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Re: A message to PATH Port Authority - Hi, I'm Debbie Duhain and I'm going to drive you insane...
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2006/7/21 20:08
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2015/10/20 16:18
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Cub.... thanks for the hilarity. After weeks of the usual nitpicking insanity on here, THIS piece of nitpicking insanity is at least VERY funny. You truly made me laugh out loud. Enjoy the weekend e'vrybody!

Posted on: 2009/7/24 19:16

Re: A message to PATH Port Authority - Hi, I'm Debbie Duhain and I'm going to drive you insane...
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2008/3/24 20:27
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2017/7/8 2:45
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Ok Ok Ok this was the funniest thing I have read on JC list in a long time

Posted on: 2009/7/24 19:14

Re: A message to PATH Port Authority - Hi, I'm Debbie Duhain and I'm going to drive you insane...
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2008/1/3 19:12
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Haha, it is definitely irritating. She sounds like she is on drugs. Bernie Waggonblast was a hilarious name. He is actually a local radio personality.

Posted on: 2009/7/24 19:13

A message to PATH Port Authority - Hi, I'm Debbie Duhain and I'm going to drive you insane...
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2007/9/16 13:05
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From Jersey City, Hamilton Park
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Hi I'm Debbie Duhaine & I need you to listen to me no matter what. You can't close your ears because I'm talking so l loud...

Hi I'm Debbie Duhain and you can't ignore me because you're a captive audience stuck down in the path station and my voice echos everywhere...

Hi I'm Debbie Duhain and I'm telling you to remember to report everything you see. This is a reminder. Don't forget...

Hi I'm Debbie Duhain and I'm going to tell you the same thing over & over & over & over so you don't forget and remember...

Hi I'm Debbie Duhain and I'm just one loooong run on sentence and I don't need to take a breath because you'll forget...

Hi I'm Debbie Duhain, reminding you to remember that you have to listen to me every 5 minutes for the next 3 minutes, which only gives you a 2 minute break from my nagging...

Hi I'm Debbie Duhain and Port Authority wants to drive you insane by forcing you to listen to these announcements...

Hi I'm Debbie Duhain and just in case you forgot my last announcement 5 minutes ago, here it is all over again...

Hi I'm Debbie Duhain and this is a reminder to remind you to remember to report any suspicious activity, or just anything at all...

Hi I'm Debbie Duhain and please remember to use our house phone or call 1800some unintelligible other number...

Hi I'm Debbie Duhain and I know you forgot so I'm going to tell you again to remember to report anything and everything, especially anyone who forgets to remember...

Hi I'm Debbie Duhain and don't worry, we fired Ernie Waggonblaster or whatever his name was because he was too annoying...

Hi I'm Debbie Duhain and try to have nice day. If you need some gauze for your bleeding ears, don't call us...

PLEASE stop the insane maddening announcements. No matter who the speaker, its driving people insane every 5 minutes. Thank you

Posted on: 2009/7/24 19:10

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2008/4/23 15:27
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I was in the same car... didn't see anything more than you did, aside from the fact that the guy who initially asked him to be quiet was not the same person as the guy who brought up the box cutter.

No idea how it ended.. I too went out the other exit at Grove and they were still yelling at each other then.

Weird night.

Posted on: 2009/3/9 4:49

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2008/10/4 19:05
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Around 10:35pm on March 8th, Teddy entered the front car (808) while the train was in the Hoboken station heading toards JSQ. I heard Teddy say "good evening ladies and gentlemen" but he did not continue his speach, he just started walking towards the back of the train. A minute later, a passenger got up, started a verbal argument with Teddy (telling everyone to google 'path train teddy', and learn how he steals from path riders with his box cutter, or something like that)

This passenger then pressed the passenger alert button (for anyone who has not seen this done, all this does is causes two of the indicator lights on the front and back of the car to blink, it probably causes the outside indicator lights to blink as well, but i did not check). This passenger then exited the path car and got the conductor to come to the back of the train. The conductor then made an inaudible message on her 2-way radio, reset the passenger alert and then went to the front of the train to continue the journey to JSQ.

When I exited the train at Grove street I believe that both Teddy and the passenger exited as well. While I exited the eastern exit, both of them exited the Duane Reade side and I was able to hear the verbal argument continue.

