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Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Quite a regular


Vigilante wrote:
Good-bye Old Tree.

Resized Image

Why do they need to cut down a tree?! The trees are what make Hamilton Park beautiful!!

AH! I hate it when people cut down trees!!!

Posted on: 2009/4/14 20:25

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The entire park is going to be closed? Does anyone know how long? It's really going to suck not having a place to go when the weather is nice.

Posted on: 2009/4/14 15:49

Re: Newport light rail?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Haven't a clue but I walked through there at around 8 this morning and saw some police tape. No cops were there. It may have had something to do with the wind this morning. Maybe something fell?

Posted on: 2009/2/12 14:13

Re: Dogs in the Hamilton Park Childrens' Playground at night!!!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


kate1 wrote:
One couple has a grey greatdane another has a Korean breed, the dog is all white with a curly tail. The were a few more dogs but I'm not sure what breed they are.

I know a couple with a great dane but they don't strike me as the type to let their dog roam in the children's park.

And to be clear, this was the children's park, not the tennis courts?

Posted on: 2009/2/11 14:05

Re: Downtown: One dead in shooting on Coles Street in Jersey City this morning
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

NolieOlie wrote:

Thank you MYBEAT..
lets hope the person who is blaming it on teachers IS NOT A PARENT

Tolerance, understanding, humanity, love, hard work, etc.... is taught at home. That is a parents' responsibilty.

A teacher can enforce that and give the child an opportunity to show those characteristics. But if when they go home, it's not a will never happen...

However, this horrific murder should not be blamed on teachers or students. I read that article.... What loving memoirs the students from McNair left.....lets not blame other people...
Lets find the person who did this...and work on improving our society. This way things like this may not happen again.

If only all people


I'm NOT blaming the teachers.

Please read my original post.

I suggest that part of the solution to violent crime lies not in arming citizens to the teeth. It instead lies in making a good education more accessible to all.

My reasoning is that perhaps if this was done, perhaps if the money spent housing non-violent offenders in jail, pumping money into a crazy war, continuing the War on Drugs, etc. was instead spent on our school systems, children would grow up knowing they can get out of the crummy situations in which they find themselves. They would know there is more out there for them than becoming drug dealers to make money or becoming mothers in their teens.

It's part of what needs to be done albeit a pretty big part. I understand this all starts at home but since we cannot reach into every home across the United States and force parents to give a shit about their kids, fostering an environment in the school systems that encourages children to reach higher goals is a start.

I have nothing but admiration for teachers who choose to teach in inner city schools. A very close friend of mine did it for several years. I know the challenges they face when it comes to having parents care. I also know that her goal, to reach these kids and give them a good start in life, could have been made much easier if she had been given the resources she desperately needed.


Don't put words in my mouth.

Posted on: 2009/1/30 16:45

Re: Downtown: One dead in shooting on Coles Street in Jersey City this morning
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Adonis wrote:

Suze wrote:
Perhaps if the person who committed this crime had access to good schools, a stable community, a stable home life, and opportunities to do things like go to college, this wouldn't have happened.

What country are you living in??? I know in this country everybody has access to good schools, a stable community and opportunities to do things like go to college.

It's the choices people make regarding that access that separates decent people from the murdering pieces of sh..

And no matter how bad things get in life for anybody it's still requires a conscious decision to pull a trigger on a gun. Society doesn't force your hand on that.

No, society does not force you to pull a trigger on a gun and commit a violent act. However, the environment in which you are raised contributes greatly to whether or not you end up doing it.

Furthermore, you're incorrect in your statement that everyone has the same access to good schools. Inner city schools are terrible. They're over-crowded, short on supplies, and children do not get the attention they need to prepare them for the rest of their lives.

If you think we're all equal in this country then you're ignorant. I hope it's not willingly so.

Posted on: 2009/1/29 18:43

Re: Downtown: One dead in shooting on Coles Street in Jersey City this morning
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


injcsince81 wrote:
If Mr. Parikh had a right to keep a loaded .45 under his counter, he could have blown this punk's head off.

At least he would have a chance to do so, depending on the situation and his inclination.

But because NJ gun laws favor the criminal, all Mr. Parikh had at his disposal during the robbery was his courage and his pride.

That is no match against a thug with no conscience and a nine milla in his hand.

