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Hackers contacted this site to inform us we were hacked

Today we recieved the following email to inform us that this website was hacked. It appears that this is a scam and we wil not pay the $25,000 demanded by them to unhack

Your Site Has Been Hacked


We have hacked your website and extracted your databases.

How did this happen?

Our team has found a vulnerability within your site that we were able to exploit. After finding the vulnerability we were able to get your database credentials and extract your entire database and move the information to an offshore server.

What does this mean?

We will systematically go through a series of steps of totally damaging your reputation. First your database will be leaked or sold to the highest bidder which they will use with whatever their intentions are. Next if there are e-mails found they will be e-mailed that their information has been sold or leaked and your was at fault thusly damaging your reputation and having angry customers/associates with whatever angry customers/associates do. Lastly any links that you have indexed in the search engines will be de-indexed based off of blackhat techniques that we used in the past to de-index our targets.

How do I stop this?

We are willing to refrain from destroying your site’s reputation for a small fee. The current fee is $2500 in bitcoins (BTC).

Please send the bitcoin to the following Bitcoin address (Copy and paste as it is case sensitive):


Once you have paid we will automatically get informed that it was your payment. Please note that you have to make payment within 7 days after receiving this e-mail or the database leak, e-mails dispatched, and de-index of your site WILL start!

How do I get Bitcoins?

You can easily buy bitcoins via several websites or even offline from a Bitcoin-ATM.

What if I don’t pay?

If you decide not to pay, we will start the attack at the indicated date and uphold it until you do, there’s no counter measure to this, you will only end up wasting more money trying to find a solution. We will completely destroy your reputation amongst google and your customers.

This is not a hoax, do not reply to this email, don’t try to reason or negotiate, we will not read any replies. Once you have paid we will stop what we were doing and you will never hear from us again!

Please note that Bitcoin is anonymous and no one will find out that you have complied.

Posted on: 2022/10/1 2:35

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!

When you post to this Message Forum there is a green box above the blank text box with the Message Forum Rules: Rule number 5: Be polite, on-topic, and constructive with the content of your post.

The posts that we removed from this topic below did not follow the rule. I noticed these posters seem to be PRO VACCINATION and will accuse this site of something for deleting and reposting them to concisely illustrate the stupidity. Our opinion is that these posts will not persuade people to get a vaccination because this is WRITTEN VOMIT void of anything constructive and without references to scientific data and facts.

dumber than dirt

You're too charitable.
She's just a liar. Or, she's dangerously dumber than dirt.
Most likely both.

robotdiskSlow Yvonne is not only a NIMBY expert but also a Foxtard medical professional also.

papadageI applaud those kids and their parents.
In the meantime, anti-vaccine assholes lead to libraries needing to be used as treatment centers in states that push anti-mask and anti-vaccine bullshit..
This is not happening to vaccinated people, you dumb assoles. You're part of the reason why almost 1,000 people are dying per day.
What a bunch of sociopaths.

Everything in here is a lie.
The vaccine provides better immunity. The incidence of adverse effects and their severity is much worse for the actual disease. People are getting the Delta variant and getting very sick despite already having COVID, and the unvaccinated are almost exclusively the only ones dying.
Even the Catholic Church and the SBC do not consider the vaccines products of aborted fetuses.
You are babbling bullshit drivel.
And as an attorney, you should know the current state of Constitutional law and mandatory vaccinations. Or are you dumber than dirt?

Stop pretending to be open-minded while spreading all the conspiracies and misinformation.
Your list is a hit parade of crackpot bullshit.
People like you spreading the quacks BS is why we have so much vaccine hesitancy. You and your like have blood on your hands.
Seriously, even now, with the Delta variant spreading, almost all hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths are among unvaccinated people.
Ivermectin has been withdrawn as a therapeutic, and people are poisoning themselves wit it.
Free speech has consequences, and I hope you lose a lot of your law practice for being an unethical liar.
You would produce more value to the world by jumping in a lake with concrete shoes.

papadageI much question the ethics of an attorney who spreads disinformation.
Questioning medical witnesses has the aim of confusing laymen. It does not make you fit to judge the validity of these quacks. The spike protein comment alone makes you a moron.

dr_nick_rivierai tried reasoning. EVERYTHING you posted is a lie and easily disproven, multiple people have pointed this out to you, yet you keep persisting on digging up more lies. The rest of us who just want to move on with our lives are getting impatient with you idiots.