I have a few questions for the list...
Did you witness Sunday Night's event?
Have you encountered any resistance to Teddy's begging?
What would you have done if you were this angered passenger?

Posted on: 2009/3/9 4:30

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2009/2/24 16:11
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2009/4/30 18:45
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Crazy_Chester wrote:

Sateen wrote:
i did get a penis dropped on my arm like a year and a half ago tho.

Say what?

yeah some perv dropped his dick on my arm while i was sitting in the seat at the end by the door. he was leaning over the side.. i thought he was just being intrusive and then i felt this dense warm thing and bam there's a penis on my arm. I was waring a tank top b/c it was warm out. needless to say i was not to happy about this. i jumped up straight across the train and almost landed on the people sitting on the opposite side.

Posted on: 2009/3/6 16:43

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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Sateen wrote:
i did get a penis dropped on my arm like a year and a half ago tho.

Say what?

Posted on: 2009/3/6 16:40

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2009/2/24 16:11
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2009/4/30 18:45
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the advantage of the PATH as opposed to the Subway is no one has yet to punch me in the back while i have a cane b/c i am trying to exit the train before they get on.

i did get a penis dropped on my arm like a year and a half ago tho. The guy got disorderly conduct. the upside is the idiots who go to JC court are hilarious.

I actually stayed after my case was done for that day just to watch this one kid who was wearing a gun jacket at court. I still do not know how my brother and I didn't get kicked out for laughing our asses off in the back row.

Posted on: 2009/3/6 16:19

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2009/2/24 16:11
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2009/4/30 18:45
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regulator wrote: Quote:
Sateen wrote: So I have been reading parts of this thread.. it is too long to go through all of it. I have a lot nemeses on the train.

Let me start off by staying I have a very very bad back. I use a cane for most of the time i am walking more than a block. Needless to say I can not stand on the PATH train to 14th Street. I get on at Grove Street every morning. I am in my 20's so I do not look like i would be disabled(legally) but I am. Standing on the PATH will not only hurt my back immensely but may also make it so I can not walk.

It makes me so angry when I get on the train and the people on the disabled/elderly person seat does not get up. Hello, I have a cane. I know you are tired but don't yell at me because I am trying to utilize the seat that is meant for people like me.

Most of the time some nice Indian man will give me a seat. When no one will or there are older looking people in the designated seats, I just plop down right on the floor. This obviously pisses people off immensely but why should I have to stand when I am legally disabled.

I get two thing for being a cripple.. a seat on the train and a gimp pass to park. Otherwise it just makes my life hell.

I am sure if you are at the Grove Street Station around 8:15am you have seen my gimp self with my huge bag(small bags don't allow you to carry fold able canes or your lunch bags.)

people who are disabled, pregnant, or old should be given a seat. It may be a mere inconvenience for you to stand but it dangerous for someone like me to stand on the train. That train, especially through the tunnel to NY is bumpy and will knock you around like a rag doll. When i moved to JC two years ago, I got motion sickness for the first month.

I also appreciate the people who slam into me to get on the train. oh and i have no problem calling you out on being an asshole. I have a cane do not hit me or lean on me. I will fall down. I will cry.. it will not be pretty.

Resized Image
I have been compared to house. I have a cane, i'm sarcastic, and i do pop a lot of vics..I don't pop them like candy tho.

Posted on: 2009/3/6 16:14

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2007/2/3 21:36
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call me old-fashioned, but I've found that a "please give me room to hold on" also works.

Posted on: 2009/3/6 15:44

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2005/7/13 15:03
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07310 wrote:
Here's one way I found to be effective in discouraging this type of behavior, wrap your hand around the pole when the person leans slightly forward and stick your thumb out toward their back, when the person leans back he or she gets poked in the back with your thumb making it uncomfortable for them to lean against the pole. Works 90% of the time.

Sounds like a plan it will get the message across, just like a locked door it will stop them in their tracks. Although make sure your thumb is strong enough for the pounce and the jerking of the train.

