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Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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2008/5/6 6:21
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Estimated risk of death from covid vaccination — December 14, 2020, thru August 23, 2021 ... 2020-thru-august-23-2021/

Vaccine Deaths Pile Up Without Media Coverage ... p-without-media-coverage/

Tucker Carlson: How many Americans have died after taking the COVID vaccine? ... -taking-the-covid-vaccine

Posted on: 2021/9/9 2:01

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Posted on: 2021/9/8 22:08

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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The two groups on the news that are not taking the vaccine are scientists with ph.d. and African-Americans. This was on the news today.

Posted on: 2021/9/6 0:38

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He's a known quack who had his Youtube shut down for spreading Covid misinformation. Next...


12345 wrote:
Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccination - Interview with Dr. Sucharit ... -dr.-sucharit-bhakdi.html

Instead of the typical name calling, marginalizing, and ridicule; can any of your geniuses confirm or discredit what Dr. Suchant claims about the data, science, or statistics

Posted on: 2021/8/31 2:49

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccination - Interview with Dr. Sucharit ... -dr.-sucharit-bhakdi.html

Instead of the typical name calling, marginalizing, and ridicule; can any of your geniuses confirm or discredit what Dr. Suchant claims about the data, science, or statistics

Posted on: 2021/8/31 2:15

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dmark526 wrote:
And another one is gone.


Seventy- four million to go.

Posted on: 2021/8/30 19:26

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Why are you just taking action on this now? Dr. Nick has been harassing Yvonne with disgusting language for years. Whether or not you agree with what she is saying is moot, she's never foul in her replies, while most of posts are extremely foul.

Posted on: 2021/8/30 14:42

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Posted on: 2021/8/30 5:54

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Jesse Jackson was vaccinated. He wife was not. She is in the hospital. He is not. No vaccine has 100% efficacy. It's like wearing a seatbelt, you can die in a crash wearing a seatbelt but your chances of death are a lot higher if you're not wearing one. ... o-icu-in-covid-treatment/


Yvonne wrote:

dmark526 wrote:
Another Trumpanzee bites the dust! ... je3gh77zx6252a-story.html

But Reverend Jesse Jackson and his wife had the shots and are in the hospital trying to recover from covid. Jesse is recovering but his wife is still in critical issue. So, if the vaccine works, why are people getting the virus?

Posted on: 2021/8/29 18:36

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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dmark526 wrote:
Another Trumpanzee bites the dust! ... je3gh77zx6252a-story.html

But Reverend Jesse Jackson and his wife had the shots and are in the hospital trying to recover from covid. Jesse is recovering but his wife is still in critical issue. So, if the vaccine works, why are people getting the virus?

Posted on: 2021/8/29 15:59

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Posted on: 2021/8/29 5:47

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Posted on: 2021/8/29 1:44

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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"You’re crazy, I am declaring you crazy — get out of here,” he said. “I will not allow you to speak, you are a heretic, you are evil.” "

I'm going to try to commit this rabbi's words to heart when dealing with the anti-vaxxers here or elsewhere.

Posted on: 2021/8/28 16:37

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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2014/6/14 13:09
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Holy $#@!@ this place went over drive on the full on extreme right wing retard.

Posted on: 2021/8/27 12:11
Censorship is for pussies!!!!

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Posted on: 2021/8/27 7:12

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Quite simply put: the vaccine will not end the pandemic. That much has become obvious.

Whatever happened to the "herd immunity" concept?

Posted on: 2021/8/26 22:50

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Posted on: 2021/8/26 22:22

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Yea, these are reliable sources. What a raving lunatic


12345 wrote:
New York Man Dies 25 Minutes After Receiving COVID Vaccine ... ing-covid-vaccine-3140382

Certified Occupational Therapist Whistleblower: More Patients are Dying from the Vaccine than COVID ... ients-are-dying-from.html

How Many Have Died From COVID Vaccines?
https://undercurrents723949620.wordpre ... died-from-covid-vaccines/

Posted on: 2021/8/26 19:02

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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2008/5/6 6:21
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New York Man Dies 25 Minutes After Receiving COVID Vaccine ... ing-covid-vaccine-3140382

Certified Occupational Therapist Whistleblower: More Patients are Dying from the Vaccine than COVID ... ients-are-dying-from.html

How Many Have Died From COVID Vaccines?
https://undercurrents723949620.wordpre ... died-from-covid-vaccines/

Posted on: 2021/8/25 5:28

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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I see JCList's march to full-on right-wing nutbaggery has continued unabated. Stop listening to conspiracy theories on youtube, people. A billion people have been vaccinated already, including about 170 million in the US. Nobody is dying from it. Just please get your vaccines so we can end this pandemic and get back to normal life.

Posted on: 2021/8/25 2:18

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John Hopkins Covid Risk Calculator

Posted on: 2021/8/24 18:24

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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2008/5/6 6:21
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Dr Simone Gold: The Truth About the COVID-19 Vaccine ... the-covid-19-vaccine.html

Posted on: 2021/8/24 2:25

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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tapadh leat!

Bollocks to these tosspots with their bum's oot the windae

Slàinte Mhath!

