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Dishwasher Repairman
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

my stupid dishwasher is blinking and beeping, which is driving me insane. I am in need of a good repairman. Anyone know who I call for this? Before I go crazy.... (already turned it off and on... doesn't fix it. It's turned off now)

Posted on: 2010/7/6 23:24

Re: Swimming
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I use the Pershing Pool... which is great. It's year round, cheap and great hours.

Here is info on local pools, but the pershing info is at the bottom.

Posted on: 2010/6/30 18:37

Re: Who serves Kushari -- Eat like an Egyptian!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

There is an egyptian restaurant up on Central Ave name Cleopatra. She pretty much makes what she wants, but when I asked her if she made foul, she said she would love to and would call me when she made it next. She did call, unfortunately I was in Brooklyn that day.... It's a husband/wife business and they are super friendly. my husband and I were the only white folk in there when we go, but they are so happy and accommodating. Try them out!

Cleopatra Cafe 434 Central Ave (201) 706-2178

Posted on: 2010/6/30 18:33

Re: New Kansas City style BBQ restaurant. opening tonight!!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The liquor license thing is a grandfathered thing..... I was looking into it recently. It sucks and would be nice if it changed. But like someone else said- it's cheaper on your own wallet and you can bring what YOU want!

Posted on: 2010/5/12 18:14

Re: Bayonne or Jersey City Heights?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I was in the same situation..... and we are closing on a condo up in the Heights. The only thing that ruled out Bayonne was the lack of transportation and not as easy to get to the city. I have friends in both places. Bayonne is nice, but if you don't have a car or need to get to the city, I would say no.

I am excited to move to the Heights. Discovered a new Egyptian restaurant up there this past Saturday night on Central Ave! The Heights will be the next upcoming place..... for the fact that everyone has been priced out of downtown!

Posted on: 2010/5/12 18:11

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I would NEVER oppose this! I have gone to it up in Montreal and the amount of money that it would bring into the city would be AMAZING! Plus, maybe we could finally get some streets fixed around here!

There are EXTREMELY deep pockets in F1 Racing. My husband's father is an addict to it and so are others that watch this. It is the only car racing that I enjoy. And that beautiful sound....

So yeah, if you don't want Jersey City and the local businesses to prosper, then say no. But if you actually give a shit about this area.... say hells to the yeah!

Posted on: 2010/5/7 18:30

Re: All Points West Festival in JC This Summer Is in Doubt
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Not a huge fan of large concerts where you are caged in like an animal and are only allowed to eat their food and drink their beers all day long. And then wait in line for a port o potty. Granted, that is my point of view. If people are down with that, so be it. I would be happier with a concert here and there. The convenience for us, to be able to bike down and check out a show is rather nice! I did bike down to listen to Radiohead the first year, just out of curiosity to what the sound would be. I thought it sounded great, and I was behind the stage.

The other issue is that I wanted to hear some bands from one day and some from the others, but didn't want to pay the crazy price to hear all of it.

So who ever is the promoter is, think of smaller shows throughout the summer, and better advertising.

Posted on: 2010/4/27 15:14

The Pot Hole that Ate Jersey City
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Dear Jersey City,

Your roads are killing my car. Everywhere I drive, there are potholes that eat my tires, rims and shocks. Christopher Columbus is sooooo out of control that it is beyond a speed bump, you can barely drive down it. And it is also deceiving because you get off the ramp to head down town and the road it all smooth and nice and then WHAM! You are right in front of Dixon Mills and every curse word has slipped out of your mouth. All of Jersey City is in need of some lovely road repair. I know last summer Jersey Ave was repaved, which was not in bad condition compared to other parts. Any word on fixing other roads? Or a tax rebate so that we can get some new shocks?

Posted on: 2010/4/27 15:08

Re: bored with JC restaurants
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

When you live anywhere for an extended amount of time, and have tried all the local restaurants, it is natural to feel like there is nothing out there. That is why I live in JC. I can hop on the subway and try new stuff in the city, or get in a car and go further out to get some other amazing food, such as Ethiopian or Turkish food!

