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Re: For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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2014/3/4 22:31
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Dolomiti wrote:

hero69 wrote:
sea walls are a joke, what about pumping stations to deal with 1x a year flooding as opposed to &X every 100 years storm surge

They put in a few pumps back in 2013: ... y_installs_fourth_of.html

I have no idea whether pumps or seawalls are more effective, as I'm not a civil engineer or hydrologist. Are you? ;)

We should note, by the way, that Hoboken's city council refused to put in pumps, because of the usual NIMBY politics: ... ed_by_hoboken_city_c.html

JC might not be at the peak of efficiency, but it does seem that there is some tangible progress with flood mitigation.

Just an FYI, the pump resolution ultimately passed a few weeks later. See: ... ml#incart_related_stories

Posted on: 2015/4/28 16:03

Re: For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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Dolomiti wrote:
Hero69 asked, I found a few articles, it looks like they're making some progress, and obviously major infrastructure changes like this take years.

Hardening JC against flooding needs to happen incrementally and continuously. Checklists like the EPA helps lay the framework and that should be started now, and not be tied to money we'll not see in our lifetime. (~3 years given political "once-in-a-lifetime" storm estimates).

Posted on: 2015/4/28 15:48

Re: For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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2012/8/6 22:56
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dtjcview wrote:
Which act of god will hit first - the $2 billion funding or another Sandy?

I don't know the funding sources, but I'm guessing a chunk is federal. They may also need to have a plan in place before applying for grants. I for one am not too worried about it right now. Maybe later, if we start hearing that someone is deliberately holding up funding.

Tell you what. Why not fill in this EPA checklist on JC's behalf? Let us know how many boxes have been ticked yes.


Dude, I'm just a citizen. I don't know everything the city is doing. Hero69 asked, I found a few articles, it looks like they're making some progress, and obviously major infrastructure changes like this take years.

If you want to rake someone over the coals for moving too slow, or moving too fast, or both at the same time, or whatever, go pester Fulop. 'Cause that is most certainly not my job.

Posted on: 2015/4/28 15:11

Re: For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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2010/8/17 1:45
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MDM wrote:
The last major flood event in my time here was in the early 1990s that also flooded out the PATH when the surge flooded the Hoboken train station. This event was on a much smaller scale when compared to Sandy though.


Sandy was bad in terms of coastal flooding. Irene and the 2007 Nor'easter were worse than Sandy in terms of inland flooding in JC. All three were described as "once-in-a-lifetime". Guess our pols think JC life expectancy is 3 years.

Posted on: 2015/4/28 14:07

Re: For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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2010/7/9 11:16
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The last major flood event in my time here was in the early 1990s that also flooded out the PATH when the surge flooded the Hoboken train station. This event was on a much smaller scale when compared to Sandy though.

The previous storm to Sandy which had even greater flooding was the hurricane of 1821 (the surge flooded out Manhattan up to Canal St). Storms of that magnitude don't happen often. If Sandy had hit at a time other than a super high tide, or moved a bit East, it would have been a rather unremarkable storm. We also have an issue that all the marsh land that in the past would have absorbed a lot of the storm surge has been filled in and built upon. The water just doesn't have anywhere to go as it piles up in the bay.

The bigger issue we have is with a combined storm water / sewer system that gets overwhelmed and regularly dumps sewage into the bay. At some point, we are going to have to do like other cities (i.e. Atlanta) and build a underground surge storage system.. or some other system to hold the storm surge until it can be treated. The issue engineering wise has a solution.. the problem is figuring out how to pay for it.

Posted on: 2015/4/28 13:22

Re: For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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2010/8/17 1:45
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Dolomiti wrote:

dtjcview wrote:
Think you meant no. Hot air doesn't count.


No, I said "yes" because I meant "yes."

Any big project like this takes years just to get started. Lots of people want a piece of the action -- citizens, developers, local politicians, state and federal elected officials and bureaucrats. Then there's the environmental reviews, the inevitable NIMBY lawsuits, and on it goes.

I'd also say that if Fulop -- or any elected official, really -- declared unilaterally and by fiat that they'd start building whatever the hell they wanted 6 months after Sandy hit, people like you would be screaming bloody murder. Am I right, or am I right? Or are you saying that you actually WOULD want Fulop to do spend billions on flood mitigation, with little or no community input or any environmental reviews?

Which act of god will hit first - the $2 billion funding or another Sandy?

To be fair there has been some progress - for example - laying of bigger storm drains downtown. But we can be doing more to harden infrastructure, validating FEMA plans and maps, etc. Perhaps this is happening, but it isn't visible to us.

Tell you what. Why not fill in this EPA checklist on JC's behalf? Let us know how many boxes have been ticked yes. ... -resilience-checklist.pdf

Posted on: 2015/4/28 12:05

Re: For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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2012/8/6 22:56
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hero69 wrote:
sea walls are a joke, what about pumping stations to deal with 1x a year flooding as opposed to &X every 100 years storm surge

They put in a few pumps back in 2013: ... y_installs_fourth_of.html

I have no idea whether pumps or seawalls are more effective, as I'm not a civil engineer or hydrologist. Are you? ;)

We should note, by the way, that Hoboken's city council refused to put in pumps, because of the usual NIMBY politics: ... ed_by_hoboken_city_c.html

JC might not be at the peak of efficiency, but it does seem that there is some tangible progress with flood mitigation.

