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Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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2008/12/18 20:51
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Just noticed the "National Night Out Against Crime" banner hanging in front of City Hall. It's August 4th. Perfect opportunity for all fed up with these swine to march in front.

Posted on: 2009/7/25 13:58

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges

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2009/5/14 15:09
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These are merely my suspicions and opinions:
Can't wait till they release information regarding Jersey Journals complicity. They have shut down the comment section for any story related to healy cronies. That paper is pathetic. Target the Greenville's less wealthy residents like mad then protect other white collar criminals. They should change the name to the Jersey Tabloid. Just remove Journal from the title.

Posted on: 2009/7/25 13:51

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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2004/11/5 22:57
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Nothing like a nice lazy summer morning to engage in some speculation....

Why did they pull the plug? No fear of flight, no chance of a violent crime- the cw wasn't going to get whacked- so why shut it down? They must believe healy has dirt under his nails- the actual meeting with the cw and #4 banishes ANY speculation by them that he was an innocent lamb. He is by far THE BIGGEST fish, so why shut it down?

Answer: dead man walking. My guess is they know who is going to squeal and already are working a deal. In fact, I imagine that they had this locked up far before the arrests were made.

Say what you want about the political timing, whatever- this is a career maker for those agents and for the us attnys involved. There is NO WAY they left the biggest chip laying on the table.

To wit: as I mentioned earlier in the thread, if you use several of the reports in a vacuum, like good little followers of the canon of ethics, the names of the uncharged are hidden. However, cross referencing between docs, it's obvious who is who.

You think that was an accident? Helllllll no. Those guys knew exactly what they were doing. They truly do not believe he's clean. If they thought he was, they would say so. So again, would they ever, ever take a chance on losing him?

That question answers itself.

Posted on: 2009/7/25 13:48

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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mastique wrote:
Corzine needs to step down. I have very strong feelings he is the ring leader. One just needs look to the NJDEP.

See how nervous he and Anne Milgram looked during the press conference they put on?

God, I hate to think I might agree with this, but I might. I recently started to dig Corzine based on his clean energy initiatives for our state... but yeah, something about the way he delivered his words during the press conference... it just made me think he was lying.

Posted on: 2009/7/25 13:45

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Really? He was sober while pndering sobering thoughts in the Brownstone Diner. I hope the food he ate was a dish served cold. There's almost nothing worse than a cabal of public officals (e.g. Team Healy) betraying the trust of the public while ripping us off.

Posted on: 2009/7/25 13:30

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges

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2009/5/14 15:09
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Corzine needs to step down. I have very strong feelings he is the ring leader. One just needs look to the NJDEP.

See how nervous he and Anne Milgram looked during the press conference they put on?

Posted on: 2009/7/25 13:25

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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2008/2/19 19:39
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" We will continue to conduct open and honest government". Is he for real? Ummm arnt a few of those people arrested under his direction. what a friggen idiot

Posted on: 2009/7/25 13:24

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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Posted on: 2009/7/25 13:15

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges

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2009/7/25 12:31
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Agreed. He looked like a mess. The guy's world has just been flipped up-side-down. Doesn't look like he's handling it well. He may be allergic to honesty...I think there is a cream for that.

Posted on: 2009/7/25 12:40

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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2008/2/19 19:39
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mfadam wrote:
the door has been cracked open but this is by no means a slamdunk on cleaning up the corruption. Unless the national press keeps the spotlight on this one I could easily see these guys weaseling out of a lot of the charges. The voters are too apathetic to care.

I'm hopeful that this will lead to a more honest/competent JC but I have my doubts given how entrenched the corruption is at multiple levels...

The only way this could even start to happen is if the whole govt. system was swept clean, put in a bag, thrown out, and start from the begining again .
1798 all over.

Posted on: 2009/7/25 12:22

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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2007/8/7 19:24
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A friend of mine saw Healy at Brownstone diner last friday and he said healy looked terrible and serious. He also said that when he looked at healy, Healy gave off this body language as if saying "Don't look at me." Something must have been going on at the his meeting at the diner.

Posted on: 2009/7/25 12:15

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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2007/7/30 22:23
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the door has been cracked open but this is by no means a slamdunk on cleaning up the corruption. Unless the national press keeps the spotlight on this one I could easily see these guys weaseling out of a lot of the charges. The voters are too apathetic to care.

