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Re: Democratic Convention
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2012/1/11 18:21
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Trump Won?t Mention That Bush & Cheney Deleted 22 Million Emails and neither would his fans.

I wonder why?

Posted on: 2016/10/30 20:39

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manu wrote:

135jc wrote:

neverleft wrote:
LOL what a joke?..

?FINAL HUMA-LIATION? Clinton aide Abedin reportedly pleads ignorance of how emails got on her shared laptop?

Published October 30, 2016

Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin reportedly has said she does not know how tens of thousands of emails related to the FBI investigation of her boss' personal server were found on a laptop she shared with her now-estranged husband, former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner.

The Washington Post reported that Abedin was not a regular user of the laptop in question. The paper also reported that Abedin's lawyers did not bother to search the device for work-related emails after she agreed to turn over such messages to the State Department. ... robe-got-on-computer.html

That's my point. How can we trust out national security secrets with this"technology naive" group

Because we can clearly not trust them in Trump's hands...

Yah, that is an intelligent response.... for somebody that boasts of 30 years in public service, HRC has become a very stupid and ignorant understanding the national security risks she and her staff take at our expense.

Posted on: 2016/10/30 18:46

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JCMan8 wrote:

Very interesting article. Figures it would be the UK media to report on this and not our own.

I found in Wikileaks a lot of major news and media people being invited to Podesta's house for dinner. Plus, a lot of coordination between media and Hillary's campaign: Forwarded her debate questions, suppressing Trump stories (Facebook), etc...

There is a snowball's chance in hell of the regular media here in the USA covering much of anything negative in regards to Hillary.

Posted on: 2016/10/30 16:49

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MDM wrote:
The Daily Mail has an interesting story in regards to Comey re-opening the investigation:


'The atmosphere at the FBI has been toxic ever since Jim announced last July that he wouldn't recommend an indictment against Hillary,' said the source, a close friend who has known Comey for nearly two decades, shares family outings with him, and accompanies him to Catholic mass every week.

'Some people, including department heads, stopped talking to Jim, and even ignored his greetings when they passed him in the hall,' said the source. 'They felt that he betrayed them and brought disgrace on the bureau by letting Hillary off with a slap on the wrist.'

According to the source, Comey fretted over the problem for months and discussed it at great length with his wife, Patrice.

He told his wife that he was depressed by the stack of resignation letters piling up on his desk from disaffected agents. The letters reminded him every day that morale in the FBI had hit rock bottom.

Very interesting article. Figures it would be the UK media to report on this and not our own.

Posted on: 2016/10/30 16:42

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The Daily Mail has an interesting story in regards to Comey re-opening the investigation:


'The atmosphere at the FBI has been toxic ever since Jim announced last July that he wouldn't recommend an indictment against Hillary,' said the source, a close friend who has known Comey for nearly two decades, shares family outings with him, and accompanies him to Catholic mass every week.

'Some people, including department heads, stopped talking to Jim, and even ignored his greetings when they passed him in the hall,' said the source. 'They felt that he betrayed them and brought disgrace on the bureau by letting Hillary off with a slap on the wrist.'

According to the source, Comey fretted over the problem for months and discussed it at great length with his wife, Patrice.

He told his wife that he was depressed by the stack of resignation letters piling up on his desk from disaffected agents. The letters reminded him every day that morale in the FBI had hit rock bottom.

Posted on: 2016/10/30 16:24

Re: Democratic Convention
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Most news outlets report a knucklehead shouting Jew S A at a Trump rally; no news outlets report on a mob of progressives assaulting a homeless black woman guarding a Trump star in Hollywood.

Really fair coverage. When the star was destroyed, though, it was very newsworthy...scumbags.

Posted on: 2016/10/30 16:19

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This guy named Brent has some interesting emails. Bernie supporters should read what he wrote below:
Date: 2015-09-08 13:56
Subject: Re: Where's Bill?

Late fall is much too late. WJC should have begun early summer in stages, a periodic but reinforcing presence escalating late fall, not beginning late fall. If it wasn't important enough for him to do compared to other things he is doing, shame on him. If it was a staff-generated plan, shame on them. High probability I write a very strong column very soon about these things. I have been very aggressive defending her and avoiding any criticism while she was under attack but this is now going very wrong and when I read the NYT story that reconfirms my view, never publicly stated, that some of the people around her---not you but others---are dumber than bird shit when it comes to modern public opinion and modern politics.

