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Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
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2007/8/1 19:34 Last Login : 2022/4/27 19:59 From journal square
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I typically dont understand the building height discussion regarding new construction in this city. I understand that JC is unique and seems unplanned at times when allowing a 50 story building next to a 2 story house, but this is not the case here. I do agree that it is more important to have the building interact with neighborhood at street level. The planning board should not allow what happened at Newport to happen anywhere else. And this includes 5 floors of garage at the base level. If its at all possible to hide the garage within the building or to the rear of the lot, thats the best case scenario. Hopefully things are improving, but the planning board has still had its share of hiccups recently.
Posted on: 2015/6/4 15:00
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Home away from home
Um, 8th & 9th in no where near CC and Barrow. Are we talking about different buildings? I must have missed something in the thread.
Posted on: 2015/6/4 14:43
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Just can't stay away
2013/10/29 21:35 Last Login : 2017/7/26 14:00 From Downtown Jersey City
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The parking requirements should be watered down - if the market demands parking, parking will be provided.
Posted on: 2015/6/4 14:34
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
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2015/5/28 0:34 Last Login : 2024/8/5 12:48 From Jersey City
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Me too, but I think the inclusion of parking is a municipal zoning requirement. It's silly to me to impose minimum parking requirements for a development at or near a subway station.
Posted on: 2015/6/4 14:19
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
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2008/1/3 19:12 Last Login : 2020/9/30 18:46 From Van Vorst Park
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Great news K-Lo. The next step is when developers have the guts to not include parking in their developments. To me it seems silly to include tons of parking in a building that is a 60 second walk to a 24/7 subway, but maybe that's just me.
Posted on: 2015/6/4 14:07
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Home away from home
The Jersey Avenue development has moved parking below street level.
Posted on: 2015/6/4 13:17
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
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2015/5/28 0:34 Last Login : 2024/8/5 12:48 From Jersey City
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It's possible of course, but underground structures in general are very expensive to construct, which is why this developer went the cheap way out and proposing it go above ground. I say that's not acceptable and they need to find some other way of providing parking that won't ruin the experience as people walk by the building. I especially like Fomite's idea about the stoops and windows at street level. It would blend better into the neighborhood. What's really important is making sure they got the bottom floors right. I absolutely hate walking around Newport. Above ground parking garages that are visible from the street should be banned in much of the city, especially in a historic area. Finding a creative way of providing parking should be the cost of doing business for the developer. I feel like the tone of this thread has shifted, and the right questions are being asking about the design of the structure, rather than the conversation to date, which have been focused solely on height.
Posted on: 2015/6/4 12:32
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Home away from home
What rest of the block!? The whole area between 8h and 9th Streets (between Manila and Marin) is ringed by tall buildings. And, across from this location is the god-awful looking Newport parking deck. I am really, really baffled by people's seeming opposition to what would essentially be the beginning of the end for the bad 80's policies that allowed certain design/building choices to happen. There is no neighborhood to speak of when you are talking about Marin Blvd North of 2nd Street. Is either fences, or parking lots, or nothing. I am glad to hear a developer is already approved for that block between 8th and 9th. With any luck, the JCFD HQ structure with 70's government building aesthetics will be gone soon, as well.
Posted on: 2015/6/4 9:49
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Home away from home
Posted on: 2015/6/4 1:23
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Home away from home
Put the four floors of parking underground Is that even an option considering how prone to flooding that area is?
Posted on: 2015/6/4 0:07
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Just can't stay away
I agree with JCGuys, I find the parking structure even more offensive than the height of the building! If the developer put apartments with stoops and windows on the street level I wouldn't be so opposed.
Posted on: 2015/6/3 22:35
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
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2015/5/28 0:34 Last Login : 2024/8/5 12:48 From Jersey City
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Because plans are a guide, not gospel or a commendment. If you chose to believe otherwise, you're going to be thoroughly disappointed. The KRE proposal was on the edge of a historic district and the lands were long vacant. It would have been a different story if smack in the middle or replacing a historic structure. Plus the benefits the city received in exchange for the extra height was deemed an appropriate trade off - benefits that would have been impossible to envisioned when the plan or zoning was first drafted. This is why we have an amendment process! My main issue with this building is the parking garage, not the height. Put the four floors of parking underground and the building deceases of 14 to 10. That may be the trade off. I also am fascinated and have yet to hear a decent rebuttal why 7 floors is okay but anything above 7 is bad planning and/or equals the destruction of the community. That's because there is none, and it's just knee jerk reaction... I'll censor myself as to my opinions why there is such a strong reaction.
Posted on: 2015/6/3 22:15
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Home away from home
The recent approval of the KRE proposal on Marin between 8th and 9th Streets might be instructive. The City Planning Board and Council amended the 14 story height restriction in the long-standing redevelopment plan for this area in favor of the 19 story proposal from the developer. I suppose they need more taxes for the City Budget, and more donations for future political campaigns. The take home for me: redevelopment plans and zoning restrictions mean little or nothing in Jersey City.
