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Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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dmark526 wrote:
Washington trooper who defied state vaccine mandate and told gov to ‘kiss my a–‘ dies from COVID-19.

A Washington State Patrol officer who defied a statewide vaccine mandate and signed off for the last time by telling Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee to “kiss my a–” is dead from COVID-19.

Former Trooper Robert LaMay, 51, who served 22 years with the State Patrol and retired last October, died on Friday. ... -my-a-dies-from-covid-19/

And God told him to kiss his ass goodbye.

At least he got his 15 minutes of fame in FOX News, who were all probably laughing behind his back as you can bet your ass they're all vaccinated if they stay anywhere near old man Murdoch.

2 years running, guess what's the number 1 cop killer in America? It's not some punk with a gun. It's a punk with a gun and COVID. 3 guesses on who the punks are in this scenario.

Posted on: 2022/2/1 5:12

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Yvonne wrote:

drifterx wrote:

Yvonne wrote:

drifterx wrote:
In other news: Not getting vaccinated will still make you more likely to get COVID.

And if you allow illegal immigrants in which 20% are ill, most likely covid with the variant type, you are spreading the disease into the country.

They're also poor, hungry and tired seeking a new life in this immigrant country. Are you not Christian or have not been reading your Bible lately? Blessed are they because Jesus said so.

Jesus also said to give to Cesar what is Cesar and to God what is God. Obeying immigration laws is Cesar's job.

So you would side with Caesar on this? Sure, to you they broke Caesar's law, but you know who else did that? Jesus, and he was crucified for it. I guess even He could not completely render unto Caesar, especially when earthly laws become unjust. When he said give to Caesar that doesn't mean you stop giving to God, meaning you have to show your compassion to your fellow man and not separate families and then whine later when Caesar starts making paltry reparations for breaking Caesar's own laws.

When you scapegoat the least of his brethren, I'm sure Jesus had something to say about it. Look up those Bible verses and see how wrong you are.

Posted on: 2021/11/6 16:37

Re: Murphy's Tyranny Will Be Exponentially Increased if He's Re-Elected
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Maybe you're confused because Russia as it is now isn't a communist country and China is more capitalist than some European countries but whatever, I think you need to read up on what a socialist really is.

The sitting president cannot control the supply and demand of oil. That's controlled by the global market and capitalism. We still have tons of oil in reserve but that don't mean squat if the CEOs can't get their bonuses. Why are you so against capitalism? If the market says you have to pay $4, then do as it says unless you are a commie.

Posted on: 2021/11/5 21:13

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Yvonne wrote:

drifterx wrote:
In other news: Not getting vaccinated will still make you more likely to get COVID.

And if you allow illegal immigrants in which 20% are ill, most likely covid with the variant type, you are spreading the disease into the country.

They're also poor, hungry and tired seeking a new life in this immigrant country. Are you not Christian or have not been reading your Bible lately? Blessed are they because Jesus said so.

Posted on: 2021/11/5 21:01

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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In other news: Not getting vaccinated will still make you more likely to get COVID.

Posted on: 2021/11/4 1:10

Re: Murphy's Tyranny Will Be Exponentially Increased if He's Re-Elected
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People think this is some kind of surprise, it actually is for Democrats. Given the trend in NJ, Murphy had no business winning this election. No Democrat governor has been reelected in decades! It turned out to be a toss-up and he lucked out.

About gas prices, it's supply and demand, stupid. Y'all bitching like a bunch of Commies.

Posted on: 2021/11/4 1:09

Re: Murphy's Tyranny Will Be Exponentially Increased if He's Re-Elected
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Maybe you shouldn't rely too much on gas.

Were you thanking Obama when gas prices were at or below 2 bucks?

This BS about who the President is affecting your gas prices, local taxes, your kid's acne... and I couldn't give a shit about Biden.

Posted on: 2021/11/2 13:26

Re: Murphy's Tyranny Will Be Exponentially Increased if He's Re-Elected
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Murphy is on pace to be the first re-elected Dem governor in 40 years.

You can thank Trump for making the Republicans seem like hot garbage in comparison to weakass Murphy.

Here's to hoping this will encourage Murphy to go further left and actually bring some change for once.

Posted on: 2021/11/2 12:57

Re: Murphy's Tyranny Will Be Exponentially Increased if He's Re-Elected
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Hate to break it to you but Murphy will roll over this guy. What's his name again? For one thing, his attack ads are pitiful. I don't even like Murphy because he's a corpo Dem but I guess Repubs can barely hate him for that.