I will tell you, I was an early Obama supporter in 2007 and 2008, which was a mistake, but I was in the inner loop going to meetings with John Kerry sitting on my right and Tom Daschle sitting on my left and exchanging ideas with the top Obama people in D.C. and Chicago by speaker phone. They had then, and carried with them into the White House, an unbridled contempt for Bill and Hillary Clinton. Some of them, who now are visible for Hillary, said or wrote things to me when I suggested possible contributions by one of the Clintons that were so dripping with contempt that I told them that if they ever do that again in my presence I would treat it as on the record, write it, and name them, that's how bad it was.

There are some people now working for her who consider her a profit center for their income and not a cause or a mission that they believe in. They almost certainly carry with them an incredible jealousy that Obama has always harbored towards Bill Clinton and a condescending attitude towards Hillary Clinton. That attitude shines through the Times story today that treats her a commodity to be sold and not as a leader of the treats her as a calculating tactician who is changing her maneuvers about how to sell herself to manipulatable voters and not as a putative president with a heart and a soul and a passion about WHY she wants to be president and what she would do if she is.....

An inauthentic strategy to make her look authentic is absurd.

And BTW, Biden's populist act on Labor Day with his rhetoric of being indignant about the unfairness of the economy makes a mockery of his four decades of carrying water for banks as their de facto lobbyist in the Senate from Delaware. He won't take one vote from Bernie when people focus, is the best thing that could happen to Bernie and will come in third behind Hillary and Bernie, taking votes from Hillary that will give Bernie's percentage more delegates and clout.

The solution is for Hillary to be more authentically populist, not as far as Bernie but much more so than she has been, and give her candidacy some heart and soul and bite that is not her nature, and not her staff's, which may be her undoing.

I could write a column listing one by one the corporate clients of many of Hillary's closest advisors and many Democrats would puke. I have researched this, and it is appalling, and these are people attuned to making money from whomever writes their checks, who are not attuned---and in many ways are hostile to----the powerful forces that are now driving the electorate....

As for Bill, he should have been a visible presence all along, he is the great validator in American politics, the Babe Ruth of national politics when almost all other politicians, including Hillary, are widely distrusted....Bill is the closest to a recognizable model of the kind of president Americans would be happy with in 2016....he gives the closest indicator of the kind of president Hillary would be, which is a huge plus.... and on selected populist issues where she could distinguish herself that would be a big plus too.....

Instead all we watch is a tactical discussion about why she is not doing well because of how much she is distrusted by voters, and suggestions she is dispatching surrogate politicians to do her dirty work attacking the one Democratic candidate who most excites the Democratic base, and the latest innuendo about the Clinton emails because she---and her staff---give the voters and media nothing more exciting and inspiring to discuss beyond what TV shows she will be appearing on to make her less distrusted.....

Dan Pfeiffer can say I am bed-wedding but this campaign right now is in very, very serious trouble and unless something dramatic changes the hourglass is now getting low on sand to set things right.....Brent

Posted on: 2016/10/30 16:19

Re: Democratic Convention
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The whole point is that Hillary had a private server set up to avoid Freedom of Information Act inquiries, to keep the 'pay for play' info secure.

By doing this, she ignored national security concerns.

And now she's being held accountable.

It's not about Trump (he wasn't running when she started this whole sordid mess), it's not about Putin. They've only exposed this, which is the job our media used to do.

Posted on: 2016/10/30 16:19

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For those of you that haven't gone through the Wikileaks database yet:

Posted on: 2016/10/30 16:06

Re: Democratic Convention
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135jc wrote:

neverleft wrote:
LOL what a joke?..

?FINAL HUMA-LIATION? Clinton aide Abedin reportedly pleads ignorance of how emails got on her shared laptop?

Published October 30, 2016

Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin reportedly has said she does not know how tens of thousands of emails related to the FBI investigation of her boss' personal server were found on a laptop she shared with her now-estranged husband, former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner.

The Washington Post reported that Abedin was not a regular user of the laptop in question. The paper also reported that Abedin's lawyers did not bother to search the device for work-related emails after she agreed to turn over such messages to the State Department. ... robe-got-on-computer.html

That's my point. How can we trust out national security secrets with this"technology naive" group

Because we can clearly not trust them in Trump's hands...

Posted on: 2016/10/30 15:51

Re: Democratic Convention
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hero69 wrote:
I'm not having it. nope. hillary may have been "negligent," but donald was and is downright criminal imo. why don't gop zealots defend his sexual assaults, misuse of his charities, racists talk, his unwillingness to pay his employees and contractors properly if at all, or his business failures.

never in million years would hillary hire a caterer for a wedding, praise the caterer's work and then refuse to pay. donald trump belongs in jail.

Yeah, that's sounds like a rational approach. Who cares that she was extremely careless with secret documents and possibly revealed the information that may have damaged national security and endangered our operatives!