I'm hopeful that this will lead to a more honest/competent JC but I have my doubts given how entrenched the corruption is at multiple levels...

Posted on: 2009/7/25 11:59

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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2009/5/15 4:26
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he should be stressed out big time.

Posted on: 2009/7/25 11:39

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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I know this is slightly off topic, but Healy looks TERRIBLE. Saw him last night on the news. His face is all busted up with some sort of rash, he has a big bandage on his face, and he's a disheveled mess. He looks like Robert the Bruce's father in Braveheart. Did he fall or something? Or maybe he's super stressed out over this scandal.

Posted on: 2009/7/25 11:05

The New York Times - July 25, 2009 Corruption Case a Blow to Corzine’s Camp
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July 25, 2009
Corruption Case a Blow to Corzine?s Campaign

Reeling from a widespread corruption scandal that has ensnared some of his closest allies, Gov. Jon S. Corzine of New Jersey struggled on Friday to assure his supporters that he can survive the blow and stabilize his campaign.

Mr. Corzine, whom allies described as discouraged and frustrated, saw a member of his cabinet tainted by the investigation and mayors he has befriended being led away in handcuffs.

The governor responded quickly to the scandal by abruptly switching his choice for lieutenant governor this weekend, opting at the last minute for a reform-minded lawmaker, State Senator Loretta Weinberg, as a running mate over a flashier contender with longstanding ties to a politician previously convicted of graft.

Top Democratic lawmakers were even discussing in private the possibility of replacing Mr. Corzine on the ballot this November, and candidates for other offices were talking about breaking publicly with him to maintain their own election viability. Mr. Corzine has trailed his Republican opponent, Christopher J. Christie, in double digits in some recent polls.

With Mayor Cory A. Booker of Newark, who has made no secret of his interest in the governor?s office, waiting in the wings, another potential Democratic candidate emerged on Friday, as Representative Frank Pallone Jr. let it be known he would step in should Mr. Corzine bow out.

Mr. Corzine showed no intention of doing so. He circulated a new testimonial from President Obama calling him ?a bold leader for New Jersey? and reached out to supporters to tell them he was ?in this to stay,? according to one person who received a call.

He rebuffed Democrats like Senator Robert Menendez who urged that he overhaul his campaign team, people briefed on the conversations said. And he forged ahead with plans for a weekend of barnstorming with his new running mate, Ms. Weinberg, whom Mr. Corzine is expected to introduce as his choice for lieutenant governor at 2 p.m. on Saturday at a theater in Englewood.

?We?ll leave the gossip to everyone else,? said Sean Darcy, a spokesman for Mr. Corzine?s re-election campaign. ?We?re looking forward to this race. This thing?s just getting started.?

Indeed, Mayor Booker acknowledged the speculation about Mr. Corzine?s prospects but said he was solidly behind the governor. ?Those of us who are committed to winning this election believe in Jon,? he said in an interview. ?I feel confident he?s going to stay in this race to the end. Leaders in this city, at least, are going to work very hard to see that he?s elected.?

Yet the latest corruption scandal sharply altered the terrain in the governor?s race by putting the focus, at least for now, back on the issue that catapulted Mr. Christie, a former United States attorney, to prominence.

?The debate on Election Day has to be about something other than ethics,? said State Senator Raymond J. Lesniak of Union County, one of the state?s most influential Democrats. ?If it?s about ethics, Corzine loses. Not because Jon Corzine?s weak on ethics, but because it?s Chris Christie?s strength, and now it?s national news.?

Mr. Corzine has run ads for weeks questioning Mr. Christie?s ethics concerning a series of lucrative no-bid contracts he awarded to friends and political allies while he ran the prosecutor?s office. But some Democrats said Friday that Mr. Corzine would now have to find a new line of attack.

After all, his own commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs, Joseph V. Doria Jr., had his home and office searched by the F.B.I. On Thursday, Mr. Corzine said he had asked for and received Mr. Doria?s resignation.

Another important ally, Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy of Jersey City, the state?s second-largest city, acknowledged on Friday that he was the unnamed public official mentioned in several criminal complaints to whom a federal informant gave campaign donations through intermediaries in exchange for anticipated help on real estate projects. He denied any wrongdoing.