Posted on: 2009/3/6 14:12

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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eracko wrote:
Not sure if anyone's mentioned this yet and my apologies if they have but the POLES are for HANDS, not for LEANING on. Granted, if the train is empty do whatever you want, but many times I've had to grab onto a crammed pole while some jerkoff leans against one, taking up the whole thing. it's to the point now where i don't give a shit and grab it right above their head or grab it right around where they're leaning. not a single guy has ever moved or got the hint when i did it either. Oh how I wish i was a huge, buff karate master...

Here's one way I found to be effective in discouraging this type of behavior, wrap your hand around the pole when the person leans slightly forward and stick your thumb out toward their back, when the person leans back he or she gets poked in the back with your thumb making it uncomfortable for them to lean against the pole. Works 90% of the time.

Posted on: 2009/3/6 14:03

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2007/9/16 13:05
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grovester wrote:
[quote]Or yesterday morning, at Grove St., the train came, there were a bunch of people waiting, and one woman pushed to the front to get on first. Then she stood right in front of the door so no one else could get on (despite there being plenty of room inside the car). Her "strategy" was to get that spot so she could lean against the door - but in the meantime, not let anyone else on.

Grovester, this is the kid of situation where it's perfectly alight to push the stupid f'in a** out of the way as you and the dozen people behind you board the train. No apologies necessary.

Posted on: 2009/3/6 12:48

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2005/4/28 19:03
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Not sure if anyone's mentioned this yet and my apologies if they have but the POLES are for HANDS, not for LEANING on. Granted, if the train is empty do whatever you want, but many times I've had to grab onto a crammed pole while some jerkoff leans against one, taking up the whole thing

Pole humpers. They'll never get it. Just like people who stand in front of the door when the car is entirely empty.

Or yesterday morning, at Grove St., the train came, there were a bunch of people waiting, and one woman pushed to the front to get on first. Then she stood right in front of the door so no one else could get on (despite there being plenty of room inside the car). Her "strategy" was to get that spot so she could lean against the door - but in the meantime, not let anyone else on.

Posted on: 2009/3/6 12:30
Thank you for making The Great Jersey City SOUP SWAP an annual success! See you in January 2013 for the next Soup Swap!

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis

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2008/11/20 3:10
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2010/7/8 15:17
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Not sure if anyone's mentioned this yet and my apologies if they have but the POLES are for HANDS, not for LEANING on. Granted, if the train is empty do whatever you want, but many times I've had to grab onto a crammed pole while some jerkoff leans against one, taking up the whole thing. it's to the point now where i don't give a shit and grab it right above their head or grab it right around where they're leaning. not a single guy has ever moved or got the hint when i did it either. Oh how I wish i was a huge, buff karate master...

Posted on: 2009/3/6 4:59

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2005/7/13 15:03
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xxteargodxx wrote:
Anyone by any chance know if the Path operates at 3:30am or so?

Yes I know, and yes they do. 1 (800) 234- PATH (7284)
It would behove you to get a schedule also the trains can pick up speed between stations which result in running a minute or two early. And the front of the trains have little lights that that depict the color of the routes on the map.

Posted on: 2009/3/6 3:17

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2007/9/29 12:14
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Dear 6'5" business man with the red hair and 'refined' beard. Yes, you. We all know how busy the PATH gets in the morning and how we all must belittle ourselves and cram in to each others body space like nobodies business.

We also know that when we cram in and it's so tight at Grove we are all in for a fun time at Pavonia-Newport. So there I am thinking ahead and moving to the MIDDLE OF THE TRAIN, like a good samaritan where there is more space so others can fit later. Yes that was me squeezing by politely saying excuse me while your stadium sized back refused to budget one inch, in fact, it was a scenario where you decided in your little heart (I'm guessing it's black) you were going to plant your feet to make your point, that was your space, you weren't going to be flexible to let someone past for nobody. I mean of course, if you did that, you'd have to do it for everybody, and how painful is that in your 20 minute commute to work? Too much, too much.

Wow, you sure made your 6'5" point to a 115 lb. 5'3" little body by being a bully like that. Yes, that was me saying to you, oh-so-politely "sorry, I'm not trying to be pushy" to you and your ear buds, I was merely trying to get by and you would not let me, come hell or high water, you were going to be solid as a rock. And yes I got your darth vadar glare because you likely heard nothing but your Clay Aiken rather than my polite explanation.