What's important is she would have paid caterer!

Maybe. Of course, that's also in doubt, since we don't know when was the last time she had to deal with issues like hiring or paying. Of her interactions with the people who served her we know only some facts, like that in the Department of State she treated the security people so nicely that no senior agent wanted to serve on her detail and they had to use junior agents. That in the position that traditionally is the most prestigious one.

Posted on: 2016/10/30 14:55

Re: Democratic Convention
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neverleft wrote:
LOL what a joke?..

?FINAL HUMA-LIATION? Clinton aide Abedin reportedly pleads ignorance of how emails got on her shared laptop?

Published October 30, 2016

Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin reportedly has said she does not know how tens of thousands of emails related to the FBI investigation of her boss' personal server were found on a laptop she shared with her now-estranged husband, former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner.

The Washington Post reported that Abedin was not a regular user of the laptop in question. The paper also reported that Abedin's lawyers did not bother to search the device for work-related emails after she agreed to turn over such messages to the State Department. ... robe-got-on-computer.html

That's my point. How can we trust out national security secrets with this"technology naive" group

Posted on: 2016/10/30 14:33

Re: Democratic Convention
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2009/10/7 15:46
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LOL what a joke?..

?FINAL HUMA-LIATION? Clinton aide Abedin reportedly pleads ignorance of how emails got on her shared laptop?

Published October 30, 2016

Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin reportedly has said she does not know how tens of thousands of emails related to the FBI investigation of her boss' personal server were found on a laptop she shared with her now-estranged husband, former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner.

The Washington Post reported that Abedin was not a regular user of the laptop in question. The paper also reported that Abedin's lawyers did not bother to search the device for work-related emails after she agreed to turn over such messages to the State Department. ... robe-got-on-computer.html

Posted on: 2016/10/30 14:08

Re: Democratic Convention
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I'm not having it. nope. hillary may have been "negligent," but donald was and is downright criminal imo. why don't gop zealots defend his sexual assaults, misuse of his charities, racists talk, his unwillingness to pay his employees and contractors properly if at all, or his business failures.

never in million years would hillary hire a caterer for a wedding, praise the caterer's work and then refuse to pay. donald trump belongs in jail.

Posted on: 2016/10/30 13:27

Re: Democratic Convention
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hero69 wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:

hero69 wrote:
so, these "33,000 missing documents" were on huma's computer. if so, that is on huma and not hillary. do you think hillary asked huma to hide them?

These probably are not the 33K emails... the issue is not only were they on Weiner's laptop, they were being stored on email servers by companies like Yahoo and Google. Complete violation of email security.
bold news. the russians have already proven that they intel they want even if on government "secure" servers.

time to focus on on's failures as a businessman. what hasdonald accomplishedu

Of course any bad actor would be interested in government servers.... under Obama theses people have already accessed the personnel files of millions of federal workers... to access you need to probe for vulnerabilities and obviously everything that Clinton and her people did with their email and federal records enhanced that risk.

If you need examples of bad judgment.... look at HRC encouraging and marrying "her daughter, Huma" to marry Anthony Weiner. He was a creepy loud mouth democrat congressman before they met.

Posted on: 2016/10/30 13:20

Re: Democratic Convention
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hero69 wrote:
some of you gop zealots make me laugh. maybe huma has other things to worry about such as how her emails got onto her husbands computer.

given that, imo, weiner is a scumbag and probably secretly downloaded huma's emails, huma needs some time to herself. [/quote

She shared computers with Weiner. Maybe if she used the proper protocol when handling sensitive material she would not be in this mess. Let's not play games this is very basic stuff, to suggest she or Hillary were not aware their actions were a violation of policy is ridiculous. Anyone in corporate America has to adhere to the same guidelines when handling emails. What they both did were fire-able offenses. Additionally, Podesta seems to been fooled into handing over his password. Any Eighth grader knows to ignore spam and pop up emails. It seems that a Hillary administration would be very dangerous to the security of our nation.

Posted on: 2016/10/30 12:16

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The data shows Hillary Clinton leading with early voters not just in swing states like Ohio and Arizona, but in the deep red GOP strongholds of Georgia and Texas, where Trump is favored to win. Reuters still doesn?t have the early voting numbers from Florida and North Carolina, but the polls also show those states leaning towards Hillary Clinton.