When I get in a rut like that, I will also try something I never had on the menu. Try new items or new ethnic restaurants, like up in little India.... at the base of the hill there is that super cheap and tasty Egyptian restaurant.

Posted on: 2010/4/14 18:35

Re: Drivers Must Come to Full Stop at NJ Crosswalks
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I live on Jersey btwn 4th and 5th.... where last summer I saw enough cars flying into the intersection without looking causing accidents and where they ended up in buildings....

The cars that turn onto 4th decided to fly into that turn going as fast as possible, where I happened to be walking across one night, almost getting hit. The car stopped just short of me and I stopped and stared at the car. The guy in the car gets out and then says- You gonna move or what? That only raised my blood pressure and my snarky response of- You gonna slow down and not try to hit me?

One day i was sitting outside Basic with my friend and our dogs. We watched EVERY car come to a rolling stop at that intersection. Not ONE car came to a complete stop. This was the afternoon, near a school, park and a very popular intersection. I have almost been hit there in both a car and walking, due to people's need to get somewhere fast.

I just think people need to relearn what Yield means and I kind of thought that the pedestrian had the right of way anyways..... right?

Posted on: 2010/4/14 17:50

Re: Professional Knife Sharpening service in JC?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

too bad that lovely truck that I have seen drive around NYC doesn't make a right turn and head over here! I would use him too!

Posted on: 2010/4/14 17:38

Re: Hamilton Park - Pet Free Zone Public Hearing - March 30, 6pm City Hall
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I think that it is statements like the one below that drives us sane people rather crazy. Really jcnight? I guess there is always one in the group that has to take the ball and go home and ruin it for everyone.....

on a lighter note, I am hopeful that the park does open so we can enjoy it THIS summer..... any news on THAT?


jcnight wrote:
Don't let Vigilante drive you crazy people. He is way out numbered in this park issue. Plus the park is a done deal. It's all just politics and petitions and etc are just sitting on someone's desk right now soaking up coffee.

I am looking forward to enjoying our new park with and with out my dogs. Hope I can put out a chair, play with the kids, etc and have no dog crap all over us. That is a change that I am looking forward to!!

If you people want to let your dogs run around then YOUR waseting the cops valuable time beacuse there are plenty of people that are going to be calling them. Hopefully they will get sick and tired of it and arrest your asses and take your dogs away!

Posted on: 2010/4/14 3:00

Re: Parking Permits and Rules
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

OH I did not know this was an option! Thank you for letting me know I was able to do this and not stress about it in the future! I might have to run up there myself! Thank you thank you!!!

djh101 wrote:
Just to streamline headaches, when I'm renewing my own resident permit, I typically pick up about ten visitor permits which will last me the year.

Tomorrow is going to be that delightful annual day, so I just wanted to verify........

Are the visitor parking permits still $3 each or have they gone up in the past year?

Thanks in advance.

Posted on: 2010/4/7 22:54

Re: Hamilton Park - Pet Free Zone Public Hearing - March 30, 6pm City Hall
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I am starting this off by saying I have a snarky comment. You know that EVERYONE POOPS and PEES right? I guarantee you that you can't ban the homeless or the drunken people.... even the squirrels from doing this. *Told you I was going to be an ass....*

On a non ass note.... as a dog owner that DOES pick up after my dog, I do agree that it sucks when there are thoughtless dog owners that give the rest of us a bad rap. But for the one pile of crap you see on the sidewalk, think of the many of us that DO pick up after our dogs. So you are going to take away everything for that one jerk? *snark alert* It's like saying you would drop the bomb on an entire country for a couple bad people. Look, most of us WILL use the dog run, but for those dogs that could care less or should not be in the run, are they not allowed to get their exercise? Not all dogs get along, especially if those dog runs are tiny. Look around the Hamilton Park area, there are dogs. They are not going away. Now, just keep in mind that we all need to work together, but to ban all dogs because of a few bad owners is bad.


Eleanor_A wrote:
I came home from work at 11:30pm. I parked on 9th and West Hamilton. Right on the T-intersection of West Hamilton and Pavonia was a big ol' dog dookie.

I will BET my next mortgage payment that it will still be there at dawn on 4/7.

