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Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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Plus ?a change, plus c'est la m?me chose...
By Jarvis DeBerry, | The Times-Picayune Email the author | Follow on Twitter on November 21, 2013 at 5:00 PM On Nov. 22, 1963, my home state of Mississippi was, like every other state in the South, solidly Democratic. And yet, according to my American History teacher, who was standing before a class in Columbus that day, when the intercom blared that President John F. Kennedy, a Democrat, had been assassinated in Dallas, her students responded with applause. Imagine: Americans cheering the death of their own leader. Students whose parents almost certainly identified themselves as Democrats whooping it up that the leader of that party had been killed. My teacher, Judy Morris, was telling that story to another Mississippi classroom nearly 30 years later to illustrate the virulent anti-Catholic hatred that pervaded the South. She said her own grandmother, who given Ms. Morris' age must have been born in the late 1800s, had eventually reached a point where she could be cordial to black people. But the Catholics? No, sir. She could never stand the Catholics. And didn't mind saying it. More - Read the Comments, Too
Posted on: 2015/11/23 15:34
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
I remember lots of rumors that emerged in the days after 9-11-01. The one about Jewish people not going to work that day. I also heard one about Muslim men celebrating on a rooftop in Jersey City where they had set up lawn chairs waiting for the events to unfold. In the years since we now have everything from full-on military-industrial war profiteering in the billions to conspiracy theories spawning dozens of books and countless babbling youtube videos. The "information age" has reached such a din that people are willing to proliferate and/or believe anything that suits their narrative. Now we have people who swear that the next attack will be on a cornfield in Iowa...
Posted on: 2015/11/23 15:10
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Just can't stay away
By the way, for any of the clowns using an unlinked Washington Post article to justify their hateful fantasies, the Washington Post is calling Trump's lies precisely what they are:
Trump?s outrageous claim that ?thousands? of New Jersey Muslims celebrated the 9/11 attacks ... lebrated-the-911-attacks/ Specifically regarding the September 18th Washington Post article: Update: Some readers have tweeted to The Fact Checker a Washington Post article from Sept. 18, 2001, as evidence of Trump?s claim. The article, which appeared on page 6, described FBI probes after the attack in Northern New Jersey, saying in the 15th paragraph ?law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river.? Of course, ?a number of people? obviously does not equal ?thousands? ? and ?allegedly? indicates there is no video footage or other proof that celebrations actually took place. Recall that Trump claimed he saw this on television?and that it was ?well covered at the time.?
Posted on: 2015/11/23 15:04
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
I had a severe argument with the Pakistanis who own the store on Grace street & Summit ave. as they were elated with what was happening when I walked in. I asked them what was so funny ?
They didn't answer but I reacted anyway and the cops came. His brother got in my face, and I pushed him on to some shelves and every thing came down. Cops showed up and they denied every thing. America a great country, they looked like they were ready to cry. Phonies. They were watching it on TV, and laughing when I walked in.
Posted on: 2015/11/23 14:11
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
And then you have our resident crank excuse maker for bigots carrying water for him, lying in a plausibly deniable manner. I doubt Yvonne's friend even exists.
____ There is also this little story about five guys horsing around on the waterfront that day. Five Jewish young guys, it turns out. ... -it-wasnt-cheering-arabs/ There will always be small pockets of assholes in any group. To tar a whole ethnicity with the shenanigans of a few, and to exaggerate that on top of it it do so, that is what makes Yvonne a terrible person.
Posted on: 2015/11/23 13:24
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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2012/1/11 18:21 Last Login : 2019/12/26 15:30 From GV Bayside Park
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You call it "the guy got carried away" We call it a lie... Where is Maury when you need him..
