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Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2007/10/29 12:17
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I find that by tossing dog waste on the side of buildings or cars... it avoids anyone stepping in it.

Posted on: 2011/1/5 17:59

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2009/7/22 20:21
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Grandpa wrote:
We're having the same problem on 5th between Jersey and Erie. The same size turds, and almost every day.

5th Street Poop Investigation (between Jersey and Erie):

I think there are two poop suspects. A big-poop violator and a small-poop violator. I believe the small-poop violator is a person who lives on 5th between Erie and Manila, but I have yet to catch him in the act.

I have noticed, however, that the poop area in question is mostly in front of the converted-temple condos. The street light there has been out for a long time, enabling poop-violations in the cloak of darkness. I have reported the street light outage to the city and to PSEG a couple of times, but to no avail. This also makes it problematic for people walking down the street to avoid the poops.

If anyone is interested in campaigning to get that street light back on, the pole number is 60715JC. PSEG Street Light Report

Posted on: 2011/1/5 16:10

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2010/8/17 1:45
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So what is the top killer of the lil JC tykes? Dog poop? Any evidence to believe that reducing dog poop really helps JC kids?

Posted on: 2011/1/5 4:26

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2005/7/13 15:03
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Vigilante wrote:

skinny wrote:
I had it this morning!
I reached my breaking point. As if all the garbage that piled up since Xmas wasn't enough, the same offending dog pooped in front of my gate. I live on 5th between Monmouth and Coles. There's a small black and white dog on 4th street that walks himself around my block...a least a couple times a day. The owners NEVER walk him. I packaged the poop and rang their door bell. Someone let me in and I had it out with the owner. I told her I was sick and tired of dodging her dog's poop. It's all over the block. All the poops are the same size so chances are it's the same dog. I told her to please pick up after her dog and keep him on a leash. I dropped the bag of turd by her feet and walked away. Hopefully this will help.
Let's face it. Some people are pigs...some don't know any better. Whatever the case, unless they are confronted this will never cease. I actual like this town, in spite of the filth and crazy taxes.
It's time to take out the garbage!!!

Good Job!!

I find that those without responsibility are more adamant about being stupid. For instance today there was someone double parked with an open spot and cars had to dangerously go around them and piles of snow. The face on the driver and even the passenger in the double parked car had an expression of anger to stifle my reprimand. If you take things into your own hands you may suffer, and if you call the police department I doubt anything would occur. I feel sorry for the lone dog because somene might take out their frustion on the little critter.

Posted on: 2011/1/4 22:21

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2010/6/9 17:57
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Yeah, this situation sucks. I have two girls and walk them to PS 5 every morning and each day is the same. "watch out for the dog poop! Don't step on that! Watch we're you're going!"

Walking to the train is the same. Other than just cursing under my breath and sometimes out loud, yes even in the presence of my kids, is about all I can do...unless of course I catch a poop and run in action.

Posted on: 2011/1/4 20:51

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...

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2009/3/18 14:50
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2011/4/3 0:01
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We're having the same problem on 5th between Jersey and Erie. The same size turds, and almost every day. It's gotten to the point that not only do you have to watch out for icy sidewalks, you have to be careful of what you step in! I'll do the same thing if I ever catch the dog in the act.

Posted on: 2011/1/4 20:36

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2007/10/11 3:28
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skinny wrote:
I had it this morning!

I reached my breaking point. As if all the garbage that piled up since Xmas wasn't enough, the same offending dog pooped in front of my gate. I live on 5th between Monmouth and Coles. There's a small black and white dog on 4th street that walks himself around my block...a least a couple times a day. The owners NEVER walk him. I packaged the poop and rang their door bell. Someone let me in and I had it out with the owner. I told her I was sick and tired of dodging her dog's poop. It's all over the block. All the poops are the same size so chances are it's the same dog. I told her to please pick up after her dog and keep him on a leash. I dropped the bag of turd by her feet and walked away. Hopefully this will help.

Let's face it. Some people are pigs...some don't know any better. Whatever the case, unless they are confronted this will never cease. I actual like this town, in spite of the filth and crazy taxes.

It's time to take out the garbage!!!

Good Job!!

Posted on: 2011/1/4 19:29

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2010/6/9 17:57
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I had it this morning!