Mr. Corzine and Mr. Healy had planned to attend a joint news conference on Friday to hail a gun-control bill passed in June, but the event was canceled after Thursday?s corruption arrests, said Jennifer Morrill, a spokeswoman for Mr. Healy.

Another Democratic mayor, Peter Cammarano III of Hoboken, who took office on July 1 ? and whose swearing-in Mr. Corzine attended ? was charged with accepting $25,000 in cash bribes. And it was a few days ago that Mr. Corzine attended a ribbon-cutting with Anthony Suarez, the mayor of Ridgefield, who was charged with illegally agreeing to take $10,000 in cash for a legal defense fund.

The arrests of Mr. Cammarano, Secaucus?s mayor, Dennis Elwell, and more than a dozen other Hudson County politicians will be a distraction for the local Democratic organization?s vaunted get-out-the-vote machine.

And Mr. Corzine?s standing with urban residents was already ominously low, according to recent polls. Huge margins in urban counties like Hudson are essential to a Democratic win statewide, said Brigid Harrison, a political science professor at Montclair State University. ?Many of the foot soldiers will be missing in action, and there is less incentive for those activists to get out the vote,? she said.

Indeed, Mr. Corzine?s inability to galvanize the Democratic base on his own prompted last week?s visit from President Obama, and it may have helped guide his hand in selecting a running mate.

For days, it had appeared certain that Mr. Corzine would choose State Senator Barbara Buono of Metuchen, an expert on the state budget. But Ms. Buono was a prot?g?e of former Senator John Lynch, whom Mr. Christie sent to jail for taking bribes.

Instead, around noon on Friday, Mr. Corzine offered the job to Ms. Weinberg, a 74-year-old widow from Bergen County who is regarded as one of New Jersey?s most liberal politicians, a longtime champion of the rights of women and gay people and a strong advocate of government transparency.

?To progressive voters all across New Jersey, Governor Corzine?s selection of Loretta Weinberg is like adding a jolt of a million volts,? said Steven Goldstein, a leader of the effort to legalize gay marriage.

Perhaps more important, though, Senator Weinberg took on Joseph A. Ferriero, the former Bergen County Democratic leader, who is awaiting trial on federal corruption charges brought by Mr. Christie. She also has a compelling story that undoubtedly would reverberate with many voters worried about their financial footing: she lost her life savings, she has said, as a victim of Bernard Madoff?s Ponzi scheme.

Reporting was contributed by Kitty Bennett, David W. Chen, Kareem Fahim, William K. Rashbaum, Nate Schweber and Karen Zraick.
Copyright 2009 The New York Times Company

Copyright 2009 The New York Times Company

Posted on: 2009/7/25 11:05

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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'A guy trying to buy his way out of trouble'

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The affidavit sounds like something out of a Godfather movie.

"If anyone ever asks you, you didn't see me," says Solomon Dwek, already facing federal fraud charges and now wearing a wire as an undercover informant for the government. "You understand? No bankruptcy, no bank schnookie, no nothing. Don't say nothin' to nobody."

The long-running criminal sting being run with the help of Dwek broke open this week with the arrest of 44 people -- including five rabbis, two state legislators and three mayors -- charged in a far-ranging money laundering and political corruption scheme.

But lawyers for many of the accused claim that Dwek set up others to get himself out of a jam -- a claim of entrapment that others say rarely holds up in court.

"He is just another guy trying to buy his way out of trouble, said attorney Daniel Welsh, who is representing Assemblyman L. Harvey Smith (D-Hudson). "When people face jail time, they do a lot of unscrupulous things."

Smith, who was arraigned on corruption charges yesterday in federal court, just tipped his head back and rolled his eyes when asked about the man at the center of the case, but would not say anything as he walked from then courthouse in Newark.

Terry Ridley, attorney for Lori Serrano, former chairwoman of the Jersey City Housing Authority, who is charged with accepting $10,000 in cash, said Dwek may have been working to please the government.

"He obviously worked with the government to set people up," said Ridley. "Certainly my feeling is that my client was caught up in this web of deception.

Michael Bachner, the lawyer for Rabbi Mordchai Fish, charged with laundering $585,000, made the same argument.

"Solomon Dwek generally used his relationship and his father's relationships to manipulate, in our opinion, innocent victims," he declared.

Legal experts and federal authorities, though, said entrapment is not a defense that will likely sway any jury.

