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Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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Just returned from shopping, on the radio in my car was comments from people stating they also saw people in Paterson and JC celebrating on 9/11. This was the Geraldo Rivera radio show.

Posted on: 2015/11/23 17:47

Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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Monroe wrote:
Latest poll shows 67% of American's don't want Syrian refugees right now. Guess why? Because the head of the FBI, the CIA, and Homeland Security all say we can't properly vet them. And the numbers of Governor's opposing it reflects their constituents. In a humiliating setback many Democrat House Representatives turned their back on Obama.


It's very troubling to read some posters think the Government can accurately vet anyone coming into this country. Very troubling!

Posted on: 2015/11/23 17:41

Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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MDM wrote:

Pebble wrote:

The Syrian refugees did not cause the bombing in Paris. This is a simple fact.

One of the bombers Syrian passport was fake, but he did come in with the refugees. From the WSJ:

ATHENS?Mystery deepened over a Paris attacker who traveled to Europe via Greece and the Balkans, after French officials said Monday that the Syrian passport he had used was indeed a fake.

Authorities in France and Greece have said that fingerprints taken from the remains of a suicide bomber outside France?s national sports stadium, the Stade de France, match the prints of a man who entered Europe via the Aegean island of Leros on Oct. 3.

Police on Leros registered the man under the identity in the passport he showed them: Ahmad AlMohammad, 25, from Syria. The same passport was found near the man?s body outside the stadium on Friday night.

Whoever the man was, he posed as one of the many refugees fleeing Syria?s war?including the violence of Islamic State?to enter Europe through its lightly controlled frontier in the Aegean Sea.

So the EU cannot tell a real passport from a fake one. More of a reason to close the borders.

Considering that there is next to no screening in Europe, your argument is moot. Any screening at all would have found this and those coming to America will be screened.

Your fear and paranoia is noted, though.


TheBigGuy wrote:
This President and his administration can not even get on the same page about this so called vetting process... is this the same process used to vet millions of illegals already here? Where will these Syrians wait for vetting.. in a camp somewhere in Europe? The Boston Bombers family were also vetted and when they got here, they started to collect free money which they used to buy "crockpots" (Obama reference). BTW the Russians warned us about this sleazy group. There is nothing wrong with protecting American citizens in our own country.

Wow, that?s a lot of cowardice and innuendo there... For one, the Boston Bombers were two brothers. It was basically one guy getting radicalized and then recruiting his brother. That is hardly what I would call a ?group.?

Secondly, the brothers weren?t radicalized prior to coming to the US. The rest of this family is just fine and are, given their comments after the bombing, not in favor of what they did.


Monroe wrote:
Latest poll shows 67% of American's don't want Syrian refugees right now. Guess why? Because the head of the FBI, the CIA, and Homeland Security all say we can't properly vet them. And the numbers of Governor's opposing it reflects their constituents. In a humiliating setback many Democrat House Representatives turned their back on Obama.

Or... it is because there's been a ton of fear mongering based on little to no evidence.

We know for a fact that there were no Syrian refugees involved in these attacks. However, everyone is scared of them. I wonder what the polls say in regards to how many people believe the Syrian refugees were involved. My guess is that it would be similar numbers.

Maybe this will be the end of the whole "left wing media" argument. I doubt it, but it would be nice if that bogeyman disappeared...

Posted on: 2015/11/23 17:24
Dos A Cero

Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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2013/5/15 14:11
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Latest poll shows 67% of American's don't want Syrian refugees right now. Guess why? Because the head of the FBI, the CIA, and Homeland Security all say we can't properly vet them. And the numbers of Governor's opposing it reflects their constituents. In a humiliating setback many Democrat House Representatives turned their back on Obama.

Posted on: 2015/11/23 17:13

Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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Why Obama Is Standing by the Syrian Refugees ... -standing-syrian-refugees

Obama clearly sees the cur?rent nat?iv?ist, bigotry-laden, hys?teria as such a struggle. He knows he may not win. But he wants fu?ture his?tor?i?ans to know ex?actly where he stood. They will. And as a res?ult, I sus?pect, they?ll re?cord the Syr?i?an refugee battle among his finest hours.