dr_nick_rivieraFor real. If i had an attorney that spouted this bullshit, I’d question your analytical and reasoning skills and fire you right away.
Hundreds of millions of people received this with no complications at all. People like you and your NIMBY queen Yvonne are prolonging this pandemic for everyone that wants to move on.
I disproved the last quack paper you posted and you just went out to find more quacks.

papadageAs an attorney, you seem to be terrible at research and credulous of bullshit. You also seem to have a terrible grasp of constitutional law.
Be better.

papadageYou are lying. It is not gene therapy.
Ahd when told to get vaccinated, the vast majority comply.

So, it was 100 out of 25,000 employees,a nd only three nurses.
Sounds like a good ratio and the ones that got fired are not a loss. Fuck em.
They, like you morons, are the ones keeping the dangers of the pandemic going. Almost all ICU admissions and deaths are among the unvaccinated, and even doctors and nurses want to triage out unvaccinated people to treat ones who are not a danger to them.

To repeat: The sooner all of you right wing morons catch this virus and wind up in the morgue, the better of JC and the rest of society will be. You're all working hard to make sure it happens as soon as possible, keep it up!

The shithead death cult continues.

Natural immunity is not as durable as the vaccine and the number of natural antibodies is very dependent on the duration and severity of disease, but explaining that to a dolt like you is pointless.

papadageHoly shit. This site is a cesspool of anti-vaccine misinformation and stupidity.
I hope all you idiots get it and thin the herd.

Hahahaha I wonder how Yvonne and all the conservative morons feel about their homegirl Amy giving them the bitch slap of a lifetime.

robotdiskoyou are soooo dumb! you fall for cheap propaganda. says alot of how empty your head is LOL


dr_nick_rivieraAgainst symptomatic infection. It quite clearly states it still prevents serious illness and death. Not surprised a minion of Yvonne does so poorly in reading comprehension.

SutherlandThere are lunatics all over the place. This should come as no surprise

dr_nick_rivieraThe virus will get them one way or another. You're all but guaranteed to contract it if you go unvaccinated. If most of them are killed by the virus or debilitated enough that they can no longer civically engage, JC will be much better off.
surprised downtown JC have so many anti vaxxer morons, i thought we were a pretty smart bunch..oh wellz
dr_nick_rivieraWhat a shame it would be if all the conservative NIMBYs that pollute this forum ended up contracting the virus because of their anti-vax nonsense and the worst happens?
Who would fight for R-1 zoning, 2:1 parking minimums, and getting rid of all bike lanes? Who will push back against pedestrian plazas, nightlife and millennials? Surface parking lots cannot speak for themselves and need strong advocates.

I haven't logged into this site in 5 years, but I wanted to take this moment to tell you to go fuck yourself, you disgusting piece of shit. Stop trying to get people killed, you asshole. If you want more death, just kill yourself, and not encourage others to spread plague.

Good old Jclist remains a haven for nutcases I see!

SutherlandThis is a very dangerous post. Hopefully most people will give the OP no credence.

Posted on: 2021/8/21 4:18

Re: "ThaWheelman."

Someone anonymously emailed us with this message:

that fucking shithead tha wheelman is back, joining the certifiable font of disinformation and bigotry, yvonne. posts get triple digit views over months and zero or single digit replies. this site, once useful, is dying. put it out of its misery.

They used a fake email so we post the reply here:

Thank you for your message, I found it funny, sad, direct, vague, and possibly FAKE NEWS. Is your telephone number really 201-201-2012? Seems fake to me.
OH YES the username ThaWheelMan made ONE post since October 2020 and you got your panites in a bunch? Did you have a weggie when you wrote your message? You seem irritated. Do you want to meet for a nice cup of tea so you can tell me how you really feel.
When you wrote "put it out of its misery" does that mean we should get a gun and shoot the website? Is that legal? I will check on that and see what we can do.
Thanks for all your valuable contributions to JERSEY CITY LIST -

Posted on: 2021/5/19 1:22

Re: Software upgrade March 24, 2021

a & times ; button is blocking the Topic options drop down box when you open a thread.

It should be now fixed, but please confirm from your end.

Posted on: 2021/4/5 2:40

Re: Software upgrade March 24, 2021

Thank you for the report, this should be now fixed.