Posted on: 2015/4/28 3:20

Re: For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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2012/8/6 22:56
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dtjcview wrote:
Think you meant no. Hot air doesn't count.


No, I said "yes" because I meant "yes."

Any big project like this takes years just to get started. Lots of people want a piece of the action -- citizens, developers, local politicians, state and federal elected officials and bureaucrats. Then there's the environmental reviews, the inevitable NIMBY lawsuits, and on it goes.

I'd also say that if Fulop -- or any elected official, really -- declared unilaterally and by fiat that they'd start building whatever the hell they wanted 6 months after Sandy hit, people like you would be screaming bloody murder. Am I right, or am I right? Or are you saying that you actually WOULD want Fulop to do spend billions on flood mitigation, with little or no community input or any environmental reviews?

Posted on: 2015/4/28 3:12

Re: For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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2014/7/30 2:49
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Did they ever re-open the below ground garage at 700 Grove?
If they did, how long did it take after Sandy?

Posted on: 2015/4/28 3:00

Re: For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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2004/11/14 2:38
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Dolomiti wrote:

hero69 wrote:
has fulop made any progress in solving/mitigating the issue with flooding in jersey city..or is he more focused on keeping chains out of dtjc


There are some preliminary plans to add seawalls for JC and Hoboken. It'd cost $2 billion, so it must include federal money. However, don't expect any solutions any time soon, it takes years just to get approval, and years to build. ... wntown_from_flooding.html
sea walls are a joke, what about pumping stations to deal with 1x a year flooding as opposed to &X every 100 years storm surge

Posted on: 2015/4/28 1:28

Re: For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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2010/8/17 1:45
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Dolomiti wrote:

hero69 wrote:
has fulop made any progress in solving/mitigating the issue with flooding in jersey city..or is he more focused on keeping chains out of dtjc


There are some preliminary plans to add seawalls for JC and Hoboken. It'd cost $2 billion, so it must include federal money. However, don't expect any solutions any time soon, it takes years just to get approval, and years to build. ... wntown_from_flooding.html

Think you meant no. Hot air doesn't count.

Posted on: 2015/4/28 1:19

Re: For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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2012/8/6 22:56
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hero69 wrote:
has fulop made any progress in solving/mitigating the issue with flooding in jersey city..or is he more focused on keeping chains out of dtjc


There are some preliminary plans to add seawalls for JC and Hoboken. It'd cost $2 billion, so it must include federal money. However, don't expect any solutions any time soon, it takes years just to get approval, and years to build. ... wntown_from_flooding.html

Posted on: 2015/4/28 0:57

Re: For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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2004/11/14 2:38
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has fulop made any progress in solving/mitigating the issue with flooding in jersey city..or is he more focused on keeping chains out of dtjc

Posted on: 2015/4/28 0:08

Re: For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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2005/9/6 15:48
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KOCTEP wrote:
The worst has happened at high tide 11pm. The sewer was overwhelmed and the water started coming from underneath through rain collectors...

The surge wasn't really very high. I have to think that a good part of your problem comes from the runoff of the Turnpike spur.

Posted on: 2014/12/11 15:48

Re: For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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2011/2/16 0:26
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I remember being bummed out when we were outbid on a Bright St. condo. These types of threads are a sad reminder that it was for the best.

Posted on: 2014/12/11 12:10

Re: For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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2005/12/12 18:42
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The worst has happened at high tide 11pm. The sewer was overwhelmed and the water started coming from underneath through rain collectors. The deepest was at Center & Brooks Street. I had to cross this intersection and it was less than comfortable 12-14" for my Altima. It seemed a lot worse at the exit ramp from NJTP. Cars exit the turnpike at high speed. There was gray Corolla which aquaplaned into a divider (the driver didn't get hurt). Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Posted on: 2014/12/11 5:20

Re: For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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2004/9/15 19:03
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KOCTEP wrote:
It was a bit scary between 10am and Noon. We had a little lake at Center & Bright St. 14" inches of water in the basement :(

Very sorry to hear that -- how deep was it at the corner of Center Street & Bright? Was the flood water coming north up Center Street from the Morris Canal Area? Is that what happens? I hear it always floods over there. Here are some pictures from Hurricane Irene.

Posted on: 2014/12/11 0:04

Re: For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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2005/12/12 18:42
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From Departing Paulus Hook
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It was a bit scary between 10am and Noon. We had a little lake at Center & Bright St. 14" inches of water in the basement :(

Posted on: 2014/12/10 1:50

Re: For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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2010/8/17 1:45
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GrovePath wrote:
Where is this downtown flooding -- is this flooding around the Morris Canal area?

Some @ 18th and Marin - see ... _county.html#incart_river

Posted on: 2014/12/9 23:12

Re: For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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2008/7/3 5:49
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We had winds close to 75mph? when?

Posted on: 2014/12/9 23:05

Re: For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Where is this downtown flooding -- is this flooding around the Morris Canal area?

Posted on: 2014/12/9 21:36

For those in flood prone areas. Storm surge
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2010/7/9 11:16
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Been watching this Nor'Easter. It appears to be exceeding the forecasted intensity. We are now looking at hurricane force gusts winds and a storm surge that is starting to push into the flood zone.

Posted on: 2014/12/9 15:05

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