I blame the pathetic, corrupt, and totalitarian State of New Jersey for Mr. Parikh's loss of life.

Your answer to gun violence is more guns?

Perhaps if the person who commited this crime had access to good schools, a stable community, a stable home life, and opportunities to do things like go to college, this wouldn't have happened.

I understand that I'm making assumptions and I understand that I'm being a bit of a pollyanna but I don't think these assumptions are too far off the mark.

The solution to violent crime and drug use isn't to have every man, woman, and child armed to the teeth. The solution to the problems that drive these kinds of violent crime is giving people the same opportunites in life regardless of socio-economic class.

Please do not misunderstand. I in no way think that any cirumstance excuses this horrible action but the resulting call to arms should not be for more guns, it should be for better schools and communities.

It's a tragedy for everyone involved and I feel for that family.

Posted on: 2009/1/29 14:33

Re: Downtown: One dead in shooting on Coles Street in Jersey City this morning
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

This is so terrible. I really hope they find the person who did this.

Posted on: 2009/1/27 17:10

Re: DO NOT park at PepBoys, BJs, Shoprite to go to Newport Mall right now
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


ansky wrote:
If you're that worried about paying for mall parking, just drive around some of the side streets like 8th or 9th. You'll probably find a spot and it's not that much farther than walking from Pep Boys. I see people do it all the time. (If it's after 5pm or weekend you don't need a resident permit)

As a resident of that neighborhood, I can say that no, you will not find a spot. All you will do is create more traffic and make it more difficult for the people who actually live here to get around.

Just suck it up and deal with the fact that if you want to drive to the mall, you'll have to pay for parking.

If you don't want to pay for parking take public transportation. There are buses, a PATH train and a Light Rail that go directly to Newport Mall. Use them.

Posted on: 2008/12/17 20:05

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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Quite a regular


CatsnDogs wrote:
It is fact that when a bite or attack is reported in the media much of the time they incorrectly list the dog as a pit.

The pit breed is a good breed and can live very well with families, children and other pets. You cannot condemn an entire breed based on the misuse by some. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but please look at all sides of the issue before coming to a conclusion.

Find the pitbull:

Its true people incorrectly identify pitbulls but I don't know if that link is really the best resource to make your point.

Out of the 25 dogs pictured, one is a Jack Russell and one is a chocolate Lab. I don't know many people who think either of those are pitbulls. That being said, out of the remaining 23, 13 are not recommended for "the casual dog owner" and have descriptions like, "in the wrong hands this dog can be dangerous" "will fight to the death" "very aggressive to people passing on the street" "be careful when opening the door so they don't get out onto the street" etc. etc.

Pitbulls can be very loyal and loving to their families. However, these dogs MUST have an experienced owner because if they perceive a threat to a member of their pack they will attack and those attacks can be deadly. That's why the public is uncomfortable with these dogs and since it's impossible to know or identify good owners, I'm inclined to agree with those who think a muzzle in public should be required.

Posted on: 2008/12/12 15:14

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


croft wrote:
I also find that most people heading my way tend to cross the street. Those are ignorant folks. My dog is not trained to protect, bite, attack, or any of those things. He knows his basic sit, give paw, lay down, roll over, and stay commands, but he's more of a companion than anything. I took him to Newport Mall for pet night and he was the only Pit in attendance. He was very well behaved for Santa and got along well with all of the other dogs waiting in line.

I don't think people cross the street when they see pitbulls because the people are ignorant. For every responsible owner of a pit, such as yourself, there's another owner who isn't, like the guy in the article. Since you can never be sure who is and isn't a responsible owner, it's just common sense to stay out of the way.

It really is too bad.

Posted on: 2008/12/11 19:59

Re: Lease Renewal Question
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


drealock118 wrote:
Maybe I'm not explaining it correctly.

Situation: Roommate moved out before the end of the lease - hence he subletted it. Now that the lease is up and he no longer lives there I do not want him on the lease.

Reason: The person subletting is cool and I want him on the lease. The subleter also pays a set amount and the old roommate whose name is on the lease gives us a check for less.

I think I understand you. Guy A moved out. Guy B moved in. You want to renew the lease with Guy B. Guy B is sending the rent check to Guy A and Guy A is sending the check to the landlord in order to give the impression that Guy A is still living in the apartment. Is that what's going on?

