

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