Note to YOU: Fight for your family. Fight for shelter. For the job you deserve to keep. For proper medical care. But bro', fighting for your one foot space on the PATH train instead of just moving an inch so a little woman could get past you? Man, once you do that, all humanity is lost.

But it's okay, it's okay, I got the stench of your entitlement off me by buying a perfect stranger a coffee today. Figured when someone is mean to me, I'll be nice to someone else. BTW, we all had big smiles on our faces behind you, laughing, not glares, but humor. Because life is short, and apparently, you're not.

CORRECTION: Okay, okay, 125 lbs.

Posted on: 2009/3/5 20:21

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2009/2/24 16:11
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2009/4/30 18:45
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So I have been reading parts of this thread.. it is too long to go through all of it. I have a lot nemeses on the train.

Let me start off by staying I have a very very bad back. I use a cane for most of the time i am walking more than a block. Needless to say I can not stand on the PATH train to 14th Street. I get on at Grove Street every morning. I am in my 20's so I do not look like i would be disabled(legally) but I am. Standing on the PATH will not only hurt my back immensely but may also make it so I can not walk.

It makes me so angry when I get on the train and the people on the disabled/elderly person seat does not get up. Hello, I have a cane. I know you are tired but don't yell at me because I am trying to utilize the seat that is meant for people like me.

Most of the time some nice Indian man will give me a seat. When no one will or there are older looking people in the designated seats, I just plop down right on the floor. This obviously pisses people off immensely but why should I have to stand when I am legally disabled.

I get two thing for being a cripple.. a seat on the train and a gimp pass to park. Otherwise it just makes my life hell.

I am sure if you are at the Grove Street Station around 8:15am you have seen my gimp self with my huge bag(small bags don't allow you to carry fold able canes or your lunch bags.)

people who are disabled, pregnant, or old should be given a seat. It may be a mere inconvenience for you to stand but it dangerous for someone like me to stand on the train. That train, especially through the tunnel to NY is bumpy and will knock you around like a rag doll. When i moved to JC two years ago, I got motion sickness for the first month.

I also appreciate the people who slam into me to get on the train. oh and i have no problem calling you out on being an asshole. I have a cane do not hit me or lean on me. I will fall down. I will cry.. it will not be pretty.

Posted on: 2009/2/24 16:23

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2005/7/13 15:03
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JCbiscuit wrote:
a big thanks to the conductors who don't bother looking out that little window before shutting the doors.

saturday night, the doors of the last 2 cars on the 33rd street train didn't open at the Grove Street station. those of us waiting to get on shouted up to the conductor, who blissfully dinged her little "door closing" chime and moved the train onward, while the suckers standing on the train, ready to get off at Grove, got to take a little side trip to Pavonia.

this has happened to me twice at Grove, once in each direction. have they just given up on repairing the old cars, in anticipation of the new ones coming online (eventually)?

Don't feel bad a few weeks ago on a Sunday morning the trains were not only running behind schedule which they did announce, N.Y. bound trains were running on tracks 3&4 but they did not announce it. Along came a WTC train 10 minutes late on their schedule but 20 minutes earlier for my schedule. Needless to say I realized what was happening and tried to scoot up the escalator over to track 4 but the conductor just closed the doors instead of waiting which he had enought time to do as it is done at Grove for passengers going to Newark coming from 33rd St. The funny part is my train came and left 3 minutes later than usual.

Posted on: 2009/2/23 20:33

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2007/2/3 21:36
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a big thanks to the conductors who don't bother looking out that little window before shutting the doors.

saturday night, the doors of the last 2 cars on the 33rd street train didn't open at the Grove Street station. those of us waiting to get on shouted up to the conductor, who blissfully dinged her little "door closing" chime and moved the train onward, while the suckers standing on the train, ready to get off at Grove, got to take a little side trip to Pavonia.

this has happened to me twice at Grove, once in each direction. have they just given up on repairing the old cars, in anticipation of the new ones coming online (eventually)?

