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Re: Our long civic nightmare is over! They are re-paving Newark!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

There is a re-election bid in process, so I think we can all connect the dots. This is one of several transparent displays that are supposed to remind us of how wonderfully the current administration performs!

Oh, I'm totally sold -- how about all of you?

Posted on: 2012/9/11 0:31

Re: Downtown: Jersey City cop injured when cruiser crashes into parked car
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Was it a case of being in D when he thought he was in R? Was it a medical issue? A compensation attempt? A personal beef with the Audi owner? A brain fart?

For a Jersey City police officer? Any of the above is freakin' possible!

Oh, and for the JCPD, we forgot "roid rage" and/or major psychological issues on the list of feasible causes.

Posted on: 2012/3/1 20:15

Re: Added Tax Assessment
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Sorry -- I was interchanging the terms. I realize the reval comes after the citywide visitations.

But do they send you any notice of roughly when they would be coming to make a property visit?

Posted on: 2011/10/24 15:32

Re: Added Tax Assessment
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Anyone else not get assessed yet?

I have not had a reval yet on a rental property in the heights. Beyond the city-wide notifcation last year of the intended reval, I have seen absolutely nothing.

Is there supposed to be a subsequent mailing telling you roughly when to expect a visit?

Posted on: 2011/10/24 12:55

Re: Taqueria
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Now they are no longer serving Tecate. Thanks jclist for ruining it for the rest of us.

A nice mark-up item ---- so with any luck, it is costing them some noticeable revenue.

These owners are arrogant a-holes.

Posted on: 2011/10/7 0:59

Re: Car Accident on 3rd & Erie - - Be Careful!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

.......but the lunatic drivers will still ignore them or roll through them while somebody is waiting at the curb waiting to cross. 9 times out of 10 they'll have New York plates.

In my experience, 9 times out of 10 it is a marked JCPD cruiser doing it.

Posted on: 2011/4/13 16:09

Re: Mayor to give State of the City Address
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy will give a "State of the City" address next month that will outline what he believes are his top accomplishments as mayor.

Then it ought to be a pretty short speech.

Posted on: 2011/2/26 0:21

Re: Resolution to the Gross Behavior by JC Police Officer Jessica Melendez
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

At the appointed time in the afternoon, I showed up at the precinct. Officer Melendez along with several of her fellow officers were loitering around the front desk.

I'd be curious as to what time this was relative to the normal shift change. If it wasn't shift change, then these illiterates should have been out doing their jobs (whatever that means for the JCPD) and not coming back in a group during the shift for intimidation detail.

Posted on: 2010/10/21 10:52

Re: What is wrong with the people driving in JC?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

People know that they can drive like knuckleheads here because there is virtually no traffic enforcement.

Just this morning at the infamous intersection of 8th & Erie ---- I see a marked JCPD cruiser on Erie approach the four-way stop just as a Honda/Toyota type vehicle on 8th also approaches the intersection ----- doesn't even make an attempt to stop but rather just rolls right through at about 10 MPH in plain sight of the JCPD.

You'd think that writing a ticket wouldn't be any easier, right? Throw on the overhead lights, stop the guy further down on 8th, and start writing, yes?

Evidently not. The JCPD couldn't have given two sh*ts and continued straight on their merry way. Truly mindblowing.

Posted on: 2010/10/13 16:51

Re: UPS driver relieved of his shirt by manager after his arrest outside Downtown JC police station
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

And when exactly in my obervations did I belittle any of my neighbors?

I know you're not talking about JCPD members when you refer to "neighbors" since so scarcely few of them actually live here.

But back to my opening question of when I belittled my neighbors --- please enlighten all of us.

Posted on: 2010/10/3 3:47

Re: UPS driver relieved of his shirt by manager after his arrest outside Downtown JC police station
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Blah blah blah, wahhh wahhhhh, blah blah. Blah, blah blah. Wahhhh.

Clever and eloquent as your retort is, there is great validity to my observations and to those that share them.

It's a matter of time before one of these head cases in a JCPD uniform --- either rolling through the aforementioned stops signs, or failing to yield to the aforementioned pedestrians, and/or talking on his/her aforementioned cell phone --- actually hits and injures someone.