Posted on: 2021/8/21 13:10

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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2013/10/14 23:28
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I support the Webmaster's actions.

Some posters constantly harangue, demean and belittle people who oppose their viewpoint. They do it on any topic that comes up for discussion, not only co vid. The foul language that they use just makes matters worse, acting like spoiled little children who can't get their way.

Kudos Webmaster -- well done.

Posted on: 2021/8/21 12:15

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!

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2004/1/2 6:35
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When you post to this Message Forum there is a green box above the blank text box with the Message Forum Rules: Rule number 5: Be polite, on-topic, and constructive with the content of your post.

The posts that we removed from this topic below did not follow the rule. I noticed these posters seem to be PRO VACCINATION and will accuse this site of something for deleting and reposting them to concisely illustrate the stupidity. Our opinion is that these posts will not persuade people to get a vaccination because this is WRITTEN VOMIT void of anything constructive and without references to scientific data and facts.

dumber than dirt

You're too charitable.
She's just a liar. Or, she's dangerously dumber than dirt.
Most likely both.

robotdiskSlow Yvonne is not only a NIMBY expert but also a Foxtard medical professional also.

papadageI applaud those kids and their parents.
In the meantime, anti-vaccine assholes lead to libraries needing to be used as treatment centers in states that push anti-mask and anti-vaccine bullshit..
This is not happening to vaccinated people, you dumb assoles. You're part of the reason why almost 1,000 people are dying per day.
What a bunch of sociopaths.

Everything in here is a lie.
The vaccine provides better immunity. The incidence of adverse effects and their severity is much worse for the actual disease. People are getting the Delta variant and getting very sick despite already having COVID, and the unvaccinated are almost exclusively the only ones dying.
Even the Catholic Church and the SBC do not consider the vaccines products of aborted fetuses.
You are babbling bullshit drivel.
And as an attorney, you should know the current state of Constitutional law and mandatory vaccinations. Or are you dumber than dirt?

Stop pretending to be open-minded while spreading all the conspiracies and misinformation.
Your list is a hit parade of crackpot bullshit.
People like you spreading the quacks BS is why we have so much vaccine hesitancy. You and your like have blood on your hands.
Seriously, even now, with the Delta variant spreading, almost all hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths are among unvaccinated people.
Ivermectin has been withdrawn as a therapeutic, and people are poisoning themselves wit it.
Free speech has consequences, and I hope you lose a lot of your law practice for being an unethical liar.
You would produce more value to the world by jumping in a lake with concrete shoes.

papadageI much question the ethics of an attorney who spreads disinformation.
Questioning medical witnesses has the aim of confusing laymen. It does not make you fit to judge the validity of these quacks. The spike protein comment alone makes you a moron.

dr_nick_rivierai tried reasoning. EVERYTHING you posted is a lie and easily disproven, multiple people have pointed this out to you, yet you keep persisting on digging up more lies. The rest of us who just want to move on with our lives are getting impatient with you idiots.

dr_nick_rivieraFor real. If i had an attorney that spouted this bullshit, I’d question your analytical and reasoning skills and fire you right away.
Hundreds of millions of people received this with no complications at all. People like you and your NIMBY queen Yvonne are prolonging this pandemic for everyone that wants to move on.
I disproved the last quack paper you posted and you just went out to find more quacks.

papadageAs an attorney, you seem to be terrible at research and credulous of bullshit. You also seem to have a terrible grasp of constitutional law.
Be better.

papadageYou are lying. It is not gene therapy.
Ahd when told to get vaccinated, the vast majority comply.

So, it was 100 out of 25,000 employees,a nd only three nurses.
Sounds like a good ratio and the ones that got fired are not a loss. Fuck em.
They, like you morons, are the ones keeping the dangers of the pandemic going. Almost all ICU admissions and deaths are among the unvaccinated, and even doctors and nurses want to triage out unvaccinated people to treat ones who are not a danger to them.

To repeat: The sooner all of you right wing morons catch this virus and wind up in the morgue, the better of JC and the rest of society will be. You're all working hard to make sure it happens as soon as possible, keep it up!

The shithead death cult continues.

Natural immunity is not as durable as the vaccine and the number of natural antibodies is very dependent on the duration and severity of disease, but explaining that to a dolt like you is pointless.

papadageHoly shit. This site is a cesspool of anti-vaccine misinformation and stupidity.
I hope all you idiots get it and thin the herd.

Hahahaha I wonder how Yvonne and all the conservative morons feel about their homegirl Amy giving them the bitch slap of a lifetime.

robotdiskoyou are soooo dumb! you fall for cheap propaganda. says alot of how empty your head is LOL


dr_nick_rivieraAgainst symptomatic infection. It quite clearly states it still prevents serious illness and death. Not surprised a minion of Yvonne does so poorly in reading comprehension.