John Farmer Jr., dean of Rutgers Law School and a former state attorney general, said entrapment is rarely used and rarely succeeds. While the complex case was built around the use of Dwek to operate the sting, he said not to assume that to be a weakness.

"He's helping the government because he's in trouble and he's not going to be believable. But the government understands those people have baggage," explained Farmer. "The key is you have to have corroboration."

Michael Drewniak, a spokesman for acting U.S. Attorney Ralph Marra Jr., said everyone is entitled to raise any defense they see fit.

"However, we have heard the entrapment allegation time and time again and not surprisingly, it never holds up to the law," he said. "Every time it has been raised in similar circumstances, those individuals have ultimately pleaded guilty or have been convicted -- in every single instance."

The investigation began with a probe into alleged money laundering by some orthodox Jewish leaders in the Syrian Sephardic communities of Deal and Brooklyn.

According to criminal complaints, the rabbis and others helped Dwek -- a disgraced developer and son of a prominent rabbi who was arrested in 2006 on federal bank fraud charges that have never come to trial -- hide $3 million in assets. They believed the money came from an ongoing bankruptcy case by taking checks drawn to charities and yeshivas they controlled, converting it to cash through contacts in Israel, and keeping 10 percent to 15 percent for the transaction.

The political corruption charges -- which resulted in the arrests of two state legislators and three mayors, along with dozens of others -- grew separately out of an expansion of Dwek's role as an undercover informant. Here, he assumed another name and looked to grease the way for quick approvals of development projects in Hudson County in return for big political contributions and cash payoffs.

And in the most bizarre aspect of the case, Dwek contracted to buy a kidney for $160,000 from a Brooklyn man long suspected of dealing in lucrative black-market transplants.

While Dwek's motivations will be repeatedly questioned by defense attorneys who will point to the federal fraud charges hanging over his head, the damage will come from a defendant's own words captured on video and audio tapes, said Scott Resnick, a former federal prosecutor now practicing at KattenMuchinRosenman LLP in New York.

"The reality is his voice is not there and he's not the one accepting the money," he noted.

Resnick said as the dust begins to settle, it is likely that some of those charged will cooperate, others will plead out their cases to reduce the charges against them, and others may very well be charged in new allegations that might bring new aspects to one of the most unusual cases ever seen in criminal court.

A lot will turn upon the words spoken on tape and what the tapes depict, Zegas said.

"The government may introduce tapes it contends support a charge that an illegal transfer of money is taking place, but often what is taking place is ambiguous," he remarked. "For example, a person undercover may try to lead people to say certain things and that person may say 'uh-huh,' which is a standard acknowledgement that we are listening, but may not be agreement."

Still, he doubts many will opt for trial, given the surveillance tapes, and the penalties that have been meted out in recent corruption cases.

"There will be a lot of people cooperating," predicted Zegas.

Ted Sherman may be reached at or (973) 392-4278. Brian T. Murray contributed to this report.

Solomon Dwek: From bogus mogul to FBI's busiest rat

by Samuel Goldsmith
Daily News Writer
Saturday, July 25th 2009, 4:00 AM

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Solomon Dwek (r.) shown in 2006 with his lawyer, Michael B. Himmel, outside the Federal Courthouse in Newark, N.J.

For Solomon Dwek, being an FBI informant was a full-time job.

His life as a high rolling real estate king crashed in 2006 when he bounced a $25 million check.

From that day forward, he was the FBI?s newest stoolie.

Telling them he could infiltrate a ring of prominent rabbis laundering hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, he worked overtime becoming their friends and partner in crime.

Sometimes he had as many as three meetings a day while taking international phone calls and exchanging faxes.

On any given day, he found himself passing dirty money to rabbis in their Brooklyn homes and synagogues, dealing with corrupt officials in greasy spoon diners or greasing development wheels at Atlantic City confabs.

The probe eventually included a black market kidney broker and a rogues? gallery of bribe-taking dirty politcians in New Jersey. In all, five rabbis and three Jersey mayors ? from Hoboken, Secaucus and Ridgefield ? were charged.

The probe continued to grow on Friday with Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy confirming he is a target of the ongoing corruption probe.

He denied wrongdoing, but his deputy mayor, Leona Beldini, was among the 44 charged in Thursday?s sweep.