I reached my breaking point. As if all the garbage that piled up since Xmas wasn't enough, the same offending dog pooped in front of my gate. I live on 5th between Monmouth and Coles. There's a small black and white dog on 4th street that walks himself around my block...a least a couple times a day. The owners NEVER walk him. I packaged the poop and rang their door bell. Someone let me in and I had it out with the owner. I told her I was sick and tired of dodging her dog's poop. It's all over the block. All the poops are the same size so chances are it's the same dog. I told her to please pick up after her dog and keep him on a leash. I dropped the bag of turd by her feet and walked away. Hopefully this will help.

Let's face it. Some people are pigs...some don't know any better. Whatever the case, unless they are confronted this will never cease. I actual like this town, in spite of the filth and crazy taxes.

It's time to take out the garbage!!!

Posted on: 2011/1/4 19:09

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2007/10/11 3:28
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In the wonderful Hamilton Park neighborhood some home-owners left their garbage piled on the snow covered sidewalks for over a week. They just piled it higher and higher. You see this kind of behavior and then speculate about a small percentage of dog owners? Sad truth is some of our neighbors are just lazy and selfish. Whether it be hogging parking spots or letting their childs screams chase you out of a restaurant or littering or not shoveling their sidewalks or leaving dog poop around. It all boils down to the same sad truth. Selfish D-Bags are everywhere. The good news is that most people are decent and responsible but it only takes a couple of d-bags to ruin your day.

Posted on: 2011/1/4 15:47

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...

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2010/11/15 16:59
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Most of the dog waste left in Lincoln Park comes from pit bulls with checked out owners who don't care about preserving Jersey City and Hudson County parks. Shame, shame, shame!

Posted on: 2011/1/4 15:31

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2006/10/23 18:47
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BeatrixKiddo wrote:

Eleanor_A wrote:
I don't have a dog but I've lived here long enough (20 years) to know that some (not all) dog owners are jerks.

I always carry plastic bags with me in my nap sack; most of the time it's because I'm too lazy to take out the plastic bag I used to carry my lunch. I've found this to be helpful when a dog owner is remiss in picking up dog shit. I run up to them with a bag and say, "Here! You must have run out of bags. Some dogs are double deucers." Then I talk to them about dogs until they pick up their dog's/dogs' shit.

I find this also helpful when I chase people out of the park who marry people for visas

This is the second time you've gone after Eleanor_A. What's with the personal attack? Even for a site full of snarkiness like this one, this is soooo NOT cool. Whom she marries is really no one's business.

Posted on: 2011/1/4 13:03

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2007/4/17 20:50
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2011/3/3 2:45
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I don't have a dog but I've lived here long enough (20 years) to know that some (not all) dog owners are jerks.

I always carry plastic bags with me in my nap sack; most of the time it's because I'm too lazy to take out the plastic bag I used to carry my lunch. I've found this to be helpful when a dog owner is remiss in picking up dog shit. I run up to them with a bag and say, "Here! You must have run out of bags. Some dogs are double deucers." Then I talk to them about dogs until they pick up their dog's/dogs' shit.

Posted on: 2011/1/4 2:44

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2005/3/21 20:01
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Around 4:15 PM today, I saw a lady at Portside let her dog poop on the snow, and then she walks away. She has three small dogs. They have coats on. This happened at the corner of Warren and Dudley Street at Portside Towers.

There's some poop on the snow on Hudson Street across from 77 Hudson, too.

Posted on: 2011/1/4 1:25

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2010/1/20 6:13
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If you have more than a fifth grade education, then you can look up the jersey city municipal laws. Living in 21st century, google makes it so much easier to look up.

"Curb your dog" refers to cleaning after your dog's feces. If you want to take a meaning many decades ago, please ask Spock (you know the guy with the really pointed ears) to send you back into time.

It sucks that people don't clean after their dogs, especially for those of us that do. If people were aware that dog poop can cause your dog to get sick and cost them $$$ in vet bills (plus a fine), they would pick after their pooch.

