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Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
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Trump can't take away the program, that would take an act of Congress. He is slowing it down though via his executive powers. Last month, the program where an employer pays extra $$$ to get faster approvals was suspended.
Open borders has supports from both parties. The Democrats expand the welfare rolls and therefore over time, gain new voters. The Republican big donors gain cheap labor.. meat packing employees to discount STEM people. The latter has become a huge racket, turning America's tech employers into a modern version of a Roman Latifundium. Open borders had a lot of support early last century as well, for similar reasons as above (though no welfare state yet). Eventually though, immigration was controlled via a series of acts of Congress post WWI, with immigration being severely limited by 1924 until 1965. The percent foreign born dropped from near 40% of the population to about 4%. The break allowed for generational assimilation and gradually end a host of immigration induced problems.
Posted on: 2017/4/21 12:35
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
Home away from home
So all this arguing and pretty much everyone is in agreement that this EO doesn't do a damn thing? Gotcha.
Trump will not take away those visas. He has no financial interest in it. Just as he has no financial interest in 'buying American'. You would have to be a special kind of noob to fall for this lip service, but then again some of you voted for him.
Posted on: 2017/4/21 12:04
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
Home away from home
Of course they are they are living 10 deep and sending the money home!
Posted on: 2017/4/21 4:33
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
Home away from home
The reason being is that it is a pattern with you libs. First George Bush was the worst. Then it was Jon McCain later it was Mitt Romney. No matter who the repubs put out they are the worse according to the libs. So who will the next Republican devil be? Better ask a liberal.
Posted on: 2017/4/21 4:31
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
Home away from home
We are, Trump is doing a great thing and is receiving credit. But it is worth mentioning Hillary since she was very much in favor of the H1B program, and "progressives" here can't seem to bring themselves to say anything good about Trump. See the guy I replied to as a perfect example. Even when Trump does something he agrees with, he refuses to acknowledge it and engages in bizarre mental gymnastics to spin it as a negative.
Posted on: 2017/4/21 2:20
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
Home away from home
Nope. They are not "TAKIN ER JERBS." They are legal visa holders who work, consume and most likely live in JC. They are our co-workers and neighbors. Spare us the nativism, kthx. Quote: slums in our city created by overcrowding by h1b holders not a problem too? Did you not read your own source? The average wage offer for those jobs is over $80k. Sure, rent in JC is expensive, but those visa holders are not living in "slums." Meanwhile, what does the EO actually do? Not much. It is going to... generate reports on H1B visa holders. And suggest reforms!!! It didn't demand an investigation of all H1B visas issued. They aren't going to drag every H1B visa holder to the nearest ICE office and grill them. They aren't revoking visas. It doesn't even reduce the number of H1B visas that will be made available; Congress sets the amount. At worst, they will just add another layer of paperwork to the H1B program. More noise, no substance....
Posted on: 2017/4/21 1:51
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
Home away from home
Hillary is done, stop saying what she WOULD do. Let's focus on what he IS(or isn't) doing.
Posted on: 2017/4/21 1:18
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
Home away from home
Did you seriously take an action that you agree with (cracking down on H1B abuse) and try to spin it as some anti-Trump comment? Especially when you know that Hillary would have only expanded the H1B program and wouldn't have dreamed cracking down on any abuse? Too rich. Trump could save kids from a burning orphanage, and there'd be nothing but criticism from the likes of you.
Posted on: 2017/4/21 1:10
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
Home away from home
Right. The guy who sells ties made in China? Nothing crazy about that at all.
And no, taking away these visas will not save the coal miners and bring back factories. These are predominantly for tech jobs. On principle I think the visa program needs to be scaled back as there are signs of abuse but there is no putting it back in the bottle. Too much money is being made by the people who pay large sums of campaign donations. So the bottom line is, the Trump voter gets virtually nothing out of this except maybe piss off a few Wall Street folks. Also, if Trump wants us to 'buy American' maybe he should tell his voters to stop frequenting Walmart? That should go over really well.
Posted on: 2017/4/20 16:33
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
Home away from home
Another great move by President Trump, looking out for American workers as always.