The resulting lawsuit against the city would be substantial ---- and the financial settlement would be ultimately underwritten by the taxpayers (city corporation insurance coverage notwithstanding).

Assuming you actually are a homeowner and not a renter, this should be a legitimate concern to you.

Posted on: 2010/10/3 2:02

Re: UPS driver relieved of his shirt by manager after his arrest outside Downtown JC police station
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

The most astounding part of this story is that the JCPD actually got off their fat lazy asses to write the guy for impeding traffic and for double parking ---- two things routinely done in this city with virtually no enforcement or penalty.

Oh wait --- it's usually the marked JCPD cars doing these things ---- I mean when they're not rolling through stop signs, failing to yield for pedestrians, and/or continually talking on their cell phones.

Posted on: 2010/10/2 16:18

Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I can't wait to get the f@%# out of this city.

Posted on: 2010/9/30 14:15

Re: Above the Law
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

The funniest sight of my day (yesterday) was one of JCPD's finest TEXTING on his blackberry while driving one of the little police buggies.

Posted on: 2010/8/11 15:42

Re: Is Hamilton Market (10th & Grove) closing?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Perhaps I am biased, but I don't think they were getting that many people (if any) from Newport so they were really serving Hamilton Park.

You're totally correct. Who the heck from Newport would schlep their way through the mall to 10th and Marin to this store when the ShopRite as well as Target (with the new cold grocery section) is a closer walk? 99% of the people from Newport probably never knew this place existed.

I would also add that 99% of the people from Newport probably don't venture any further west than the mall ----- not even for the hallowed grounds of Hamilton Park! They have a waterfront area as well as a walkway to Hoboken right outside their front doors.

Posted on: 2010/6/24 3:04

Re: Former Deputy Mayor Leona Beldini Sentenced to Three Years
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Ironic for me that I just saw our friendly neighborhood felon Leona in person for the first time about a week and a half ago. She sat a couple tables away from me at Renato's.

There will be no hot antipasto in prison, sweetie.

God riddance.

Posted on: 2010/6/15 2:03

Re: Journal Square: Two men, two women shot in Marion Gardens Housing Complex __ "who the f--- is y'all?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Under the Healy Administration the criminals have become comfortable in Jersey City.

Sadly true! Healy was just quoted when the federal grant of $9.7M to rehab the A. Harry Moore Housing came through ----- something to the effect of "having another housing project that we can be proud of."

Yes indeed --- we should all be proud of our housing projects! Go crawl back into your bottle, Mr. Mayor.

Then-Mayor Wilson Goode of Philadelphia had the right idea vis-a-vis the MOVE projects in West Philly back in '85. One well-landed incendiary device solves a great deal of problems in one fell swoop.

Posted on: 2010/6/7 19:33

Re: The Hamilton Inn
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Haven't had a chance to dine yet, but I did stop in for a couple of drafts. Love the interior and the energy.

But $16.00 for two medium-to-decent brand drafts?

This isn't Tribeca.

Posted on: 2010/6/4 15:59

recommedation for tub refinish/reglaze
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

To any who have done this, I'm looking for your recommendations of someone to refinish/reglaze a bathtub.

Just getting a new tub is certainly cheaper, but this one is worth keeping and refinishing.

Telling me that someone is NOT good is just as valuable information as someone that you would endorse. I'm open for all feedback.


Posted on: 2010/5/11 21:15

Re: Jersey City cop.
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Does anyone actually believe for a second that "carpetbaggertil718" is really a cop?

Sounds like someone who couldn't make it into the academy (or did and later flushed out) and now sits at home listening to the police scanner and wearing some badge he found on Ebay. What a douche.

And if you are actually JCPD, then chances are you're a double-douche.

Posted on: 2010/5/7 2:27

Re: City To Conduct First Property Revaluation Since 1988
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

It?s interesting ---- the Governor Christie is currently proposing a 2.5% cap on annual property tax increases.

Reported from the statewide meeting of mayors with Christie today in Atlantic City:

"Christie will propose legislation next week (for the upcoming November ballot) for a constitutional amendment that institutes the cap. If legislators pass the ballot question and if it?s approved by voters, municipalities will have to hold their property tax growth to 2.5% a year unless voters overrule it by referendum. Under Christie?s proposal, if a town raises property taxes less than the capped level one year, it will be able to bank those savings and exceed the cap in future years if necessary."