? 90-20. - Removal and disposal of animal feces; animals not permitted access nor permitted to urinate or defecate within designated pet-free zone(s) within public parks. [Amended 1-2-1980 by Ord. No. 5-123; 10-25-2000 by Ord. No. 00-150]

It shall be unlawful for any person having control or custody of any animal within a city park to permit the animal to be present within any designated pet-free zone(s) or to permit the animal to urinate or defecate within any such zone(s); however, nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit the presence of animals on pedestrian pathways adjacent to or within any pet-free zone(s) or to prohibit urination or defecation on such pedestrian pathways, provided that the person having custody or control of any animal complies with Subsection C of this section.

It shall be unlawful for any person owning or having control or custody of any animal to permit the animal to defecate or urinate upon the public property of the city or upon the private property of another unless the person immediately removes the feces and properly disposes of it; provided, however, nothing herein contained authorizes such person to enter upon the property of another without permission.

It shall be unlawful for any person to walk any animal on public property of the city or upon the private property of another without carrying at all times a suitable container or other suitable instrument for the removal and disposal of animal feces.

Posted on: 2010/10/12 3:09

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2008/2/19 19:39
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Xerxes wrote:
I like to look out my window at a community garden down below.
Occasional scenario: dog takes a crap, owner looks left and right and if seeing nobody walks away ignoring the steaming pile.
Once I opened my window and yelled "You forgot to look UP, asshole."
He quickly walked away embarassed, but the shitpile remained.

Dog sales should be banned in the City.

And yes, tern and I seem to be the only two people in the city who know what "curb your dog" means. It does not mean shit and piss on sidewalks. And I have NEVER seen a properly curbed dog (and that's out of the 10,000 of them at Newport.)

FYI I have never been called a careless, thoughtless slob. If you knew me you would eat your words and choke on them. I also stood for a good 20 minutes on a Jersey City side walk with one of my dogs yesterday talking to a JCPO. She ( my dog not the cop) pooed and peed while we were talking, I bent over and picked up the poo. If you want the pee wiped up then you are behond any human help! He DID NOT GIVE ME A TICKET beacuse it is not against the law. So.... what I am trying to get at is...... You should eat your words again and stop being a bigot. All dog owners are not eqaul just like all Bigots are not eqaul.

Hope your psychiatrist returns soon. You need help with your dangerous thoughts!

Posted on: 2010/10/12 0:20

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2010/8/17 1:45
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Xerxes wrote:
It's hard to identify the offenders from their behavior on a website. Their behavior on the STREETS is regulated by law but the Jersey City policea are too lazy to enforce the law.

As far as recommending people pee on the doors of dog owners, are you HONESTLY going to tell me that any of this sanctimonious group of polluters, ANY at all, is picking up his dog's PISS?

So yes, I can generalize that dog owers are careless, thoughtless slobs unless they use only their OWN property for dog wastes, and in Jersey City the sidewalk slobs are the huge majority.

If the wastes are so innocuous why not keep the dogs in apartments 24/7 and clean up your own carpet with a paper bag and scrub brush.

I had 2 cats and there was never a bit of cat waste even one inch outside my bathroom...I didn't share with neighbors. What makes Fido and his lazy owners special?

I would have thought that the USA, home of freedom, would have gotten past creating stereotypes and general prejudices. Guess not - you just swap targets. Dude - your generalizations are offensive. You are showing your bigotry.

Posted on: 2010/10/11 4:22

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2008/2/19 19:39
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Xerxes wrote:
It's hard to identify the offenders from their behavior on a website. Their behavior on the STREETS is regulated by law but the Jersey City policea are too lazy to enforce the law.

As far as recommending people pee on the doors of dog owners, are you HONESTLY going to tell me that any of this sanctimonious group of polluters, ANY at all, is picking up his dog's PISS?

So yes, I can generalize that dog owers are careless, thoughtless slobs unless they use only their OWN property for dog wastes, and in Jersey City the sidewalk slobs are the huge majority.

If the wastes are so innocuous why not keep the dogs in apartments 24/7 and clean up your own carpet with a paper bag and scrub brush.

I had 2 cats and there was never a bit of cat waste even one inch outside my bathroom...I didn't share with neighbors. What makes Fido and his lazy owners special?