The Associated Press reported that authorities say Dwek passed $10,000 to a man raising money for Healy. If true, it would only reinforce just how busy Dwek was.

Things grew really bizarre when he started meeting with Levy-Izhak Rosenbaum, who offered to sell him a kidney. When all was said and done, 44 people were caught up in the federal sting that was announced Thursday.

And while the schemes were different, the motivation was the same: good old greed.

?We?re going to be friends for a good long time,? accused bribe-taking Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano, 32,told Dwek at a June 23 meeting this year after being offered $10,000 in cash, court documents indicate.

?I promise you,? he?s recorded saying. ?You?re going to be, you?re going to be treated like a friend.?

?How could one guy bring down so many people?? asked Charles Stanziale, a Newark-based trustee liquidating Dwek?s property in a personal bankruptcy case.

?Well, if you stay with it and you?re working full time, one guy gets to meet another guy and it?s like a chain.?

And it probably didn?t hurt that he was offered an unknown deal tied to the bank fraud charges he?s still facing ? and a monthly stipend from the FBI to flip.

His chain of deceit started when Dwek, the son of a rabbi, went to defendant Eliahu Ben Haim, rabbi of Congregation Ohel Yaacob in Deal, N.J., where Dwek lives. In June 2007 at Ben Haim?s house, he gave him $50,000 to launder through his charitable group, to be repaid at a later day minus a 10% fee.

?Okay, give me a couple days,? Ben Haim said.

In August 2007 Dwek met with Rabbi Edmond Nahum at his office in Jersey to discuss the best way to launder $45,000, court papers say. Nahum recommended he turn to Rabbi Mordchai Fish of Brooklyn, because he ?can do millions of dollars under the ground. Fish is good.?

Fish was good for Dwek. The next month, they started laundering more than a million dollars together.

In January, 2008, Dwek met Fish in his car. which was parked outside his house on Hooper St. in Brooklyn, to trade cash and talk about deals.

A day later, Dwek met with defendant Schmulik Cohen outside his home in Brooklyn to collect a canvas bag containing $300,000 in cash. Two days later, he met defendant Arye Weiss in his Brooklyn home and left with with a black plastic bag containing $50,000 cash.

Dwek began to shift from money laundering with members of the Syrian Jewish community to public corruption in Jersey in 2007, and worked with dirty pols all the way up to the weeks before the indictments came down.

May was particularly busy. On more than one occasion he met accused crooks in three different cities to talk turkey.

On May 7, Dwek had dinner with Jersey City Health Department official Joseph Castagna, who funneled five grand to another city official, Michael Manzo, for help with a zoning change.

?Do I gotta seal this up [referring to the unsealed envelope containing the $5,000 in cash]?? Castagna asked over dinner.

?Do whatever you want with it ? [just] give it to him,? Dwek said. ?Just make sure when I do my Garfield Avenue zone change, I got [Manzo?s] vote.?

Castagna assured him: ?Oh, we?ll be there for you.?


Gotta cringe at the Daily News' Headlines:
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Posted on: 2009/7/25 9:06

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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From Saturday's JJ:

Jersey City officials received a subpoena yesterday from the U.S. attorney in Newark demanding records in connection with Thursday's arrests of New Jersey public officials and others on corruption and money laundering complaints.

The request for city records focuses on City Council President Mariano Vega, Deputy Mayor Leona A. Beldini, Joseph Castagna, a city health officer, Maher Khalil, senior community relations specialist for the city Department of Health and Human Services, Firefighter Michael Manzo, John J. Guarini, a building inspector, and Guy Catrillo, of the Mayor's Action Bureau.

The seven of them were charged Thursday with conspiracy to commit extortion.

Jennifer Morrill, press secretary for Mayor Jerramiah Healy, said the city's Law Department requested the subpoena knowing that the investigation would require documents and the subpoena would identify what is being sought. "They are collecting the records now," she said. The information being sought includes e-mails, appointment books, calendars, diaries, message pads, and telephone diaries and logs, according to Jersey City officials. These must date back to June 1, 2008. Financial disclosure statements that were filled out by the public officials are also being sought. Federal investigators also want to know whom the city officials and workers were talking to going back to June 1, 2008. All telephone records, including those for mobile phones, are to be surrendered.