Posted on: 2015/11/23 17:00

Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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I'm not looking to motherjones for fair and balanced reporting, lol.

Posted on: 2015/11/23 16:54

Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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John Oliver Slams Republicans Using Fearmongering Tactics to Refuse Syrian Refugees ... 5/11/john-oliver-refugees

Posted on: 2015/11/23 16:47

Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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Third Street as you pointed out below, " There is nothing anything fearful...."

I found the opposite on this thread....and i have posted those comments i find most disturbing.

The Following are quotes an statements made by many that I find disturbing:

Hopefully the people of Paris wake up and vote in a far right party, who will properly acknowledge and deal with the problem.
Maybe we should first recognize that importing Muslims = importing terrorists. Not all Muslims are terrorists but all of these terrorists are Muslim.

That wasn't clear from his post but thank you. Ben Norton should be on the list then. However, although quoting someone else's reprehensible statements isn't as bad, the fact remains that this is the same sentiment expressed by Osama Bin Laden.

The fact that a "progressive" outlet has completely lost sight of that, or doesn't care, speaks volumes about the current state of their ideology.

It sounds like you need to be placed on a watchlist Asif ... you are aware that non-radical muslims are fighting radical muslims in Syria?

Then we can stop accepting these hordes of "refugees." Then we can spy on mosques and deport the Muslims who show radical tendencies.

No camps required.

Foreign will use the oppressed natives of the county they are "attacking" an easy employee to implement their deed. remember the box cutter incident on the plane ?

Sometimes the innocent must suffer, I'm getting tired of being kiced around and responding "thank you sir may I have another"

loodthirsty Muslims have been killing each other, committing acts of terrorism, and taking slaves for literally the entirety of recorded history.

For one of many examples, Muslims on the Barbary Coast of North Africa used to invade Europe and take white slaves. They did this from the 15th - 19th centuries, taking over 1 million white slaves. Long before any "imperialist" nonsense came about.

So no, when more bloodthirsty "refugee" Muslims decide to hold mass executions in France and slaughter 150 innocents, it is not the West's fault.

Here's what Winston Churchill had to say about Islam, back in 1899 (before the U.S. and its allies "bombed weddings and hospitals"):

?How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity.

The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property?either as a child, a wife, or a concubine?must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die. But the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science?the science against which it had vainly struggled?the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome."

Bloodthirsty Muslims have been killing each other, committing acts of terrorism, and taking slaves for literally the entirety of recorded history.

For one of many examples, Muslims on the Barbary Coast of North Africa used to invade Europe and take white slaves. They did this from the 15th - 19th centuries, taking over 1 million white slaves. Long before any "imperialist" nonsense came about.

This is true, the girls in harems were Europeans removed from passenger ships. There was a movie, based on writings of one of these girls, who was French.

You sound like the typical candidate for radicalisation by extremist groups ... It sounds as if you believe what happened in Paris could be justified ... maybe living in the US isn't for you!

ecause people in Paris live in a modern, civilized democracy. Not backwards shitholes that have been cesspools of violence for all of human history. Also, the US does not intentionally kill innocent civilians, while this is the only thing the Muslim terrorists know how to do.

Once Islam moves past the 7th century, then maybe you'll see more sympathy over what happens in Islamic theocracies. And there was plenty of sympathy for the innocent victims in the downed Russian airlines, not sure what you are talking about.

And like I said, Muslims have been committing terrorism, brutal atrocities, and taking slaves long before the "conservatives/neo conservatives" ever came to power.

Asif, an ISIS sympathizer, spammed a Salon piece which blamed the victims, and where every single top comment ripped the "article" apart and called it digusting.

And Manu claims that John Oliver "took on" the Paris attacks. You want to use John Oliver as some kind of moral example for anything?

