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Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Monroe wrote:

To get back on topic, if the mother isn't paying attention and lets her kid run amok and fall into a hole clearly cordoned off-well, it's a case of a dumbass parent, not of negligence. And the Open Space referendum that was voted in early this month will end up taking money from the LSP budget and giving it to other initiatives.

I've had a lot of dumbass workers on building sites that have successfully sued by their dumbass actions. We stick up poster, signs, train staff, provide safety gear and they still screw up and hurt themselves. Every time it has happened, they have successfully sued for negligence.

Posted on: 2014/11/29 0:57
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Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2007/10/11 3:28
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"Toddler Injured By Rock Thrown By Other Toddler, Mom Was Texting Friend"

Posted on: 2014/11/28 17:21

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2009/5/11 2:53
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So they can't fill the hole near the wall at Liberty State Park because there is no State money. I understand this. You can't buy cement if you don't have a budget. So a no-cost means of preventing unmonitored mischievous children form throwing themselves into the hole must be found. What about big rocks? Couldn't they just fill the hole with big rocks until the day the State of New Jersey comes to its senses and allows a bag of cement to be purchased? If ONLY there was a nearby supply of big rocks.......

Posted on: 2014/11/28 15:49

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2013/5/15 14:11
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I, for one, don't support tax abatements on luxury housing for rich developers (but I do for risky projects in bad neighborhoods), nor do I support taxing church buildings. But I also recognize that in the most heavily taxed state in the country taxing the highest earners even more is unfair and counterproductive.

To get back on topic, if the mother isn't paying attention and lets her kid run amok and fall into a hole clearly cordoned off-well, it's a case of a dumbass parent, not of negligence. And the Open Space referendum that was voted in early this month will end up taking money from the LSP budget and giving it to other initiatives.

Yvonne wrote:
I find it amazing that people who support tax abatements are now attacking churches, or other non-profits that have been tax exempt for years. If you want to change that, then there should be no tax abatements in JC. Historically churches have been tax exempt because they supported social programs: schools, hospitals, orphanages. They did the work of government.

Posted on: 2014/11/28 12:00

Edited by Monroe on 2014/11/28 12:16:43

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Vigilante wrote:

fat-ass-bike wrote:
JC / NJ Bridge collapse - kills 25 in peak hour traffic.

The family of the dead told that its the fault of the drivers for not noticing that the bridge was in poor state of repair

If these hypothetical drivers had driven through road barriers to get on to this mythical bridge then your analogy would work. Now? Not so much.

Is this a good enough warning or do you need a barrier too?

According to a recent report from the American Society of Civil Engineers, 651 of New Jersey?s bridges are structurally deficient, meaning they have a significant defect that requires repair. Another 1,717 are functionally obsolete, similar to the Washington state bridge, meaning their designs are unsuitable for their current use.

If it collapses while you're driving on it, it's your fault ... you are now officially warned ! ... lapse_a_warning_to_j.html

Posted on: 2014/11/28 7:16
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
JC / NJ Bridge collapse - kills 25 in peak hour traffic.

The family of the dead told that its the fault of the drivers for not noticing that the bridge was in poor state of repair

If these hypothetical drivers had driven through road barriers to get on to this mythical bridge then your analogy would work. Now? Not so much.

Posted on: 2014/11/28 3:50

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2004/6/17 2:16
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I find it amazing that people who support tax abatements are now attacking churches, or other non-profits that have been tax exempt for years. If you want to change that, then there should be no tax abatements in JC. Historically churches have been tax exempt because they supported social programs: schools, hospitals, orphanages. They did the work of government.

Posted on: 2014/11/28 1:08

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2013/5/15 14:11
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And yes, there was an 'extra' added millionaire tax that was written to expire. Not extending it isn't giving millionaires a break-you do understand that, right? And while I'm not one to think this way, many feel that the exemption of taxation for religious groups is lost revenue-should the Catholic Church continue to be exempt from, say, property tax? Many feel it is lost revenue.

Posted on: 2014/11/28 0:20

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2013/5/15 14:11
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Please show where Christie has been cutting taxes for millionaires. The millionaires in the western suburbs are paying sky high property taxes because they get little state education support, while billions goes to Newark and Jersey City. Please include real estate taxes along with income taxes when you figure out what you think people should be paying as their fair share.


Yvonne wrote:
Governor Christie has been taking money that has earmarks for special programs, e.g. oil tank removal to place in the budget while he is trying to cut taxes for millionaires. I suspect earmarks for state parks are suffering the same fate as oil tank removal program.

