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Re: Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
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2010/11/17 1:11
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Decided to pop by JCList to see what was up, saw a thread about an interested topic and was immediately reminded of why I stopped coming here, which is the incessant whining of the resident right-wingers and their uncanny ability to make everything a political bitchfest.

This is an interesting topic and an interesting study, but people aren't moving out of Jersey City because they're fleeing progressivism for red states because they want to not wear masks and because AOC is scaring them off and blah blah blah blah... Jesus. The damn article even lists the reasons people gave, and your conservative persecution complex doesn't even make the cut (or did it and they're just covering it up because of a liberal conspiracy funded by George Soros ???)


A quarter (25%) of Americans who moved in 2020 did it because of the pandemic
Around 35% of COVID-forced moves were out of financial hardship
Nearly one-third of those who moved because of COVID did so to look after family
A total of 36% of respondents moved to somewhere where they felt safer, i.e., somewhere with fewer COVID-19 cases, or more restrictions
35% were forced to move due to loss of job or income due to COVID-19
31% moved to either shelter-in-place with family or to take care of family members
28% moved because they started working from home and no longer had to live close to work

Big shocker, people are moving out of expensive cities because they're broke or because they can do virtual commutes, and looking for cheaper housing. Anyway, just had to chime in. Gonna leave again, you guys make this place miserable. Try to find some joy in your lives instead of seeking out a perpetual endorphine rush from making yourself angry about everything.

Posted on: 2021/3/30 23:17

Re: Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
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2009/7/17 3:05
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Sutherland wrote:


drifterx wrote:
Well y'all are always welcome to move to Texas. I hear it's close to Cancun for a quick getaway.

BTW, I heard AOC has helped donate 5 million dollars to a state where a lot of folks want her dead. She must be such a real bitch huh?

AOC? Really? She is the beacon you are clinging to? How many jobs did she cost NYC again?

Posted on: 2021/3/28 4:15

Re: Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
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2007/12/30 16:56
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2021/10/6 14:50
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They also take the pandemic very seriously, so have very few issues right now.

Posted on: 2021/3/17 16:24

Re: Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
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2006/11/13 18:42
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After a chat with a family member in JC, I thought I'd drop a line on JClist.

I left over 10 years ago and never looked back ... the grass is greener outside JC and even the US ... Melbourne Australia is great - Schools, jobs and in my case self employment and even the governance ... If a Prime Minister screws up, his party dumps him if their is a genuine outcry - Should have done it years earlier !

Posted on: 2021/3/15 23:52
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
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2011/10/1 20:23
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People may be leaving JC, but their homes are being purchased by people leaving NYC. So, it's still really good for sellers in JC.

Posted on: 2021/2/24 19:01

Re: Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
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2004/6/17 2:16
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So many people are moving to Florida, they cannot find housing. Florida also expects their unemployment to drop to 3%. This is what happens when the economy is open. Politicians expect people to act alike adults to protect their health without government giving mandates. ... w-but-not-enough-housing/

Posted on: 2021/2/24 15:34

Re: Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
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2010/1/22 18:54
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2023/11/18 14:36
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drifterx wrote:
Well y'all are always welcome to move to Texas. I hear it's close to Cancun for a quick getaway.

BTW, I heard AOC has helped donate 5 million dollars to a state where a lot of folks want her dead. She must be such a real bitch huh?

Posted on: 2021/2/24 14:48

Re: Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
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2015/11/21 22:12
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JC_Man wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
Part of the reason why people are leaving, red states are open. This is a hatred for Gov. DeSantis of Florida by blue states. His state is open and the economy is flourishing. South Dakota never closed, never required a face mask. The governor said she trust business owners and the general public to protect themselves. Even though South Dakota is a cold place compared to Florida, their economy also boomed.

Welcome to Seattle of the East - where crime is tolerated and in fact almost encouraged!

Part of AOC's New World Order

Yet you and your NIMBY goddess you're so desperately trying to woo by backing up her claims are still here. You also can't get over the election results and are having a meltdown that you have to see things like bike lanes and outdoor dining.