Posted on: 2009/2/23 18:54

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2006/4/10 13:29
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Friday night all of the WTC metrocard dispensers were refusing to accept credit cards; this wouldn't have been so much of a problem if they were also accepting cash. WTF, Port Authority, if you are going to rob us, at least keep your machines working.

Posted on: 2009/1/26 15:53

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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I know this is petty, and I surely have no right to complain...but...I find it very annoying when I am on an early morning train and there's a group of adults in the car chattering loudly, using their "outdoor" voices. I know the train is not a library or chapel, and people are free to talk and laugh as they please, but I just wish it didn't interfere with my quiet headspace on the journey through the tunnel to the beehive. Yes, we live in an urban area, crammed in against each other, but this loud chatter is infrequent enough that I think most people feel the same way I do and either talk relatively quietly or read, sleep, listen to music. Whatever.

Posted on: 2009/1/26 15:31

The Path and a Disgusting Man

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2008/9/29 21:42
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I thought I would start off my day great since I slept longer today.

I was waiting for the 33rd Street train at Journal Square. I figured exactly where the doors would be when the empty train would pull into the station so I stood behind atleast 2 people. When the train pulled in, we waited for the doors to open. They opened and this man was pushing me into the 2 people in front of me with his fat@ss stomach and penis touching my i turned around and told him not to push me. We both got a seat, and I told him, "It must be nice to push a pregnant women so that you can get a seat". He mumbled "shut up" a couple of times in whatever accent he had. I tried to instigate him for another minute or so, so he could step up to me and so I could mase his eyeballs. Didn't work. The one day I finally brought my mase with me to work, I really wanted to use it.

I find it amazing that some people grew up without manners in the world. Instead of saying sorry, his fatass tells me to "shut up"...You seriously must beat your wife (if someone was so stupid to marry you) So to the idiot who pushed me, I hope you drop dead of a heart attack. By the looks of your unhealthy appearance, your heart attack should be coming soon. Can't wait to come across your obituary!


Posted on: 2008/11/3 15:15

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2006/4/10 13:29
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"In order to speed completion of the Cortland Street Station, the #1 underpinning and the Transportation Hub, the #1 subway line and PATH to World Trade Center will experience service interruptions beginning in 2009."

"The PATH to World Trade Center will be closed on numerous weekends, beginning in 2009 and lasting until 2011."

PA Press Release

So really, they could complete everything without further screwing PATH riders, but they are choosing to make their deadlines on the backs of PATH riders.

Posted on: 2008/10/2 17:43

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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What the article neglects to mention is that the PA press release also notes that Weekend PATH service to the WTC line will be suspended beginning in 2009 through 2011.

Posted on: 2008/10/2 17:11

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2008/6/25 13:51
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I say we just get rid of seats altogether and make everyone stand like cattle. But then you will have someone sit on the floor taking more than their share as well.... When will those tubes to transport people be put into play? I thought the Jetsons had the right idea... no interaction with one another, especially before we have our morning coffee ;)

Posted on: 2008/10/2 16:27

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Just a related story:

P.A. could stop No.1 train in its tracks
Service south of Chambers St. could be eliminated for months

Thursday, October 02, 2008

STATEN ISLAND ADVANCE -- Staten Island commuters endured a frustrating trek to Manhattan's West Side for a year when the No. 1 and 9 subway lines were shut down after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

They could be in for more of the same in the not-too-distant future.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is expected to recommend today closing the No. 1 subway line south of Chambers Street, down to the South Ferry station, for a series of months, as early as summer, according to the New York Observer. The weekly cited unnamed sources for its information.

The closure is indicated by the reconstruction of the World Trade Center, which has several subway lines running underneath it, including the No. 1 and the PATH commuter train to New Jersey.

The Port Authority is to release a comprehensive report today on the Trade Center's redevelopment, which likely will have a new timetable and a higher price tag than heretofore.

The No. 1 subway station serves thousands of Staten Island commuters heading from the Staten Island Ferry to the West Side. The skip-stop No. 9 train line no longer operates.

The entire 1/9 subway line was closed for a year after the terrorist attacks, forcing beleaguered Island straphangers to overcrowded and less-convenient N and R trains at Whitehall Street and the No. 4 and No. 5 lines at Bowling Green. In some cases, it added a half-hour or more onto already staggering commute times.