Though Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump claimed ? twice ? this weekend that he saw "thousands and thousands" of people cheering in Jersey City during the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the statements ring false in a pair of fact-checks. PolitiFact slapped a "Pants on Fire" rating on the comments, while the Washington Post gave the remarks a "Four-Pinochio" rating. PolitiFact said it conducted "an exhaustive search" of newspaper and television accounts from September through December 2001. The site said it found two reports that included "uncorroborated and unsourced mentions." "Neither begins to approach the scale Trump described," PolitFact wrote. Fact Check
Posted on: 2015/11/23 13:10
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
I'll admit i was cheering on 9/11. I was not in Jersey City, I just turned 17 and passed my drivers test.
I will say I was not cheering for any attacks that happened though.
Posted on: 2015/11/23 6:02
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
Hey, the the guy got carried away with his numbers, it does not mean that there were not pockets in JC that were quite happy to watch the atrocity unfold.... the current guy in the WH is more dangerous because he does not even recognize that there is a global conflict with Muslim terror and its sympathizers. During a recent soccer match with Greece, the home team Turkey had hundreds booing during the requested moment of silence for Paris.
quote] RickSp wrote: Sadly amusing how the brain-dead bigots twist the facts to suit their particular hatreds. Yes, Trump claimed "thousands and thousands," which, of course, is a bald face lie. Not that facts matter to the right-wing haters/[/quote]
Posted on: 2015/11/23 4:28
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
I found the story you're referring to. It is not about Muslims celebrating in Paterson. It's about them not celebrating in Paterson, aside from a "very small" group of teens seen by Curtis Sliwa. It was by Brian Donahue, from 9/23/01. Here's the beginning: Hours after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, a story spread across the state: Palestinians in Paterson were celebrating in the streets. Braced for a riot, the Paterson police rushed to South Main Street, the center of the city's Middle Eastern community. "When we got there, " Paterson Police Chief Lawrence Spagnola said, "They were all in prayer." In the ensuing days, the rumor went national, lighting up talk radio phone lines. In the end, it was nothing more than rapid-fire urban myth. But it spawned fear of a backlash against Middle Eastern residents that sent this vibrant strip of Turkish pastry shops and Palestinian groceries into virtual lockdown for days. And for Paterson, a downtrodden city struggling to remake itself, it was yet another black eye that is proving difficult to heal... Abdallah, the Clifton electrician who grew up in Paterson, said there may have been a small handful of teenagers who shouted "revenge" the night of the bombing. That account is corroborated by WABC radio host Curtis Sliwa, one of those criticized by city officials for acknowledging accounts of celebrations on the air. But Sliwa says no neighborhood should be judged by the behavior of its rowdy teens on the street corner.
Posted on: 2015/11/23 4:14
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
Trump absolutely fabricated his statement. Bottom line regardless of whether there were maybe a slight handful of people expressing their approval it certainly wasn't overly noticeable all over the city.
Such a complete jackass I don't even know where to start. Good for Steve to call him out on his bs and the absurdly hate filled direction his campaign has taken.
Posted on: 2015/11/23 4:12
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
Christie was not in JC but my neighbor was in JC passing Westside Avenue. I will never forget the expression on his face when he told me of the celebrations. I take his word over Christie any day. He told me within a 48 hour period.
I am sure there will be other people speaking about this.
Posted on: 2015/11/23 3:33
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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2012/1/11 18:21 Last Login : 2019/12/26 15:30 From GV Bayside Park
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Gov. Chris Christie on Sunday said Donald Trump's claim that "thousands and thousands of people" cheered in Jersey City as the Twin Towers fell on 9/11 is not what he remembers about that day.
"I don't recall that. I don't," Christie told reporters while on the campaign trail in New Hampshire. ... nt.html#incart_river_home
Posted on: 2015/11/23 3:28
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
Again, eye witnesses -- especially on a day like that -- are highly unreliable. Further, the Politifact article takes this story apart, including the WaPo reports. Lexis-Nexis search showed a whopping two articles on the topic. One referred to unfounded rumors. The other is the WaPo article. No subsequent evidence has turned up. I doubt the JCPD will confirm it, either -- as they should be able to, if there were any actual arrests. And again, Trump did not claim there were a handful of people on a roof cheering. He referred to "thousands and thousands." Clearly, he got something wrong. That's not a partisan judgment. It's that what he described did not happen. By the way, here's On The Media's "Breaking News: Consumer's Handbook," which is pertinent to this situation.
