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Re: Music Box 7th and Monmouth
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Just can't stay away

Has anyone tried the new restaurant yet? I've been out of town for the last two weeks, but am interested for when I return. Any good?

Posted on: 2017/3/2 15:05

Re: Required in unit building inspection notices around 07302, what gives?
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Just can't stay away

I live in a four unit building, and apparently we received the original notice back in November, but haven't heard anything since. Is there any action we need to take, or are we just waiting for the inspectors to be ready to inspect our neighborhood?

Posted on: 2017/2/22 16:36

Re: Gardeners in Jersey City, I have questions...
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Does anyone have any suggestion for a grass / ground cover plant that would grow with minimal light?

We have some brown space under some of our back-yard trees that I'd like to cover up, but the minimal light makes it challenging.

Posted on: 2017/2/22 16:14

Re: Trump Our New President
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I believe that the preferred term is "Italeave".

Posted on: 2016/12/5 22:58

Re: Jersey City school board election November 8, 2016
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Does anyone know of any non-partisan resources outlining the various positions of the various school board candidates?

As someone without children and with no plans to change that, I still think it's worth educating myself, but could use some assistance.

Posted on: 2016/10/28 14:50

Re: Where to buy a blow-up bed?
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Just can't stay away

Thanks a lot, guys.

Posted on: 2016/8/11 15:40

Where to buy a blow-up bed?
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I have several friends staying over this weekend, and just realized that I left my blow-up bed / inflatable mattress down at the Shore. I don't have enough time to go get it - is there a store in town that sells them? I don't need anything too fancy, I just need it to stay blown up.


Posted on: 2016/8/11 14:51

Anything Going this Weekend? (4/23-4/24)
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Just can't stay away

My girlfriend is coming into town this weekend, and we don't have any concrete plans other than brunch and dinner with friends. Is there anything going on this weekend that we should look into downtown / in the greater JC area?

We're up for just about anything - touring a farmer's market, attending any musical / cultural events, etc. Just looking for something a little different to do.

Posted on: 2016/4/22 15:10

Valentine's Dinner?
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Just can't stay away

This is going to be my first Valentine's Day (or weekend) that I'll be spending in Jersey City with my lady friend, and I'm wondering if there are any restaurants in particular that I should check out.

We're not too interested in anything too fancy / expensive - we're really looking for an intimate / flavorful dining experience. BYOB would be a plus. I live in the Hamilton Park area without a car, but could Uber wherever.

Thanks in advance.

Posted on: 2016/2/5 20:01

Re: Jersey City City Council to vote on resolution in support of GMO labeling
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MDM wrote:

In addition Aqua Bounty announced all the eggs will be sterile females.

Yeah, that worked really well for InGen, right?

Posted on: 2015/11/24 2:53

Re: Best Brunch in Jersey City / Hoboken
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dtjcview wrote:
John's Kitchen Cafe on Columbus for American.
Los Tres Chilitos on Central for Mexican.

John's also delivers, if you're looking to be particularly lazy on a frosty Sunday morning.

Posted on: 2015/11/16 15:09

Re: What's going there?
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bodhipooh wrote:

Already discussed earlier in this thread: yup, another burger shop. They seem to be doing a great job with the construction and design, but another burger joint for the area seems like overkill. We seem to love pizza and burger joints around here!

Well, it can't be worse than the deli that used to be in that space.

Posted on: 2015/8/24 16:28

Re: NY Times editorial on Hudson tunnel project
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Pebble wrote:

In short, someone purchasing a $500,000 boat would be paying less than 7% in sales tax. That is lost tax money so millionaires can buy toys.

For registration... if the boat resides in NJ the majority of the year then it must be registered in NJ, even for residents out of state. I'm not sure how that plays into the sales tax aspect (maybe on transfer of ownership between private parties).

If a yacht owner purchases a yacht out of state, are they required to pay NJ sales taxes on it?

Posted on: 2015/8/20 16:58

Re: NY Times editorial on Hudson tunnel project
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Pebble wrote:

Step 1 would be to not decrease taxes on millionaires (See the yacht tax reduction).

Step 2 would be to increase the gas tax, something that hasn't been done in decades. (Before you flip out with hyperbole, raising a tax has multiple levels and NJ could raise it some while still keeping gas prices lower than every other state.)