Voters are angry at Biden for not being left enough. All the spending he's proposed are popular across the board and he's letting a couple of corpo corruptos hold back his agenda. Failing on minimum wage, immigration reform, these are the real reasons Biden is low on the polls.

Republicans will be lucky to survive the next 2 years in any level. They all seems to be still stuck on Trump's ass or whatever smelly hole he's spewing crap out of.

Tyranny? Don't you have a Jan 6 reunion to attend?

Posted on: 2021/10/26 14:46

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Yvonne wrote:
What does Trump has to do with flu deaths? If you have a compromised immune system such as cancer or AIDs, you will have more problems fighting off the flu. It is still the elderly, or people over 80 that is dying from covid, those who die younger has other problems. 270 children, the last time I checked, died from covid and they had childhood cancer. You cannot live your life scared of everything. Healthy people will survive. I had the Hong Kong flu in the late 1960s, it was horrible but I was healthy and a weak later I was out of bed. I never went to the doctor or hospital. But millions of people died from the Hong Kong flu world wide.

Trump downplayed it just like you seem to be doing, only worse because you should know better.

Yes, these deaths have happened and will continue to happen if people just continue to live so callously as you suggest. If people didn't take precautions there wouldn't be as much as a shit show as it is now. You can survive one pandemic and die on the next one for all I care, just don't take anyone else with you.

And yes, healthy people will survive if they actually stay healthy and have some Christian compassion for those weakest among us. It would help if people actually make an effort instead of bitching about every little thing.

Posted on: 2021/10/24 22:06

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Wow, there are still stupid people comparing Covid to the common flu? Who are you? Trump's speechwriter from over a year ago?

Do the math and have some Christian compassion to those 50,000 lost lives you so callously cite so your "life" can "go on."

Posted on: 2021/10/16 17:19

Re: Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
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Well y'all are always welcome to move to Texas. I hear it's close to Cancun for a quick getaway.

BTW, I heard AOC has helped donate 5 million dollars to a state where a lot of folks want her dead. She must be such a real bitch huh?

Posted on: 2021/2/24 2:34

Re: Democratic Operative Exposes Voter Fraud (He Did it in Hudson County!)
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I hate to break it you all, fracking will not go away, there is no political will on either side to ban it outright since we are all now so 'happy' with cheaper gas. Anyone who claims Biden will ban it is living in a Trump fantasy land that's already in so much debt.

Posted on: 2020/10/10 23:51

Re: Democratic Operative Exposes Voter Fraud (He Did it in Hudson County!)
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Early voting showing record turnout, which means bad news for Republicans. The more people vote, the more likely they are to lose. Their own leadership has said as much, thus all the crazy shenanigans to stop early voting, mail-in ballots, you know... legal forms of voting that's been going on for years.

I can't wait to see these crazy fuckers voted out. They make COVID-19 seem harmless by comparison, and they ironically claim as much.

Posted on: 2020/10/10 19:44

Re: JC DMV - Anyone Try this Lately?
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NJ MVC Frequently Asked Questions during COVID-19 Public Health Emergency

Was my expiration date extended?

The following documents, if expiring between Mar 1 and May 31, have been extended to September 30.

If expiring between June 1 and August 31, they have been extended to December 31.

?All standard driver licenses (including permits)
?Standard non-driver IDs
?Vehicle registrations
?Temporary tags

What about CDL Extensions?

Expiration dates on commercial driver licenses (CDLs), commercial learner?s permits, and HAZMAT endorsements have been extended a second time, to September 30, 2020. This means expirations that were previously extended to June 30 have been extended for another three months. The extensions do not apply to documents that expired before March 1.The extension also includes the Medical Certifications of CDL holders, as long as the medical certificates were for 90 days or more and expired after March 1.The extensions mirror those issued recently by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, which oversees CDLs, and the federal Transportation Security Administration, which oversees Hazardous Materials endorsements (HAZMAT).

Posted on: 2020/8/23 22:00

Re: Water main break?
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Update: 7:20PM Water tankers available for affected residents in #JerseyCity at Christ Hospital near 20 Riverside Dr South and downtown on Riverside South. A third tanker in JC and one in Hoboken will be dispatched shortly and we will update with location.

Posted on: 2020/4/29 0:04

Re: The Pandemic's effect on the Jersey City and overall Urban Real Estate Market
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Well, that's why we have yearly vaccinations. Why would you think it won't apply for Covid-19 and so on? Vaccinations help bolster immunity so that's the hope anyway.

"The Chinese government can deny all it wants..." Well you're right about that. They have a right to deny any allegation without evidence. At least that how our system works, right?