CARELESS dog owners are the reason to blame for the anti-dog sentiment. Sorry, but I want my part of the park to be DOG FREE and poop and pee free.

DOG OWNERS START POLICING EACH OTHER. Say something if you see someone not picking up after their dog.

Posted on: 2010/4/7 22:51

Re: Hamilton Park - Pet Free Zone Public Hearing - March 30, 6pm City Hall
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

So we want the new park to be a place where people walk through and NOT use? Like a museum? It's public place where people of the neighborhood should be allowed to use.

Needless to say, the park before was nice. It wasn't all posh and snooty. the biggest problem was that it had trees that were dying and flooding. People complain everything. So in order to make everyone happy, it is making no one happy. "the basketball court is too close to the street" "the dogs can't be in the park" "people can't play any sports in the tennis court besides tennis"

First off, there is not a cricket court.... and I think the people that play cricket (followed my the crew that plays volleyball) makes the area interesting!

Are we going to ban people sitting on the grass or kids playing ball (soccer or baseball)?

I know it's not the crack park that it once was, but let's not lose sight of the fact that it's a PARK. It's for public use. If you want to stroll through some safe gardens, go to the Botanical Gardens in Brooklyn or the Bronx! We just need to remember that it's a place for us all... That is where I want my taxes to go to. To a place where people can enjoy themselves without all these rules....

Posted on: 2010/4/7 5:23

Re: Hamilton Park - Pet Free Zone Public Hearing - March 30, 6pm City Hall
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

How about those children? Can we have them on leashes too? I see them running in the street and going crazy. I have them bump into my legs as I am walking cause the parents are too busy gossiping......

And what about all those strollers. Those are worse than anything else! Those double wides are out of control. And people, really? You HAVE to bring it inside Basic where there is already no room? Please....

Look, don't put all dog owners as being jerks and I won't lump all children the same way. I know there are a lot of dogs that need bigger runs to get their exercise. They just want to play ball. That is it. I am amazed at the fascist tendencies that are happening about this park, which I am sure I am very much paying for as well. So stop. Please.... stop

Posted on: 2010/3/31 3:46

Re: WFMU's 50th: 1968-2008 "greatest radio station on the planet"
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Thanks in advance to all that have supported our lovely WFMU. I am a DJ there and have been volunteering for years! What makes the station so amazing is that we have the FREEDOM to be able to play whatever we want! We can play the droning stuff because who the hell else does?! We can play the noise and experimental along with the mainstream.... because we have NOONE telling us what to play! We don't have to listen to the MAN... we don't have to because they pay money telling us how to program.... We don't have to listen to anyone but our gut instincts! That is the beauty of the station. If you don't like what you are hearing, come back in 5 minutes. That was always my motto for the station.

So you SHOULD pledge just to support FREEFORM and freedom! You should support because there is NOTHING out there like us! You should support us cause hell, we are in your back yard! NYC radio is uninspiring and commercial ridden. We have great events, great fundraising and AMAZING listeners! That is what makes us the best. I will always support WFMU!


mrasg1 wrote:
If I donate, will they stop playing that droning on crap and the other stuff that gives me a headache?!?

Posted on: 2010/3/9 4:50

Re: Local Veterinarian
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Totally NOT a fan of downtown vet. They seem to rape you and your emotions every time I ever went there. They did the same to my friend's pets too. My dog has gotten his teeth cleaned there twice and the price kept changing. We asked for a quote and then the price was different when we made the appointment. Then after the cleaning it changed again. WTF. There should be a set price, not one that changes.

Also, whenever we had tests done, they always came back inconclusive. It was ridiculous. And the tests cost an arm and a leg. If you are going to come back with inconclusive tests, you need to come back with a price that reflects that.

I will NOT go back there. I feel like they pry on the emotions of pet owners. If it was a child, they would not get away with the stuff that they do. It's bad. I now go to the vet in Union City. MUCH MUCH happier there.Quote:

val7101 wrote:
Has anyone used Downtown Vets to get their dog's teeth cleaned? The quote was $300+ and I have a toy dog. It's worrisome in toy dogs because of the anesthesia. I like them overall, but should I suck it up and go back to Tribeca Vets where she's been anesthetized before?