Monroe wrote:
Nonsense. How can we 'screen' these people? Call the Syrian Embassy? Ask Isis? Why are over 70% of the 'refugees' men under 30? Where are the women? Children? Grandparents?

Please stop the Muslims from entering he United States, and send back recent ones until they go through a detailed check as we did with those who came here before them.

t's reported she was a cousin to the terrorist who masterminded the attacks. So you see, these muslim terrorists works within the family too. Obama is wrong on what he said, YES, Obama, WOMEN and even children (watch Fareed Zakaria's Blindsided-how ISIS/Al quaeda teach kids as young as 5 to become terrorists) can be terrorists too!

Who knows. She might just be meat to the 72 Virgins.

Hey, Mr. Deluded "Progressive." I don't have to go anywhere. My Governor has some common sense. Perhaps you should go move to one of the minority of states who would welcome these time bombs. Better yet, move out to the Middle East so you can be surrounded by your people.

In case you still don't understand, actual progressives are good. But they are in rare supply. There are a lot more "progressives," who are anything but. The core of their regressive ideology which is turning into their religion is that Republicans are bad, especially straight white Republicans, who they consider to be the equivalent of the Devil.

They claim to care for minorities, but they really don't. They only find them useful for their votes. As evidence, look how vicious "progressives" will treat a black conservative such as Clarence Thomas or Ben Carson.

They will also find a way to blame white people for absolutely everything at every turn. Angry black mobs seem to be the Popes of their religion, utterly infallible no matter what. They do vote 96% Democrat, after all!

Some of them are so truly deluded that they'd tell you they'd rather live among Muslims in the Middle East than in a conservative town.The author of that looney "piece" that was presented squarely fits into all of the above.

I believe you are indirectly supporting ISIS and terrorism by fighting to bring in the refugees. There will be plenty of good refugees, but there will be terrorists among them. It is going to lead to attacks here. So you may not realize it, but this is what you are supporting.

Atsushi, you seem like a classic crazy uncle type yourself. Getting all worked up over this issue, going around posting links to just about anything you come across which supports your way of thinking. lol


Asif wrote:
In one of my posts...i wrote that although i don't want more violence....ISIS can only be stopped with boots on the ground.

ThirdStreet wrote:

Asif wrote:
Not surprised about what you wrote even though you know nothing of me. And it almost makes me angry.....but what will that accomplish??? If you did read the article, you would know that "This is why........

Asif, actually I know a lot more about you than I care to based on your responses on this thread. Your first responses in this thread after the attack to was to use words like 'bigot' , and 'racist' to describe people making connections between muslim faith/people and terrorist. Then next was to trot out the standard liberal "oh they hate us because because we did this, that ..western imperilism/double standards" argument. Then for whatever reason, you got upset enough when someone expressed their willingness to defend this country, you had to put out a snippy response, to try and put them down.

I know the truth can be scary that's why you answered me back with fear an hate.

There is nothing anything fearful or hateful about making the observation that there is something very wrong the muslim faith because it's adherents seem to cause so much violence and death in a way no other religion seems to do.

Posted on: 2015/11/23 13:14

Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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In one of my posts...i wrote that although i don't want more violence....ISIS can only be stopped with boots on the ground.

ThirdStreet wrote:

Asif wrote:
Not surprised about what you wrote even though you know nothing of me. And it almost makes me angry.....but what will that accomplish??? If you did read the article, you would know that "This is why........

Asif, actually I know a lot more about you than I care to based on your responses on this thread. Your first responses in this thread after the attack to was to use words like 'bigot' , and 'racist' to describe people making connections between muslim faith/people and terrorist. Then next was to trot out the standard liberal "oh they hate us because because we did this, that ..western imperilism/double standards" argument. Then for whatever reason, you got upset enough when someone expressed their willingness to defend this country, you had to put out a snippy response, to try and put them down.

I know the truth can be scary that's why you answered me back with fear an hate.

There is nothing anything fearful or hateful about making the observation that there is something very wrong the muslim faith because it's adherents seem to cause so much violence and death in a way no other religion seems to do.