Posted on: 2015/11/23 2:38
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
Were you on Westside Avenue?
Posted on: 2015/11/23 2:10
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
I was also in Jersey City on 9/11, I saw plenty of freaked out people, not a single one was happy that day.
Posted on: 2015/11/23 1:55
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
CNN did not have cameras in Paterson on 9/11, that is the difference, papadage. It took me forever to get home from Manhattan on that day. But according to you, hate can only happen in NYC and not in Paterson. It is obvious hate happen in 1993 in JC, when the first attempt to blow up the WTC failed, although it did result in the lose of some lives, including a person from Bayonne.
Posted on: 2015/11/23 1:52
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
What does that have to do with your crank friends in 2001? That's a video from 2009 that has nothing to do with JC.
Posted on: 2015/11/23 1:32
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
Some people sure don't like it when facts get in the way of their Trump-bashing fantasies!
Posted on: 2015/11/23 1:32
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
Thousands cheering ?! What utter bullshit. I saw no one.
In any situation you'll have a few fools acting inappropriately. I equate them with people like JCMan8
Posted on: 2015/11/23 1:28
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Just can't stay away
Bye, JMan. You obviously wouldn't recognize a fact if it bit you on the ass. You are too deep in your bigotry and ignorance.
Posted on: 2015/11/23 1:01
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
"Your are." Ok, now I can see your level of sophistication lol. Your problem is you try to pass off your limited experience in one small section of JC, as some kind of infallible proof for what happened in the city as a whole. The Washington Post reported on the facts as they happened, and verified them too. Sorry if the facts make you uncomfortable.
Posted on: 2015/11/23 0:56
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Just can't stay away
Blow it out, Jman. You obviously cannot handle the facts. Your denials are as lame as your insults.
Posted on: 2015/11/23 0:55
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Just can't stay away
Fool, I was in JC. I was at the waterfront where there was indeed no celebration of any sort. The fact that you want to believe lies because they fit your particular bigotries is entirely your problem not mine. And that the fact that you call me a liar only demonstrates what a low-life cretin your are.
Posted on: 2015/11/23 0:52
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
Politifact is notoriously biased. In fact, they are so unreliable that a website was set up just to track how biased they are. As for the Washington Post article, if you read the link I posted earlier, it was verified at the time by the Jersey City Police Department and the reporter, who personally interviewed the eyewitnesses to the Muslim celebrations. "Then there is this follow-up from Irfan Khawaja in July 2004: In an email to me on Dec. 16, 2003, Kovaleski indicated that his information had come from the Jersey City Police Department, and that he had confirmed the JCPD?s information via interviews of eyewitnesses of the celebration."
Posted on: 2015/11/23 0:51
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Just can't stay away
Now that is really stupid, Jman. Politifact checked out Trumps claim and ruled it "Pants on Fire." It also looked at the Washington Post article you cite and concluded: "The Post story includes no source for this information, and we found no evidence that any of these allegations ever stuck." ... -thousands-new-jersey-ch/
Posted on: 2015/11/23 0:48
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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2006/9/14 18:57 Last Login : 2020/1/27 22:17 From Hamilton Park
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Awwww, how sweet. It's nice to see people getting along in this blog. More power to both of you!
Posted on: 2015/11/23 0:46
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
You earlier claimed that you were in JC at the time, and that "There was no cheering. Horror, stunned silence, yes." Looks like you lied more than Trump. Because at worst, you could say that Trump exaggerated. But the cheering actually happened. You on the other hand, said something that is demonstrably false.
Posted on: 2015/11/23 0:44
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
I never said thousands, I said my neighbor saw people celebrating on Westside Avenue, now I remember, Westside does have a mosque there. There was a fire there and it is being rebuilt.
Posted on: 2015/11/23 0:44
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
A couple of people do. But I have a feeling facts matter very little to them.
Posted on: 2015/11/23 0:42