Posted on: 2014/11/28 0:18

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2004/6/17 2:16
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Governor Christie has been taking money that has earmarks for special programs, e.g. oil tank removal to place in the budget while he is trying to cut taxes for millionaires. I suspect earmarks for state parks are suffering the same fate as oil tank removal program.

Posted on: 2014/11/28 0:00

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2006/11/13 18:42
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JC / NJ Bridge collapse - kills 25 in peak hour traffic.

The family of the dead told that its the fault of the drivers for not noticing that the bridge was in poor state of repair

Posted on: 2014/11/27 20:43
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2004/6/17 2:16
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This corrosion by the walkway has been going on for quite some time. I understand accidents happens, but the state has not been doing maintenance as it should.

Posted on: 2014/11/27 19:56

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2006/11/13 18:42
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I'm glad that I'm not visual impaired in anyway or require some sort of device to help me walk!

I guess we shouldn't complain if we hit a pot-hole and damage our vehicles ... its our fault for not spotting it and not the hole !

When I was born and as a toddler, I had the cognitive skills of an adult. I was not a free range kid and only at the age of 21 did mom take off my child leash. Dad would do reconnaissance patrols of areas I went to for the first time to insure basic / expected standards of safety was in place.

Posted on: 2014/11/25 20:21
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2007/4/16 13:46
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I'm not a perfect parent, but I'm sorry, if this area was indeed cordoned off, the mom is definitely to blame, even considering that "accidents" and "shit" happens.

As a parent, if you see a place that people are clearly not supposed to go, you firmly tell the kid to stop once...twice...if they don't listen, then you pick them up and (fill-in-blank with appropriate disciplinary action) so next time they listen upon your first request/command.

If the girl was able to not only approach the barricade and slip through but also approach and fall into the hole, the mom is at fault for either not paying attention or not being a strong disciplinarian.

Posted on: 2014/11/25 15:01

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2008/10/23 16:11
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I agree that you cannot be protected from everything but the wasted guy in the canoe is a bad example. He created the dangerous situation himself. Had the canoe rental company not properly maintained the canoe and that led to him being injured or killed than they should be liable.
I'm not sure why everyone is so shocked by this. By your thinking why do we even have seatbelts or airbags? Hell we should get rid of all law! It can be Ferguson, wouldn't that be fun?


brewster wrote:

mwa7368 wrote:
I was recently in Liberty State Park, along the main east side walkway and was very surprised to see that many of the railings are Horizonal rather than vertical, in addition the gaps are huge. Any little kid that gets just out of the reach of a parent (5 feet, vigilante you dick!), would have no problem jumping right into the river. I'm pretty sure that this would be out of compliance with building codes if it were on a balcony or deck railing, not sure why it's ok of the waterfront.

In Hoboken's Frank Sinatra Park there's actually nothing stopping kids from walking right down to the water or falling off the edge of the amphitheater area. Why? It's reality. Life isn't a theme park. At some point you have to learn to not walk off the freakin edge of a dock.
Resized Image

The lawsuits by people who expect the world to protect them from themselves are mind blowing. A guy rented a canoe on the Delaware, got plastered, fell out and drowned. His family sued because they felt the canoe livery should have had lifeguards posted along the river. They won. Out west a guy was hiking in a national park with his kid on his shoulders and stumbled. He sued saying the TRAIL SHOULD HAVE BEEN PAVED!! This is what it's come to...

Posted on: 2014/11/25 5:01

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2004/11/6 21:13
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mwa7368 wrote:
I was recently in Liberty State Park, along the main east side walkway and was very surprised to see that many of the railings are Horizonal rather than vertical, in addition the gaps are huge. Any little kid that gets just out of the reach of a parent (5 feet, vigilante you dick!), would have no problem jumping right into the river. I'm pretty sure that this would be out of compliance with building codes if it were on a balcony or deck railing, not sure why it's ok of the waterfront.

In Hoboken's Frank Sinatra Park there's actually nothing stopping kids from walking right down to the water or falling off the edge of the amphitheater area. Why? It's reality. Life isn't a theme park. At some point you have to learn to not walk off the freakin edge of a dock.
Resized Image

The lawsuits by people who expect the world to protect them from themselves are mind blowing. A guy rented a canoe on the Delaware, got plastered, fell out and drowned. His family sued because they felt the canoe livery should have had lifeguards posted along the river. They won. Out west a guy was hiking in a national park with his kid on his shoulders and stumbled. He sued saying the TRAIL SHOULD HAVE BEEN PAVED!! This is what it's come to...