SutherlandThere are lunatics all over the place. This should come as no surprise

dr_nick_rivieraThe virus will get them one way or another. You're all but guaranteed to contract it if you go unvaccinated. If most of them are killed by the virus or debilitated enough that they can no longer civically engage, JC will be much better off.
surprised downtown JC have so many anti vaxxer morons, i thought we were a pretty smart bunch..oh wellz
dr_nick_rivieraWhat a shame it would be if all the conservative NIMBYs that pollute this forum ended up contracting the virus because of their anti-vax nonsense and the worst happens?
Who would fight for R-1 zoning, 2:1 parking minimums, and getting rid of all bike lanes? Who will push back against pedestrian plazas, nightlife and millennials? Surface parking lots cannot speak for themselves and need strong advocates.

I haven't logged into this site in 5 years, but I wanted to take this moment to tell you to go fuck yourself, you disgusting piece of shit. Stop trying to get people killed, you asshole. If you want more death, just kill yourself, and not encourage others to spread plague.

Good old Jclist remains a haven for nutcases I see!

SutherlandThis is a very dangerous post. Hopefully most people will give the OP no credence.

Posted on: 2021/8/21 4:18

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Dickinson, McNair win high school vaccination contest, Jersey City announces

Updated: 4:50 p.m. | Published: 4:50 p.m. ... ersey-city-announces.html

Posted on: 2021/8/20 21:45

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The article in Nature reports that the study was withdrawn but hardly asserts anything definitive against Ivermectin. And it is a sad truth that the most hallowed scientific journals have been prostituted, e.g. The Lancet publishing the Open letter of 100 Signatories who were corralled by Drazick to falsely assert that it was highly unlikely that the virus was made in a lab (we now know it was very likely to have been made in a lab, and very likely Wuhan Lab 4).

To what extent then do you believe in free speech?

Or freedom to control one's medical treatment?

You clearly do not believe in discussion or argument based on reason and fact.

Also, I guess you are just a hater since I have asked you several times why you wish people who refuse the vaccine to die. Would one say this about anyone else? Substitute heroine addict or homosexual or Amish person or Christian Scientist....No person would foam at the mouth wishing their suffering and death....Yet you continue to do that for those who are not vaccinated.

I, btw, had the virus. Why in the world would I get the shot when the adverse effects occur 5X more frequently if you had the virus (and natural immunity is the best, broadest, and most robust).

On a very different point, and not to put you in to orbit, but some of us have sincerely held beliefs that the use of stem cells from aborted fetuses makes acceptance of the vaccine cooperation with material evil.

Posted on: 2021/8/20 20:14

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Ah carumba, Rivera and Papadage. As I said, I hope you are correct. I pray you are correct. Please give me real studies that take my experts on and not merely propoganda.

Why are we tolerating such a high level of adverse effects?

Why are we outlawing Ivermectin?

Why is the efficacy of the vaccine overstated?

If the vaccines work, why the coercion?

Why is free speech considered so offensive?

Why the personal attacks. Both of you jump to attack my competency as a lawyer. I would say that I am more competent than the average lawyer but I know I can improve.



Posted on: 2021/8/20 19:01

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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ear Papadage:

Thank you for the link about Hoffe. I am glad to see criticism of his understanding of the d-dimer test. Dr. Hoffe, I believe, never asserted that this was peer reviewed and indicated it was his own research and his own clinical experience. Let's hope he is wrong, but he does not appear to be a quack. The debunking sites are just attack machines.

Brindle, a medical professor with a distinguished career who has been canceled is not a quack The article you cite, merely asserts that the spike protein is not dangerous. We know that is false because the dangerous side effects are a result of the spike protein. Even if these were rare (they do not seem to be rare enough), the spike protein is the mechanism. I think it is admitted that the spike protein was designed to stay in the arm muscle and not circulate, but that is not what happens. It goes everywhere

Weinstein, contra your assertion, says a lot about the dangers of the vaccine, the unconscionable behaviour of big pharma, and the efficacy of various treatments, e.g. Ivermectin and hydroxichloriquen.

McCullough lied about his affiliations. Medpage is hysterical anti anti vax. Lied? He had a long career with Baylor. If it ended in Feb 2021 in retaliation for his whistleblowing, how does that undermine his credibility?

I read the medical stuff as a layman and as someone who regularly cross examines medical witnesses. I think your bias prevents you from seeing any of the uncertainty and the real questions and dangers as well as the real inadequacies of the vaccines. The public was told about relative efficacy, not absolute efficacy and so these really don't work.

I have a pretty good grasp of the US Constitution, in fact, and represent many civil rights plaintiffs. These executive orders are all illegal and without basis. The courts are simply showing themselves to be useless. Vaccine mandates are not constitutional. Mask mandates are not constitutional. The CDC suspending evictions is ridiculously unconstitutional and a basis for impeaching Biden since he has tried to bolster this.

Remember, the Constitution has separation of powers and limits governmental action. That has all gone out the window. We need to fight to restore it.



Dr. Rivera- again you merely attack and do not reason.

Posted on: 2021/8/20 18:07

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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2007/12/30 16:56
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Hoffe is a quack: ...

So is Brindle:

Weinstein says nothing about vaccines.

McCullough lied about his affiliations.

As an attorney, you seem to be terrible at research and credulous of bullshit. You also seem to have a terrible grasp of constitutional law.

Be better.

Posted on: 2021/8/20 17:15

Edited by papadage on 2021/8/20 17:37:18

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