What?s ambiguous, however, is what this is actually means. Does it mean that no individual homeowner is to see an increase of more than 2.5%? Or does it mean that the municipality may not increase its total billable tax revenue by more than 2.5%? In the case of the latter, some individual homeowners could still see a substantial increase under a revaluation as long as the total city-wide ?tax receivables? do not exceed 2.5% from the previous fiscal year. Of course, others would simultaneously stay the same or see decreases, which is the expected result of revaluations.

Anyway, it would be great if it was the first explanation (that no individual homeowner is to see an increase of more than 2.5%), but I?m not optimistic.

Posted on: 2010/4/29 21:42

Re: Parkside Bistro - Hamilton Park
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

There last night for the first time ---- salad ingredients were very fresh; the entrees were good and came out piping hot; and obviously all priced right.

Since it's BYOB, the only constructive observation I would offer is that they ought to offer something for those who walk in with white wine to be able to keep it chilled. This obviously isn't fine dining, so free-standing ice buckets would be out of place. But there are those inexpensive ceramic-type bottle holders (I'm sure there's a fancy name for them) that can be kept in the freezer and used as needed.

Maybe they have them and server just forgot. Maybe they don't have the freezer room. It's no biggie.

But we'll be back for sure (but with room-temp red!).

Posted on: 2010/4/26 17:17

More taxpayer dollars hard at work.........
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

My original question was going to be: "Can someone please explain the merits of these blue and white mini-sweepers, seeing as the regular sweepers are out and about four days a week?"

But let's put that aside for a moment. One such mini-sweeper is often around downtown (municipal tag MG64144), and many more times than not I have seen it just sitting and idling with the same driver chatting on the phone, taking a nap, etc. I kid you not on the nap.

This morning's episode at 8th and Jersey lasted OVER THIRTY MINUTES ---- idling away, on his blackberry and sipping his coffee.

Yes, our vigilant city employees deserve scheduled breaks, but the simple coincidence of this guy always being seen "on break" is just too uncanny.

I'd put a photo up if I knew how to upload it from my desktop. I'm not that savvy yet with these things.

Posted on: 2010/4/16 14:42

Re: Incident on 7th Street Last Night
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

well, I would think they should use other resources to help them solve the crime. I am sure those organizations have technology that the JCPD doesn't.

Precisely my point, sweetheart. Before you start pinning gold stars on the illustrious JCPD, keep foremost in your mind that it doesn't act as an entity unto itself in major cases as the carjacking murders.

Posted on: 2010/4/12 0:56

Re: Incident on 7th Street Last Night
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

The JCPD did just catch the three people who shot the young couple over a car. Maybe we shouldn't be so quick to judge.

Just to keep it real --- the JCPD had the critical help of the the NJ State Police and the US Marshal Service in making those arrests possible.

Left only to the JCPD's own resources and abilities, who knows if the arrests would have been made.

Posted on: 2010/4/11 23:58

Re: Bergen Lafayette: Couple slain in botched carjacking
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Forced sterilization would be a blessing. Sadly, we can't travel back in time!

Posted on: 2010/4/9 21:33

Re: Parking Permits and Rules
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Just to streamline headaches, when I'm renewing my own resident permit, I typically pick up about ten visitor permits which will last me the year.

Tomorrow is going to be that delightful annual day, so I just wanted to verify........

Are the visitor parking permits still $3 each or have they gone up in the past year?

Thanks in advance.

Posted on: 2010/4/7 19:52

Re: The Hamilton Inn
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

To Sad Moment, I am a patron who lives in HP, not the owner. I did meet the new owner who is a great guy, invested alot of money into a business which has been open for one day and is subjected to aholes who are professional critics, the same happened when The Embankment opened and they never recovered. I also frequented when Maggie had it, the place was dirty, unkept , with horrible service, decent food, NO MUSIC, and NO TV"S to watch a game, and if she was doing great, which she wasn't , she would have kept it. So Sad Moment stick to politics and give someone who took a risk in this economy, in Jersey City, a helping hand .