Posted on: 2014/11/25 4:53

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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She rightfully deserves it. The property owner displayed gross negligence in not properly securing a dangerous hazard, in a public park no less. I would venture to guess that the hazard was there for quite a while too. Making it that much worse. We need to hold those accountable who fail to properly maintain public areas.
Let me tell you too, it can be a lot less than that and an insurance company with settle in order to not be taken to court.
Old lady had a bag of chips fall on her head in a grocery store, claims migraines and other aliments, worth at least a couple grand just so the insurance company isn't dragged into legal costs.
It is what it is.


fat-ass-bike wrote:
with people successfully suing after falling on uneven sidewalks, this mother will be looking for a big payout!

Posted on: 2014/11/25 3:37

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2007/10/11 3:28
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Posted on: 2014/11/25 2:02

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2006/11/13 18:42
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with people successfully suing after falling on uneven sidewalks, this mother will be looking for a big payout!

Posted on: 2014/11/24 20:36
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Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2009/5/11 2:53
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There has been a cordoned off area in front of the September Eleventh memorial for two years now, whats up with that? ALL that money spent on that monstrosity and they can't manage to keep the area around it looking like any other part of the park? Seriously, that fence along the park runs continuously for about two miles and the ONLY part that is busted and surrounded by "temporary" police fences is the part located literally directly in front of the memorial. All the rest of the two miles of fencing is fine. Oh yah there was a hurricane that tore up the fence. TWO YEARS AGO. Did they stop selling cement?

Posted on: 2014/11/24 20:04

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2007/10/11 3:28
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Why do you people always get so mad when I'm right? At some point kids, dogs and life in general becomes your responsibility.

Posted on: 2014/11/24 16:58

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2013/7/1 16:39
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Vigilante, you are familiar with the concept and definition of an accident right? And really, parenting advice from a fool who can't even have the decency to leash his own dog? Get your head or of your ass, man.

Now, I'm with you, if, due to a parent's pure negligence the child got hurt and then they sued the city (even though it probably is a safety hazard). But jeez man, just TRY to put yourself in someone else's shoes for just one minute and break out of this myopic world view of selfish asshole-ness in which you live.

Happy holidays, people.

Posted on: 2014/11/24 13:50

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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The world should have rounded corners because of your kid.

Posted on: 2014/11/24 11:57

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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Precious children and the miracle workers who brought them to this world are incapable of making mistakes. How dare anyone suggest they aren't!

Posted on: 2014/11/24 11:07

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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Vigilante wrote:

Old-Skool-JC wrote:
And if your stupid dog fell down there?

I would blame myself but it'll never happen because my dog is smarter than you.

Dogs don't typically fall down holes - they're more likely to jump into them. They are masters at bumping into stuff though - glass doors, park benches, peoples legs, bicycles, kids....

Posted on: 2014/11/24 5:24

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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That dog certainly has a head on it's shoulders.

Posted on: 2014/11/24 5:23

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:
And if your stupid dog fell down there?

I would blame myself but it'll never happen because my dog is smarter than you.

Posted on: 2014/11/24 5:10

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2014/7/30 18:30
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And if your stupid dog fell down there?

Posted on: 2014/11/24 4:05

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2007/10/11 3:28
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So parents cannot control their toddlers? Let me guess, texting? Some parents aren't qualified but go ahead and blame anyone else but those charged with caring for a CHILD.

Posted on: 2014/11/24 4:03

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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2008/10/23 16:11
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I was recently in Liberty State Park, along the main east side walkway and was very surprised to see that many of the railings are Horizonal rather than vertical, in addition the gaps are huge. Any little kid that gets just out of the reach of a parent (5 feet, vigilante you dick!), would have no problem jumping right into the river. I'm pretty sure that this would be out of compliance with building codes if it were on a balcony or deck railing, not sure why it's ok of the waterfront.
There are a lot of hazards due to the lack of maintenance on the waterfront walkways all around DTJC in Paulus Hook and Newport. I always wonder when i see a huge hole who is responsible for the upkeep, city or private property owner? My guess is the city because private owners would be insane to open themselves to that type of liability, insurers would take issue as well.

Posted on: 2014/11/24 3:11

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