Posted on: 2020/4/16 18:30

Re: The Pandemic's effect on the Jersey City and overall Urban Real Estate Market
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Even 9/11 had lasting impacts on RE. People moved out of Manhattan near the buildings. Chinatown is shell of its former self as many of the businesses moved to Queens.

This is a whole new level. The key is the vaccine. Without it, you can kiss normal goodbye.

Posted on: 2020/4/16 17:26

Re: Councilman Michael Yun - Dead from Coronavirus
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?You always have to look to the person at the top,? - Donald Trump on blaming GWB for 9/11. Of course, none of that now applies to him. He's even got his people blaming Obama... again. The guy is a psycho.

As for Councilman Yun, I never met the guy but he was generally loved and respected. How rare that is in today's political arena, a good person to all who knew him. My condolences to the Yun family.

Posted on: 2020/4/12 19:33

Re: Newark Catholic Archdiocese Suspends Masses
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Yeah, we have a Latin term for everything, that doesn't mean they knew squat about how a virus actually spread, or of modern science for that matter.

The Church also endured by hiding away in monasteries, so, there's that.

The Church will survive this, even as some of its members will not. While we pray for their souls, we must also think of how many more could have been saved if we acted better in previous pandemics.

In the meantime, faith endures in the safety of our homes.

Faith Alive @ Home Guide

Posted on: 2020/4/6 17:04

Re: Newark Catholic Archdiocese Suspends Masses
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Well, historically speaking, back in the day they didn't even know what a virus is so, I would hope that today's Christians know better than go back to those dark days where millions of people die needlessly.

I know some of us so-called Christians crave for the end times but if you really are meant to 'love you neighbor' then don't pass on the virus to them. St. Peter may just send you to the other place.

Posted on: 2020/4/6 15:35

Re: Newark Catholic Archdiocese Suspends Masses
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Masses are not suspended, just public gatherings. You can watch mass on TV, you may not receive sacraments unless by special arrangement (maybe) like it is done for the infirm and dying. The Pope just had Palm Sunday mass without a crowd, so yeah, it's not the end of the Catholic Church as we know it.

What saddens me though is that some people think the Catholic church is overreacting in comparison to the swine flu pandemic. No, it is learning from past mistakes - the mistake of minimizing a pandemic that led to 60 million infected and 14,000 dead. It's a church that doesn't want blood in its hands. So yeah, keep bringing up these comparisons without even thinking about what could have been prevented, because that makes you such a great Christian.

Posted on: 2020/4/5 14:18

Re: Coronavirus is now in Hudson County
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And who are you talking to shit for brains?

Posted on: 2020/3/19 14:44

Re: Coronavirus is now in Hudson County
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What's your point? That nobody do anything and let Coronavirus spread to millions of people and kill even more?

Well yeah, 60 million infected and over 12 thousand dead is the result of inaction and unpreparedness. Here's to hoping history won't repeat itself.

Posted on: 2020/3/19 2:34

Re: HC(JC) authorities search for hit-and-run minivan that left man in critical condition
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Accidents happen, but leaving the scene of an accident should never happen. This is a Hit-and-run, not just some jackass who doesn't know how to drive. Hope he gets put away for a while, the max for NJ is 6 months. What a dumbass. He basically ruined his life at 31 when all he had to do is stay put and call 911.

Posted on: 2019/11/8 20:15

Re: 'Joker,' Joaquin Phoenix film about Batman nemesis, to film in N.J. locations
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Posted on: 2019/4/3 14:16

Re: Colonette Diner comes back to life as La Mexicana….
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Never had a problem with the mall except for the parking, or whatever is left not taken up by rental car companies.

It is a shame about the Cajun place.

Posted on: 2019/3/7 22:07

Re: Plastic bag bans coming to Hoboken, Jersey City
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I'm sure they wouldn't refuse your finest cutlery if you actually gave a rat's ass.

On a brighter note, plastic utensils are still recyclable while bags... not so much.

Posted on: 2019/3/1 18:01

Re: A new N.J. bar’s dress code was called racist. The owner says it was ‘an oversight.’
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I wouldn't call it racist, more like pretentious. You are in Newark Ave., not downtown Manhattan. If you want to enforce such a rigid dress code which is entirely your right, don't expect people not to give you grief over it. And if you are going to enforce it, you better be damn sure you are consistent about it. It's a recipe for profiling so why bother.

I hear the place hardly cards anyone so it seems like they are going for the younger crowds. What the hell do they think young people wear nowadays? Dumbasses.

Posted on: 2019/1/16 17:39

Re: New Tax Rate is Insane!
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What would the delay do? So the 'oppressed' downtowner can move to GV? GTFO. Time to face reality.

Posted on: 2018/5/27 18:57

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