I don't think it would be a problem renewing the lease with a new person. I did something similar a few years ago. However, if there is a no subletting agreement in your lease (and since Guy A has been sending checks to the landlord this entire time) you may want to keep it quiet the Guy B has been living there. Just tell the landlord that Guy A is moving out and Guy B wants to be put on the lease.

Posted on: 2008/12/10 14:24

Re: Need Help with Marketing a JSQ Apartment. Any suggestions or refferals?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


JCSHEP wrote:

So if you need marketing advice, put front and center in your ad what differentiates your unit justifying the price. If nothing is there, re-evaluate the application of your academic "economic" theory.

I agree. Also, include pictures in your ad. It makes it easier for people. I know that when I was first looking I only paid attention to postings that included pictures. I thought that if a listing didn't include a picture it meant that the apartment was ugly or small or what have you.

Posted on: 2008/12/8 17:52

Re: Is the rental market downtown crazy slow?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


moxiebaby wrote:
I advertised it myself because I assumed no one would be into paying a realtor's fee and that using a realtor would really hold things up.
***wrong! wrong! wrong!** Should've used a realtor from day 1. They can weed out the nonserious lookers and my time is not wasted. Once I got a good realtor involved, it took 3 days to find a tenant, and the tenant paid the realtor's fee, not me. So there's some interesting food for thought.

The whole realtor fee really irks me.

When I was looking for my current place, I found it on Craigslist, called the number, the realtor met me at the apartment, opened the door, and that was it. There was no pre-interview or weeding out or anything of that nature.

I paid a month's rent to have someone unlock the door so I could see an apartment. It's ridiculous.

Personally, I think in that instance, the fee should be paid by the landlord. He/She goes through a realtor in order to have someone else worry about finding a tenant, screening people, advertising the apartment, etc.

If I walked into a realtor's office and said, "I want this and this and this in this area" and asked them to find it for me, then I'd be happy to pay the fee.

But to have to pay a person someone else decided to hire? That's insane.

Live and learn I suppose but that's the last time I look at an apartment with a fee.

Posted on: 2008/11/7 14:45

Re: Brick Haus Gym
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I also recommend Brick Haus. Like others have said, it's always very clean and there's never a wait for cardio equipment. Plus, the staff is great. They're really friendly and always say hello. I'm really happy with it.

Posted on: 2008/10/30 17:06

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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Quite a regular


ansky wrote:
Anyone else have problems on the Path this morning? We got to 14th St. around 8am and they made everyone exit the train. I could barely hear the announcement as to why we had to get off but everyone had to exit at 14th. That's the first time I have seen anything like that happen in 4 years of riding the Path.

Yup, only I was on Christopher when the train stopped. I was waiting to make my way up the stairs when they annouced that the train was running again. Luckily, I was able to hop back on. Sucks for the people who already left the station though.

It's happened to me once before. I think it was because of a fire on the tracks. This time the trains stopped running due to "police activity at 33rd". I have no idea what was going on but it couldn't have been that big an issue if I was able to get back on the train.

Posted on: 2008/9/30 13:37

Re: Crowd outraged at NJ Transit plan for half-dozen glass skyscrapers dwarfing Hoboken and even J.C.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


ianmac47 wrote:
The rail yards redevelopment is many years away from breaking ground, let alone constructing the towers. Eventually the new trans Hudson Tunnel will be built, probably before much of this project is; most of the NJ Transit trains that terminate in Hoboken will be rerouted through that tunnel, meaning fewer passengers will be making a connection to New York via the PATH.

It's not people making the connection from Nj Transit trains that's the problem with the PATH stops in JC.

If the plan is to add additional space for six thousand new residents then really, something has to be done about the already over-crowded situation with the PATH. I understand this is many years off but it should be something that is planned for nonetheless.

Posted on: 2008/9/29 16:03

Re: Crowd outraged at NJ Transit plan for half-dozen glass skyscrapers dwarfing Hoboken and even J.C.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

An estimated 6,000 new residents? I'm sure that means the plans will include a newer, better, and updated PATH system.