Step 3... Close up the corporate tax giveaways that allowed Goya and Prudential to literally move 1 mile over from their current location and suddenly become tax free for a substantial period of time. (This was something started by Christie.)

Essentially, get rid of Christie. The guy seems to open up tax loopholes instead of closing budget gaps.

None of this will happen, though.

I agree with you on your second point - the gas tax is ridiculously low, given the state of the roads.

I would like to respond to your first point, however, as I've seen this argument made a lot. The yacht tax that people constantly refer to is a registration tax - yacht owners need to register their yacht somewhere, but the jurisdiction in which the yacht is registered doesn't actually matter. Consequently, yacht registration fees are a race to the bottom. If you uncap the registration fees, yacht owners will simply register their yacht in a less expensive jurisdiction, leaving NJ with $0 in registration fees. It's a much simpler form of the standard argument regarding increasing taxes on the wealthy - they'll just move to a lower tax jurisdiction. However, since re-registering one's yacht in another state doesn't involved uprooting one's family, there's little reason not to do so.

Point 3 has some validity, but for the most part the companies in question are planning on moving, whether to a location down the road or out-of-state (of at least what the companies and the politicians giving them the tax breaks will argue).

Posted on: 2015/8/19 16:31

Re: NY Times editorial on Hudson tunnel project
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Just can't stay away


Pebble wrote:

Where would he get the money to fund a new tunnel?

The guy slashed taxes on millionaires and he'll look to do it again. He's a spiteful, petty man. He'll view his inability to become a national candidate not on his own failings as a person but as some concept of blaming teachers unions and urban liberals. As such, he'll act as he's always acted which is to search out a way to screw them.

Where would you propose he get the money for the tunnel? Increasing taxes on an already over-taxed NJ population? Reducing spending or eliminating waste that is next to impossible, politically?

The federal government is the only real option for the lion's share of the estimated and eventually higher actual cost.

Posted on: 2015/8/19 14:41

Re: Anti-gay Jesus freak screaming at people downtown
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MikeyTBC wrote:

Its true. Growing up there was Old Man Marley in my hood.. He was called "the South Bend Shovel Slayer", and was said to have murdered his family and half of the people on the block with a snow shovel back in 1958. He was also said to have kept his victims in his garbage can full of salt, and that the salt was supposed to have turned the dead bodies into mummies.

I remember Marley - he was actually a really nice man. It's sad about what happened between him and his son.

Posted on: 2015/8/19 14:20

Re: Republican state senator slams Jersey City on tax abatements
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Just can't stay away

Slightly off-topic, but is there a calculator or a back-of-the-envelope calculation that could be used to determine what property taxes might look like after a property reval? I can't decide how to think about the issue without figuring out how it will affect me first. :)

Posted on: 2015/8/6 20:42

Re: Please Help Prato Bakery
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jcgurl wrote:
I remember the bodega. It didn't have garden seating. That's the difference. "Maybe get your facts straight before ranting."

As much as I am generally pro-development, she's not wrong.

Prato, as much as I love them, knew the zoning code before they signed their lease. They tried to skirt the code, got caught, and in normal circumstances should have attempted to receive an exemption to said code. There likely wouldn't have been any push-back for their indoor seating, but likely wouldn't have been able to get anything done regarding the back yard.

Instead, a sweeping (relatively) change to zoning code is being sought to solve one business's perceived problem. That seems overreaching, and is likely to piss off a bunch of homeowners with vested interests, and not for bad reasons.

Edit: I forgot about the pedophile argument. That was a fantastic bit of irrelevant fear-mongering.

Posted on: 2015/7/24 13:35

Re: Progressive Catholic Church in Jersey City?
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Just can't stay away


Rorschach wrote:

I think of it more as a cult, worshiping someone who may not have existed.

The main benefit in having ~$2.5B members world wide is that you get to rise above the "cult" level. And there's decent historical evidence for a man named Jesus - whether he was the son of God is another question entirely.

Posted on: 2015/7/7 14:41

Re: Progressive Catholic Church in Jersey City?
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jackp wrote:
Grace Church Van Vorst is Episcopalian and fits into what you describe, and is on 2nd and Erie. It has a very mixed congregation and is active in the community.

The service is similar to Catholic given the Church's common roots and I would recommend you try it out.

The Episcopal Church is pretty much exactly what the OP is looking for. They have all of the pomp, circumstance, and tradition that the Catholics have in terms of ceremonies, but without the nonsense (e.g. they allow priests to marry, allow for female priests, aren't antagonistic to gays, etc.).