Posted on: 2021/2/24 3:20

Re: Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
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2010/9/5 2:25
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2022/2/1 5:25
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Well y'all are always welcome to move to Texas. I hear it's close to Cancun for a quick getaway.

BTW, I heard AOC has helped donate 5 million dollars to a state where a lot of folks want her dead. She must be such a real bitch huh?

Posted on: 2021/2/24 2:34

Re: Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
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2008/5/22 20:46
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Yvonne wrote:
Part of the reason why people are leaving, red states are open. This is a hatred for Gov. DeSantis of Florida by blue states. His state is open and the economy is flourishing. South Dakota never closed, never required a face mask. The governor said she trust business owners and the general public to protect themselves. Even though South Dakota is a cold place compared to Florida, their economy also boomed.

Welcome to Seattle of the East - where crime is tolerated and in fact almost encouraged!

Part of AOC's New World Order

Posted on: 2021/2/24 0:11

Re: Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
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2004/6/17 2:16
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2024/3/21 23:34
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Part of the reason why people are leaving, red states are open. This is a hatred for Gov. DeSantis of Florida by blue states. His state is open and the economy is flourishing. South Dakota never closed, never required a face mask. The governor said she trust business owners and the general public to protect themselves. Even though South Dakota is a cold place compared to Florida, their economy also boomed.

Posted on: 2021/2/23 16:19

Re: Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
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2004/11/14 2:38
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2023/1/30 21:43
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no surprise that people are leavng nyc/jersey city area. in addition to high housing costs and taxes, i think people are getting fed up with politicians' failure to tackle crime. i frequently see drug users doing needles on the street; soft sentences being meted out to criminals attacking & mugging people, etc.

Posted on: 2021/2/23 15:54

Re: Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
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2015/11/21 22:12
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JC_Man wrote:
All of the Tinkerbelles, Snowflakes and Cupcakes have their panties in a huff. Oh boy!!

The Cancel Culture lives on, they are so intolerant!

Hahaha, says a pathetic NIMBY and worshipper of Yvonne. Things obviously aren't bad enough that you're still here, maybe you should join all your buddies and move to a red state already?

Posted on: 2021/2/23 4:07

Re: Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
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2008/5/22 20:46
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All of the Tinkerbelles, Snowflakes and Cupcakes have their panties in a huff. Oh boy!!

The Cancel Culture lives on, they are so intolerant!

Posted on: 2021/2/23 2:31

Re: Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
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2007/12/30 16:56
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2021/10/6 14:50
From Jersey City, NJ
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When a conservative whine about PC and wokeness, it's always a laugh given how easy it is to get banned on Fox, or any other conservative board if you are even centrist.

They're a joke.

Posted on: 2021/2/22 18:38

Re: Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
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2010/2/16 19:15
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2021/8/24 21:12
From Jersey City, NJ
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JC_Man wrote:

JerseyCityTimes wrote:
According to a new report entitled ?Moving in the Year of Pandemic: The 2020-2021 HireAHelper American Migration Report,? Jersey City had the sixth worst ratio of people moving in to people moving out.

Not surprising at all - people in the Blue states are leaving for the Red states because they're sick and tired of relentless sky-high taxes, PC and wokeness to top it all off.

Blue states are worse than Europe and that should be a scary warning for the future of America.

LOL okay. keep telling yourself that. makes you feel intelligent.

Posted on: 2021/2/22 5:13

Re: Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
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2008/5/22 20:46
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JerseyCityTimes wrote:
According to a new report entitled ?Moving in the Year of Pandemic: The 2020-2021 HireAHelper American Migration Report,? Jersey City had the sixth worst ratio of people moving in to people moving out.

Not surprising at all - people in the Blue states are leaving for the Red states because they're sick and tired of relentless sky-high taxes, PC and wokeness to top it all off.

Blue states are worse than Europe and that should be a scary warning for the future of America.

Posted on: 2021/2/21 22:59

Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2021/1/17 15:21
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2021/6/2 14:30
From Jersey City
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According to a new report entitled ?Moving in the Year of Pandemic: The 2020-2021 HireAHelper American Migration Report,? Jersey City had the sixth worst ratio of people moving in to people moving out.

Posted on: 2021/2/21 20:23

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