Posted on: 2008/9/29 15:37

Re: Living in Hamilton Park
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


robt wrote:
The Mall isn't open 24/7...dunno where you get that. Coming back from the city to Hamilton park very late (>12am) aint the best of things about this neighbourhood. I actually have started going to WTC and walking from grove rather than the (very overcrowded) train from 33rd st.
The maill is closed after 11 most nights, so you have to walk around.
That said, there's not been too many creeps around and even if the streets look bleak going around the mall, they are pretty safe

What on earth are you talking about? The stores in the mall are closed but the mall itself is open. They block off parts of it with gates so no one can go wandering about but it's still open and you're still able to walk from the entrance on the Newport side all the way through to the exit at the parking deck (in between Sephora and the new Armani X store) and then through the parking deck to Marin.

I've walked it many a time at all hours of the night. There are security guards (for what it's worth) and there's usually some people who got off at the Newport/Pavonia stop walking through as well.

Posted on: 2008/9/26 15:18

Electronic Recycling
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Does anyone know where I can recycle old computer monitors?


Posted on: 2008/9/13 19:38

Re: He keeps walking to Bergen Ave after shot in knee at Montgomery Gardens public housing complex
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I saw it but haven't commented. Some of those Farkers are hysterical.

Posted on: 2008/8/25 20:18

Re: He keeps walking to Bergen Ave after shot in knee at Montgomery Gardens public housing complex
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


elvis wrote:
Sorry for the double post, but we made the big time:

Its the top headline on there now, but will be knocked down as the day goes by. The comments are pretty funny.

Ha! Fellow Farker, how ya doing?

Posted on: 2008/8/25 19:54

Re: 9th & Marin crosswalk
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

If it's so dangerous, why not just walk a block and cross at the traffic light at 8th?

Seems to me that would be the sensible thing to do, no?

Posted on: 2008/7/24 12:58

Re: Salon X
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

It's open. I walk by there everyday.

Posted on: 2008/7/23 12:34

Re: Security Deposit
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Cleaning and painting? I know you're supposed to leave an apartment clean but isn't it the law that an apartment must be painted every time a new lease with a new tenant is signed? That's the responsibility of the landlord, not the previous tenant. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but I really don't think the tenant is responsible for paint.

Posted on: 2008/7/21 13:00

Re: Mysterious Wooden Thingy on Erie St....
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Awesome. I've wondered what that was. It's good to finally know.

Posted on: 2008/6/5 13:56

Dahon Folding Bikes
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Quite a regular

Does anyone have a Dahon?

I'm probably going to see if I can test drive one at a retailer sometime this weekend but I'm curious to know if anyone has one, if you'd recommend this brand, have come across problems, etc.

I'm looking at the Boardwalk model or the newer version of it, I think it's a Speed D7. I'd basically use it to tool around town or maybe make some light trips to the grocery store.

Posted on: 2008/6/3 16:11

Re: Finding an apartment assistance needed
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I don't think there really is a way to avoid paying a broker's fee unless you get lucky and stumble on a craigslists no fee ad or wander by a place with a FOR RENT sign in the window.

So basically, do what you're already doing. I'm such a huge help, aren't I?

Personally, I have no problem paying a broker if that person is actively looking for an apartment for me. They're providing a service and deserve to be compensated for it. However, when the prospective tenent is the one to find the apartment and all the broker does is open the door to let that person in to view it, paying a month's rent for that really sucks. I'm sure I'd feel differently if I were a broker though.

I hope your friend has luck finding a good place!

Posted on: 2008/5/8 15:09

Re: Hamilton Park: Equinox style gym, noodle shop, bike store, bakery, ice cream parlor, pharmacy, b
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Well that certainly makes a lot more sense. I was sitting here wondering which tree I should chain myself to when the wrecking ball comes to build the road through the park.

Thanks for sparing me the embarrassment, Sam!

Posted on: 2008/2/11 18:30

Re: Hamilton Park: Equinox style gym, noodle shop, bike store, bakery, ice cream parlor, pharmacy, b
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Can someone elighten me on this please:

"Part of the plan for the first phase of construction calls for Pavonia Avenue - closed since 1970 - to be reopened as a cobblestone street for pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The new street will also lead to the lobby entrance of one of the residential buildings."

I'm still new to JC so forgive me if this is a stupid question but do they mean creating a road in the middle of Hamilton Park for cars?

Posted on: 2008/2/11 18:20

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