Posted on: 2015/7/6 18:08

Re: Hipster vandalizing Charles & Co. caught on tape
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Just can't stay away

In most cases, does it really matter if the alleged criminal's race is reported upon? If the description of the PoI is "a medium height black man last seen wearing a blue t-shirt and a red hat", I can't imagine that the "black man" portion of the description is really going to help law enforcement track him down via tips from the citizenry.

If there's a picture of the alleged criminal, it's a different story, but then it's a moot point. It seems like some people just like being able to say something along the lines of "look at all these black / Hmong / Latino / Samoan criminals".

Posted on: 2015/6/25 22:14

Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
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tommyc_37 wrote:
Great news K-Lo. The next step is when developers have the guts to not include parking in their developments. To me it seems silly to include tons of parking in a building that is a 60 second walk to a 24/7 subway, but maybe that's just me.

The parking requirements should be watered down - if the market demands parking, parking will be provided.

Posted on: 2015/6/4 14:34

Re: NJ exceptionalism: Self-serve gas not happening, N.J. senate president says
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Just can't stay away

Two points:

1) If both Gas Station A and Gas Station B now have reduced labor costs, unless they're colluding on price, one of the two will almost certainly reduce prices to win more business. The other will reduce prices to attempt to win back that business.

2) If one supports the full service mandate to maintain make-work jobs, how can one support ATMs, which reduce the need for bank tellers? Are they somehow different animals?

Posted on: 2015/5/26 23:24

Re: What's going there?
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Just can't stay away

Does anyone have any idea what's going on at 311 First Street? It's currently a surface parking lot, but the parking tenants have been given notice that it's not going to be a parking lot for much longer.

Posted on: 2015/5/19 20:08

Re: What's going there?
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Just can't stay away


yorkster wrote:
The old Vespa dealership by Hamilton Park will become a BBQ restaurant. I overheard one of owners discussing it with Brian at Park & Sixth. I believe Hamilton Inn has a stake in the establishment. He told me that the chef was touring Austin to get ideas as we speak.

It's a shame they're thinking Texas BBQ - a half-way decent, Kansas City-style BBQ restaurant would make all of the money.

Posted on: 2015/3/9 22:35

Re: Nearly 2,000 retired N.J. public workers collecting $100,000-plus pensions
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Wishful_Thinking wrote:

@borisp - if you stop paying for pensions, can I get my share of the cost of bailing out Wall Street (through no economic ignorance of mine, I might add - I called my representatives in Congress to complain) back?

Keep in mind that we (the American taxpayers) made money on the bank bailouts (and prevented a much, much worse economic collapse - of which I am a fan).

By promising government workers a decent wage / benefit package while they're working and a generous pension during their retirement years, are we really getting the same value? Is any one ever really impressed by the quality of service provided by any NJ state or local agency and their staffs?

Posted on: 2015/2/19 16:03

Re: Report those who have not shoveled their properties
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Yvonne wrote:
Interesting about the 6th street embankment property, so who should shovel the snow? The city is making the claims Hyman does not own the property, shouldn't the city remove the snow?

No - Hyman is responsible. The City is arguing (and rightly so) that the sale of the property to Hyman was illegal. But it doesn't mean that he currently doesn't own it and is therefore responsible for snow removal.

Posted on: 2015/2/3 21:41

Re: Jewish Business Leaders meet with Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop
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This is really a non-issue. I don't think people would be concerned about this if it were a group of Methodist Business Leaders meeting with Steve.

Posted on: 2015/1/13 21:45

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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Yvonne wrote:

Yes, I would. I remember the ballot in 1992, it was difficult to read due to the small print, furthermore as I had stated, there was no increase in votes. Schundler won with around 7,000 votes. I am sure some people forgot to vote for mayor after they voted for the general assembly. Besides, the public should have the time to digest the state and county elections before they tackle the mayor/council. I am against eliminating runoffs. This would only favor the candidate with money, an independent candidate, without a run-off, would not have a chance.

Understood. I disagree with your take on the matter, but respect that it's not simply partisan-driven.

Posted on: 2015/1/12 22:20

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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If Steve Fulop wasn't potentially using this moved election as a backstop, would you still be opposed to the potential cost savings / higher voter participation associated with moving the vote to November?

Posted on: 2015/1/12 22:01

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