And if Hillary won, you wouldn't see this in a million years. She'd probably expand the H1B program, so her corporate donors can make even more money by screwing over American workers.
Posted on: 2017/4/20 0:24
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
Home away from home
Are you speaking of US corporations and Australian politicians?
Posted on: 2017/4/19 23:18
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
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2006/11/13 18:42 Last Login : 2022/2/28 7:31 From 280 Grove Street
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I often question the patriotism of US corporations and our politicians ... for me they have very little with politicians being complicit with their needs and wants ... campaign money always has a big voice on governance.
Posted on: 2017/4/19 21:30
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
Home away from home
In 2008, when the market took a hit, News12 NJ interviewed people on the waterfront in JC who got laid off notices. I was shocked to see H1B workers. All of that tax abatement with the promise of local jobs.
Posted on: 2017/4/19 21:17
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
Home away from home
We actually been getting a lot of manufacturing returning to the USA in large part because we have some of the cheapest energy in the world , places like China aren't that cheap anymore, and a need to reduce transit costs associated with the supply chain. However, the assembly line, low to moderate skill jobs aren't coming back with the manufacturing. I'll link to a case in point: Textile (yarn) manufacturer headed for China in the '90s for the cheap labor. In 2010, the US plant was re-opened. In its previous peak during the 1980s, it employed over 2,000 people. Today: about 140 workers due to automation. ... .html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
Posted on: 2017/4/19 21:13
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
Home away from home
H1-B abuse is getting out of hand. Will be glad to see the use of these visa curtailed.
Posted on: 2017/4/19 21:11
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
Home away from home
I Cringely has been covering the H1B Visa issues for a long time. A tidbit:
Now to the H-1B observations of my old friend and longtime reader who has been a CTO at several companies: My first exposure to H1B was when I was consulting to multiple VC?s back in the dot-com era. Several VC?s I did work for, the portfolio managers would instruct/demand their portfolio companies hire H1B?s instead of Americans for ?common? jobs such as programmers, DBA?s (database administrators), network admins and even IT help desk people. The reason of course was $$$. The H1B?s cost approx. 1/3rd or 1/4th the cost of the comparable American in same job. I remember this one VC board meeting where the CEO of a portfolio company said the H1B?s in his company were complaining about their sub-standard pay, and one of the VC partners said, ?Fuck them. Tell them if they don?t like it, we?ll toss their ass out, get another H1B to replace you and you?ll be on your way back to India.? Fast forward to mid- to late-2000s: I learned (while working) at (an unnamed public technology company) a LOT about H1B. We had contracted with several of the Indian firms such as Infosys, Wipro, Tata, Impetus, TechMahindra for ?outsourcing? and ?offshoring? ordinary tech work like programming, dba?s, documentation, etc. The rates were very enticing to any corporation: we were paying anywhere from $15/hour to a *max* of $28/hour for H1B folks from those Indian firms (which btw, had set up US subsidiaries as ?consulting/contractor firms? so that American companies were hiring ?American workers?). The jobs we were hiring from TechMahindra, Wipro, etc., were jobs that American workers of same skillset and experience would be paid in the range of $80k-$170k (annual, which translates to $52-110/hour when you factor in benefits, medical, etc.). Quite a considerable difference in cost to the corporation. At one point we had ~800 staff in India that worked for Infosys/Wipro/etc.) but had H1B ?project managers? onsite in the US from Infosys/Wipro/etc. to manage those armies of people in India (i.e. ? deal with language issues, scheduling, etc.). I got to know some of the H1B?s that were in the US working for us. I asked them, ?How can you afford to live here on $15/hour?? The answer was they were living in group homes (e.g. ? 8 guys would rent a townhouse and pool their money for food, etc.), plus had ?no life? outside of work. To which I?d ask, ?why are you doing this??. The answer was ?it?s better than what we can get at home (India)? and they would manage to save some money. But more importantly, they were getting valuable experience for when they would return to India, they were highly sought after due to their experience in the US.