Posted on: 2021/3/25 13:09

Software upgrade March 24, 2021

We just completed a software upgrade to this website. If you notice anything not working correctly please reply to this topic.

I apologize that posts from Saturday and Sunday were lost.

As always thanks for your participation and support!

Posted on: 2021/3/24 23:33

Re: Was the website down for a couple of days? (6/29/2019)

JERSEY CITY LIST was offline for a few days; this may have been the longest outage in 15 years.

Thanks for all the support and thanks to Michael our IT guy who got up and running again!

Posted on: 2019/6/30 3:04

Re: Error message when doing a search...

So sorry about this; we will look into fixing this. You can use this link to search this site:

Posted on: 2019/4/29 15:30

Re: Posting a photo on JCList

I agree that posting a photos is more difficult than it should be; sorry about this. If you email the photo to after you post I am happy to add it to your post!

Posted on: 2019/4/4 2:07

Re: Timestamp of messages all wrong

We did a software and a upgrade to PHP 7.3 to make this site faster. The incorrect time stamp on the posts is one of the errors we found but are having trouble finding what is causing this.

If you find any other errors on this site please post them here; thanks.

Posted on: 2019/4/4 2:05

Re: Governor Murphy

WARNING: You seem to not be familiar with the definition of decorum :

behaviour in keeping with good taste and propriety.
"he had acted with the utmost decorum"
synonyms: propriety, properness, seemliness, decency, decorousness, good taste, correctness, appropriateness, appropriacy; politeness, courtesy, good manners; refinement, breeding, deportment, dignity, respectability, modesty, demureness
"he had acted with the utmost decorum


TonyTwoPoops wrote

That report is from 1997. You can?t find anything more recent than that? And for the second link- those people are here legally and pay taxes so I don?t know why they shouldn?t have access to those services? Going by your link selection you apparently don?t think battered spouses or refugees who are here legally should get any support? What a Christian you are. A huge portion of them are children. You?re really a terrible and inhumane person.

Posted on: 2018/2/13 14:00

Re: Governor Murphy

I removed 10 posts today due to NAME CALLING; i am requesting that you respect opinions that differ from your own and adhere to a sense of decorum when you post.

Thanks for your cooperation!

Posted on: 2018/2/12 15:32

Re: Give Mayor Fulop the hat trick with wins in Wards A, B, and C on Dec 5th, 2017

USER: unicornfrappucino is BANNED because they have the same IP as user jimbehrle who was banned for posting like an obnoxious idiot.

Posted on: 2017/12/5 3:13

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff

USER: santaclaus is BANNED because they have the same IP as user jimbehrle who was banned for posting like an obnoxious idiot.

Posted on: 2017/12/3 23:33

Re: Rich Boggiano JSQ/Ward C City Council

USER journalsquare - has the same IP as USER
jimbehrle who was BANNED.

Try turning off COOKIES in your browser so we cannot track you!

Posted on: 2017/11/16 0:54

Re: Rich Boggiano JSQ/Ward C City Council

jimbehrle is BANNED from posting.

This person posted more than 20 posts today in this topic and after being warned continued to post negative and idiotic things about this candidate.

Posted on: 2017/11/4 3:13

Re: Trump Our New President

I got an idea; how about we LOCK this topic for 24 hours; Take this time to hug your kids, eat at Jersey City restaurant, read about Jersey City politics and find another site on the internet where you can read and write about the President of the United States of America!

Resized Image

Posted on: 2017/8/3 22:57

Are you able to login and post to

We had technical difficulties logging in and posting today; should be resolved now.

If you get the following message when you post, let us know:
Invalid submission. You could have exceeded session time. Please re-submit or make a backup of your post and login to resubmit if necessary.

Posted on: 2017/6/16 3:20

Re: Mayor Fulop orders gender-neutral restrooms in city buildings

hero69 - when you write "her" you are referring to YVONNE?? How dare you, you are in violation and your post is OFF TOPIC and will be REMOVED.

Better read this answer your question quick; it will also be removed. You need to address the SUBJECT of this topic; we DO NOT want every topic to be a comedy show or BULLY FESTIVAL picking on people you do not agree with. We have seen many topics turn UGLY and go OFF TOPIC because a few anonymous posters cannot control themselves.

There are 2 previous topic that BASHED yvonne, this is NOT going to be another.