Posted on: 2015/6/3 19:07
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Home away from home
This article is about a residential development in Brooklyn Heights that has gotten a lot of press and negative response from the community owing to the apparent non-compliance with the agreed-upon height restrictions: ... ion_of_pierhouse.php#more While there are more differences than similarities between this project and the one on Barrow & CC, it illustrates what can happen when criteria are poorly defined, leading to the developer misconstruing if not out-and-out reneging on restrictions. People should look closely at the criteria in the Redevelopment Plan - which are very subjective with respect to the design of the new building, how the parking is handled, etc. - and ask how they are enforced, who decides, etc., and push hard to make sure they are iron-clad and result in a well designed, contextual building.
Posted on: 2015/6/3 18:20
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Home away from home
Two Boots hates food trucks also!
Posted on: 2015/6/3 18:10
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Just can't stay away
I was not able to attend the meeting last night. Can anyone tell me what was discussed? I get the impression this is all happening very hush day we will just wake up and construction will have started on this eyesore.
Posted on: 2015/6/3 18:03
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Home away from home
Posted on: 2015/6/3 1:21
Edited by hero69 on 2015/6/3 1:41:48
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Just can't stay away
A 17 story building would really be out of place. There is nothing even close to that tall around it. It would be seen from all, and cast shadows on, the 3-5 story historic buildings and street surrounding it. In all directions.
For a sense of what the street scape could look like when a 17 story building is added next to lower historic buildings, I strolled down Wayne St to between Grove and Marin, next to 95 Columbus. 95 Columbus is particularly poorly integrated with surrounding area with only garages at street level on Wayne, but it gives a sense of what a 17 story building and 4 level garage can do to the street scape. A 7 story building - that the current plan allows for - would also be taller than all surrounding buildings on Columbus, Wayne and Barrow, but not completely out of place. And should still provide the developer plenty of money. If the developer can't make money out of that lot with a 7 story building they are in the wrong business. I know you have a vocal group of "followers" on this board, and I miss the food trucks, but thanks Aaron for highlighting this variance application.
Posted on: 2015/6/3 1:01
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Home away from home
I don't know that they are publicly available. The developers presented at the VVPA meeting in May. In case you're interested, attached is the Redevelopment Plan from 2004. ... 7%20Columbus%20Corner.pdf
Posted on: 2015/6/2 20:44
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Not too shy to talk
Can somebody please post a link or some additional information on what the building will look like? Renderings, elevations, site plan?
Posted on: 2015/6/2 17:33
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
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2015/5/28 0:34 Last Login : 2024/8/5 12:48 From Jersey City
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As I stated earlier, the design of the building, especially the parking garage, is what concerns me, not the height of the building. I'm hopeful these issues can be ironed out and the 'gargantuan' tower can proceed. That area of Christopher Columbus needs this development.
Posted on: 2015/6/1 15:52
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Given that this developer is planning on making lots of money, I doubt that any of the units will go for cheaper than the going rate at the, mostly historic district, units around them. You know what would be hypocritical if approved: through the front windows of our unit we would see a four story parking lot and a 18 story tower but yet we would still not be able to replace the now aluminum windows by anything but custom made windows - wooden with panes in a specific green color ! - in order to preserve the historic nature of our street/building.
Posted on: 2015/6/1 14:52
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Just can't stay away
Just want to remind everyone there is another meeting to discuss the proposed 18 story building tomorrow night at the Barrow St. mansion.
Please come by to help preserve the historical Van Vorst neighborhood.
Posted on: 2015/6/1 13:39
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Home away from home
Posted on: 2015/5/28 23:24
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Home away from home
Also known as catering to their customers. You say this like it's a bad thing.
Posted on: 2015/5/28 20:16
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Home away from home
The only pandering is by speculative housing developers to young urbanites.
Posted on: 2015/5/28 20:01
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Home away from home
2015/5/28 0:34 Last Login : 2024/8/5 12:48 From Jersey City
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one can be pro-development and concern about community preservation. who says that site needs to have a gargantuan tower and not a 7-story tower. if the developer can't make money with a 7-story building, then he should sell it to someone who can On the same line of reasoning, why is a 7-story tower seen as okay and how would a taller building harm the community? Yes, it's written in the redevelopment plan for 7-story but it's a plan, which means it can and should be amended when appropriate. The design of the building, to make sure if fits into the surrounding area, is much more important to me. And based on what I've read so far, needs a lot of work. It's foolish just to focus on the height and numbers when it comes to city building.
Posted on: 2015/5/28 16:47
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
Home away from home
Posted on: 2015/5/28 16:34
Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
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2015/5/28 0:34 Last Login : 2024/8/5 12:48 From Jersey City
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It's also legally permissible to propose a modification to a redevelopment plan, which is exactly what is happening now. Just because it's 7 stories now, that doesn't mean 7 stories is gospel until the end of times or that the redevelopment plan should be used as a tool for those against development. I'll be speaking at City Hall in support of the modification of the redevelopment plan and I invite like minded individuals to come with me.
Posted on: 2015/5/28 16:32