Posted on: 2015/11/23 13:07

Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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You know little about me. Below is my first comment that i posted in this thread.


Asif wrote:
I didnt see any other religious figure flanking Hollande.

But here ya go even though regardless it won't satisfy you cause its obvious your opinons of muslims borders on generalizations. ... euses-a-paris-770719.aspx ... ieuses-a-Paris/648789.rom


stillinjc wrote:

dtjcview wrote:
Think Sully has it right. It's insane to blame the actions of a few hundred radicals on the entire 3-5 million Muslim population in the US. There'd be a hell of a lot more blood on our streets if the bigots were right. The fact there isn't proves the bigots wrong.

Bullshit. Why there are no grand muftis flanking Hollande condemning this act? Where were the imams after 9/11? Getting condemning statements from them was and is like pulling teeth. If they do it, they do it out of fear of reprisals.

Posted on: 2015/11/23 12:13

Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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Asif wrote:
Not surprised about what you wrote even though you know nothing of me. And it almost makes me angry.....but what will that accomplish??? If you did read the article, you would know that "This is why........

Asif, actually I know a lot more about you than I care to based on your responses on this thread. Your first responses in this thread after the attack to was to use words like 'bigot' , and 'racist' to describe people making connections between muslim faith/people and terrorist. Then next was to trot out the standard liberal "oh they hate us because because we did this, that ..western imperilism/double standards" argument. Then for whatever reason, you got upset enough when someone expressed their willingness to defend this country, you had to put out a snippy response, to try and put them down.

I know the truth can be scary that's why you answered me back with fear an hate.

There is nothing anything fearful or hateful about making the observation that there is something very wrong the muslim faith because it's adherents seem to cause so much violence and death in a way no other religion seems to do.

Posted on: 2015/11/23 4:04

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STOP electing politicians with mental health issues

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Posted on: 2015/11/22 20:55
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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False Brag Attack
Someone claiming to be part of Anonymous warned of an imminent ISIS attack at a WWE event (and other locations), but @YourAnonNews disavowed the statement.

Posted on: 2015/11/22 20:12

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The Visa waiver is the problem. Once these terrorists enter EU via Syrian refugees they are able to go to USA with no problem and people don't get it. seriously! Must we only react when carnage happen like 9/11 and Paris Attack?

Leaders are a joke.

Scores of terrorists hidden among refugees streaming into Europe
At least four senior Isis terrorists ? including a notorious bomb maker ? have entered the European Union posing as refugees and are believed to be still at large, sources close to an investigation in Belgium have revealed.

They are among ?dozens, if not hundreds? of terrorists thought to have arrived via Turkey or Libya as part of a wave of refugees streaming into Europe at the rate of up to 10,000 a day.

The revelation came after French prosecutors claimed that at least three of those involved in the Paris attacks had made their way to the country on a route through the Balkans used by refugees.

Read more:

Posted on: 2015/11/22 19:44

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Police just closed several streets in downtown Brussels. Looks like something is happening?

The Governor continues to tell people to stay indoors. American Embassy ordering Americans to take shelter. Brussels looks like a war zone! The only ones on the streets are soldiers and tanks.

Posted on: 2015/11/22 19:23

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JCorNYC wrote:

USA need to adopt Switzerland's way of life and how they deal with immigration. Or else USA will be a land of terrorists and hate against the country's founder.


Yes, because the Switzerland way is just so...American!

Posted on: 2015/11/22 16:24

Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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This is appalling! What has America become? Political correctness has RUINED THIS COUNTRY. And this is the future of America?

USA need to adopt Switzerland's way of life and how they deal with immigration. Or else USA will be a land of terrorists and hate against the country's founder.

College Students Say Remembering 9/11 is Offensive to Muslims

How a proposed moment of silence to honor 9/11 victims became the latest victim of the would-be despots of America?s campuses.
The everything-is-offensive brand of campus activism has struck a new low: Students at the University of Minnesota killed a proposed moment of silence for 9/11 victims due to concerns?insulting, childish concerns?that Muslim students would be offended.