All feed back is welcome!

Posted on: 2010/2/22 4:31

Re: Followed home last night from Grove Street PATH
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I was once followed from the Grove street station during rush hour about a year and a half ago. I just happened to be going to my Tae Kwon Do school anyways, so that is where I ducked into. I figured that a) he would realize that if I am going to that school, he should think twice and b) I have a posse inside the school!

I totally agree with Curtis_luvva. I had actually asked my TKD teacher what I should do if that happens again. He told me to turn and confront the person. Usually the person, if they are initially following, don't know what they are going to do right away since they haven't done it yet. This will catch them off their guard. Also it gives you the opportunity to know what they look like.

You did the right thing. But you should have said something to someone, other than your hubby who wasn't there to help. As for all you nay-sayers, well I am assuming you are men. If you haven't been put into these situations, then don't reply. She doesn't need negative feedback. She was just supplying some information.


curtis_luvva wrote:
Stopping into a bar or another public place was a good idea, but telling the bartender why would be better. When the creep walked in, it would have been 2 on 1. Most losers back down quickly when confronted.

Imagine if he'd followed you into the ladies?!

Posted on: 2010/2/17 4:55

Re: Friday music shows at Loew's Jersey Theater are helping revive Journal Square
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The did have Beck play there a couple years go and it was an amazing show. Even in the middle of his set, he stopped and laughed. He told us that he was amazed at the acoustics of that place 'cause he could hear everything the crowd was shouting at him. I would love more live music at the Loew's. I am going to the show this Friday night too.

Posted on: 2010/2/17 4:43

Re: Tiger Shulman (Hoboken) vs. JC TaeKwonDo (Newark Ave)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The rate for an adult class is about $99 a month. For kids classes, I am not sure what the rate is. I do know that JC TKD does have a couple programs for kids. One is an after school pick up program, where they get to do some TKD and do their homework. Which is nice if you are a working parent.

I have a lot of respect for the other schools in the area and I have met many of the Grandmasters from them. Master Claudio is very current with the rules of the Kukkiwon and follows WTF (world Taekwondo Federation) guidelines, which is what the Olympic style and the main Korean branch. I have traveled with JC TKD and have met many of the Grandmasters and heads of the Kukkiwon with him. He was also a coach for the Olympics as well.

I think what is most important is what is convenient to you and what your initial reaction to the school is. You will know when you enter. Try out a class at each place. See how your son does and how he reacts to the teachers and fellow students. See how they are all behaved. You will make the right decision when it comes down to it!


Anyone know what the monthly rate is for adults at JC TKD?

Posted on: 2010/1/30 23:24

Re: Tiger Shulman (Hoboken) vs. JC TaeKwonDo (Newark Ave)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I go to the JC Tae Kwon Do school and am a black belt there, so I am rather biased....

What I can tell you is that the TKD school is a legit martial arts program, where you test for an actual certified belt. You don't test for random special things like attendance or anything like that. The teachers are all black belts and Master Claudio is a 6th degree black belt.

I had never taken a martial art before, so I have gone through the ranks at the school. I helped out with the summer camp this past summer and the kids that go there are great. They are from all walks of life and supportive of each other.

Like I said, I am biased. But Tiger Schulman to me is very generic and corporate, while JC TKD is more of a family. If you do have a problem, you talk to a person and it doesn't get caught in corporate run around. But all in all, go with the school that seem right for you and your child! JC TKD will give you a trial class, so have your kid try the class out to see if they like it! Good luck!

Posted on: 2010/1/28 1:08

Re: Save the Food Trucks of Jersey City
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

on my bike ride home from Exchange Place on Tuesday, I noticed that the Korean BBQ and Louisiana Spice trucks were by the Grove St. PATH station (the exit closest to the water). Have yet to try the Louisiana Spice truck, but the Korean BBQ one is rather tasty!