I have a feeling that your psychiatrist may be on a very long vacation and you come on here to vent and vent. Maybe you should consider living in a community where there are no dogs? Every city in the United States has the same exact problem that we have here in Jersey City. There are jerks that don?t care and don?t pick up their dogs waste. Deeming and Grouping all dog owners as being the same is just wrong. I am not going to sit here and explain to you why that is wrong unless you pay me what you are not paying your psychiatrist while he/she is on vacation! Go have a drink or some good sex you may feel a little better! Of course this is just MPO

By the way do you get mad at squirel pee and bird poop? What about rat pee?

Posted on: 2010/10/10 22:42

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2004/12/29 17:58
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It's hard to identify the offenders from their behavior on a website. Their behavior on the STREETS is regulated by law but the Jersey City policea are too lazy to enforce the law.

As far as recommending people pee on the doors of dog owners, are you HONESTLY going to tell me that any of this sanctimonious group of polluters, ANY at all, is picking up his dog's PISS?

So yes, I can generalize that dog owers are careless, thoughtless slobs unless they use only their OWN property for dog wastes, and in Jersey City the sidewalk slobs are the huge majority.

If the wastes are so innocuous why not keep the dogs in apartments 24/7 and clean up your own carpet with a paper bag and scrub brush.

I had 2 cats and there was never a bit of cat waste even one inch outside my bathroom...I didn't share with neighbors. What makes Fido and his lazy owners special?

Posted on: 2010/10/10 21:28

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2008/2/19 19:39
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Xerxes wrote:
I think a grown man should take a shit on Vigilante's doorstoop.

After all, the fecal content is probably similar although the size might differ a tad.

Dogowners are generally inconsiderate and none of them knows or cares what CURB YOUR DOG means.
A corollary is that NO DOGS IN THE GARDEN looks like Sanskrit to them. They think landscaping is for canine urine.

I think the parallel thing to do might be for non-dog owners to start peeing on the doors of dog owners. Hopefully they have an inward sloping lintel.

I think it is ridiculous that you pool all dog owners as one. It shows lack of education and lack of consciousness; it is no different than pooling all parents as one, all people as one, etc.
Curb your dog has a couple of meanings yes. In the long run what it means is control your dog (and yes control your dog?s poop.)
Stop insinuating that all dog owners are the same, they are not. I pick up after my dogs poop and I know many dog owners that do. Instead of attacking us as a group maybe you should go at it on an individual basis. Wouldn?t that be the smarter thing to do?

Posted on: 2010/10/10 15:15

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2007/3/30 2:51
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I propose the punishment for dog owners who don't pick up is that they have to eat their dog's poop in a public forum.

Posted on: 2010/10/10 14:29

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2004/12/29 17:58
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I go with definition 14: the second VERBAL use of the word "curb."

14. "to cause to keep near the curb: Curb your dog."

The purpose is so that people don't step in dogshit while they walk in the middle of the sidewalk.
Of course, I recognize that the phrase has been mangled to meaningless so that dog owners have an excuse to ignore it. Sort of like "Deficit's Don't Matter."

I assume some owners COULD interpret "No Dogs in the Garden" to mean that dogs are welcome to defecate in the garden. When you want to do what you are told not to, you can jump through lots of hoops to justify doing it.

Perhaps dogs could be fitted with those dung-catchers like they use on horses in Central Park?

Posted on: 2010/10/10 14:26

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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On_The_3rd wrote:
I think I've seen the same guy on 5th & Jersey (short black hair?). As you said, he stops when his dog stops, looks is every other direction except for where his dog is, and then just walks away when his dog is done.

Well yes, but there are a lot of guys with short black hair (jersey journal description? ;) ).

I once saw him throw a bag of dog poop into the sewer, too. :(

Posted on: 2010/10/10 12:57

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2006/5/10 16:36
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It really isn't clear what "curb your dog" means. I am not sure that your interpretation is correct.


Posted on: 2010/10/10 12:13

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2004/12/29 17:58
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I'm not going to stand in the middle of Marin, Columbus, Erie nor any other crazy JC roads in the middle of rush hour to let my dog go pee.

P.S. The curb is NOT in "the middle" of the road but rather on either side.
Is "Curb Your Dog" REALLY that difficult to understand that it needs elaborate "explanation," perhpas with pictures for the illiterate?
Try to find the next "curb trained" dog...look REALLY hard.