Has it truly come to this? Is feelings-protection now such an overriding goal that completely unreasonable fears win out, even if they have no basis in reality? Can we not even have a single moment to recognize legitimate victims of terrorism without worrying that someone will feel marginalized on campus?

Theo Menon, a Minnesota Student Association representative and member of the College Republicans, realized that the university wasn?t doing anything to memorialize 9/11; on Oct. 6, he introduced an MSA proposal to do just that. The very short resolution asked the university to institute a ?moment of recognition? during the mornings of all future September 11ths.

Read more: ... offensive-to-muslims.html

Posted on: 2015/11/22 16:15

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How Islamic States indoctrinates children into militants.

Posted on: 2015/11/22 15:37

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Anonymous Says ISIS Plans Attacks Against 'Paris And The World' Sunday

Anonymous, the loose collective of online activists, said Saturday it has uncovered information about Islamic State group attacks in Paris as well as at locations in the U.S., Indonesia, Italy and Lebanon, all apparently set for Sunday. OpParisIntel, a group within Anonymous, released a statement saying it had collected information about imminent attacks by the militant group -- aka Daesh, ISIL and ISIS -- in the French capital a little more than a week after a series of coordinated attacks there left 130 dead and hundreds injured.

Anonymous also said the Islamic State group is planning an assault at the WWE Survivor Series event scheduled to take place in the Philips Arena in Atlanta Sunday at 7.30 p.m. EST, as well as attacks at multiple events in Paris.

The collective published the list of potential targets alongside a statement: "The goal is to make sure the whole world, or at least the people going to these events, know that there have been threats and that there is possibility of an attack to happen. Another goal is to make sure Daesh knows that the world knows and cancels the attacks, which will disorientate them for a while."

More ... 4926#.VlCgcG6Agd4.twitter

Posted on: 2015/11/21 18:16

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Nowhere near as tiresome as Atsushis. Who is it talking to even?


SimonBarSinister wrote:

JCorNYC wrote:

US Officials: Paris attacker likely traveled to US...

Dear JCorNYC,

With all due respect, just STFU and go away. Your crap is tiresome.



Posted on: 2015/11/21 14:24

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Not surprised about what you wrote even though you know nothing of me. And it almost makes me angry.....but what will that accomplish??? If you did read the article, you would know that "This is why........

That statement from beginning to end....was taken from the article. I know the truth can be scary that's why you answered me back with fear an hate.

I am not smart enough to say what i mean so....i turn to the gentleman below to get my meaning across.

?The moment when someone attaches you to a philosophy or a movement, then they assign all the baggage and all the rest of the philosophy that goes with it to you. And when you want to have a conversation, they will assert that they already know everything important there is to know about you because of that association. And that's not the way to have a conversation.?
Neil deGrasse Tyson


ThirdStreet wrote:

Asif wrote:
Wednesday, Nov 18, 2015 10:53 PM UTC
This is why they hate us: The real American history neither Ted Cruz nor the New York Times will tell you
We talk democracy, then overthrow elected governments and prop up awful regimes. Let's discuss the actual history ... york_times_will_tell_you/

Asif, You can stop trying to pull the wool over our eyes. There is just something very wrong with your faith. How do explain the fact that muslims are in lethal conflict with with all the people they are living along side, whether it is Christians, Jews, Hindus or Buddhist and even other Muslims, all around the world? ... ering-christian-fascists/

Posted on: 2015/11/21 12:52

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Thanks. Although, i personally don't want more violence...ISIS unfortunately can only be stopped with boots on the ground.

The scary thing is if we don't learn from our past mistakes, wrongs an undemocratic means....then in time another monster will rise up and take shape.