Posted on: 2017/3/24 20:32

Re: Mayor Fulop orders gender-neutral restrooms in city buildings

jc_dweller - Was it necessary for you to mention Yvonne's name? She already outdid herself in a previous topic, are you trying to instigate her so people will attack her and this topic gets monopolized by Yvonne and her fans?

Any post that mentions Yvonne in this topic by name or reference or name calling or photo, or link, or caricature , or name calling; that post will be removed. If you nothing to contribute to this topic than DONT POST.

Yvonne you can post ONCE in this topic, NOT more than ONCE. This is a MODERATED message forum and I am MODERATING this topic with a microscope.

Posted on: 2017/3/24 19:16

Re: Christophobic Webmaster Strikes Again

I removed your topic today because the Subject Line read ASH WEDNESDAY which was yesterday.

Many events are removed from the Event Calendar after the event is expired. If you do not want your event to be removed then post it on the Event Calendar.

Posted on: 2017/3/2 23:25

Re: Jersey City rally in support of immigrants

I just deleted 15 posts from this topic that had nothing to do with the SUBJECT LINE.  We this  website cotains NOT Jersey City toipcs and this is not one of them.

Posted on: 2017/1/31 3:35

Re: Censorship and Dhimmitude

Before we remove this topic can someone please let me know what it is about? Is there a problem with Censorship because if this topic is not specifically about Jersey City, NJ there is NO CENSORSHIP. Or is this a clever way for a REMOVED topic to get reintroduced?

Posted on: 2016/9/9 16:37

Re: Two Boots Pizza

I removed 19 posts from this topic - follow the rules:

JERSEY CITY LIST - Message Forum Rules:
1. This is a Moderated Message Forum.
2. Post items relevant to Jersey City, NJ
3. Before starting a New Topic check to see if your subject is already discussed by using the Search box of this site. We prefer that you Reply to similar existing topics instead of starting a New Topic.
4. Post in the appropriate category.
5. Be polite, on-topic, and constructive with the content of your post.

Posted on: 2016/2/11 15:48

Re: Ignore button - hide all posts from a particular user

YES two posts were removed including this one from sullyx:
aww poor little bitch vigilante, did you get tossed off for being a racist asshole

If it bothers you that this was removed then this is NOT the website for you.


JCGuys wrote:
Ironically, I think this thread has just been censored. Did anyone else notice a couple posts missing? Maybe just my imagination.

Posted on: 2016/2/4 22:56

Re: Ignore button - hide all posts from a particular user

Thanks so much for your suggestion, we might not be able to get an "Ignore Button".

The good news is we will make a decision tomorrow on a MAJOR upgrade to which will add many new features and bring the site into the 21st Century! Our major motivation is a NEW Message Forum keeping the thousands of posts you have contributed so we will hire an IT company to assist us.

Essentially we will build a completely new website on a new platform and transfer the data into that platform. The IT team is in Croatia and is offering us 2 days work Feb 8 & 9 at a very reasonable rate and we want to take advantage of this offer. If we are unable to complete the project in this time frame we may revert back to the good old

Now is the time to offer suggestions, feature requests, complaints, ideas, and please provide links to examples of other websites and forums to the features you love. We will start the new site with a Message Forum adding features in the future so focus on features and options for the Message Forum.

The new features we are planning:
Responsive design that formats to all screen sizes including phones.
Easier to post photos, videos, etc.
What else would you like to see?

Posted on: 2016/2/4 2:51

Re: Property-service workers union endorses Councilman Steve Fulop for Jersey City mayor

The IP of Lina12 is - Pakistan

Posted on: 2015/10/15 19:26

Re: Jersey City School Board Meeting Gets Heated During Debate Over Closing for Muslim Holiday

Posted on: 2015/9/18 15:44

Re: Tips for a cheap and painless bathroom renovation

My apologies for accidentally removing the New Topic "Gut Reno of Bathroom" when attempting to merge it with this.

Posted on: 2015/7/21 4:29

Re: Why Are Posts and topics being deleted??

This is a moderated website.
We removed 2 topics with the subject "Muslim terrorists" containing content about the situation in France started by JCMan8 is for Jersey City, NJ related information so anything posted in the NOT Jersey City forum is heavily moderated.

If something you posted was removed check the "inbox" on the lower left of this screen to see if you got a message. If you cannot find a post let me know the content and I will respond - we remove very few posts.

Posted on: 2015/1/9 18:38

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