Posted on: 2009/7/25 5:37

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Posted on: 2009/7/25 5:34

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Healy's now-famous phrase ? " I did nothing wrong at anytime." ? does contain a hidden truth. Just re-arrange the letters and you get:

Dinged ignominy worth a taint.

That's Healy in a nutshell.

Posted on: 2009/7/25 5:34

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Healy is #4

Posted on: 2009/7/25 3:15

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HED Director Carl Czaplicki is #3. This will be very interesting. Just saw him trying to be interviewed by Barbara Nevins Taylor for Channel 5 & this guy is taking a dump on camera. With him is the key to the entire development process in JC from Planning to the Boards to the Building Department on & on. This guy will be the one to fall down on Healy. Mama I wanna sing!

Posted on: 2009/7/25 3:07

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t_mizu_101 wrote: I am a Healey supporter. He is a great mayor and I willl encourage Healey to sue anyone for libel once he is vindicated. Hopefully Healey runs for governor one day soon
this troll is a load of fun. 1. healy has not been charged with anything. he is pretty much up to his eyeballs in this little tsunami, but as far as the feds are concerned he is cleaner than your average syrian rabbi. 2. healy has not been charged with anything. yet, there is a chance that one of his buddies may spill the beans. the weakest link may be beldini. she is in her 70s and any time, even in club fed, would probably shorten her life expectancy signficiantly. the healthcare sucks. the clothes are awful. and the food, only $2.70 a day. only criminals can live like that. at 70, a year cuts your life expectancy by half to two-thirds. she is facing 25 years. anything over 5 years is a death sentence in jail (irrespective of the claims in the madoff case.) having read the indictment, she was the moneyman (moneyperson or moneywoman sounds perilously politically correct, so i stick to moneyman.) she was the campaign treasurer. she should have known - ok must have known or knew - what goes in and what comes out. she should know what the receipts are and what the costs are. and most importantly, she signs the financial disclosure forms. people, i have never seen a cashier smart enough to operate a cash machine who at the end of the day could not tell me, on the last cent, what her net take is. so, my guess is that beldini - realizing what is waiting for her in club fed - has the incentive to sing a nice song to the feds. the only thing that could keep her from taking the fall is the honor code, and healy has clearly stated that he supports her - but not the rest of the gang of 44. if there is a signal that she may be the weak link, and healy is aware of it, there you have a clear indication that he is concerned. as he should be. why would he otherwise do it? am i willing to bet the house on that? no. only with my new friend "t_mizu_101" of course, i do not claim, suggest or insinuate that beldini will sing, i am making the educated guess given the seriousness of the crime that she has been arraigned for, her position in the healy campaign, and other circumstances that there may be a more than theoretical possibility that her incentives prompt her to act in a way that can potentially reveal incriminating evidence that may under certain circumstances become a contributing part of another indictment that might have some direct or indirect relationship to a current mayor. 3. and even if healy get indicted, which may not be a theoretical possibility, the question is how much of circumstancial evidence, if any, can be neutered by a smart attorney. and then, healy can run for governor (or from governor if corzine get re-elected). 4. finally, this is a free country. and in a democracy, the elected should have thicker skins that the mere citizenry, perhaps with the exception of my new best friend, "t_mizu_101". and if healy sues people for expressing their own opinions, will our new friend support healy's legal fund? with money? in unmarked bills? buddy, i drink to you

Posted on: 2009/7/25 3:05

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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2005/3/21 21:42
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From Van Vorst Park
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as much as i want to see healy go down in this -- at least he and it appears lou manzo and maybe some others i haven't read the indictments for, shielded themselves in some way, and had an aide or friend do the dirty work for them. some of these guys like vega, catrillo and harvey to an extent had their hands out grabbing the envelopes stuffed with cash..... with no problem... crazy...

Posted on: 2009/7/25 2:44

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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2009/5/15 4:26
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shakatah ---
couple of points

Added to that the feds will not let this go easily or let the big fish involved walk free, they would lose too much. Any politician that publicly defends the accused will look guilty themselves, meaning they will go nowhere near any of these guys.

healy did support beldini(sp?). called her a friend which will not change. she may be the fallguy (ok woman), but healy came out and supported her. but not anyone else.