Posted on: 2010/1/28 1:02

Re: Save the Food Trucks of Jersey City
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I love these trucks and I love the street food. It is good quality food and a great way for a lot of people to try out their food and spread the word. Remember, the Taqueria was originally a truck. Rent here is hard, so why not try the trucks. Over in Red Hook, the taco stands at the soccer fields had to clean up their act and now they are all in trucks. So this should be sanitary for JC. If you are afraid of eating out of trucks, then don't eat there.... I like it, so don't ruin it for those of us that DO eat there! I ate at street carts all over the world (lived off of them in Moscow!), so if you are not adventurous then stay away. I have yet to be sick from any of them. And hell, I have seen enough "unsanitary" restaurants in both JC and NYC.....

Posted on: 2010/1/19 0:08

Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Growing up in the Boston area, there was always threats of tearing things down, but since there is history attached to many of the buildings, whoever moved in them, whether it was a big or small company, they did the renovation to the space and made it work. (I could make a baseball remark here, but i will refrain)

I find that there seem to be some bad landlords and some bad new business politics that happen. Look at that freaking Wings place that I could have sworn should have been open by now. Hell, i totally thought they would have been open by Super Bowl Sunday to cash in on the wing craze. The bad landlords just haven't done any work to these old buildings and some look like they are stuck in the 1960/70's. But with a little renovation, I am sure they could be amazing. Walk down Newark and look up at some of those apartments above those shops. I am in awe of some of those places.

Bigger business does not mean better Jersey City. This is why i live here and not Hoboken. I like the smaller stores that cater to the community. I don't need any big name stores making my town look like an oversized shopping mall.


jc73 wrote:
Unless you tear down the old buildings on Newark Ave your not going to bring in new business, the only thing that will end up there are some small high end shops. If you want to bring in bigger business and more jobs your going to have to knock down the old buildings and put up new bigger buildings. So putting in a new sidewalk to do that would be pointless. As far as property values go if you compare the homes in downtwon to the homes on the other end of the city technically the homes on the other end of the city are much nicer and much much bigger, therefore you would get more for your money and bring up property values.

Posted on: 2009/6/13 20:55

Re: What would you do with the Powerhouse???
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I had heard the same thing. I love that building. I love everything about it and I love even more that it is this beautiful eyesore for those living around it. You know the people living in Trump Tower are just disgusted by it!

I would love for it to keep it's look, but yet obviously fix it up so there are no holes in the side. Fix it up to what it looked like back in the day. Make it an artist space. We have enough "luxury condos" that are sitting around empty, we have enough empty storefronts along Newark Ave, so I think it should be brought back to the people that were brave enough to go to that area daily to make their art when that area wasn't as desirable as it is today.


nightgownposse wrote:
I thought that the same company that renovated the powerhouse in Baltimore were also doing the one in JC. Is this not happening anymore?

Posted on: 2009/6/13 20:41

Re: Cathedral Arts at Grace Van Vorst?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Ever since Grace Church took over the Festival, it seems to be a bit mismanaged. Please contact past artists and let us all know! Have taken apart of it for the past 4 years, and would like to continue. Please keep us informed!

Posted on: 2009/5/7 4:30

Re: I Heart Whitestar Bar.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

i was addicted to their nachos and guacamole before the new owner. I would seriously be craving them so badly that my husband had NO CHOICE but to bring me there. Unfortunately they are not as amazing as they were. I wish they were cause i do get the cravings... but am always a bit disappointed. Just not up to the same par as they were....

Posted on: 2009/3/7 4:29

Re: Recommend an acupuncturist?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

funny that i read this today. I went to one yesterday for my back! He's located in Chinatown at 128 Mott St. btwn Grand and Hester. His number is 212.334.9117. Dr. Rong- Sheng Lin.

Very good and a real place, not some hole in the wall. They do hook up the needles to an electrode, so it pulses through the needles. Feels good.

Let me know if you go!

Posted on: 2009/1/13 20:24

Re: Liberty Science Center begs Jersey City for $2.5M - Fulop: 'Bailout' by city would set bad precedent
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

i was going to go here once last winter, but after paying 5 dollars to park and then it was going to be twenty bucks for each person, we turned around and left. I don't even like paying that at MOMA. So why in the world would i pay that here?? Maybe they should think that people are not going there cause the fees are a bit too much. Lower the cost to bring more people in and generate excitement.

Posted on: 2008/11/26 15:56

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