As the old saying goes, free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it, but here?s some free advice anyway for ?mattm????

Whatever your affiliation with Hamilton Inn, you?re never going to successfully grind any axes with this crowd. This is hardly the forum for defending what doesn?t need to be defended. People?s reviews will be whatever they are --- and quite frankly I don?t think that the review by ?tommyc_37? was out of line. The three biggies --- food, surroundings, and service ---- got above-average marks, which is pretty darn good for opening night!

If you are the owner, I would invite you to simply judge any and all reviews at face value and make adjustments in your operations as you wish ---- or as you wish not to. This blog is hardly full of rocket scientists, Rhodes scholars, or people who are going to split the atom anytime soon. Most of the people here couldn?t count their balls and get the same number twice (and that becomes so much truer based on the higher number of posts!). Nevertheless, these are the current patrons and the potential patrons of your establishment, so their opinions matter (to varying degrees) if you want them to spend money.

If indeed you are simply a patron who lives in HP and who has met the owner (as you claim to be), be assured that you are doing the owner a colossal disservice by engaging in the reactionary way that you have thus far ---- by being overly-defensive, by referring to a couple of reviews as ?aholes who are professional critics? and by taking a back-handed swipe at Maggie?s operation.

The fact is that options are woefully scarce on this end of town for a decent place to go. Coupled with the fact that there is a respectable amount of coin to be spent by people in this neighborhood, it?s the perfect storm for someone to really cultivate a loyal clientele for what could become the ?go to? place. Personally, I would absolutely want the most candid feedback in real-time that I could get if I owned and operated such an establishment --- even if that meant little review cards on the table for people to fill out for the first month or two of operations.

No one here would discount or dismiss someone taking a risk in this economy (your phrase from your post) to start such a business ---- and no one in their right mind would want to see it fail! Everyone in this neighborhood and beyond wants a new restaurant/bar option, and certainly no one wants to see another empty store front. By virtue of the fact that people share their candid reviews can be proof-positive that they actually do give a sh*t.

The truth is that the people here don?t have to be the ?professional critics? that you referenced because they already have an even greater credential ---- these are people who will be spending their money in this establishment! Their opinions matter whether you like it or not.

I would encourage you to see the early feedback here as a blessing and not a curse. Again, if you are actually the owner, then you?ve chosen the wrong business because you can?t be this thin-skinned about a few peripheral points of criticism like the decibel level of the music and the need for a few more beer selections.

And by the way, the current status of the Embankment has nothing to do with early reviews on this blog. The Embankment has continued to flounder because it has some of the worst service to be experienced anywhere --- a situation that they have not improved even after seeing the grilling it got here.

See? If they had only listened to the early candid reviews! Don?t make the same mistake of hubris.

Posted on: 2010/4/3 2:41

Re: Drivers Must Come to Full Stop at NJ Crosswalks
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

sinik wrote: I hope you drive less angry than you blog

I hope you walk with more awareness than you debate. How does one cross the street with their head lodged in their ass anyway?

Posted on: 2010/4/2 12:57

Re: Drivers Must Come to Full Stop at NJ Crosswalks
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

You guys have no clue. I have been 50% or more across the crosswalk (with the lights in my favor) and had drivers turn into the street I was crossing, without looking, causing me to take evasive action.

I don?t think anyone was absolving idiot drivers ---- but there are equally ample times when it?s a careless pedestrian. While yours may indeed have been the case of the former and not the latter, your individual experience is not the gold standard. It?s not always all about you.

Some of you people clearly dont walk much or you would have experienced something similar yourselves.

Yes, you nailed it ---- almost fifteen years in this city, and I rarely walk anywhere! Friggin' moron.

Most drivers are not driving at 25mph.

That?s absolutely correct ---- and if you take the time to re-read my words carefully, you will see that I specifically phrased it as ?EVEN AT 25mph which is the limit for most of these streets? --- I wrote that realizing that most don?t honor it; also as a subtle reminder for such drivers who may be on this blog; and also to affirm that one cannot stop on a dime even at that speed limit when a pedestrian jumps out last minute ----- your flawless adherence to pedestrian rules notwithstanding.

Posted on: 2010/4/2 2:31

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