In politics, when the feds have stuff on you that is made public, you have no friends and are considered a cancer, even your friends just want you to disappear.

you don't have to look further than philly or dc to find corroborating evidence countering your statement. a political machine is like the mafia, you swear allegiance to it and you do not break its secret oath of silence. and in jersey city and hudson county politics omerta seems to be the same. you don't spill the beans, unless you are willing to take the bullet (even if its proverbial).

a recall can only work if there is a substantial cooperation among people who want change - and not only talk about change. talk is cheap. (and i admit, i love to talk). but, being an armchair revolutionary is just so college.

if there is an interest in thinking through what can be done, what the priorities could be, i am game.

and for entertainment purposes ... ... 04574308394035238188.html

Posted on: 2009/7/25 2:39

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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2008/10/21 23:17
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2022/5/23 10:53
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I cant wait until they take down Healy & his sidekick Patrick McCarthy.

Posted on: 2009/7/25 2:34

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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2008/11/14 15:00
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2019/6/17 18:59
From Hudson Co.
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Just saw Mayor Tipsy on TV crying those crocodile tears at the cops funeral. What happened to the good mayor? It looks like he had the shit kicked out of him with the busted lip and band aid over half of his red nose.

Did he fall down drunk somewhere?

Posted on: 2009/7/25 2:31

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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2009/1/19 19:23
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2014/1/3 6:32
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Won't it be great to sooner or later see Healy in handcuffs.


murican wrote:
Thanks JCIndependent-

ABC 6pm news also just identified Healy as JC Official 4 and said that he is under investigation. They also said that he had acknowledged that he is under investigation.

Posted on: 2009/7/25 2:12

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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2008/6/25 23:54
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2010/3/7 16:03
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Essentially, for Healy to go down Beldini, Shaw or Cheatam have to turn on him. (the three stooges)

Based on a close reading of the complaint, it is obvious that all of the conversations these three had with the CW were designed to protect Healy. Healy makes a few vague comments to the CW like "hopefully we can work together," but then he always leaves so the three stooges can do the actual dirty business.

Lets hope the Feds can get one of the three stooges to turn on Healy. Healy did just dismiss them without pay, so they are jobless and facing jail time. Meanwhile Healy likely got most of the money and is going free!

Lets hope the three stooges can do some basic math and realize they are going to come out of this much worse off than Healy. These idiots took on all the risk with very little upside, meanwhile Healy takes all the upside without exposing himself at all. I am always amazed at how these pols can find loyal morons to do their dirty work.

Posted on: 2009/7/25 0:52

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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2008/6/25 23:54
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2010/3/7 16:03
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Healy: 'It is clear that I am Jersey City Public Official 4'
By Matt Friedman, Reporter

Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy this afternoon acknowledged that he is the person known as ?Jersey City Public Official 4? in the federal criminal complaint against three Jersey City insiders.

?Based on review of the complaint, it is clear that I am Jersey City Public Official 4. I did nothing wrong at anytime. Right now we are going to continue to conduct open and honest government and are focused on moving the city forward. In fact, yesterday we solicited instructions and advice from the U.S. Attorney?s Office on how to secure the offices and records of those officials who were charged and suspended,? Healy said in a written statement. ?We are complying with those instructions and will continue to cooperate. We will make no further statements at this time due to the ongoing nature of this investigation.?

Although a slew of public officials and political figures were arrested or charged yesterday -- including Healy?s two opponents from May mayoral election -- Healy was not.

The complaint, however, casts political consultant Jack Shaw and Deputy Mayor Leona Beldini ? who both were charged ? as acting as middlemen for JC Public Official 4. It even quotes Beldini telling Shaw that JC Public Official 4 would not be comfortable talking finances in front of co-defendant Edward Cheatam because there were ?too many snakes.?

The complaint says that at a meeting with JC Official 4 and the defendants, the cooperating federal witness -- who has since been identified as real estate developer Solomon Dwek -- told JC Official 4 that he had given $10,000 to Shaw, would give him another $10,000 after the meeting and another $10,000 after the May municipal election.

?To which, JC Official 4 responded, among other things, that hopefully ?we? could work ?together? and that this would be ?mutually beneficial.?? ... ey-city-public-official-4

Posted on: 2009/7/25 0:40

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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2006/10/26 1:36
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2013/3/19 20:14
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Council members found guilty of corruption should be forced to pay back the taxpayers their entire salary for the term in which they were convicted. I would like to hear more about Vega's mansion upstate.

Posted on: 2009/7/25 0:31

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