According to the University of Florida?s U.S. Election Project, over 19 million of us have taken advantage of the early voting period, that?s 20 percent of registered voters. This makes sense, given the four-to-seven point lead Hillary Clinton has enjoyed over the past few weeks. The Reuters/Ipsos poll?s findings are also similar to the lead president Barack Obama had over Mitt Romney back in 2012. ... ndits-left-stunned-stats/

And the news keeps getting better?Polls also show Hillary Clinton on track to win the 270 votes from the Electoral College that she needs to win the White House.

Posted on: 2016/10/30 11:36

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TheBigGuy wrote:

hero69 wrote:
so, these "33,000 missing documents" were on huma's computer. if so, that is on huma and not hillary. do you think hillary asked huma to hide them?

These probably are not the 33K emails... the issue is not only were they on Weiner's laptop, they were being stored on email servers by companies like Yahoo and Google. Complete violation of email security.
bold news. the russians have already proven that they intel they want even if on government "secure" servers.

time to focus on on's failures as a businessman. what hasdonald accomplishedu

Posted on: 2016/10/30 6:13

Re: Democratic Convention
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hero69 wrote:
so, these "33,000 missing documents" were on huma's computer. if so, that is on huma and not hillary. do you think hillary asked huma to hide them?

These probably are not the 33K emails... the issue is not only were they on Weiner's laptop, they were being stored on email servers by companies like Yahoo and Google. Complete violation of email security.

Posted on: 2016/10/30 4:02

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hero69 wrote:
it wasn't even hillary's computer. i've moved on. donald is not qualified as he proved in the debates.

And what serious foreign policy accomplishments did she achieve? She wasn't even invited to Obama Staff Meetings.

Posted on: 2016/10/30 3:55

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some of you gop zealots make me laugh. maybe huma has other things to worry about such as how her emails got onto her husbands computer.

given that, imo, weiner is a scumbag and probably secretly downloaded huma's emails, huma needs some time to herself.

Posted on: 2016/10/30 3:53

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Well, that didn't take long. Hillary already threw Huma under the campaign bus. Some leader!

"No sign of Huma Abedin on Clinton's campaign plane as we fly to Florida, by the way. She was on board to and from Iowa yesterday."

Posted on: 2016/10/30 2:48

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Now the left is screaming bloody murder that Comey drew outside the lines in disclosing to Congress that the investigation has new evidence.

Somehow the 'irregularity' of the Attorney General of the US meeting with a former POTUS, husband of the woman under active investigation, two days before being interviewed by the FBI, wasn't irregular at all I guess.

Posted on: 2016/10/30 2:46

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I continue to hear the rhetoric from Hillary supporters and Hillary herself on how experienced she is; The problem with experience is that she is also experienced on 'dodging bullets' on accountability, lying without conscience and finding an a scapegoat for all her failures.

The democrats failed to provide a fresh candidate without skeletons and the republicans got a clown to represent them.

Maybe would should have a clause that disallows siblings, partners and family members from being presidential candidates that could also include B-Grade entertainers and clowns

Posted on: 2016/10/30 2:38
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jerseymom wrote:

hero69 wrote:
so, these "33,000 missing documents" were on huma's computer. if so, that is on huma and not hillary. do you think hillary asked huma to hide them?

Resized Image

That was a trick question. Right?

Posted on: 2016/10/30 2:26

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hero69 wrote:
so, these "33,000 missing documents" were on huma's computer. if so, that is on huma and not hillary. do you think hillary asked huma to hide them?

Resized Image

Posted on: 2016/10/30 2:08

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so, these "33,000 missing documents" were on huma's computer. if so, that is on huma and not hillary. do you think hillary asked huma to hide them?

Posted on: 2016/10/30 1:45

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JCMan8 wrote:
Let's hope that Trump wins and Hillary ends up behind bars as she deserves. I didn't know it involved so many....

Source: Tens of thousands of emails on laptop shared by Weiner, Abedin"

Posted on: 2016/10/30 0:57

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neverleft wrote:

hero69 wrote:
it wasn't even hillary's computer. i've moved on. donald is not qualified as he proved in the debates.

Right the rumor is many of the 33,000 "missing" emails from Clinton's server are on Huma's 5 devices. (sent to Huma)

Wait so Clinton is qualified as proved in the debates? lol

That guy is a Hillary hack. He spouts one failed talking point after another and just moves on after he's been proven wrong.

Let's hope that Trump wins and Hillary ends up behind bars as she deserves.

Posted on: 2016/10/29 23:43

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hero69 wrote:
it wasn't even hillary's computer. i've moved on. donald is not qualified as he proved in the debates.

Right the rumor is many of the 33,000 "missing" emails from Clinton's server are on Huma's 5 devices. (sent to Huma)

Wait so Clinton is qualified as proved in the debates? lol

Posted on: 2016/10/29 23:32

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