Heck most dog owners don't take the time to teach their dogs even the simplest command and let their dogs do whatever they decide to do. If it's endless barking while tied up...well, to Hell with the neighbors. As for "No Dogs In the Garden?" What is so difficult about understanding that?
The "to Hell with the neighbors" seems to be a dog owner trait that is not shared by people with cats, parrots, ferrets, and tropical fish.

Dog owners consider themselves SPHESHULL: laws and common consideration do NOT pertain to them!

If a man urinates in the street its a crime. But yet society allows for thousands of gallons of canine urine to be splashed over the sidewalks of Jersey City daily.

Posted on: 2010/10/10 11:59

Re: Curb your dog.
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tern wrote:
What does "curb your dog" actually mean?

Does it mean dog owners are supposed to make their dogs go to the toilet on the curb? Does that mean it is illegal for them to do a crap in the middle of the sidewalk, even if they pick it up afterwards?


I'm with Robin/Tern on this. What does "curb" mean. If it means "To lead (a dog) off the sidewalk into the gutter so that it can excrete waste." then it needs to be spelled out more clearly AND we need better traffic calming measures to make it enforceable - I'm not going to stand in the middle of Marin, Columbus, Erie nor any other crazy JC roads in the middle of rush hour to let my dog go pee.

(I get the cleaning up after my dog bit.)

Posted on: 2010/10/10 3:56

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2007/10/11 3:28
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Xerxes wrote:
I think a grown man should take a shit on Vigilante's doorstoop.

After all, the fecal content is probably similar although the size might differ a tad.

Dogowners are generally inconsiderate and none of them knows or cares what CURB YOUR DOG means.
A corollary is that NO DOGS IN THE GARDEN looks like Sanskrit to them. They think landscaping is for canine urine.

I think the parallel thing to do might be for non-dog owners to start peeing on the doors of dog owners. Hopefully they have an inward sloping lintel.

Your obsession with defecation and urine is pathological and extremely amusing. There will always be dogs around here so get used to it or "move to the burbs". In fact, one is pooping and peeing right now somewhere in Jersey City. Quick, go ape-shit!!

Posted on: 2010/10/9 23:36

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...

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2010/2/25 2:36
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People not cleaning up after their dog is definitely a problem in this city. Has anyone ever called JC Animal Control to report the owners?

Posted on: 2010/10/9 21:47

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2004/12/29 17:58
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I think a grown man should take a shit on Vigilante's doorstoop.

After all, the fecal content is probably similar although the size might differ a tad.

Dogowners are generally inconsiderate and none of them knows or cares what CURB YOUR DOG means.
A corollary is that NO DOGS IN THE GARDEN looks like Sanskrit to them. They think landscaping is for canine urine.

I think the parallel thing to do might be for non-dog owners to start peeing on the doors of dog owners. Hopefully they have an inward sloping lintel.

Posted on: 2010/10/9 18:33

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2007/12/12 21:00
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When I lived in Maine, there was a horrendous blizzard (there were several, but this one was really bad). I had to take the dog out, and as soon as I got three feet from my building, I couldn't see it. I couldn't see anything--where the curb dropped off to the street, if anyone was walking in my direction, or anything else. We walked halfway down the block and although I lived on a busy street, I might as well have been in the prairie. Lo and behold, my dog poops. But despite the howling wind, the whiteout conditions and the freezing cold, I felt around with the bag and picked it up. Why? Because I didn't want some hapless soul to step in it, thereby adding to their misery. Now, I couldn't see my way across the street to the garbage can, so I had to bring the bag inside. But I picked it up anyway! So whether it's sunny, raining, dark, or what have you, there's no excuse.

Posted on: 2010/10/9 16:46

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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I would love to have a taliban like enforcement squad. They could carry canes and beat people who litter, not pick up poop etc. In my day we called them nuns. Of course the small percentage of dog owners who don't pick up make all the others targets of suspicion by over zealous home-owners. Nothing like having a dozen eyes on you while walking your dog! Where are these people when our homes are being burglarized? I would love to be able to trace the former owner of every discarded soda can, sandwich wrapper, newspaper, lottery ticket torn into a thousand pieces (what's with that? it's like a just in case it is a winner no one else can claim it thing), cigarette butt, crapkin, air conditioner, etc etc etc. It's a PEOPLE problem! Not dogs.

Posted on: 2010/10/9 16:24

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