Calls to the Port Authority yesterday were not immediately returned.

A spokesman for the Metropolitan Transit Authority referred all inquires to New York City Transit, where a spokeswoman declined comment.

Livingston attorney Allen P. Cappelli, Staten Island's MTA board member, said he'd heard about the report but had no details.

But Cappelli said it would require an "extraordinary rationale" to shut down the No. 1 for an extended period. "Staten Island has limited mass-transit options," he noted.

City Councilman Michael McMahon (D-North Shore) sent a letter yesterday to MTA executive director and CEO Elliot G. Sander blasting any disruption in No. 1 service. "I urge you to reject this thoughtless plan and direct the Port Authority to come up with a solution that is not an undue (burden) upon the people whom I represent," McMahon wrote.

The closures wouldn't be unprecedented.

Train service on the No. 1 south of Chambers Street has been stopped on weekends only to aid Trade Center construction. Shuttle buses have run between South Ferry and Chambers to pick up the slack.

In the meantime, the outdated South Ferry station is undergoing major renovation.

Once completed, it will boast a platform accessible to all subway cars, covered walkway connections to the Whitehall Ferry Terminal, two elevators, access for the disabled and an underground connection to the R and W trains at Whitehall Street.

Commuters waiting inside the St. George Ferry Terminal yesterday were none too pleased to learn of a possible temporary closing of the No. 1 subway station.

"Wow, I would have to take the R train, which would take a lot longer and (involve) some transferring. It would be inconvenient," said a surprised Wanda Florio, 42, of Port Richmond. "I usually just get off the ferry and go downstairs," noted the executive secretary for a printing firm on 34th Street.

"It is going to make it very inconvenient, especially if you are coming from Staten Island and you have to go to Manhattan for a job interview or to visit somebody or to take care of relatives. It's going to be a pain," predicted Carol Johnson of St. George, a sometimes-rider. In the event of a months-long service suspension, "they need to give us an alternate way to get to our destinations."

Fiftysomething Bob Bradley of West Brighton said the closure would make it difficult for his son, who comes home for weekend visits from Manhattan College in the Bronx.

"I use the No. 1 a lot. This is going to be rather inconvenient. It's going to make it difficult for me to get out and do stuff in Manhattan," said Bradley, an amateur photographer who enjoys going to museums and cultural events.

Luz Beniquez was "disappointed and upset." The 34-year-old Manhattanite works in St. George for the New York City Housing Authority and relies on the convenience of the ferry and a quick hop on the No. 1 train to get home.

"I know they are supposed to be doing this for the better, but I don't see that. It will be worse for us commuters," said Ms. Beniquez, adding that the city has a way of not completing projects on time. "They will just keep stalling and stalling because there's not enough funding to complete the project right away. . . . This is going to be disastrous."

Frank Donnelly and Kiawana Rich are news reporters for the Advance. They may be reached at and

Posted on: 2008/10/2 14:29

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
Home away from home
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2007/10/14 15:17
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2017/11/13 17:19
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I was at 33rd. They were announcing a shut down of the Hoboken/33 and JSq/33 lines due to a police action at 33rd and directing NJ-bound passengers to go to WTC. No police action was visible. Then they pulled the gates down in front of the turnstiles. Less than five minutes later they pulled the gates back up and let people onto the platform. The first trains arriving were completely empty. Lucky I hung around for the five minutes.

Posted on: 2008/9/30 13:46

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2007/6/12 15:08
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2009/9/25 1:50
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ansky wrote:
Anyone else have problems on the Path this morning? We got to 14th St. around 8am and they made everyone exit the train. I could barely hear the announcement as to why we had to get off but everyone had to exit at 14th. That's the first time I have seen anything like that happen in 4 years of riding the Path.

Yup, only I was on Christopher when the train stopped. I was waiting to make my way up the stairs when they annouced that the train was running again. Luckily, I was able to hop back on. Sucks for the people who already left the station though.

It's happened to me once before. I think it was because of a fire on the tracks. This time the trains stopped running due to "police activity at 33rd". I have no idea what was going on but it couldn't have been that big an issue if I was able to get back on the train.

Posted on: 2008/9/30 13:37

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