I don't understand why so many people on this thread don't seem to understand that?


hero69 wrote:

Asif wrote:
Wednesday, Nov 18, 2015 10:53 PM UTC
This is why they hate us: The real American history neither Ted Cruz nor the New York Times will tell you
We talk democracy, then overthrow elected governments and prop up awful regimes. Let's discuss the actual history ... york_times_will_tell_you/


hero69 wrote:
i believe that if a few bombs fall on saudi arabia, the isis would crumble or run back home to help defend their motherland. ... ne-and-shakes-hands-other
i hear you. the us doesn't give a sh_t about democracy unless it supports the us government's purpose. the us has supported some of the nastiest dictators that ever existed!

Posted on: 2015/11/21 12:46

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This President and his administration can not even get on the same page about this so called vetting process... is this the same process used to vet millions of illegals already here? Where will these Syrians wait for vetting.. in a camp somewhere in Europe? The Boston Bombers family were also vetted and when they got here, they started to collect free money which they used to buy "crockpots" (Obama reference). BTW the Russians warned us about this sleazy group. There is nothing wrong with protecting American citizens in our own country.


Pebble wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Pebble, Obama wants to admit 10,000 refugees next year-with a two year vetting process? Obamamath!

Well, I guess we could go with CarsonMath where 10,000 Syrian refugees might mean 20,000 Nigerian refugees...

Obama wants to admit them. But the process is a two year process. I don't see what the issue is.

I'd love for banks to approve a mortgage within a week, but they seem to want all this paperwork and vetting and the process takes longer...

Posted on: 2015/11/21 10:50

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Asif wrote:
Wednesday, Nov 18, 2015 10:53 PM UTC
This is why they hate us: The real American history neither Ted Cruz nor the New York Times will tell you
We talk democracy, then overthrow elected governments and prop up awful regimes. Let's discuss the actual history ... york_times_will_tell_you/

Asif, You can stop trying to pull the wool over our eyes. There is just something very wrong with your faith. How do explain the fact that muslims are in lethal conflict with with all the people they are living along side, whether it is Christians, Jews, Hindus or Buddhist and even other Muslims, all around the world? ... ering-christian-fascists/

Posted on: 2015/11/21 4:46

Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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Asif wrote:
Wednesday, Nov 18, 2015 10:53 PM UTC
This is why they hate us: The real American history neither Ted Cruz nor the New York Times will tell you
We talk democracy, then overthrow elected governments and prop up awful regimes. Let's discuss the actual history ... york_times_will_tell_you/


hero69 wrote:
i believe that if a few bombs fall on saudi arabia, the isis would crumble or run back home to help defend their motherland. ... ne-and-shakes-hands-other
i hear you. the us doesn't give a sh_t about democracy unless it supports the us government's purpose. the us has supported some of the nastiest dictators that ever existed!

Posted on: 2015/11/21 3:21

Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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Wednesday, Nov 18, 2015 10:53 PM UTC
This is why they hate us: The real American history neither Ted Cruz nor the New York Times will tell you
We talk democracy, then overthrow elected governments and prop up awful regimes. Let's discuss the actual history ... york_times_will_tell_you/


hero69 wrote:
i believe that if a few bombs fall on saudi arabia, the isis would crumble or run back home to help defend their motherland. ... ne-and-shakes-hands-other

Posted on: 2015/11/21 3:12

Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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i believe that if a few bombs fall on saudi arabia, the isis would crumble or run back home to help defend their motherland. ... ne-and-shakes-hands-other

Posted on: 2015/11/21 2:27

Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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Now looks who's talking who's afraid?
Seriously, you need to be aware not afraid.
You don't want to see it then don't go on this thread. sheesh!

This is only to make you aware not looking stupid when something does happen.

When you see something, say something.


SimonBarSinister wrote:

JCorNYC wrote:

US Officials: Paris attacker likely traveled to US...

Dear JCorNYC,

With all due respect, just STFU and go away. Your crap is tiresome.



Posted on: 2015/11/21 2:00

Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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JCorNYC wrote:

US Officials: Paris attacker likely traveled to US...

Dear JCorNYC,

With all due respect, just STFU and go away. Your crap is tiresome.



Posted on: 2015/11/21 1:50

Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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US Officials: Paris attacker likely traveled to US...

Posted on: 2015/11/21 1:22

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