Posted on: 2017/4/19 21:01
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
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2006/11/13 18:42 Last Login : 2022/2/28 7:31 From 280 Grove Street
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It's all smoke and mirrors about this topic.
The MAIN reason that we don't have enough blue and white collar jobs throughout the US has nothing to do with H1B visa's . Trump is diverting the true problem with this crap - see attached about the cause and effect ... basically corporations have invested their manufacturing and infrastructure in China and other 'cheap' labor countries that don't have the same labor and environmental laws as we do here ... the US worker is too expensive for greedy corporations and industries ... It's no wonder the US military is the number 1 employer in the US, followed by Walmart ... There wouldn't be many countries in the world that has their military as the number 1 employer! It makes no wonder local businesses are exploiting the H1B visa when you're competing with overseas suppliers or service providers. Everything from manufacturing to telemarketers that are calling us from abroad is a problem, that should be 'homegrown' industries ... Globalisation has its benefits but is also screwing this nation!
Posted on: 2017/4/19 20:58
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
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2017/1/3 18:17 Last Login : 2020/10/12 20:58 From Jersey City
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Slightly different angle on the H1B visa issue. ... ck-into-h-1b-visa-debate/ If the displaced workers didn't train their replacements, they forfeited their severance.
Posted on: 2017/4/19 20:37
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
Just can't stay away
say what? 12 000+ taking our jobs in our city is not an existingproblem? slums in our city created by overcrowding by h1b holders not a problem too? terrence is practicing copy and paste journalism, specializing in hcdo politicians kissing babies. that is how he missed jc being fourth in the nation in number of these abusers.
Posted on: 2017/4/19 19:40
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
Home away from home
What's the problem with this again?
Posted on: 2017/4/19 18:45
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
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Posted on: 2017/4/19 18:42
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
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2009/10/7 15:46 Last Login : 2024/7/1 0:32 From jersey city
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(I can't believe that Jersey City number( 12,861), but seeing how the small 2 family houses around Journal Square have maybe 15 IT workers per floor maybe I can. Landlords are making a killing on rents)
How many N.J. jobs are held by workers with tech visas targeted by Trump By Kathleen O'Brien | NJ Advance Media for on April 19, 2017 at 8:12 AM, updated April 19, 2017 at 8:19 AM About 85,000 jobs in New Jersey are held by foreign workers who are here on H-1B visas - a category now being targeted by President Trump. On Tuesday, the president ordered a crackdown on U.S. tech companies that he said may be gaming the system by falsely claiming they face a shortage of qualified American job applicants. ... wa.html#incart_river_home
Posted on: 2017/4/19 18:24
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
Not too shy to talk
Slumlords? Don't think that's accurate. JC has a lot of banking firms; I would imagine a lot of these H1B holders work within the banking industry, as well as other highly skilled areas.
Not trying to open a can of worms here with this discussion - I'm all for American jobs, but there is a gap in training. These jobs require STEM concentrations, which IMO the US education system has only pushed the last 5 years or so. The problem is a lot of people graduate with liberal arts degrees, etc. which are not fits for these jobs. Quote:
Posted on: 2017/4/19 18:05
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
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2007/3/19 18:28 Last Login : 2020/3/10 14:50 From hamilton park
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you do realize Terrence works for a LOCAL publication covering LOCAL issues, right? maybe he'll get around to covering the issue AFTER it's had an impact on Hudson County and Jersey City businesses.
Posted on: 2017/4/19 17:02
utterly deplorable
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
Home away from home
How to go about NOT hiring Americans so you can instead hiring lower salaried and indentured H1Bs.
Posted on: 2017/4/19 16:28
Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
Just can't stay away
correction there are some 12 000+ h1b holders in jersey city per this gov report https://www.foreignlaborcert.doleta.go ... _Annual_Report_FY2015.pdf page 83
Posted on: 2017/4/19 15:39
h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
Just can't stay away
i thought it will be news today, but terrence chose to be a prop at hcdo photo op on city hall steps yesterday instead.
president trump signed eo yesterday targeting h1b racket, including all 400+ in jersey city. ... merican-and-hire-american slumlords and fulop not happy.
Posted on: 2017/4/19 14:57